Пример #1
bool CWKSP_Project::_Save_Data(CSG_MetaData &Entry, const wxString &ProjectDir, CSG_Data_Object *pDataObject, CSG_Parameters *pParameters)
	if( !pDataObject || !pDataObject->Get_File_Name(false) || SG_STR_LEN(pDataObject->Get_File_Name(false)) == 0 )
		return( false );

	CSG_MetaData	*pEntry	= Entry.Add_Child("DATASET");

	switch( pDataObject->Get_ObjectType() )
	default:	return( false );
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Grid      :	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "GRID"  );	break;
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Grids     :	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "GRIDS" );	break;
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Table     :	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "TABLE" );	break;
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Shapes    :	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "SHAPES");	break;
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_TIN       :	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "TIN"   );	break;
	case SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_PointCloud:	pEntry->Add_Property("type", "POINTS");	break;

	if( wxFileExists(pDataObject->Get_File_Name(false)) )
		pEntry->Add_Child("FILE", SG_File_Get_Path_Relative(&ProjectDir, pDataObject->Get_File_Name(false)));
	else if( pDataObject->Get_MetaData_DB().Get_Children_Count() > 0 )
		pEntry->Add_Child("FILE", pDataObject->Get_File_Name(false));
		return( false );

	if( pParameters )

		pParameters->Serialize(*pEntry->Add_Child("PARAMETERS"), true);

		pEntry	= pEntry->Get_Child("PARAMETERS");

		for(int i=0; i<pEntry->Get_Children_Count(); i++)
			if( !pEntry->Get_Child(i)->Get_Name().CmpNoCase("DATA") )
				CSG_String	File	= pEntry->Get_Child(i)->Get_Content();

				if( File.BeforeFirst(':').CmpNoCase("PGSQL") && SG_File_Exists(File) )
					pEntry->Get_Child(i)->Set_Content(SG_File_Get_Path_Relative(&ProjectDir, File.w_str()));

	return( true );
Пример #2
bool CGPX_Export::On_Execute(void)
	int				iEle, iName, iCmt, iDesc;
	CSG_String		File;
	CSG_MetaData	GPX;
	CSG_Shapes		*pShapes;

	File		= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();
	pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")	->asShapes();

	iEle		= Parameters("ELE")		->asInt();	if( iEle  >= pShapes->Get_Field_Count() )	iEle	= -1;
	iName		= Parameters("NAME")	->asInt();	if( iName >= pShapes->Get_Field_Count() )	iName	= -1;
	iCmt		= Parameters("CMT")		->asInt();	if( iCmt  >= pShapes->Get_Field_Count() )	iCmt	= -1;
	iDesc		= Parameters("DESC")	->asInt();	if( iDesc >= pShapes->Get_Field_Count() )	iDesc	= -1;

	GPX.Add_Property(SG_T("version")			, SG_T("1.0"));
	GPX.Add_Property(SG_T("creator")			, SG_T("SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses - http://www.saga-gis.org"));
	GPX.Add_Property(SG_T("xmlns:xsi")			, SG_T("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"));
	GPX.Add_Property(SG_T("xmlns")				, SG_T("http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0"));
	GPX.Add_Property(SG_T("xsi:schemaLocation")	, SG_T("http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/gpx.xsd"));

	for(int iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count(); iShape++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
			for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
				CSG_MetaData	*pPoint	= GPX.Add_Child(SG_T("wpt"));

				pPoint->Add_Property(SG_T("lon"), pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart).x);
				pPoint->Add_Property(SG_T("lat"), pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart).y);

				if( iEle  > 0 )	pPoint->Add_Child(SG_T("ele" ), pShape->asString(iEle));
				if( iName > 0 )	pPoint->Add_Child(SG_T("name"), pShape->asString(iName));
				if( iCmt  > 0 )	pPoint->Add_Child(SG_T("cmt" ), pShape->asString(iCmt));
				if( iDesc > 0 )	pPoint->Add_Child(SG_T("desc"), pShape->asString(iDesc));

	if( !GPX.Save(File) )
		return( false );

	return( true );
Пример #3
bool CGrid_Export::On_Execute(void)
	int			y, iy, Method;
	double		dTrans;
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid, *pShade, Grid, Shade;

	pGrid		= Parameters("GRID"			)->asGrid();
	pShade		= Parameters("SHADE"		)->asGrid();
	Method		= Parameters("COLOURING"	)->asInt ();
	dTrans		= Parameters("SHADE_TRANS"	)->asDouble() / 100.0;

	if( !pGrid )
		return( false );

	if( Method == 5 )	// same as in graphical user interface
		if( !SG_UI_DataObject_asImage(pGrid, &Grid) )
			Error_Set("could not retrieve colour coding from graphical user interface.");

			return( false );
		double		zMin, zScale;
		CSG_Colors	Colors;
		CSG_Table	LUT;

		if( SG_UI_Get_Window_Main() )
				Parameters("COL_PALETTE")->asInt (),
				Parameters("COL_REVERT" )->asBool(),
				Parameters("COL_COUNT"  )->asInt ()

		switch( Method )
		case 0:	// stretch to grid's standard deviation
			zMin	= pGrid->Get_Mean() -  Parameters("STDDEV")->asDouble() * pGrid->Get_StdDev();
			zScale	= Colors.Get_Count() / (2 * Parameters("STDDEV")->asDouble() * pGrid->Get_StdDev());

		case 1:	// stretch to grid's value range
			zMin	= pGrid->Get_ZMin();
			zScale	= Colors.Get_Count() / pGrid->Get_ZRange();

		case 2:	// stretch to specified value range
			zMin	= Parameters("STRETCH")->asRange()->Get_LoVal();
			if( zMin >= (zScale = Parameters("STRETCH")->asRange()->Get_HiVal()) )
				Error_Set(_TL("invalid user specified value range."));

				return( false );
			zScale	= Colors.Get_Count() / (zScale - zMin);

		case 3:	// lookup table
			if( !Parameters("LUT")->asTable() || Parameters("LUT")->asTable()->Get_Field_Count() < 5 )
				Error_Set(_TL("invalid lookup table."));

				return( false );


		case 4:	// rgb coded values

		Grid.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

		for(y=0, iy=Get_NY()-1; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, iy--)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				double	z	= pGrid->asDouble(x, y);

				if( Method == 3 )	// lookup table
					int	i, iColor	= -1;

					for(i=0; iColor<0 && i<LUT.Get_Count(); i++)
						if( z == LUT[i][3] )
							Grid.Set_Value(x, iy, LUT[iColor = i].asInt(0));

					for(i=0; iColor<0 && i<LUT.Get_Count(); i++)
						if( z >= LUT[i][3] && z <= LUT[i][4] )
							Grid.Set_Value(x, iy, LUT[iColor = i].asInt(0));

					if( iColor < 0 )
						Grid.Set_NoData(x, iy);
				else if( pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) )
					Grid.Set_NoData(x, iy);
				else if( Method == 4 )	// rgb coded values
					Grid.Set_Value(x, iy, z);
					int	i	= (int)(zScale * (z - zMin));

					Grid.Set_Value(x, iy, Colors[i < 0 ? 0 : i >= Colors.Get_Count() ? Colors.Get_Count() - 1 : i]);

	if( !pShade || pShade->Get_ZRange() <= 0.0 )
		pShade	= NULL;
		double	dMinBright, dMaxBright;

		dMinBright	= Parameters("SHADE_BRIGHT")->asRange()->Get_LoVal() / 100.0;
		dMaxBright	= Parameters("SHADE_BRIGHT")->asRange()->Get_HiVal() / 100.0;

		if( dMinBright >= dMaxBright )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Minimum shade brightness must be lower than maximum shade brightness!"));

			return( false );

		int			nColors	= 100;
		CSG_Colors	Colors(nColors, SG_COLORS_BLACK_WHITE, true);

		Shade.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Int);

		for(y=0, iy=Get_NY()-1; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, iy--)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				if( pShade->is_NoData(x, y) )
					Shade.Set_NoData(x, iy);
					Shade.Set_Value (x, iy, Colors[(int)(nColors * (dMaxBright - dMinBright) * (pShade->asDouble(x, y) - pShade->Get_ZMin()) / pShade->Get_ZRange() + dMinBright)]);

	wxImage	Image(Get_NX(), Get_NY());

	if( Grid.Get_NoData_Count() > 0 )

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( Grid.is_NoData(x, y) || (pShade != NULL && Shade.is_NoData(x, y)) )
				if( Image.HasAlpha() )
					Image.SetAlpha(x, y, wxIMAGE_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT);

				Image.SetRGB(x, y, 255, 255, 255);
				if( Image.HasAlpha() )
					Image.SetAlpha(x, y, wxIMAGE_ALPHA_OPAQUE);

				int	r, g, b, c	= Grid.asInt(x, y);

				r	= SG_GET_R(c);
				g	= SG_GET_G(c);
				b	= SG_GET_B(c);

				if( pShade )
					c	= Shade.asInt(x, y);

					r	= dTrans * r + SG_GET_R(c) * (1.0 - dTrans);
					g	= dTrans * g + SG_GET_G(c) * (1.0 - dTrans);
					b	= dTrans * b + SG_GET_B(c) * (1.0 - dTrans);

				Image.SetRGB(x, y, r, g, b);

	CSG_String	fName(Parameters("FILE")->asString());

	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("bmp"))
	&&  !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("jpg"))
	&&  !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("pcx"))
	&&  !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("png"))
	&&  !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("tif")) )
		fName	= SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("png"));


	wxImageHandler	*pImgHandler = NULL;

	if( !SG_UI_Get_Window_Main() )
		if(      SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("jpg")) )
			pImgHandler = new wxJPEGHandler;
		else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("pcx")) )
			pImgHandler = new wxPCXHandler;
		else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("tif")) )
			pImgHandler = new wxTIFFHandler;
#ifdef _SAGA_MSW
		else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("bmp")) )
			pImgHandler = new wxBMPHandler;
		else // if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("png")) )
			pImgHandler = new wxPNGHandler;


	if( !Image.SaveFile(fName.c_str()) )
		Error_Set(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), _TL("could not save image file"), fName.c_str()));

		return( false );

	pGrid->Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("prj")), SG_PROJ_FMT_WKT);

	CSG_File	Stream;

	if(      SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("bmp")) ) Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("bpw")), SG_FILE_W, false);
	else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("jpg")) ) Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("jgw")), SG_FILE_W, false);
	else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("pcx")) ) Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("pxw")), SG_FILE_W, false);
	else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("png")) ) Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("pgw")), SG_FILE_W, false);
	else if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(fName, SG_T("tif")) ) Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, fName, SG_T("tfw")), SG_FILE_W, false);

	if( Stream.is_Open() )
			 0.0, 0.0,

	if( Parameters("FILE_KML")->asBool() )
		CSG_MetaData	KML;	KML.Set_Name("kml");	KML.Add_Property("xmlns", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2");

	//	CSG_MetaData	*pFolder	= KML.Add_Child("Folder");
	//	pFolder->Add_Child("name"       , "Raster exported from SAGA");
	//	pFolder->Add_Child("description", "System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses - www.saga-gis.org");
	//	CSG_MetaData	*pOverlay	= pFolder->Add_Child("GroundOverlay");

		CSG_MetaData	*pOverlay	= KML.Add_Child("GroundOverlay");
		pOverlay->Add_Child("name"       , pGrid->Get_Name());
		pOverlay->Add_Child("description", pGrid->Get_Description());
		pOverlay->Add_Child("Icon"       )->Add_Child("href", SG_File_Get_Name(fName, true));
		pOverlay->Add_Child("LatLonBox"  );
		pOverlay->Get_Child("LatLonBox"  )->Add_Child("north", pGrid->Get_YMax());
		pOverlay->Get_Child("LatLonBox"  )->Add_Child("south", pGrid->Get_YMin());
		pOverlay->Get_Child("LatLonBox"  )->Add_Child("east" , pGrid->Get_XMax());
		pOverlay->Get_Child("LatLonBox"  )->Add_Child("west" , pGrid->Get_XMin());

		KML.Save(fName, SG_T("kml"));

	if( !SG_UI_Get_Window_Main() && pImgHandler != NULL)

	return( true );
Пример #4
bool CSG_MetaData::from_JSON(const CSG_String &JSON)


	CSG_MetaData	*pNode	= this;

	const SG_Char	*pc	= JSON.c_str();

	while( *pc )
		CSG_String	Element;

		for(bool bQuota=false;;)
			SG_Char c = *pc++;
			if( !c || c == '\n' ) { break; } else
				if( c == '\"' )
					Element += c; bQuota = !bQuota;
				else if( bQuota || (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != ',') )
					Element += c;

		if( Element.is_Empty() )
			// nop
		else if( Element.Find('[') >= 0 )	// array begins
			pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"'));

			pNode->Add_Property("array", 1);
		else if( Element.Find(']') >= 0 )	// array ends
			if( pNode != this )
				pNode	= pNode->Get_Parent();
		else if( Element.Find('{') >= 0 )	// object begins
			Element	= Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"');

			if( !Element.is_Empty() )
				pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(Element);
			else if( pNode->Get_Property("array") )
				pNode	= pNode->Add_Child(CSG_String::Format("%d", pNode->Get_Children_Count()));
		else if( Element.Find('}') >= 0 )	// object ends
			if( pNode != this )
				pNode	= pNode->Get_Parent();
			CSG_String	Key  (Element.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"'));
			CSG_String	Value(Element.AfterFirst(':'));

			if( Value.Find('\"') > -1 )
				Value	= Value.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeFirst('\"');

			pNode->Add_Child(Key, Value);

	return( true );
Пример #5
bool CPointCloud_Create_SPCVF::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Strings					sFiles;
	CSG_String					sFileInputList, sFileName;
	int							iMethodPaths;

	CSG_MetaData				SPCVF;
	CSG_Projection				projSPCVF;
	double						dNoData;
	std::vector<TSG_Data_Type>	vFieldTypes;
	std::vector<CSG_String>		vFieldNames;
	double						dBBoxXMin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
	double						dBBoxYMin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
	double						dBBoxXMax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
	double						dBBoxYMax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
	int							iSkipped = 0, iEmpty = 0;
	int							iDatasetCount = 0;
	double						dPointCount = 0.0;
	double						dZMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
	double						dZMax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

	sFileName		= Parameters("FILENAME")->asString();
	iMethodPaths	= Parameters("METHOD_PATHS")->asInt();
	sFileInputList	= Parameters("INPUT_FILE_LIST")->asString();

	if( !Parameters("FILES")->asFilePath()->Get_FilePaths(sFiles) && sFileInputList.Length() <= 0 )
		SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Please provide some input files!"));
		return( false );

	if( sFiles.Get_Count() <= 0 )
		CSG_Table	*pTable = new CSG_Table();

		if( !pTable->Create(sFileInputList, TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine) )
			SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(_TL("Input file list could not be opened!"));
			delete( pTable );
			return( false );


		for (int i=0; i<pTable->Get_Record_Count(); i++)

		delete( pTable );

	SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Version"), SG_T("1.1"));
	switch( iMethodPaths )
	case 0:		SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Paths"), SG_T("absolute"));	break;
	case 1:		SPCVF.Add_Property(SG_T("Paths"), SG_T("relative"));	break;

	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFHeader	= SPCVF.Add_Child(			SG_T("Header"));

	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFFiles	= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("Datasets"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFPoints	= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("Points"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSRS			= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("SRS"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFBBox		= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("BBox"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFZStats	= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("ZStats"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFNoData	= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("NoData"));
	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFAttr		= pSPCVFHeader->Add_Child(	SG_T("Attributes"));

	CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFDatasets	= NULL;

	for(int i=0; i<sFiles.Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, sFiles.Get_Count()); i++)
		CSG_PointCloud	*pPC		= SG_Create_PointCloud(sFiles[i]);

		if( i==0 )		// first dataset determines projection, NoData value and table structure
			projSPCVF	= pPC->Get_Projection();
			dNoData		= pPC->Get_NoData_Value();

			pSPCVFNoData->Add_Property(SG_T("Value"), dNoData);

			pSPCVFAttr->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), pPC->Get_Field_Count());

			for(int iField=0; iField<pPC->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)

				CSG_MetaData	*pSPCVFField = pSPCVFAttr->Add_Child(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("Field_%d"), iField + 1));

				pSPCVFField->Add_Property(SG_T("Name"), pPC->Get_Field_Name(iField));
				pSPCVFField->Add_Property(SG_T("Type"), gSG_Data_Type_Identifier[pPC->Get_Field_Type(iField)]);


			if( projSPCVF.is_Okay() )
				pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("Projection"), projSPCVF.Get_Name());
				pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("WKT"), projSPCVF.Get_WKT());
				pSRS->Add_Property(SG_T("Projection"), SG_T("Undefined Coordinate System"));

			pSPCVFDatasets	= SPCVF.Add_Child(SG_T("Datasets"));
		else		// validate projection, NoData value and table structure
			bool	bSkip = false;

			if( pPC->Get_Field_Count() != (int)vFieldTypes.size() )
				bSkip = true;

			if( !bSkip && projSPCVF.is_Okay() )
				if ( !pPC->Get_Projection().is_Okay() || SG_STR_CMP(pPC->Get_Projection().Get_WKT(), projSPCVF.Get_WKT()) )
					bSkip = true;

			if( !bSkip )
				for(int iField=0; iField<pPC->Get_Field_Count(); iField++)
					if( pPC->Get_Field_Type(iField) != vFieldTypes.at(iField) )
						bSkip = true;

					if( SG_STR_CMP(pPC->Get_Field_Name(iField), vFieldNames.at(iField)) )
						bSkip = true;

			if( bSkip )
				SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Skipping dataset %s because of incompatibility with the first input dataset!"), sFiles[i].c_str()), true);
				delete( pPC );

		if( pPC->Get_Point_Count() <= 0 )
			delete( pPC );

		CSG_MetaData	*pDataset	= pSPCVFDatasets->Add_Child(SG_T("PointCloud"));

		CSG_String		sFilePath;

		switch( iMethodPaths )
		case 0:		sFilePath = SG_File_Get_Path_Absolute(sFiles.Get_String(i));									break;
		case 1:		sFilePath = SG_File_Get_Path_Relative(SG_File_Get_Path(sFileName), sFiles.Get_String(i));		break;

		sFilePath.Replace(SG_T("\\"), SG_T("/"));

		pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("File"), sFilePath);

		pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("Points"), pPC->Get_Point_Count());

		pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMin"), pPC->Get_ZMin());
		pDataset->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMax"), pPC->Get_ZMax());

		CSG_MetaData	*pBBox		= pDataset->Add_Child(SG_T("BBox"));

		pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMin"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin());
		pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMin"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin());
		pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMax"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax());
		pBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMax"), pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax());

		if( dBBoxXMin > pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin() )
			dBBoxXMin = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMin();
		if( dBBoxYMin > pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin() )
			dBBoxYMin = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMin();
		if( dBBoxXMax < pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax() )
			dBBoxXMax = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_XMax();
		if( dBBoxYMax < pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax() )
			dBBoxYMax = pPC->Get_Extent().Get_YMax();
		iDatasetCount	+= 1;
		dPointCount		+= pPC->Get_Point_Count();

		if( dZMin > pPC->Get_ZMin() )
			dZMin = pPC->Get_ZMin();
		if( dZMax < pPC->Get_ZMax() )
			dZMax = pPC->Get_ZMax();

		delete( pPC );

	pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMin"), dBBoxXMin);
	pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMin"), dBBoxYMin);
	pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("XMax"), dBBoxXMax);
	pSPCVFBBox->Add_Property(SG_T("YMax"), dBBoxYMax);

	pSPCVFFiles->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), iDatasetCount);
	pSPCVFPoints->Add_Property(SG_T("Count"), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%.0f"), dPointCount));
	pSPCVFZStats->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMin"), dZMin);
	pSPCVFZStats->Add_Property(SG_T("ZMax"), dZMax);

	if( !SPCVF.Save(sFileName) )
		SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to save %s file!"), sFileName.c_str()));

		return( false );

	if( iSkipped > 0 )
		SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because of incompatibilities!"), iSkipped), true);

	if( iEmpty > 0 )
		SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: %d dataset(s) skipped because they are empty!"), iEmpty), true);

	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("SPCVF successfully created from %d dataset(s)."), iDatasetCount), true);

	return( true );