Пример #1
 bool CDynamics3DEntity::MoveTo(const CVector3& c_position,
                                const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
                                bool b_check_only) {
    /* Move the body to the new position */
    dBodySetPosition(m_tBody, c_position.GetX(), c_position.GetY(), c_position.GetZ());
    /* Rotate the body to the new orientation */
    dQuaternion tQuat = { c_orientation.GetW(),
                          c_orientation.GetZ() };
    dBodySetQuaternion(m_tBody, tQuat);
    /* Check for collisions */
    bool bCollisions = m_cEngine.IsEntityColliding(m_tEntitySpace);
    if(bCollisions || b_check_only) {
        * Undo the changes if there is a collision or
        * if the move was just a check
       const CVector3& cPosition = GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition();
       dBodySetPosition(m_tBody, cPosition.GetX(), cPosition.GetY(), cPosition.GetZ());
       const CQuaternion& cOrientation = GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation();
       dQuaternion tQuat2 = { cOrientation.GetW(),
                              cOrientation.GetZ() };
       dBodySetQuaternion(m_tBody, tQuat2);
       return !bCollisions;
    else {
       /* Set the new position and orientation */
       return true;
Пример #2
SICALLBACK MOM_SetAttributes_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt )
	// The current output port being evaluated...
   ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( );

   if(gSimulation == NULL)
      return CStatus::OK;

	switch( out_portID )
		case ID_OUT_base:
         CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base );
         CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id );
         rbdID rbd_ID;
         CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt );

			// Get the output port array ...
			CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt );

			// get all of the input SET data!
			CDataArrayBool setPosData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_position);
			CDataArrayBool setRotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_orientation);
			CDataArrayBool setLinvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setAngvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setStateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_state);
			CDataArrayBool setMassData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_mass);
			CDataArrayBool setBounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_bounce);
			CDataArrayBool setFrictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_friction);
			CDataArrayBool setLindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lindamping);
			CDataArrayBool setAngdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angdamping);
			CDataArrayBool setLintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayBool setAngtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angtreshold);

			// get all of the input data!
			CDataArrayVector3f posData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_position);
			CDataArrayVector3f rotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_orientation);
			CDataArrayVector3f linvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayVector3f angvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayLong stateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_state);
			CDataArrayFloat massData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_mass);
			CDataArrayFloat bounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_bounce);
			CDataArrayFloat frictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_friction);
			CDataArrayFloat lindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lindamping);
			CDataArrayFloat angdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angdamping);
			CDataArrayFloat lintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayFloat angtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angtreshold);

         // get the index set iterator
         btTransform bodyTransform;
         CVector3f bodyPos,linvel,angvel;
         btQuaternion bodyRot;
			CRotation rot;
			CQuaternion quat;
			CVector3f anglesf;
			CVector3 angles;

			for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
            rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]);
            rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]);
            btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID);
            if(bodyRef != NULL)
               // take care of the positions
               if((setPosData.IsConstant() ? setPosData[0] : setPosData[it]) == true)
                  bodyPos = posData.IsConstant() ? posData[0] : posData[it];
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the orientations
               if((setRotData.IsConstant() ? setRotData[0] : setRotData[it]) == true)
                  anglesf = rotData.IsConstant() ? rotData[0] : rotData[it];
                  quat = rot.GetQuaternion();
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the linear velocity
               if((setLinvelData.IsConstant() ? setLinvelData[0] : setLinvelData[it]) == true)
                  linvel = linvelData.IsConstant() ? linvelData[0] : linvelData[it];
               // take care of the angular velocity
               if((setAngvelData.IsConstant() ? setAngvelData[0] : setAngvelData[it]) == true)
                  angvel = angvelData.IsConstant() ? angvelData[0] : angvelData[it];
               // take care of the state
               if((setStateData.IsConstant() ? setStateData[0] : setStateData[it]) == true)
                  int state = stateData.IsConstant() ? stateData[0] : stateData[it];
                  if(state == 0)
                  else if(state == 1)
                  else if(state == 2)
               // take care of the mass
               if((setMassData.IsConstant() ? setMassData[0] : setMassData[it]) == true)
                  // compute the inertia
                  bodyRef->mass = massData.IsConstant() ? massData[0] : massData[it];
                  btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
                  if(bodyRef->mass > 0.0f)
               // take care of the bounce
               if((setBounceData.IsConstant() ? setBounceData[0] : setBounceData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setRestitution(bounceData.IsConstant() ? bounceData[0] : bounceData[it]);
               // take care of the friction
               if((setFrictionData.IsConstant() ? setFrictionData[0] : setFrictionData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setFriction(frictionData.IsConstant() ? frictionData[0] : frictionData[it]);
               // take care of the linear damping
               if((setLindampData.IsConstant() ? setLindampData[0] : setLindampData[it]) == true)
                  float angdamp = bodyRef->body->getAngularDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindampData.IsConstant() ? lindampData[0] : lindampData[it],angdamp);
               // take care of the angular damping
               if((setAngdampData.IsConstant() ? setAngdampData[0] : setAngdampData[it]) == true)
                  float lindamp = bodyRef->body->getLinearDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindamp,angdampData.IsConstant() ? angdampData[0] : angdampData[it]);
               // take care of the linear treshold
               if((setLintreshData.IsConstant() ? setLintreshData[0] : setLintreshData[it]) == true)
                  float angtresh = bodyRef->body->getAngularSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintreshData.IsConstant() ? lintreshData[0] : lintreshData[it],angtresh);
               // take care of the angular treshold
               if((setAngtreshData.IsConstant() ? setAngtreshData[0] : setAngtreshData[it]) == true)
                  float lintresh = bodyRef->body->getLinearSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintresh,angtreshData.IsConstant() ? angtreshData[0] : angtreshData[it]);
            outData[it] = rbd_ID.primary;

	return CStatus::OK;