Пример #1
int CPos::short_pos(day_price_t &dp, int percent)
    int date = dp.date;
    int price = dp.open;

    assert(m_status == ST_OPEN);
    assert(date >= m_begin_date && m_end_date == 0);

    int count = m_init_count / percent;
    if (count > m_curr_count)
        count = m_curr_count;

    m_curr_count -= count;
    if (m_curr_count == 0){
        m_status = ST_CLOSE;
        m_end_date = date;

    m_curr_cost = price;
    COperation *op = new COperation(this, date, DI_SELL, count, price);
    m_ops[date] = op;

    //we get fix_profit now
    profit_t *p = &m_fix_profit;
    p->fee += op->get_fee();
    p->cash_profit += count * (price - m_init_cost);
    p->float_profit = m_curr_count * (price - m_init_cost) + p->cash_profit;
    p->total_profit = p->cash_profit - p->fee;

    return p->total_profit;
Пример #2
CPos:: CPos(CStock *owner, int begin_date, int count, int cost)
    m_db = owner->get_db();
    m_owner = owner;
    m_begin_date = begin_date;
    m_end_date = 0;
    m_init_count = m_curr_count = count;
    m_init_cost = m_curr_cost = cost;
    m_status = ST_OPEN;

    COperation *op = new COperation(this, begin_date, DI_BUY, count, cost);
    m_ops[begin_date] = op;
    m_fix_profit.fee = op->get_fee();
Пример #3
/// Process the operation queue in FIFO order.
/// @param[in] poRunner the execution thread instance invoking this method
void CAsynchronous::MakeCallbacks (const CThread *poRunner) {
	LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Waiting for thread control semaphore"));
	m_semThread.Wait ();
	LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Thread control semaphore signalled"));
	while (!m_bPoison) {
		EnterCriticalSection ();
		if (poRunner != m_poRunner) goto abandonLoop;
		while (!m_poHead) {
			m_bWaiting = true;
			LeaveCriticalSection ();
			LOGDEBUG ("List is empty - waiting on semaphore");
			if (!m_semQueue.Wait (GetTimeoutInactivity ())) {
				LOGDEBUG ("Thread inactivity timeout reached");
				EnterCriticalSection ();
				// Abandon if thread recycling has happened
				if (poRunner != m_poRunner) goto abandonLoop;
				if (!m_poHead) {
					LOGINFO ("Terminating idle callback thread");
					CThread::Release (m_poRunner);
					m_poRunner = NULL;
					m_bWaiting = false;
					LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Signalling thread control semaphore"));
					m_semThread.Signal ();
					LeaveCriticalSection ();
				} else {
					LOGDEBUG ("Operation received on idle timeout boundary");
				LeaveCriticalSection ();
			if (m_bPoison) {
				LOGINFO ("Thread poisoned");
				goto abortLoop;
			EnterCriticalSection ();
			if (poRunner != m_poRunner) goto abandonLoop;
			m_bWaiting = false;
		COperation *poOperation = m_poHead;
		if (!(m_poHead = poOperation->m_poNext)) {
			m_poTail = NULL;
		LeaveCriticalSection ();
		LOGDEBUG ("Calling run on asynchronous operation");
		poOperation->m_nMustReschedule = -poOperation->m_nMustReschedule;
		poOperation->Run ();
		if (poOperation->m_nMustReschedule > 0) {
			if (poOperation->m_nMustReschedule >= (GetTimeoutAbortPeriod () / GetTimeoutReschedule ())) {
				LOGERROR ("Aborting operation after " << poOperation->m_nMustReschedule << " attempts");
				goto abortLoop;
			} else {
				if ((poOperation->m_nMustReschedule % (GetTimeoutInfoPeriod () / GetTimeoutReschedule ())) == 0) {
					LOGINFO ("Rescheduling operation " << poOperation->m_nMustReschedule << " times");
				} else {
					LOGDEBUG ("Rescheduling operation " << poOperation->m_nMustReschedule << " time(s)");
			EnterCriticalSection ();
			if (poOperation->OnScheduled ()) {
				if (!(poOperation->m_poNext = m_poHead)) {
					m_poTail = NULL;
				m_poHead = poOperation;
			} else {
				LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Operation rejected reschedule"));
				delete poOperation;
			LeaveCriticalSection ();
			CThread::Sleep (GetTimeoutReschedule ());
		} else {
			LOGDEBUG ("Deleting asynchronous operation");
			delete poOperation;
	LOGDEBUG ("Callback thread aborting");
	EnterCriticalSection ();
	// Fall through to abandonLoop
	// Already in critical section when called from above
	while (m_poHead) {
		COperation *poOperation = m_poHead;
		m_poHead = poOperation->m_poNext;
		if (poOperation->m_bVital) {
			LOGINFO (TEXT ("Running vital operation"));
			poOperation->Run ();
		} else {
			LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Discarding operation"));
		delete poOperation;
	m_poTail = NULL;
	if (m_poRunner != poRunner) {
		// Thread recycling has happened
		LOGDEBUG (TEXT ("Signalling thread control semaphore"));
		m_semThread.Signal ();
		LOGINFO (TEXT ("Callback thread abandonned"));
	} else {
		CThread::Release (m_poRunner);
		m_poRunner = NULL;
		LOGINFO (TEXT ("Callback thread aborted"));
	m_bWaiting = false;
	LeaveCriticalSection ();
Пример #4
 double GetResult()
     return op->GetResult();
int main()

 // The number that the variable "x" will point to
 double_complex x;
 // Creates a variable named "x" and which value will be x
 CVar xvar ( "x" , &x );

 // Asks for a fomula depending on the variable x, e.g. "sin 2x"
 char s[500]="";
 printf("Enter a formula depending on the variable x:\n");

 // Creates an operation with this formula. The operation depends on one
 // variable, which is xvar ; the third argument is an array of pointers
 // to variables; the previous argument is its size
 CVar* vararray[1]; vararray[0]=&xvar;
 COperation op ( s, 1, vararray );

 // Affects (indirectly) a value to xvar
 // Printfs the value of the formula for x=3;
 printf("%s = %s for x=3\n\n", op.Expr(), PrettyPrint(op.Val()) );

 // Creates a function name which can be used in later functions to refer to the operation op(x)
 CFunction f (op, &xvar); f.SetName("f");

 // Creates a second variable named y, and a formula depending on both x and y
 double_complex y;
 CVar yvar ( "y" , &y );
 CVar* vararray2[2]; // table of variables containing the adresses of xvar and yvar
 vararray2[0]=&xvar; vararray2[1]=&yvar;

 // Asks for a formula using x, y and the already-defined function f, e.g. x+f(3y)
 printf("Enter a formula using x, y and the function f(x): x -> %s that you just entered, e.g. x+f(3y) :\n", op.Expr());
 CFunction* funcarray[1]; funcarray[0]=&f;
 COperation op2 ( (char*)s , 2 , vararray2 , 1, funcarray );
 // vararray2 is a CVar* array with two elements
 // funcarray is a CFunction* array with one element
 printf("Value for x=3, y=5 : %s\n", PrettyPrint(op2.Val()) );

 // Turns the last expression into a function of x and y
 CFunction g(op2, 2, vararray2); g.SetName("g");

 // Here is another way to do it
 double_complex z,t;
 CVar zvar("z", &z), tvar("t", &t);
 COperation op3,zop,top;
 zop=zvar; top=tvar; // constructs, from a variable, the operation returning its value

 op3=g( (zop+top, top^2) ); // Ready-to-use ; needs two pairs of ( )
 // Now op3 contains the operation op2 with x replaced with z+t, and y replaced with t^2

 printf("\nLet g be the function g : x,y -> %s\n", op2.Expr());
 printf("Value of %s for z=5,t=7:\n %s\n", op3.Expr(), PrettyPrint(op3.Val()) );

 COperation dopdt=op3.Diff(tvar); // Computes the derivative of op3 w.r.t t
 printf("Value of d/dt (g(z+t,t^2)) = %s for z=5,t=7:\n %s\n", dopdt.Expr(), PrettyPrint(dopdt.Val()) );
 COperation dopdtbar=op3.DiffConj(tvar); // Computes the derivative of op3 w.r.t the conjugate of t
 printf("Value of d/dtbar (g(z+t,t^2)) = %s for z=5,t=7:\n %s\n", dopdtbar.Expr(), PrettyPrint(dopdtbar.Val()) );

 return 0;
Пример #6
void CCommandCore::SetOperation(const COperation& operation)
    CXMLElement* p_ele = GetRootCommandElement();
Пример #7
int test_SimplyFactory1()
	//CCalculatorFactory* calFactory = new CCalculatorFactory();
	int type = 0;
	double a = 10, b = 2;

	type = 1;
	//COperation* operation = calFactory->CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	COperation* operation = CCalculatorFactory::CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	if (operation) {
		std::cout << operation->GetResult() << std::endl;
		delete operation;
		operation = NULL;

	type = 2;
	//operation = calFactory->CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	operation = CCalculatorFactory::CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	if (operation) {
		std::cout << operation->GetResult() << std::endl;
		delete operation;
		operation = NULL;

	type = 3;
	//operation = calFactory->CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	operation = CCalculatorFactory::CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	if (operation) {
		std::cout << operation->GetResult() << std::endl;
		delete operation;
		operation = NULL;

	type = 4;
	//operation = calFactory->CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	operation = CCalculatorFactory::CreateOperation((PRODUCTTYPE)type, a, b);
	if (operation) {
		std::cout << operation->GetResult() << std::endl;
		delete operation;
		operation = NULL;

	/*if (calFactory) {
	delete calFactory;
	calFactory = NULL;

		COperation constructor
		CAddOperation constructor
		CAddOperation destructor
		COperation destructor
		COperation constructor
		CSubOperation constructor
		CSubOperation destructor
		COperation destructor
		COperation constructor
		CMulOperation constructor
		CMulOperation destructor
		COperation destructor
		COperation constructor
		CDivOperation constructor
		CDivOperation destructor
		COperation destructor

	return 0;