Пример #1
bool CPVRDatabase::PersistGroupMembers(CPVRChannelGroup &group)
  bool bReturn = false;
  bool bRemoveChannels = false;
  CStdString strQuery;
  CSingleLock lock(group.m_critSection);

  if (group.size() > 0)
    for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < group.size(); iChannelPtr++)
      PVRChannelGroupMember member = group.at(iChannelPtr);

      CStdString strWhereClause = FormatSQL("idChannel = %u AND idGroup = %u AND iChannelNumber = %u",
          member.channel->ChannelID(), group.GroupID(), member.iChannelNumber);

      CStdString strValue = GetSingleValue("map_channelgroups_channels", "idChannel", strWhereClause);
      if (strValue.IsEmpty())
        strQuery = FormatSQL("REPLACE INTO map_channelgroups_channels ("
            "idGroup, idChannel, iChannelNumber) "
            "VALUES (%i, %i, %i);",
            group.GroupID(), member.channel->ChannelID(), member.iChannelNumber);

    bReturn = CommitInsertQueries();
    bRemoveChannels = RemoveStaleChannelsFromGroup(group);

  return bReturn && bRemoveChannels;
Пример #2
bool CPVRDatabase::RemoveStaleChannelsFromGroup(const CPVRChannelGroup &group)
  bool bDelete(true);

  if (!group.IsInternalGroup())
    /* First remove channels that don't exist in the main channels table */
    CStdString strWhereClause = FormatSQL("idChannel IN (SELECT map_channelgroups_channels.idChannel FROM map_channelgroups_channels LEFT JOIN channels on map_channelgroups_channels.idChannel = channels.idChannel WHERE channels.idChannel IS NULL)");
    bDelete = DeleteValues("map_channelgroups_channels", strWhereClause);

  if (group.size() > 0)
    vector<int> currentMembers;
    if (GetCurrentGroupMembers(group, currentMembers))
      vector<int> channelsToDelete;
      for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < currentMembers.size(); iChannelPtr++)
        if (!group.IsGroupMember(currentMembers.at(iChannelPtr)))

      bDelete = DeleteChannelsFromGroup(group, channelsToDelete) && bDelete;
    CStdString strWhereClause = FormatSQL("idGroup = %u", group.GroupID());
    bDelete = DeleteValues("map_channelgroups_channels", strWhereClause) && bDelete;

  return bDelete;
Пример #3
bool CPVRChannelGroup::AddAndUpdateChannels(const CPVRChannelGroup &channels, bool bUseBackendChannelNumbers)
  bool bReturn(false);
  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  /* go through the channel list and check for new channels.
     channels will only by updated in CPVRChannelGroupInternal to prevent dupe updates */
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < channels.size(); iChannelPtr++)
    PVRChannelGroupMember member = channels.at(iChannelPtr);
    if (!member.channel)

    /* check whether this channel is known in the internal group */
    CPVRChannel *existingChannel = (CPVRChannel *) g_PVRChannelGroups->GetGroupAll(m_bRadio)->GetByClient(member.channel->UniqueID(), member.channel->ClientID());
    if (!existingChannel)

    /* if it's found, add the channel to this group */
    if (!IsGroupMember(*existingChannel))
      int iChannelNumber = bUseBackendChannelNumbers ? member.channel->ClientChannelNumber() : 0;
      AddToGroup(*existingChannel, iChannelNumber, false);

      bReturn = true;
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroup - %s - added %s channel '%s' at position %d in group '%s'",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", existingChannel->ChannelName().c_str(), iChannelNumber, GroupName().c_str());

  return bReturn;
Пример #4
bool CPVRChannelGroupInternal::AddAndUpdateChannels(const CPVRChannelGroup &channels, bool bUseBackendChannelNumbers)
  bool bReturn(false);
  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  /* go through the channel list and check for updated or new channels */
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < channels.size(); iChannelPtr++)
    PVRChannelGroupMember member = channels.at(iChannelPtr);
    if (!member.channel)

    /* check whether this channel is present in this container */
    CPVRChannel *existingChannel = (CPVRChannel *) GetByClient(member.channel->UniqueID(), member.channel->ClientID());
    if (existingChannel)
      /* if it's present, update the current tag */
      if (existingChannel->UpdateFromClient(*member.channel))

        bReturn = true;
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroupInternal - %s - updated %s channel '%s'",
            __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", member.channel->ChannelName().c_str());
      /* new channel */
      CPVRChannel *newChannel = new CPVRChannel(*member.channel);

      /* insert the new channel in this group */
      int iChannelNumber = bUseBackendChannelNumbers ? member.channel->ClientChannelNumber() : 0;
      InsertInGroup(*newChannel, iChannelNumber, false);

      bReturn = true;
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroupInternal - %s - added %s channel '%s' at position %d",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", member.channel->ChannelName().c_str(), iChannelNumber);

  return bReturn;
Пример #5
bool CPVRDatabase::PersistChannels(CPVRChannelGroup &group)
  bool bReturn(true);
  int iLastChannel(0);

  /* we can only safely get this from a local db */
  if (m_sqlite)
    iLastChannel = GetLastChannelId();

  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < group.size(); iChannelPtr++)
    PVRChannelGroupMember member = group.at(iChannelPtr);
    if (member.channel->IsChanged() || member.channel->IsNew())
      if (m_sqlite && member.channel->IsNew())
        member.channel->SetChannelID(++iLastChannel, false);
      bReturn &= Persist(*member.channel, m_sqlite || !member.channel->IsNew());
  return CommitInsertQueries();
Пример #6
bool CPVRChannelGroupInternal::UpdateGroupEntries(const CPVRChannelGroup &channels)
  bool bChanged = false;
  int iCurSize = size();

  CPVRChannelGroup *newChannels = new CPVRChannelGroup(m_bRadio);

  CPVRDatabase *database = g_PVRManager.GetTVDatabase();
  if (!database || !database->Open())
    return bChanged;

  /* go through the channel list and check for updated or new channels */
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < channels.size(); iChannelPtr++)
    const CPVRChannel *channel = channels.at(iChannelPtr).channel;

    /* check if this channel is present in this container */
    CPVRChannel *existingChannel = (CPVRChannel *) GetByClient(channel->UniqueID(), channel->ClientID());
    if (existingChannel)
      /* if it's present, update the current tag */
      if (existingChannel->UpdateFromClient(*channel))
        bChanged = true;

        CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroupInternal - %s - updated %s channel '%s'",
            __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", channel->ChannelName().c_str());
      /* new channel */
      CPVRChannel *newChannel = new CPVRChannel(m_bRadio);
      newChannel->SetUniqueID(channel->UniqueID(), false);
      int iChannelNumber = iCurSize == 0 ? channel->ClientChannelNumber() : 0;
      InsertInGroup(newChannel, iChannelNumber, false);
      bChanged = true;

      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroupInternal - %s - added %s channel '%s' at position %d",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", channel->ChannelName().c_str(), iChannelNumber);

  /* persist changes */
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < newChannels->size(); iChannelPtr++)
    ((CPVRChannel *) newChannels->GetByIndex(iChannelPtr))->Persist(false); /* write immediately to get a db id */
  delete newChannels;

  /* check for deleted channels */
  unsigned int iSize = size();
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < iSize; iChannelPtr++)
    CPVRChannel *channel = (CPVRChannel *) GetByIndex(iChannelPtr);
    if (!channel)
    if (channels.GetByClient(channel->UniqueID(), channel->ClientID()) == NULL)
      /* channel was not found */
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroupInternal - %s - deleted %s channel '%s'",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", channel->ChannelName().c_str());

      /* remove this channel from all non-system groups */
      ((CPVRChannelGroups *) g_PVRChannelGroups->Get(m_bRadio))->RemoveFromAllGroups(channel);

      delete at(iChannelPtr).channel;
      erase(begin() + iChannelPtr);
      bChanged = true;


  /* try to find channel icons */

  if (bChanged || HasChanges())
    /* remove invalid channels */

    /* sort by client channel number if this is the first time */
    if (iCurSize == 0)

    /* renumber to make sure all channels have a channel number.
       new channels were added at the back, so they'll get the highest numbers */

    return Persist();
    return true;
Пример #7
bool CPVRChannelGroup::UpdateGroupEntries(const CPVRChannelGroup &channels)
  bool bChanged(false);
  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);
  int iCurSize = size();

  CPVRDatabase *database = CPVRManager::Get()->GetTVDatabase();
  if (!database || !database->Open())
    return false;

  /* go through the channel list and check for updated or new channels */
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < channels.size(); iChannelPtr++)
    CPVRChannel *channel = channels.at(iChannelPtr).channel;
    int iChannelNumber   = channels.at(iChannelPtr).iChannelNumber;
    if (!channel)

    CPVRChannel *realChannel = (CPVRChannel *) CPVRManager::GetChannelGroups()->GetGroupAll(m_bRadio)->GetByClient(channel->UniqueID(), channel->ClientID());
    if (!realChannel)

    if (!IsGroupMember(realChannel))
      AddToGroup(realChannel, iChannelNumber, false);

      bChanged = true;
      m_bChanged = true;
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroup - %s - added %s channel '%s' at position %d in group '%s'",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", realChannel->ChannelName().c_str(), iChannelNumber, GroupName().c_str());

  /* check for deleted channels */
  unsigned int iSize = size();
  for (unsigned int iChannelPtr = 0; iChannelPtr < iSize; iChannelPtr++)
    CPVRChannel *channel = (CPVRChannel *) GetByIndex(iChannelPtr);
    if (!channel)
    if (channels.GetByClient(channel->UniqueID(), channel->ClientID()) == NULL)
      /* channel was not found */
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"PVRChannelGroup - %s - deleted %s channel '%s' from group '%s'",
          __FUNCTION__, m_bRadio ? "radio" : "TV", channel->ChannelName().c_str(), GroupName().c_str());

      /* remove this channel from all non-system groups */

      m_bChanged = true;
      bChanged = true;

  if (bChanged)
    /* sort by client channel number if this is the first time */
    if (iCurSize == 0)

    /* renumber to make sure all channels have a channel number.
       new channels were added at the back, so they'll get the highest numbers */

    return Persist();

  return true;