// Check p-values and compare with the referece file
void s_CheckPValues(const CRef<CScorePValues> pv, const string& filename)

    const vector<CScorePValues::TPValue>& pvalues = pv->GetPValues();
    const vector<CScorePValues::TPValue>& errors = pv->GetErrors();

    // P-values and errors arrays are of the same length
    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pvalues.size(), errors.size());

    // P-values and errors are positive
    for (size_t i=0;i < pvalues.size();i++) {
        BOOST_REQUIRE(pvalues[i] >= 0.0);
        BOOST_REQUIRE(errors[i] >= 0.0);

    // Compare p-values and error to the reference values
    CNcbiIfstream istr_pv(filename.c_str());
    for (size_t j=0;j < pvalues.size();j++) {

        double target;

        istr_pv >> target;
        BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(pvalues[j], target, 1.0);

        istr_pv >> target;
        BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(errors[j], target, 1.0);