Пример #1
MaterialDefinition* MaterialManager::FindMaterial(ShaderGroup* m_pShaderGroup, TextureDefinition* pTextureColor)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_MaterialsStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        if( pMaterial->m_pShaderGroup == m_pShaderGroup &&
            pMaterial->m_pTextureColor == pTextureColor )
            return pMaterial;

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_Materials.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        if( pMaterial->m_pShaderGroup == m_pShaderGroup &&
            pMaterial->m_pTextureColor == pTextureColor )
            return pMaterial;

    return 0;
Пример #2
void TextureManager::InvalidateAllTextures(bool cleanglallocs)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_LoadedTextures.GetHead(); pNode; )
        TextureDefinition* pTextureDef = (TextureDefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        m_TexturesStillLoading.MoveTail( pTextureDef );

        pTextureDef->m_FullyLoaded = false;

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_InitializedFBOs.GetHead(); pNode; )
        FBODefinition* pFBODef = (FBODefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        m_UninitializedFBOs.MoveTail( pFBODef );

        pFBODef->m_FullyLoaded = false;
Пример #3
TextureDefinition* TextureManager::FindTexture(const char* texturefilename)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_LoadedTextures.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        if( strcmp( ((TextureDefinition*)pNode)->m_Filename, texturefilename ) == 0 )
            return (TextureDefinition*)pNode;

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_TexturesStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        if( strcmp( ((TextureDefinition*)pNode)->m_Filename, texturefilename ) == 0 )
            return (TextureDefinition*)pNode;

    return 0;
Пример #4
void MaterialManager::Tick()
    // TODO: free file once the material is loaded... or not and check for updates on alt-tab
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_MaterialsStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        if( pMaterial->m_pFile->m_FileLoadStatus == FileLoadStatus_Success )

            char* foldername = "Unknown";
            if( pMaterial->m_pFile )
                foldername = pMaterial->m_pFile->GetNameOfDeepestFolderPath();

            g_pPanelMemory->RemoveMaterial( pMaterial );
            g_pPanelMemory->AddMaterial( pMaterial, foldername, pMaterial->m_Name, MaterialDefinition::StaticOnLeftClick, MaterialDefinition::StaticOnRightClick, MaterialDefinition::StaticOnDrag );
            g_pPanelMemory->SetLabelEditFunction( g_pPanelMemory->m_pTree_Materials, pMaterial, MaterialDefinition::StaticOnLabelEdit );

        if( pMaterial->m_FullyLoaded )
            m_Materials.MoveTail( pMaterial );

            //if( pMaterial->m_pFile )
            //    g_pFileManager->FreeFile( pMaterial->m_pFile );
Пример #5
void TextureManager::FreeAllTextures(bool shuttingdown)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_LoadedTextures.GetHead(); pNode; )
        TextureDefinition* pTextureDef = (TextureDefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        MyAssert( pTextureDef->GetRefCount() == 1 );

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_TexturesStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; )
        TextureDefinition* pTextureDef = (TextureDefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        MyAssert( pTextureDef->GetRefCount() == 1 );

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_InitializedFBOs.GetHead(); pNode; )
        FBODefinition* pFBODef = (FBODefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        if( pFBODef->m_OnlyFreeOnShutdown == false || shuttingdown )
            MyAssert( pFBODef->GetRefCount() == 1 );

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_UninitializedFBOs.GetHead(); pNode; )
        FBODefinition* pFBODef = (FBODefinition*)pNode;
        pNode = pNode->GetNext();

        if( pFBODef->m_OnlyFreeOnShutdown == false || shuttingdown )
            MyAssert( pFBODef->GetRefCount() == 1 );
Пример #6
MaterialDefinition* MaterialManager::FindMaterialByFilename(const char* fullpath)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_MaterialsStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        if( strcmp( pMaterial->m_pFile->m_FullPath, fullpath ) == 0 )
            return pMaterial;

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_Materials.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        if( pMaterial->m_pFile && strcmp( pMaterial->m_pFile->m_FullPath, fullpath ) == 0 )
            return pMaterial;

    return 0;
Пример #7
void MaterialManager::SaveAllMaterials(bool saveunchanged)
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_Materials.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        MaterialDefinition* pMaterial = (MaterialDefinition*)pNode;

        //if( pMaterial->m_UnsavedChanges || saveunchanged )
Пример #8
ShaderGroup* ShaderGroupManager::FindShaderGroupByName(const char* name)
    assert( name );

    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_ShaderGroupList.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
        ShaderGroup* pShaderGroup = (ShaderGroup*)pNode;

        if( strcmp( pShaderGroup->GetName(), name ) == 0 )
            return pShaderGroup;

    return 0;
Пример #9
void TextureManager::Tick()
    // Initialize all FBOs
        CPPListNode* pNextNode;
        for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_UninitializedFBOs.GetHead(); pNode != 0; pNode = pNextNode )
            pNextNode = pNode->GetNext();

            FBODefinition* pFBODef = (FBODefinition*)pNode;

            if( pFBODef->m_FailedToInit )

            bool success = pFBODef->Create();

            if( success )
                LOGInfo( LOGTag, "pFBODef->Create() succeeded\n" );
                //g_pPanelMemory->AddTexture( pFBODef );

                m_InitializedFBOs.MoveTail( pFBODef );
                pFBODef->m_FullyLoaded = true;
                pFBODef->m_FailedToInit = true;

                LOGError( LOGTag, "========================\n" );
                LOGError( LOGTag, "pFBODef->Create() failed\n" );
                LOGError( LOGTag, "========================\n" );

    //// debug: list all textures that need loading.
    //for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_TexturesStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext() )
    //    TextureDefinition* pTextureDef = (TextureDefinition*)pNode;
    //    LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Still need to load: %s\n", pTextureDef->m_Filename );

    int texturesloadedthistick = 0;

    CPPListNode* pNextNode;
    for( CPPListNode* pNode = m_TexturesStillLoading.GetHead(); pNode != 0; pNode = pNextNode )
        pNextNode = pNode->GetNext();

        if( m_MaxTexturesToLoadInOneTick != -1 && texturesloadedthistick >= m_MaxTexturesToLoadInOneTick )


        TextureDefinition* pTextureDef = (TextureDefinition*)pNode;
        //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: %s\n", pTextureDef->m_Filename );

        // if we have an opengl texture, then nothing to do.  this shouldn't happen, loaded textures should be in "m_LoadedTextures".
        MyAssert( pTextureDef->m_TextureID == 0 );
        if( pTextureDef->m_TextureID != 0 )
            LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: Already had a texture id?!? pTextureDef->m_TextureID != 0\n" );

        bool textureloaded = false;

        //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: pTextureDef->m_pFile %d\n", pTextureDef->m_pFile );
        if( pTextureDef->m_pFile == 0 )
            pTextureDef->m_pFile = RequestTexture( pTextureDef->m_Filename, pTextureDef );
            textureloaded = true;
            LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: calling Android_LoadTextureFromMemory\n" );
            pTextureDef->m_TextureID = Android_LoadTextureFromMemory( pTextureDef );
            textureloaded = true;
        // if the file load hasn't started... start the file load.
        if( pTextureDef->m_pFile == 0 )
            //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: RequestFile\n" );
            pTextureDef->m_pFile = RequestFile( pTextureDef->m_Filename );
            //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: ~RequestFile\n" );
            // if the file is ready, create an opengl texture from it.
            if( pTextureDef->m_pFile->m_FileLoadStatus == FileLoadStatus_Success )
                //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: pTextureDef->m_pFile->m_FileReady\n" );
                pTextureDef->m_TextureID = CreateTextureFromBuffer( pTextureDef );
                //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: CreateTextureFromBuffer\n" );

                if( pTextureDef->m_TextureID != 0 )
                    //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "Loading Texture: textureloaded = true\n" );
                    textureloaded = true;

            if( pTextureDef->m_pFile->m_FileLoadStatus > FileLoadStatus_Success )
                LOGError( LOGTag, "File load failed %s\n", pTextureDef->m_Filename );
                SAFE_RELEASE( pTextureDef );

        if( textureloaded )
            LOGInfo( LOGTag, "textureloaded %s\n", pTextureDef->m_Filename );

            // by default, we don't free the texture from main ram, so if we free the opengl tex, we can "reload" quick.
            if( pTextureDef->QueryFreeWhenCreated() )
                g_pFileManager->FreeFile( pTextureDef->m_pFile );

            m_LoadedTextures.MoveTail( pTextureDef );

            pTextureDef->m_FullyLoaded = true;

            g_pPanelMemory->AddTexture( pTextureDef, "Global", pTextureDef->m_Filename, TextureDefinition::StaticOnDrag );

            LOGInfo( LOGTag, "pTextureDef->m_FullyLoaded = true %s\n", pTextureDef->m_Filename );