Пример #1
int CSString::compare(const CSString &s1, const CSString &s2)
	if (lexicographical_compare(s1._deqCustString->begin(), s1._deqCustString->end(), s2._deqCustString->begin(), s2._deqCustString->end()))
		return -1;
	if (s1.size() != s2.size())
		return 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++)
		if (s1[i] != s2[i])
			return 1;
	return 0;
Пример #2
unsigned CSString::returnFirstPositionSubString(const CSString &str, int from, bool isCaseSensitive) const
	unsigned position;
	int k = 0;
	for (int i = from; i < _deqCustString->size(); i++)
		char curSymbol = str[k];
		if (!isCaseSensitive)
			curSymbol = tolower(str[k]);
			(*_deqCustString)[i] = tolower((*_deqCustString)[i]);
		if (curSymbol != (*_deqCustString)[i])
			if (k != str._deqCustString->size() - 1)
				position = i - str.size() + 1;
				return position;			
	return -1;
Пример #3
void CWords_dicDlg::OnSelchangeResultList() 
	// Get selection
	CString resStr;
	m_Results.GetText( m_Results.GetCurSel(), resStr );
	CSString key = Dico.getWordsKey( CSString(resStr) );

	// Copy the selection into the clipboard
	if ( OpenClipboard() )
		HGLOBAL mem = GlobalAlloc (GHND|GMEM_DDESHARE, key.size()+1);
		if (mem)
			char *pmem = (char*)GlobalLock( mem );
			strcpy( pmem, key.c_str() );
			GlobalUnlock( mem );
			SetClipboardData( CF_TEXT, mem );
		if ( mem )
			CString s;
			s.Format( "\"%s\" copied into the clipboard", key.c_str() );
			GetDlgItem( IDC_Status )->SetWindowText( s );
		GetDlgItem( IDC_Status )->SetWindowText( "Cannot access the clipboard" );
Пример #4
bool CSString::contains(const CSString &str, bool isCaseSensitive) const
	bool isContain = false;
	if (_deqCustString->size() < str.size())
		return isContain;
	if(returnFirstPositionSubString(str, isCaseSensitive) != -1)
		isContain = true;
	return isContain;
Пример #5
 * Set the result vector with strings corresponding to the input string:
 * - If inputStr is partially or completely found in the keys, all the matching <key,words> are returned;
 * - If inputStr is partially or completely in the words, all the matching <key, words> are returned.
 * The following tags can modify the behaviour of the search algorithm:
 * - ^mystring returns mystring only if it is at the beginning of a key or word
 * - mystring$ returns mystring only if it is at the end of a key or word
 * All returned words are in UTF8.
void CWordsDictionary::lookup( const CSString& inputStr, CVectorSString& resultVec ) const
	// Prepare search string
	if ( inputStr.empty() )

	CSString searchStr = inputStr;
	bool findAtBeginning = false, findAtEnd = false;
	if ( searchStr[0] == '^' )
		searchStr = searchStr.substr( 1 );
		findAtBeginning = true;
	if ( searchStr[searchStr.size()-1] == '$' )
		searchStr = searchStr.rightCrop( 1 );
		findAtEnd = true;

	// Search
	const vector<string> &vec = reinterpret_cast<const vector<string>&>(_Keys);
//	for ( CVectorSString::const_iterator ivs=_Keys.begin(); ivs!=_Keys.end(); ++ivs )
	for ( vector<string>::const_iterator ivs=vec.begin(); ivs!=vec.end(); ++ivs )
		const CSString& key = *ivs;
		string::size_type p;
		if ( (p = key.findNS( searchStr.c_str() )) != string::npos )
			if ( ((!findAtBeginning) || (p==0)) && ((!findAtEnd) || (p==key.size()-searchStr.size())) )
				resultVec.push_back( makeResult( key, _Words[ivs-vec.begin()] ) );
	for ( CVectorSString::const_iterator ivs=_Words.begin(); ivs!=_Words.end(); ++ivs )
		const CSString& word = *ivs;
		string::size_type p;
		if ( (p = word.findNS( searchStr.c_str() )) != string::npos )
			if ( ((!findAtBeginning) || (p==0)) && ((!findAtEnd) || (p==word.size()-searchStr.size())) )
				resultVec.push_back( makeResult( _Keys[ivs-_Words.begin()], word ) );
Пример #6
static bool needsQuotes(const CSString& src)
	for (uint32 i=0;i<src.size();++i)
		char c= src[i];
		if (c<=32 || c=='.' || c==':' || c=='#' || c=='\"' || c=='=')
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #7
bool endsWith( const CSString& s, const CSString& substring )
	return (s.right( substring.size() ) == substring);