BOOL CCommsPaint::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CRButton* rbutton; int decals; for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { rbutton=GETDLGITEM(IDC_NOSEART0+i); if (DPlay::H2H_Player[_DPlay.mySlot].squadron < PT_GER_FLYABLE) { rbutton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); if (i < 16) decals = i + FIL_NOSE_STD_1; else decals = i - 16 + FIL_NOSE_USER_1; rbutton->SetNormalFileNum(decals); rbutton->SetPressedFileNum(1); }else { rbutton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } paintshop_timer=SetTimer(DPlay::TIMER_PAINTSHOP,0,NULL); //DeadCode AMM 16Nov99 _DPlay.UISendInPaintShopMessage(); //DeadCode AMM 16Nov99 DPlay::H2H_Player[_DPlay.mySlot].status=CPS_PAINTSHOP; _DPlay.SendStatusChange(DPlay::CPS_PAINTSHOP); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
BOOL CCurrEmblem::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CRButton* rbutton; rbutton=GETDLGITEM(IDC_NOSEART0); CRStatic* s = GETDLGITEM(IDC_RSTATICCTRL24); if (DPlay::H2H_Player[_DPlay.mySlot].squadron < PT_GER_FLYABLE) { rbutton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); s->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); //DEADCODE AMM 17/01/00 int decal = DPlay::H2H_Player[_DPlay.mySlot].decal; int decal=0; assert (decal>=0 && decal<32) if (decal < 16) decal = decal + FIL_NOSE_STD_1; else decal = decal - 16 + FIL_NOSE_USER_1; rbutton->SetNormalFileNum(decal); rbutton->SetPressedFileNum(decal); }else