Пример #1
static bool anyAttributeMatches(Element& element, CSSSelector::Match match, const CSSSelector& selector)
    const QualifiedName& selectorAttr = selector.attribute();
    ASSERT(selectorAttr.localName() != starAtom); // Should not be possible from the CSS grammar.

    // Synchronize the attribute in case it is lazy-computed.

    const AtomicString& selectorValue = selector.value();
    bool caseInsensitive = selector.attributeMatchType() == CSSSelector::CaseInsensitive;

    AttributeCollection attributes = element.attributesWithoutUpdate();
    AttributeCollection::iterator end = attributes.end();
    for (AttributeCollection::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        const Attribute& attributeItem = *it;

        if (!attributeItem.matches(selectorAttr))

        if (attributeValueMatches(attributeItem, match, selectorValue, !caseInsensitive))
            return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
static bool anyAttributeMatches(const Element& element, CSSSelector::Match match, const CSSSelector& selector)
    const QualifiedName& selectorAttr = selector.attribute();
    ASSERT(selectorAttr.localName() != starAtom); // Should not be possible from the CSS grammar.

    if (match == CSSSelector::Set)
        return element.hasAttribute(selectorAttr);

    ASSERT(match == CSSSelector::Exact);

    const AtomicString& selectorValue = selector.value();
    const AtomicString& value = element.getAttribute(selectorAttr);

    if (value.isNull())
        return false;
    if (selector.attributeMatchType() == CSSSelector::CaseInsensitive)
        return equalIgnoringCase(selectorValue, value);
    return selectorValue == value;