static bool compareCounterActList(const CSSValueListImpl *ca, const CSSValueListImpl *cb) { // weeee.... CSSValueListImpl *a = const_cast< CSSValueListImpl * >(ca); CSSValueListImpl *b = const_cast< CSSValueListImpl * >(cb); if(!a && !b) return true; if(!a || !b) return false; if(a->length() != b->length()) return false; for(uint i = 0; i < a->length(); i++) { CSSValueImpl *ai = a->item(i); CSSValueImpl *bi = b->item(i); assert(ai && ai->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM); assert(bi && bi->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_CUSTOM); CounterActImpl *caa = static_cast< CounterActImpl * >(ai); CounterActImpl *cab = static_cast< CounterActImpl * >(bi); if(caa->value() != cab->value()) return false; if(caa->counter() != cab->counter()) return false; } return true; }
DOMString CSSStyleDeclarationImpl::getPropertyValue( const DOMString &propertyName ) { CSSValueImpl *val = getPropertyCSSValue( propertyName ); if ( !val ) return 0; return val->cssText(); }
CSSValueListImpl::~CSSValueListImpl() { CSSValueImpl *val = m_values.first(); while( val ) { val->deref(); val =; } }
DOMString CSSComputedStyleDeclarationImpl::getPropertyValue(int propertyID) const { CSSValueImpl* value = getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID); if (value) { value->ref(); DOMString result = value->cssText(); value->deref(); return result; } return ""; }
DOMString CSSStyleDeclarationImpl::getShortHandValue( const int* properties, int number ) const { DOMString res; for ( int i = 0 ; i < number ; ++i ) { CSSValueImpl* value = getPropertyCSSValue( properties[i] ); if ( value ) { // TODO provide default value if !value if ( !res.isNull() ) res += " "; res += value->cssText(); } } return res; }
DOMString CSSStyleDeclarationImpl::get4Values( const int* properties ) const { DOMString res; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { CSSValueImpl* value = getPropertyCSSValue( properties[i] ); if ( !value ) { // apparently all 4 properties must be specified. return DOMString(); } if ( i > 0 ) res += " "; res += value->cssText(); } return res; }
void HTMLTableElementImpl::parseHTMLAttribute(HTMLAttributeImpl *attr) { switch(attr->id()) { case ATTR_WIDTH: addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_WIDTH, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_HEIGHT: addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_BORDER: { m_noBorder = true; if (attr->isNull()) break; if (attr->decl()) { CSSValueImpl* val = attr->decl()->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH); if (val) { val->ref(); if (val->isPrimitiveValue()) { CSSPrimitiveValueImpl* primVal = static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(val); m_noBorder = !primVal->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); } val->deref(); } } else { // ### this needs more work, as the border value is not only // the border of the box, but also between the cells int border = 0; if (attr->isEmpty()) border = 1; else border = attr->value().toInt(); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW_BORDER border=1; #endif m_noBorder = !border; DOMString v = QString::number( border ); addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH, v ); } #if 0 // wanted by HTML4 specs if (m_noBorder) frame = Void, rules = None; else frame = Box, rules = All; #endif break; } case ATTR_BGCOLOR: addHTMLColor(attr, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_BORDERCOLOR: m_solid = attr->decl(); if (!attr->decl() && !attr->isEmpty()) { addHTMLColor(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR, attr->value()); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, CSS_VAL_SOLID); m_solid = true; } break; case ATTR_BACKGROUND: { QString url = khtml::parseURL( attr->value() ).string(); if (!url.isEmpty()) addCSSImageProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, getDocument()->completeURL(url)); break; } case ATTR_FRAME: #if 0 if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "void" ) == 0 ) frame = Void; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "border" ) == 0 ) frame = Box; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "box" ) == 0 ) frame = Box; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "hsides" ) == 0 ) frame = Hsides; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "vsides" ) == 0 ) frame = Vsides; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "above" ) == 0 ) frame = Above; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "below" ) == 0 ) frame = Below; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "lhs" ) == 0 ) frame = Lhs; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "rhs" ) == 0 ) frame = Rhs; #endif break; case ATTR_RULES: #if 0 if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "none" ) == 0 ) rules = None; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "groups" ) == 0 ) rules = Groups; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "rows" ) == 0 ) rules = Rows; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "cols" ) == 0 ) rules = Cols; else if ( strcasecmp( attr->value(), "all" ) == 0 ) rules = All; #endif break; case ATTR_CELLSPACING: if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_BORDER_SPACING, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_CELLPADDING: if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) padding = kMax( 0, attr->value().toInt() ); else padding = 1; if (m_render && m_render->isTable()) { static_cast<RenderTable *>(m_render)->setCellPadding(padding); if (!m_render->needsLayout()) m_render->setNeedsLayout(true); } break; case ATTR_COLS: { // ### #if 0 int c; c = attr->val()->toInt(); addColumns(c-totalCols); break; #endif } case ATTR_VSPACE: addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP, attr->value()); addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_HSPACE: addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT, attr->value()); addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_ALIGN: if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_FLOAT, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_VALIGN: if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_NOSAVE: break; default: HTMLElementImpl::parseHTMLAttribute(attr); } }
void CSSFontSelector::addFontFaceRule(const CSSFontFaceRuleImpl *fontFaceRule) { // Obtain the font-family property and the src property. Both must be defined. const CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *style = fontFaceRule->style(); CSSValueImpl *fontFamily = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY); CSSValueImpl *src = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_SRC); CSSValueImpl *unicodeRange = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_UNICODE_RANGE); if (!fontFamily || !src || !fontFamily->isValueList() || !src->isValueList() || (unicodeRange && !unicodeRange->isValueList())) { return; } CSSValueListImpl *familyList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl *>(fontFamily); if (!familyList->length()) { return; } CSSValueListImpl *srcList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl *>(src); if (!srcList->length()) { return; } // CSSValueListImpl* rangeList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl*>(unicodeRange); unsigned traitsMask = 0; /* if (CSSValueImpl* fontStyle = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE)) { if (fontStyle->isPrimitiveValue()) { CSSValueListImpl* list = new CSSValueListImpl(CSSValueListImpl::Comma); list->append(fontStyle); fontStyle = list; } else if (!fontStyle->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl* styleList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl*>(fontStyle); unsigned numStyles = styleList->length(); if (!numStyles) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numStyles; ++i) { switch (static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(styleList[i])->getIdent()) { case CSS_ALL: traitsMask |= FontStyleMask; break; case CSS_NORMAL: traitsMask |= FontStyleNormalMask; break; case CSS_ITALIC: case CSS_OBLIQUE: traitsMask |= FontStyleItalicMask; break; default: break; } } } else traitsMask |= FontStyleMask; if (CSSValueImpl* fontWeight = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT)) { if (fontWeight->isPrimitiveValue()) { CSSValueListImpl* list = new CSSValueListImpl(CSSValueListImpl::Comma); list->append(fontWeight); fontWeight = list; } else if (!fontWeight->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl* weightList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl*>(fontWeight); unsigned numWeights = weightList->length(); if (!numWeights) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numWeights; ++i) { switch (static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(weightList[i])->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_ALL: traitsMask |= FontWeightMask; break; case CSS_VAL_BOLDER: case CSS_VAL_BOLD: case CSS_VAL_700: traitsMask |= FontWeight700Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: case CSS_VAL_400: traitsMask |= FontWeight400Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_900: traitsMask |= FontWeight900Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_800: traitsMask |= FontWeight800Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_600: traitsMask |= FontWeight600Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_500: traitsMask |= FontWeight500Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_300: traitsMask |= FontWeight300Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_LIGHTER: case CSS_VAL_200: traitsMask |= FontWeight200Mask; break; case CSS_VAL_100: traitsMask |= FontWeight100Mask; break; default: break; } } } else traitsMask |= FontWeightMask; if (CSSValueImpl* fontVariant = style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_PROP_FONT_VARIANT)) { if (fontVariant->isPrimitiveValue()) { CSSValueListImpl* list = new CSSValueListImpl(CSSValueListImpl::Comma); list->append(fontVariant); fontVariant = list; } else if (!fontVariant->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl* variantList = static_cast<CSSValueListImpl*>(fontVariant); unsigned numVariants = variantList->length(); if (!numVariants) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numVariants; ++i) { switch (static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl*>(variantList[i])->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_ALL: traitsMask |= FontVariantMask; break; case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: traitsMask |= FontVariantNormalMask; break; case CSS_VAL_SMALL_CAPS: traitsMask |= FontVariantSmallCapsMask; break; default: break; } } } else traitsMask |= FontVariantNormalMask; */ // Each item in the src property's list is a single CSSFontFaceSource. Put them all into a CSSFontFace. CSSFontFace *fontFace = 0; const int srcLength = srcList->length(); #if 0 // ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) bool foundSVGFont = false; #endif for (int i = 0; i < srcLength; i++) { // An item in the list either specifies a string (local font name) or a URL (remote font to download). CSSFontFaceSrcValueImpl *item = static_cast<CSSFontFaceSrcValueImpl *>(srcList->item(i)); CSSFontFaceSource *source = 0; #if 0 // ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) foundSVGFont = item->isSVGFontFaceSrc() || item->svgFontFaceElement(); #endif if (!item->isLocal()) { if (item->isSupportedFormat() && m_document) { source = new CSSFontFaceSource(item->resource(), true /*distant*/); #if 0 // ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) if (foundSVGFont) { cachedFont->setSVGFont(true); } #endif } } else { source = new CSSFontFaceSource(item->resource()); } if (source) { #if 0 // ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) source->setSVGFontFaceElement(item->svgFontFaceElement()); #endif if (!fontFace) { fontFace = new CSSFontFace(static_cast<FontTraitsMask>(traitsMask), this); } fontFace->addSource(source); } } if (!fontFace || !fontFace->isValid()) { delete fontFace; return; } /* if (rangeList) { unsigned numRanges = rangeList->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRanges; i++) { CSSUnicodeRangeValueImpl* range = static_cast<CSSUnicodeRangeValueImpl*>(rangeList->item(i)); fontFace->addRange(range->from(), range->to()); } } */ // Hash under every single family name. int familyLength = familyList->length(); for (int i = 0; i < familyLength; i++) { CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *item = static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *>(familyList->item(i)); DOMString familyName; if (item->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { familyName = DOMString(static_cast<FontFamilyValueImpl *>(item)->fontName()); } else if (item->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { // We need to use the raw text for all the generic family types, since @font-face is a way of actually // defining what font to use for those types. switch (item->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_SERIF: familyName = "-khtml-serif"; break; case CSS_VAL_SANS_SERIF: familyName = "-khtml-sans-serif"; break; case CSS_VAL_CURSIVE: familyName = "-khtml-cursive"; break; case CSS_VAL_FANTASY: familyName = "-khtml-fantasy"; break; case CSS_VAL_MONOSPACE: familyName = "-khtml-monospace"; break; default: break; } } if (familyName.isEmpty()) { continue; } fontFace->addFamilyName(familyName); m_locallyInstalledFontFaces.insertMulti(familyName.lower(), fontFace); fontFace->ref(); #if 0 // ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) // SVG allows several <font> elements with the same font-family, differing only // in ie. font-variant. Be sure to pick up the right one - in getFontData below. if (foundSVGFont && (traitsMask & FontVariantSmallCapsMask)) { familyName += "-webkit-svg-small-caps"; } #endif /* Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >* familyFontFaces = m_fontFaces.get(familyName); if (!familyFontFaces) { familyFontFaces = new Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >; m_fontFaces.set(familyName, familyFontFaces); ASSERT(!m_locallyInstalledFontFaces.contains(familyName)); Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >* familyLocallyInstalledFaces; Vector<unsigned> locallyInstalledFontsTraitsMasks; fontCache()->getTraitsInFamily(familyName, locallyInstalledFontsTraitsMasks); unsigned numLocallyInstalledFaces = locallyInstalledFontsTraitsMasks.size(); if (numLocallyInstalledFaces) { familyLocallyInstalledFaces = new Vector<RefPtr<CSSFontFace> >; m_locallyInstalledFontFaces.set(familyName, familyLocallyInstalledFaces); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numLocallyInstalledFaces; ++i) { RefPtr<CSSFontFace> locallyInstalledFontFace = CSSFontFace::create(static_cast<FontTraitsMask>(locallyInstalledFontsTraitsMasks[i])); locallyInstalledFontFace->addSource(new CSSFontFaceSource(familyName)); ASSERT(locallyInstalledFontFace->isValid()); familyLocallyInstalledFaces->append(locallyInstalledFontFace); } } } familyFontFaces->append(fontFace); */ } // Should be impossible, but in case empty/invalid family name makes it through... if (fontFace->refCount() < 1) { delete fontFace; } }
DOMString CSSStyleDeclarationImpl::getPropertyValue( int propertyID ) const { if(!m_lstValues) return DOMString(); CSSValueImpl* value = getPropertyCSSValue( propertyID ); if ( value ) return value->cssText(); // Shorthand and 4-values properties switch ( propertyID ) { case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION: { // ## Is this correct? The code in cssparser.cpp is confusing const int properties[2] = { CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION_X, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION_Y }; return getShortHandValue( properties, 2 ); } case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND: { const int properties[5] = { CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_REPEAT, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION, CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR }; return getShortHandValue( properties, 5 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR }; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR}; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR}; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR}; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR}; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_STYLE, CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR }; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR: { const int properties[4] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR }; return get4Values( properties ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH: { const int properties[4] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH }; return get4Values( properties ); } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_STYLE: { const int properties[4] = { CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE, CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE }; return get4Values( properties ); } case CSS_PROP_MARGIN: { const int properties[4] = { CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT }; return get4Values( properties ); } case CSS_PROP_PADDING: { const int properties[4] = { CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP, CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT, CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM, CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT }; return get4Values( properties ); } case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE: { const int properties[3] = { CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_POSITION, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_IMAGE }; return getShortHandValue( properties, 3 ); } } //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "property not found:" << propertyID << endl; return DOMString(); }