Пример #1
bool CEnvironment::LoadEnvironmentList () {
	CSPList list (32, true);
	if (!list.Load (param.env_dir2, "environment.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load environment.lst");
		return false;

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		locs[i].name = SPStrN (line, "location", "");
	list.MakeIndex (EnvIndex, "location");
	return true;
Пример #2
void CPlayers::LoadAvatars () {
	CSPList list (MAX_AVATARS);
	int i;
	string line, filename;
	GLuint texid;

	if (!list.Load (param.player_dir, "avatars.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load avators.lst");

	AvatarIndex = "";
	numAvatars = 0;
	for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		line = list.Line (i);
		filename = SPStrN (line, "file", "unknown");
		texid = Tex.LoadTexture (param.player_dir, filename);
		if (texid > 0) {
			avatars[numAvatars].filename = filename;
			avatars[numAvatars].texid = texid;
			AvatarIndex += "[" + filename + "]";
			AvatarIndex += Int_StrN (texid);
Пример #3
bool CScore::LoadHighScore () {
	CSPList list (520);


	if (!list.Load (param.config_dir, "highscore")) {
		Message ("could not load highscore list");
		return false;

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		string course = SPStrN (line, "course", "unknown");
		TCourse* cidx = Course.GetCourse(course);

		TScore score;
		score.player = SPStrN (line, "plyr", "unknown");
		score.points = SPIntN (line, "pts", 0);
		score.herrings = SPIntN (line, "herr", 0);
		score.time = SPFloatN (line, "time", 0);

		AddScore (cidx, score);
	return true;
Пример #4
void CTexture::LoadTextureList () {
    int rep, id;
    string texfile, line, name;

    TextureIndex = "";
    CSPList list (200);
    if (list.Load (param.tex_dir, "textures.lst")) {
        for (int i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
            line = list.Line (i);
            name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
            id = SPIntN (line, "id", 0);
            texfile = SPStrN (line, "file", "");
            rep = SPIntN (line, "repeat", 0);
            if (id >= 0 && id < MAX_COMMON_TEX) {
                if (rep>0) CommonTex[id] =
                        LoadMipmapTexture (param.tex_dir.c_str(), texfile.c_str(), rep);
                else CommonTex[id] =
                        LoadTexture (param.tex_dir.c_str(), texfile.c_str());
                if (CommonTex[id] > 0) {
                    TextureIndex = TextureIndex + "[" + name + "]" + Int_StrN (CommonTex[id]);
            } else Message ("wrong texture id in textures.lst");
    } else Message ("failed to load common textures");
Пример #5
void CCharacter::LoadCharacterList () {

	if (!list.Load (param.char_dir, "characters.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load characters.lst");

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		CharList[i].name = SPStrN (line, "name");
		CharList[i].dir = SPStrN (line, "dir");
		string typestr = SPStrN (line, "type", "unknown");
		CharList[i].type = SPIntN (char_type_index, typestr, -1);

		string charpath = param.char_dir + SEP + CharList[i].dir;
		if (DirExists (charpath.c_str())) {
			string previewfile = charpath + SEP "preview.png";

			TCharacter* ch = &CharList[i];
			ch->preview = new TTexture();
			if (!ch->preview->LoadMipmap(previewfile, false)) {
				Message ("could not load previewfile of character");
//				texid = Tex.TexID (NO_PREVIEW);

			ch->shape = new CCharShape;
			if (ch->shape->Load (charpath, "shape.lst", false) == false) {
				delete ch->shape;
				ch->shape = NULL;
				Message ("could not load character shape");

			ch->frames[0].Load (charpath, "start.lst");
			ch->finishframesok = true;
			ch->frames[1].Load (charpath, "finish.lst");
			if (ch->frames[1].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
			ch->frames[2].Load (charpath, "wonrace.lst");
			if (ch->frames[2].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
			ch->frames[3].Load (charpath, "lostrace.lst");
			if (ch->frames[3].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
Пример #6
bool CKeyframe::Load (const string& dir, const string& filename) {
	if (loaded && loadedfile == filename) return true;
	CSPList list (1000);

	if (list.Load (dir, filename)) {
		for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
			const string& line = list.Line(i);
			frames[i].val[0] = SPFloatN (line, "time", 0);
			TVector3 posit = SPVector3N (line, "pos", NullVec);
			frames[i].val[1] = posit.x;
			frames[i].val[2] = posit.y;
			frames[i].val[3] = posit.z;
			frames[i].val[4] = SPFloatN (line, "yaw", 0);
			frames[i].val[5] = SPFloatN (line, "pitch", 0);
			frames[i].val[6] = SPFloatN (line, "roll", 0);
			frames[i].val[7] = SPFloatN (line, "neck", 0);
			frames[i].val[8] = SPFloatN (line, "head", 0);
			TVector2 pp = SPVector2N (line, "sh", TVector2(0, 0));
			frames[i].val[9] = pp.x;
			frames[i].val[10] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "arm", TVector2(0, 0));
			frames[i].val[11] = pp.x;
			frames[i].val[12] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "hip", TVector2(0, 0));
			frames[i].val[13] = pp.x;
			frames[i].val[14] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "knee", TVector2(0, 0));
			frames[i].val[15] = pp.x;
			frames[i].val[16] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "ankle", TVector2(0, 0));
			frames[i].val[17] = pp.x;
			frames[i].val[18] = pp.y;
		loaded = true;
		loadedfile = filename;
		return true;
	} else {
		Message ("keyframe not found:", filename);
		loaded = false;
		return false;
Пример #7
bool CCourse::LoadObjectTypes () {
	CSPList list (MAX_OBJECT_TYPES+10);

	if (!list.Load (param.obj_dir, "object_types.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load object types");
		return false;


	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
	    ObjTypes[i].name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
		ObjTypes[i].textureFile = ObjTypes[i].name;
		ObjTypes[i].texture = NULL;

		ObjTypes[i].drawable = SPBoolN (line, "draw", true);
		if (ObjTypes[i].drawable) {
			ObjTypes[i].textureFile = SPStrN (line, "texture", "");
		ObjTypes[i].collectable = SPBoolN (line, "snap", -1) != 0;
		if (ObjTypes[i].collectable == 0) {
			ObjTypes[i].collectable = -1;

		ObjTypes[i].collidable = SPBoolN (line, "coll", false);
		ObjTypes[i].reset_point = SPBoolN (line, "reset", false);
		ObjTypes[i].use_normal = SPBoolN (line, "usenorm", false);

		if (ObjTypes[i].use_normal) {
			ObjTypes[i].normal = SPVector3N (line, "norm", TVector3(0, 1, 0));
			NormVector ((ObjTypes[i].normal));
		ObjTypes[i].poly = 1;
	list.MakeIndex (ObjectIndex, "name");
	return true;
Пример #8
void CCharacter::LoadCharacterList () {
	string line, typestr, charpath, previewfile;
	int i;
	GLuint texid;

	if (!list.Load (param.char_dir, "characters.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load characters.lst");

	numCharacters = 0;
	TCharacter *ch;
	for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		line = list.Line (i);
		CharList[i].name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
		CharList[i].dir = SPStrN (line, "dir", "");
		typestr = SPStrN (line, "type", "unknown");
		CharList[i].type = SPIntN (char_type_index, typestr, -1);

		charpath = param.char_dir + SEP + CharList[i].dir;
		if (DirExists (charpath.c_str())) {
			previewfile = charpath + SEP + "preview.png";
			texid = Tex.LoadMipmapTexture (previewfile.c_str(), 0);
			if (texid < 1) {
				Message ("could not load previewfile of character");					
//				texid = Tex.TexID (NO_PREVIEW);
			ch = &CharList[i];
			ch->preview = texid;

			ch->shape = new CCharShape;
			if (ch->shape->Load (charpath, "shape.lst", false) == false) {
				free (ch->shape);
				ch->shape = NULL;
				Message ("could not load character shape");
			} else numCharacters++;

			ch->frames[0].Load (charpath, "start.lst"); 
			ch->finishframesok = true;
			ch->frames[1].Load (charpath, "finish.lst"); 
			if (ch->frames[1].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
			ch->frames[2].Load (charpath, "wonrace.lst"); 
			if (ch->frames[2].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
			ch->frames[3].Load (charpath, "lostrace.lst"); 
			if (ch->frames[3].loaded == false) ch->finishframesok = false;
Пример #9
bool CKeyframe::Load (string dir, string filename) {
	if (loaded && loadedfile == filename) return true;
	CSPList list (1000);
	int i;
	string line;
	TVector2 pp;
	numFrames = 0;
	TVector3 posit;

	if (list.Load (dir, filename)) {
		for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
			line = list.Line (i);
			frames[numFrames] = new (TKeyframe2);
			frames[numFrames]->val[0] = SPFloatN (line, "time", 0);		
			posit = SPVector3N (line, "pos", MakeVector (0, 0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[1] = posit.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[2] = posit.y;
			frames[numFrames]->val[3] = posit.z;
			frames[numFrames]->val[4] = SPFloatN (line, "yaw", 0);
			frames[numFrames]->val[5] = SPFloatN (line, "pitch", 0);
			frames[numFrames]->val[6] = SPFloatN (line, "roll", 0);
			frames[numFrames]->val[7] = SPFloatN (line, "neck", 0);
			frames[numFrames]->val[8] = SPFloatN (line, "head", 0);
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "sh", MakeVector2 (0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[9] = pp.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[10] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "arm", MakeVector2 (0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[11] = pp.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[12] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "hip", MakeVector2 (0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[13] = pp.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[14] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "knee", MakeVector2 (0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[15] = pp.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[16] = pp.y;
			pp = SPVector2N (line, "ankle", MakeVector2 (0, 0));
			frames[numFrames]->val[17] = pp.x;
			frames[numFrames]->val[18] = pp.y;

		loaded = true;
		loadedfile = filename;
		return true;
	} else {
		MessageN ("keyframe not found:", filename);
		loaded = false;
		return false;
Пример #10
void CTranslation::LoadLanguages () {

	languages_ok = false;
	if (!list.Load (param.trans_dir, "languages.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load language list");

	languages[0].lang = "en_GB";
	languages[0].language = "English";
	for (size_t i=1; i<list.Count()+1; i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i-1);
		languages[i].lang = SPStrN (line, "lang", "en_GB");
		languages[i].language = SPStrN (line, "language", "English");
		LangIndex[languages[i].lang] = i;
	if (!languages.empty()) languages_ok = true;

	if(param.language == string::npos)
		param.language = GetSystemDefaultLangIdx();
Пример #11
void CCourse::LoadItemList () {
	CSPList list (16000);

	if (!list.Load (CourseDir, "items.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load items list");

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		int x = SPIntN (line, "x", 0);
		int z = SPIntN (line, "z", 0);
		double height = SPFloatN (line, "height", 1);
		double diam = SPFloatN (line, "diam", 1);
		double xx = (nx - x) / (double)(nx - 1.0) * curr_course->size.x;
		double zz = -(ny - z) / (double)(ny - 1.0) * curr_course->size.y;

		string name = SPStrN (line, "name", "");
		size_t type = ObjectIndex[name];
		if (ObjTypes[type].texture == NULL && ObjTypes[type].drawable) {
			string terrpath = param.obj_dir + SEP + ObjTypes[type].textureFile;
			ObjTypes[type].texture = new TTexture();
			ObjTypes[type].texture->LoadMipmap(terrpath, 0);
		bool coll = ObjTypes[type].collidable;
		if (coll == 1) {
		    CollArr.back().pt.x = xx;
		    CollArr.back().pt.z = zz;
		    CollArr.back().pt.y = FindYCoord (xx, zz);
		    CollArr.back().height = height;
		    CollArr.back().diam = diam;
		    CollArr.back().tree_type = type;
		} else if (coll == 0) {
		    NocollArr.back().pt.x = xx;
		    NocollArr.back().pt.z = zz;
		    NocollArr.back().pt.y = FindYCoord (xx, zz);
			NocollArr.back().height = height;
		    NocollArr.back().diam = diam;
		    NocollArr.back().item_type = type;
			NocollArr.back().collectable = ObjTypes[type].collectable;
			NocollArr.back().drawable = ObjTypes[type].drawable;
Пример #12
void CPlayers::LoadAvatars () {
	CSPList list (MAX_AVATARS);

	if (!list.Load (param.player_dir, "avatars.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load avators.lst");

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		string filename = SPStrN (line, "file", "unknown");
		TTexture* texture = new TTexture();
		if (texture && texture->Load(param.player_dir, filename)) {
			avatars.push_back(TAvatar(filename, texture));
		} else
			delete texture;
Пример #13
bool CEnvironment::LoadEnvironmentList () {
	int i;
	string line;

	CSPList list (32, true);
	if (!list.Load (param.env_dir2, "environment.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load environment.lst");
		return false;

	numLocs = 0;
	for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		line = list.Line (i);
		locs[i].name = SPStrN (line, "location", "");
	list.MakeIndex (EnvIndex, "location");
	return true;
Пример #14
bool CCourse::LoadCourseList () {
	CSPList list (128);

	if (!list.Load (param.common_course_dir, "courses.lst")) {
		Message ("could not load courses.lst");
		return false;

	CSPList paramlist (48);

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line1 = list.Line(i);
		CourseList[i].name = SPStrN (line1, "name", "noname");
		CourseList[i].dir = SPStrN (line1, "dir", "nodir");

		string desc = SPStrN (line1, "desc", "");
		FT.AutoSizeN (2);
		vector<string> desclist = FT.MakeLineList (desc.c_str(), 335 * Winsys.scale - 16.0);
		size_t cnt = desclist.size();
		CourseList[i].num_lines = cnt;
		for (size_t ll=0; ll<cnt; ll++) {
			CourseList[i].desc[ll] = desclist[ll];

		string coursepath = param.common_course_dir + SEP + CourseList[i].dir;
		if (DirExists (coursepath.c_str())) {
			// preview
			string previewfile = coursepath + SEP + "preview.png";
			CourseList[i].preview = new TTexture();
			if (!CourseList[i].preview->LoadMipmap(previewfile, 0)) {
				Message ("couldn't load previewfile");
//				texid = Tex.TexID (NO_PREVIEW);

			// params
			string paramfile = coursepath + SEP + "course.dim";
			if (!paramlist.Load (paramfile)) {
				Message ("could not load course.dim");

			const string& line2 = paramlist.Line (0);
			CourseList[i].author = SPStrN (line2, "author", "unknown");
			CourseList[i].size.x = SPFloatN (line2, "width", 100);
			CourseList[i].size.y = SPFloatN (line2, "length", 1000);
			CourseList[i].play_size.x = SPFloatN (line2, "play_width", 90);
			CourseList[i].play_size.y = SPFloatN (line2, "play_length", 900);
			CourseList[i].angle = SPFloatN (line2, "angle", 10);
			CourseList[i].scale = SPFloatN (line2, "scale", 10);
			CourseList[i].start.x = SPFloatN (line2, "startx", 50);
			CourseList[i].start.y = SPFloatN (line2, "starty", 5);
			CourseList[i].env = Env.GetEnvIdx (SPStrN (line2, "env", "etr"));
			CourseList[i].music_theme = Music.GetThemeIdx (SPStrN (line2, "theme", "normal"));
			CourseList[i].use_keyframe = SPBoolN (line2, "use_keyframe", false);
			CourseList[i].finish_brake = SPFloatN (line2, "finish_brake", 20);
			paramlist.Clear ();	// the list is used several times
	list.MakeIndex (CourseIndex, "dir");
	return true;
Пример #15
bool CCharShape::Load (const string& dir, const string& filename, bool with_actions) {
	CSPList list (500);

	useActions = with_actions;
	CreateRootNode ();
	newActions = true;

	if (!list.Load (dir, filename)) {
		Message ("could not load character", filename);
		return false;

	for (size_t i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		const string& line = list.Line(i);
		int node_name = SPIntN (line, "node", -1);
		int parent_name = SPIntN (line, "par", -1);
		string mat_name = SPStrN (line, "mat");
		string name = SPStrN (line, "joint");
		string fullname = SPStrN (line, "name");

		if (SPIntN (line, "material", 0) > 0) {
			CreateMaterial (line);
		} else {
			float visible = SPFloatN (line, "vis", -1.0);
			bool shadow = SPBoolN (line, "shad", false);
			string order = SPStrN (line, "order");
			CreateCharNode (parent_name, node_name, name, fullname, order, shadow);
			TVector3d rot = SPVector3d(line, "rot");
			MaterialNode (node_name, mat_name);
			for (size_t ii = 0; ii < order.size(); ii++) {
				int act = order[ii]-48;
				switch (act) {
					case 0: {
						TVector3d trans = SPVector3d(line, "trans");
						TranslateNode (node_name, trans);
					case 1:
						RotateNode (node_name, 1, rot.x);
					case 2:
						RotateNode (node_name, 2, rot.y);
					case 3:
						RotateNode (node_name, 3, rot.z);
					case 4: {
						TVector3d scale = SPVector3(line, "scale", TVector3d(1, 1, 1));
						ScaleNode (node_name, scale);
					case 5:
						VisibleNode (node_name, visible);
					case 9:
						RotateNode (node_name, 2, rot.z);
	newActions = false;
	return true;
Пример #16
bool CCharShape::Load (string dir, string filename, bool with_actions) {
	CSPList list (500);
	int i, ii, act;
	string line, order, name, mat_name, fullname;
	TVector3 scale, trans, rot;
	double visible;
	bool shadow;
	int node_name, parent_name;

	useActions = with_actions;
	CreateRootNode ();
	newActions = true;

	file_name = filename;
 	if (!list.Load (dir, filename)) {
		Message ("could not load character", filename.c_str());
		return false;

	for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) {
		line = list.Line (i);
		node_name = SPIntN (line, "node", -1); 
		parent_name = SPIntN (line, "par", -1);		
		mat_name = SPStrN (line, "mat", "");
		name = SPStrN (line, "joint", "");	
		fullname = SPStrN (line, "name", "");

		if (SPIntN (line, "material", 0) > 0) {
			CreateMaterial (line.c_str());
			if (useActions) {
				Matlines[numMatlines] = line;
		} else {
			visible = SPFloatN (line, "vis", -1.0);	
			shadow = SPBoolN (line, "shad", false);
			order = SPStrN (line, "order", "");
 			CreateCharNode (parent_name, node_name, name, fullname, order, shadow);					
			rot = SPVector3N (line, "rot", NullVec);
			MaterialNode (node_name, mat_name);
			for (ii=0; ii<(int)order.size(); ii++) {
				act = order.at(ii)-48;	
				switch (act) {
					case 0:
						trans = SPVector3N (line, "trans", MakeVector (0,0,0));
						TranslateNode (node_name, trans);
					case 1: RotateNode (node_name, 1, rot.x); break;
					case 2: RotateNode (node_name, 2, rot.y); break;
					case 3: RotateNode (node_name, 3, rot.z); break;
					case 4:
						scale = SPVector3N (line, "scale", MakeVector (1,1,1));
						ScaleNode (node_name, scale);
					case 5: VisibleNode (node_name, visible); break;
					case 9: RotateNode (node_name, 2, rot.z); break;
					default: break;
	newActions = false;
	return true;