int ScheduleViewEx::GetYOffset() const { Periods& periods = static_cast<CScheduleApp*>(AfxGetApp())->m_periods; Period& period = periods.GetCurrentPeriod(); CTimeSpan span = period.m_dateRange.GetEndDate() - period.m_dateRange.GetStartDate(); int numberOfXPages = (int)(span.GetDays() / xDelta); if (span.GetDays() % xDelta) // if a partial page, then add 1 numberOfXPages++; int yOffset = m_offset / numberOfXPages; return yOffset; }
void CTortoiseProcApp::EnableCrashHandler() { // the crash handler is enabled by default, but we disable it // after 3 months after a release #define YEAR ((((__DATE__ [7] - '0') * 10 + (__DATE__ [8] - '0')) * 10 \ + (__DATE__ [9] - '0')) * 10 + (__DATE__ [10] - '0')) #define MONTH (__DATE__ [2] == 'n' ? (__DATE__ [1] == 'a' ? 1 : 6) \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'b' ? 2 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'r' ? (__DATE__ [0] == 'M' ? 3 : 4) \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'y' ? 5 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'l' ? 7 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'g' ? 8 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'p' ? 9 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 't' ? 10 \ : __DATE__ [2] == 'v' ? 11 : 12) #define DAY ((__DATE__ [4] == ' ' ? 0 : __DATE__ [4] - '0') * 10 \ + (__DATE__ [5] - '0')) #define DATE_AS_INT (((YEAR - 2000) * 12 + MONTH) * 31 + DAY) CTime compiletime(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, 0, 0, 0); CTime now = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTimeSpan timediff = now-compiletime; if (timediff.GetDays() > 3*31) { // crasher.Enable(FALSE); } }
// // 機能 : 古いログの削除 // // 機能説明 : LOG_EXPIRE 日以上前のログは削除 // // 返り値 : true 正常終了 // false エラー発生 // // 備考 : // bool CTPerror::DelOldLog() { CString str; CFileFind finder; CTime ntm; CTime tm; CTimeSpan tms; CFileSpec fs; /// LOG_EXPIRE期間以前のログファイルを削除 if (!SetCurrentDirectory(LogDir)) return false; ntm = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(_T("*.log")); if (!bWorking) return false; str.Empty(); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if (!finder.IsDirectory()) { str = finder.GetFileName(); /// ログファイル作成日付と現在との差分 finder.GetCreationTime(tm); tms = ntm - tm; if (tms.GetDays() > LOG_EXPIRE) { fs.SetFullSpec(str); if (!fs.Exist()) continue; fs.FileDelete(); } } } finder.Close(); return true; }
int ScheduleViewEx::TotalPages() const { Periods& periods = static_cast<CScheduleApp*>(AfxGetApp())->m_periods; Period& period = periods.GetCurrentPeriod(); CTimeSpan span = period.m_dateRange.GetEndDate() - period.m_dateRange.GetStartDate(); int numberOfXPages = (int)(span.GetDays() / xDelta); if (span.GetDays() % xDelta) // if a partial page, then add 1 numberOfXPages++; int numberOfYPages = period.m_data.m_nurses.Size() / yDelta; if (period.m_data.m_nurses.Size() % yDelta) numberOfYPages++; return numberOfXPages * numberOfYPages; }
void CCenterServerDlg::CheckBanBen() { return ; CString sn ="20071030";////截止日期 long in=atol(sn.GetBuffer (sn.GetLength ())); if(in<=0)return ; int y1=atoi(sn.Mid (0,4)), m1 =atoi(sn.Mid (4,2)), d1=atoi(sn.Mid (6,2)); CTime t1(y1,m1,d1,0,0,0); time_t ct; time( &ct ) ; CTime t2(ct); CTimeSpan tsp; tsp=t2-t1;//// 当前日期 - 截止日期 LONGLONG dd=tsp.GetDays (); if(t2>t1)//dd > 0) { KillTimer(1); KillTimer(2); KillTimer(3); m_CenterServerModule.StoptService(); AfxMessageBox("本软件生命周期到期,请重新联系www.bzw.cn获取升级版本。(此提示并非时间限制,而是说明程序寿命已到,获取升级版本是免费的。)"); CDialog::OnOK ();//theApp.m_pMainWnd->DestroyWindow (); return ; } }
std::string GetTimeSpanStr(CTimeSpan t) { std::string strTime; if (t.GetDays() > 0) strTime = UtilWin::ToUTF8(t.Format(_T("%D, %H:%M:%S"))); else strTime = UtilWin::ToUTF8(t.Format(_T("%H:%M:%S"))); return strTime; }
void CKcsLogging::ClearLogFileByDays(int nDay /* = 7 */) { CHAR szLogFileName[MAX_PATH * 2] = { 0 }; WIN32_FIND_DATAA fd = { 0 }; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(NULL, szLogFileName, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, FALSE); PathAppendA(szLogFileName, "KSafe\\KClear\\Logs"); PathAppendA(szLogFileName, "*.*"); hFile = FindFirstFileA(szLogFileName, &fd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { goto Clear0; } do { if (0 == stricmp(".", fd.cFileName) || 0 == stricmp("..", fd.cFileName)) continue; time_t lNow = 0; time(&lNow); FILETIME localfiletime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&(fd.ftLastWriteTime), &localfiletime); CTime stSys(lNow); CTime stFile(localfiletime); CTimeSpan stSPan; stSPan = stSys - stFile; if (stSPan.GetDays() >= nDay) { CStringA strtemp = szLogFileName ; CStringA strFileName = strtemp.Left(strtemp.ReverseFind(L'\\') + 1); strFileName += fd.cFileName; if (::PathFileExistsA(strFileName)) { ::DeleteFileA(strFileName); } } } while (FindNextFileA(hFile, &fd)); Clear0: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
int GetElapsedDays (int yy,int mm,int dd) { CTime curr; curr =CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime from(curr.GetYear(),curr.GetMonth(),curr.GetDay(),24,0,0); CTime to(yy,mm,dd,24,0,0); CTimeSpan elapsedTime = to - from; return elapsedTime.GetDays(); }
int GetDays(tm ToDay) { CTime from; from =CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime to(ToDay.tm_year,ToDay.tm_mon,ToDay.tm_mday,0,0,0); CTimeSpan elapsedTime = to - from; return elapsedTime.GetDays(); }
BOOL CFilterPasswordDlg::OnInitDialog() { CFilterBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); CString cs_text; // NOTE: This ComboBox is NOT sorted by design ! if (m_cbxRule.GetCount() == 0) { const PWSMatch::MatchRule mrx[] = {PWSMatch::MR_EQUALS, PWSMatch::MR_NOTEQUAL, PWSMatch::MR_BEGINS, PWSMatch::MR_NOTBEGIN, PWSMatch::MR_ENDS, PWSMatch::MR_NOTEND, PWSMatch::MR_CONTAINS, PWSMatch::MR_NOTCONTAIN, PWSMatch::MR_CNTNANY, PWSMatch::MR_NOTCNTNANY, PWSMatch::MR_CNTNALL, PWSMatch::MR_NOTCNTNALL, PWSMatch::MR_EXPIRED, PWSMatch::MR_WILLEXPIRE}; for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(mrx); i++) { UINT iumsg = PWSMatch::GetRule(mrx[i]); cs_text.LoadString(iumsg); int iItem = m_cbxRule.AddString(cs_text); m_cbxRule.SetItemData(iItem, mrx[i]); m_rule2selection[mrx[i]] = iItem; } } int isel = m_rule2selection[(int)m_rule]; if (isel == -1) m_rule = PWSMatch::MR_INVALID; if (m_rule != PWSMatch::MR_INVALID) { m_cbxRule.SetCurSel(isel); EnableDialogItems(); } else m_cbxRule.SetCurSel(-1); // Last 32-bit date is 03:14:07 UTC on Tuesday, January 19, 2038 // Find number of days from now to 2038/01/18 = max value here const CTime ct_Latest(2038, 1, 18, 0, 0, 0); const CTime ct_Now(CTime::GetCurrentTime()); CTimeSpan elapsedTime = ct_Latest - ct_Now; m_maxDays = (int)elapsedTime.GetDays(); UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
/*Delete the logfiles two days ago */ BOOL CFileLogWriter::ClearSomeLogfile( ) { WCHAR szLogFileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szLogFileName, MAX_PATH); PathRemoveFileSpec(szLogFileName); PathAppend(szLogFileName, L"log\\*.*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd = { 0 }; HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile(szLogFileName, &fd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { return FALSE; } do { if (0 == _wcsicmp(L".", fd.cFileName) || 0 == _wcsicmp(L"..", fd.cFileName)) continue; time_t lNow = 0; time(&lNow); FILETIME localfiletime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&(fd.ftLastWriteTime), &localfiletime); CTime stSys(lNow); CTime stFile(localfiletime); CTimeSpan stSPan; stSPan = stSys - stFile; if (stSPan.GetDays() > 6) { CString strtemp = szLogFileName ; CString strFileName = strtemp.Left(strtemp.ReverseFind(L'\\') + 1); strFileName += fd.cFileName; ClearLog(strFileName); } } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &fd)); FindClose(hFile); return TRUE; }
void CXfilterDlg::OnLoad() { IpFilterDriver.init(IP_FILTER_DRIVER_NAME, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); CString s; CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTimeSpan ts; CTime t(0); ts = time - t; s.Format("CurrentTime: %u, %s DayCount:%u, TotalSec:%u, Week: %u\n" , CTime::GetCurrentTime().GetTime() , time.Format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") , ts.GetDays() , ts.GetTotalSeconds() , time.GetDayOfWeek()); // OutputDebugString(s); if (IpFilterDriver.getError() != NO_ERROR) AfxMessageBox(_T("Can't load IpFilter Driver")); }
int CHttpRequest::DownloadNetCommand(BYTE bUpdateInterval, BOOL IsSyn) { int iRet = XERR_UPDATE_INTERVAL_INVALID; // DWORD dwFlags; // if(!InternetGetConnectedState(&dwFlags, 0)) // return XERR_CURRENT_NOT_ONLINE; if(bUpdateInterval >= 100) return XERR_UPDATE_INTERVAL_INVALID; memset(&m_CommandHeader, 0, sizeof(XNET_COMMAND_HEADER)); m_Install.ReadReg(REG_NET_COMMAND_HEADER_ITEM , (BYTE*)&m_CommandHeader, sizeof(XNET_COMMAND_HEADER)); // // 2002/12/20 Modify for v2.1.0 // CTimeSpan ts = CTime::GetCurrentTime() - m_CommandHeader.tCheckTime; int IntervalDays = ts.GetDays(); if( bUpdateInterval == 0 || m_CommandHeader.tCheckTime == 0 || IntervalDays >= bUpdateInterval) { if(m_CommandHeader.tCheckTime != 0) { CString String, Message, Caption; Caption.LoadString(IDS_CAPTION); if(bUpdateInterval != 0) { String.LoadString(IDS_UPDATE_MESSAGE); Message.Format(String, IntervalDays); int iAsk = ::MessageBox(NULL, Message, Caption, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION); if(iAsk == IDNO) return XERR_REGISTER_DLG_CANCEL; } CShell m_Shell; if(m_Shell.RunProgram(PROGRAM_UPDATE) != SHELL_ERROR_SUCCESS) { Message.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_CANT_RUN_FILUP); ::MessageBox(NULL, Message, Caption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return XERR_REGISTER_DLG_CANCEL; } } m_CommandHeader.tCheckTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); m_Install.SaveReg(REG_NET_COMMAND_HEADER_ITEM, (BYTE*)&m_CommandHeader, sizeof(XNET_COMMAND_HEADER)); iRet = XERR_SUCCESS; // // 2002/12/20 remove for v2.1.0 // /* sprintf(m_pUrlRequest, NET_COMMAND_URL); if(IsSyn) { iRet = DownloadCommandFile(this); } else { DWORD dwThreadId; m_DownloadThread = ::CreateThread(NULL , 0, DownloadCommandFile, this, 0, &dwThreadId); m_CommandHeader.tCheckTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); m_Install.SaveReg(REG_NET_COMMAND_HEADER_ITEM, (BYTE*)&m_CommandHeader, sizeof(XNET_COMMAND_HEADER)); iRet = XERR_STATUS_PENDING; } //*/ } return iRet; }
int CCaHtmlParse::ParseCaHtmlFlights(std::list<SCaLowPriceFlightDetail*> & listFlight, const std::string& strHtmlData, const CStringA & straDCode, const CStringA & straACode, const SCaLowPriceFlightInfo* pLowPriceFlightInfo) { TidyDoc doc = tidyCreate(); tidySetCharEncoding(doc,"raw"); tidyParseString(doc,strHtmlData.c_str()); TidyNode tnRoot = tidyGetRoot(doc); TidyNode tFlightTab; TidyNode tdChild; int nIndexTd = 0; CTime tCurrent = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); SCaLowPriceFlightDetail *pfindFlight = NULL; if (FindNode(tnRoot,"class","CA_table mt_10 clear",tFlightTab)) { //循环解析结算价,tblPolicy下的每一个子节点即为一条结算价信息 TidyNode trFlight; int nIndexTr = 0; BOOL bValid = FALSE; CStringA straDPortCode = straDCode; CStringA straAPortCode = straACode; CStringA straFlightNo(""); CStringA straFlightStartDate(""); CStringA straSaleEndDate(""); CStringA straSaleEndTime(""); CStringA straFlightStartTime(""); UINT uPrice = 0; UINT uRemainTicket = 0; for ( trFlight = tidyGetChild(tFlightTab); trFlight; trFlight = tidyGetNext(trFlight) ) { if (0 == nIndexTr)//跳过表头 { nIndexTr++; continue; } nIndexTd = 0; bValid = FALSE; straFlightNo = ""; straFlightStartDate = ""; straSaleEndDate = ""; straSaleEndTime = ""; straFlightStartTime = ""; uPrice = 0; uRemainTicket = 0; for ( tdChild = tidyGetChild(trFlight); tdChild; tdChild = tidyGetNext(tdChild) ) { switch(nIndexTd) { case 0: { //选择,是否为disabled bValid = __IsFlightValid(tdChild); TRACE(_T("Flight valid:%d-"), bValid); } break; case 1: { //日期/航班号 //dumpNode(tdChild, 0); //TRACE(_T("\r\n")); __GetFlightNoAndFlightStartDate(straFlightNo, straFlightStartDate, doc, tdChild); TRACE("date:%s, no:%s-", straFlightStartDate, straFlightNo); //TRACE("%s\r\n", GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild)); } break; case 2: { //起降时间 //dumpNode(tdChild, 0); //TRACE(_T("\r\n")); //TRACE("%s\r\n", GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild)); __GetFlightStartTime(straFlightStartTime, doc, tdChild); } break; case 3: { //机场 //dumpNode(tdChild, 0); //TRACE(_T("\r\n")); //TRACE("%s\r\n", GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild)); if (__IsTwoAirPort(straDCode, straACode)) { __GetAirPortCode(straDPortCode, straAPortCode, doc, tdChild); if(straDPortCode.IsEmpty()) straDPortCode = straDCode; if(straAPortCode.IsEmpty()) straAPortCode = straACode; TRACE("%s->%s-", straDPortCode, straAPortCode); } } break; case 4: { //销售结束日期,时间 //dumpNode(tdChild, 0); //TRACE(_T("\r\n")); //TRACE("%s\r\n", GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild)); __GetSaleEndDate(straSaleEndDate, straSaleEndTime, doc, tdChild); TRACE("sale end date:%s, %s-", straSaleEndDate, straSaleEndTime); } break; case 5: { //团购价 //dumpNode(tdChild, 0); //TRACE(_T("\r\n")); //TRACE("%s\r\n", GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild)); //CStringA straSetPrice = GetNodeContent(doc, tdChild); //double fSetPrice = atof(straSetPrice.GetBuffer(0)); //straSetPrice.ReleaseBuffer(); //tidyRelease(doc); //return fSetPrice; __GetPriceAndRamainTicket(&uPrice, &uRemainTicket, doc, tdChild); TRACE("price:%d, remain %d seats", uPrice, uRemainTicket); } break; } nIndexTd++; } TRACE(_T("\r\n")); //截至日期之后的航班不抓取 //得到起飞日期 int nFlightStartYear = 2014; int nFlightStartMonth = 12; int nFlightStartDay = 12; GetYearMonthDay(straFlightStartDate, &nFlightStartYear, &nFlightStartMonth, &nFlightStartDay); CTime tStart(nFlightStartYear, nFlightStartMonth, nFlightStartDay, 0, 0, 0); //if (!m_bGetAllCaTuanFlight) //{ // if (tStart > m_tGetEndTime) // continue; //} // //double d6 = pLowPriceFlightInfo->iMinHangPrice * 0.6; //UINT u6 = (UINT)d6; ////6折以上普通团购退改签要收费(低价申请不受限制),所以不上 //if (uPrice > d6 && CA_TUAN_PRODUCT == pLowPriceFlightInfo->iProductType) //{ // bValid = FALSE; // uRemainTicket = 0; // continue; //} //相同日期、时间、班次的航班,只取最低价 BOOL bFind = __findCaFlight(&pfindFlight, straFlightStartDate, straDPortCode, straAPortCode, straFlightNo, listFlight); if (bFind) { int nCurPrice = (int)uPrice; //当前解析出的这个比上次解析出的便宜 if(pfindFlight->nPrice > nCurPrice) { if (uRemainTicket > m_nMinTicketWarnNum) { //当前票的数量充足时,用当前票的数量更新上次解析出的数量 pfindFlight->nRemainSeat = uRemainTicket; pfindFlight->nPrice = nCurPrice; pfindFlight = NULL; } } else //(pfindFlight->nPrice <= nCurPrice) { if(pfindFlight->nRemainSeat <= m_nMinTicketWarnNum) { pfindFlight->nRemainSeat = uRemainTicket; pfindFlight->nPrice = nCurPrice; pfindFlight = NULL; } } continue; } //保存解析出来的航班信息,调用者负责释放内存 if (bValid) { SCaLowPriceFlightDetail* pDetail = new SCaLowPriceFlightDetail; pDetail->straCompany = "CA"; pDetail->straFromCityCode = straDPortCode; pDetail->straToCityCode = straAPortCode; pDetail->straFlightNo = straFlightNo; pDetail->straFromDate = straFlightStartDate; //由于携程订单进入需要一定的时间,国航下班16:00下班,所以当天的票,第2天12:00之前的票,销售结束时间提前30分钟, //取销售间隔 int nSaleEndYear = 2014; int nSaleEndMonth = 12; int nSaleEndDay = 12; GetYearMonthDay(straSaleEndDate, &nSaleEndYear, &nSaleEndMonth, &nSaleEndDay); int nSaleEndHour = 12; int nSaleEndMin = 0; GetHourMinSec(straSaleEndTime, &nSaleEndHour, &nSaleEndMin); CTime tSaleEndDate(nSaleEndYear, nSaleEndMonth, nSaleEndDay, nSaleEndHour, nSaleEndMin, 0); CTimeSpan tSpan = tSaleEndDate - tCurrent; //end 取销售间隔 //得到起飞时间 int nFlightStartHour = 12; int nFlightStartMin = 0; GetHourMinSec(straFlightStartTime, &nFlightStartHour, &nFlightStartMin); CTime tFlightStartTime(nFlightStartYear, nFlightStartMonth, nFlightStartDay, nFlightStartHour, nFlightStartMin, 0); CTime tTimeKey(nFlightStartYear, nFlightStartMonth, nFlightStartDay, 12, 0, 0); //end 得到起飞时间 //今明两天的、起飞时间在12点之前、且是低价申请的,销售结束时间为 前一天的官网销售结束的前30分钟 if ((CA_TUAN_LOW_PRICE_APPLY_PRODUT == pLowPriceFlightInfo->iProductType) && (1 == tSpan.GetDays()))//明天的的低价申请 { if(tFlightStartTime <= tTimeKey)//明天12起飞的低价申请, 今天下午3:25前有效(国航4点下班) { pDetail->straSaleEndDate.Format("%d-%02d-%02d", tCurrent.GetYear(), tCurrent.GetMonth(), tCurrent.GetDay()); CTime tSaleEnd(tCurrent.GetYear(), tCurrent.GetMonth(), tCurrent.GetDay(), 15, 25, 0); pDetail->straSaleEndTime.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", tSaleEnd.GetHour(), tSaleEnd.GetMinute(), 0); } else//明天12后起飞的低价申请,明早可以出票 { pDetail->straSaleEndDate = straSaleEndDate; pDetail->straSaleEndTime.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", nSaleEndHour, nSaleEndMin, 0); } } else if ((CA_TUAN_LOW_PRICE_APPLY_PRODUT == pLowPriceFlightInfo->iProductType) && (tSpan.GetDays() < 1))//今天的的低价申请,今天下午3:30前有效(国航4点下班) { pDetail->straSaleEndDate.Format("%d-%02d-%02d", tCurrent.GetYear(), tCurrent.GetMonth(), tCurrent.GetDay()); CTime tSaleEnd(tCurrent.GetYear(), tCurrent.GetMonth(), tCurrent.GetDay(), 15, 30, 0); pDetail->straSaleEndTime.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", tSaleEnd.GetHour(), tSaleEnd.GetMinute(), 0); } else//普通团购,后天及以后的低价申请 { pDetail->straSaleEndDate = straSaleEndDate; pDetail->straSaleEndTime.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", nSaleEndHour, nSaleEndMin, 0); } //政策销售时间到,删除政策 GetYearMonthDay(pDetail->straSaleEndDate, &nSaleEndYear, &nSaleEndMonth, &nSaleEndDay); int nSaleEndSec = 0; GetHourMinSec(pDetail->straSaleEndTime, &nSaleEndHour, &nSaleEndMin, &nSaleEndSec); CTime tPolicyDeleteTime(nSaleEndYear, nSaleEndMonth, nSaleEndDay, nSaleEndHour, nSaleEndMin, nSaleEndSec); if (tCurrent >= tPolicyDeleteTime) uRemainTicket = 0; pDetail->nPrice = uPrice; pDetail->nProductId = pLowPriceFlightInfo->iProductId; pDetail->nRemainSeat = uRemainTicket; pDetail->nProductType = pLowPriceFlightInfo->iProductType; listFlight.push_back(pDetail); } } } tidyRelease(doc); return -1.0; }
CCustomerStatistics::CCustomerStatistics(long lAsID, CAuctionCtrl* pActl, CMC* pMC) // oikea konstruktori { m_pActl = pActl; ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); double dM = 0; double dY = 0; double dA = 0; m_iLoansInAuction = 0; m_dAuctionDeficit = 0; m_dAuctionBalance = 0; m_dPayableAuctionBalance = 0; m_dAuctionSum = 0; CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTime tNow((t.GetYear()), (t.GetMonth()), (t.GetDay()), 0,0,0); CTimeSpan ts; CHKLainatRS* pALrs = pMC->m_pDB->getAuctionLoanRS(); //pALrs->m_strFilter.Format("HKL_AsID = %ld and HKL_Kuittaus = 1 and HKL_YlijMaksuPv is null and HKL_YlijKuittausPv is null", lAsID); pALrs->m_strFilter.Format("HKL_AsID = %ld", lAsID); //pALrs->m_strFilter.Format("HKL_AsID = %ld", lAsID); try { pALrs->Open(); while (!pALrs->IsEOF()) { m_iLoansInAuction++; // kaikki huutokaupassa olevien lainojen summa if (!pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_Laina)) { dM = pALrs->m_HKL_Laina; m_dAuctionSum = m_dAuctionSum + pALrs->m_HKL_Laina; } if (!pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_KorotKulut)) { dM = dM + pALrs->m_HKL_KorotKulut; } if (!pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_HKkulut)) { dM = dM + pALrs->m_HKL_HKkulut; } // -- ylijäämä --- if (!pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_Myyntihinta)) { if (dM < pALrs->m_HKL_Myyntihinta) // ylijäämä { dY = pALrs->m_HKL_Myyntihinta - dM; m_dAuctionBalance = m_dAuctionBalance + dY; // // //if (hklaina >1v ja maksamaton) ts = tNow - pALrs->m_HKL_MyyntiPv; // /*TRACE("Myynnistä aikaa %ld vrk\n", ts.GetDays()); if( pALrs->m_HKL_Kuittaus == TRUE) TRACE("pALrs->m_HKL_Kuittaus == TRUE\n"); TRACE("Laina-kulut= %7.2f\n", dY); if( pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_YlijKuittausPv)) TRACE("pALrs->m_HKL_YlijKuittausPv=NULL\n"); if( pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_YlijMaksuPv)) TRACE("m_HKL_YlijMaksuPv=NULL\n"); */// // if ((pALrs->m_HKL_Kuittaus == TRUE) && (dY > 0.01) && (pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_YlijKuittausPv)) && (pALrs->IsFieldNull(&pALrs->m_HKL_YlijMaksuPv)) ) { if (ts.GetDays() <= theApp.GetAs()->m_AT_YlijKuitAikaraja) { m_dPayableAuctionBalance = m_dPayableAuctionBalance + pALrs->m_HKL_Ylij_Alij; } } } else // alijäämä { dA = dM - pALrs->m_HKL_Myyntihinta; m_dAuctionDeficit = m_dAuctionDeficit + dA; } } pALrs->MoveNext(); } pALrs->Close(); } catch (CDBException* e) { AfxMessageBox(e->m_strError); e->Delete(); pALrs->Close(); } }
void CActivityView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { bool bInserting = false; POSITION pos; int nDocCount; CListCtrl & pList = GetListCtrl (); // if we don't want list updated right now, then exit if (m_bUpdateLockout) return; // TRACE ("Activity window being updated\n"); m_bUpdateLockout = TRUE; App.m_bUpdateActivity = FALSE; App.m_timeLastActivityUpdate = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); // if the list has the same number of worlds (and they are the same // worlds), then we can not bother deleting the list and re-adding it // first, count worlds pos = App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); for (nDocCount = 0; pos; nDocCount++) App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos); // if count is the same, check world is the same as in the list if (nDocCount == pList.GetItemCount ()) { pos = App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos) { CMUSHclientDoc* pDoc = (CMUSHclientDoc*) App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos); int nItem = pDoc->m_view_number - 1; if (nItem < 0) { bInserting = true; break; } if ((DWORD) pDoc != pList.GetItemData (nItem)) { bInserting = true; break; } } // end of looping through each world } // end of world count being same as list count else bInserting = true; // different counts, must re-do list if (bInserting) pList.DeleteAllItems (); // add all documents to the list pos = App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); for (int nItem = 0; pos != NULL; nItem++) { CMUSHclientDoc* pDoc = (CMUSHclientDoc*) App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos); if (bInserting) pDoc->m_view_number = nItem + 1; // so we can use Ctrl+1 etc. else nItem = pDoc->m_view_number - 1; // use existing item number CString strSeq; CString strLines; CString strNewLines; CString strStatus; CString strSince; CString strDuration; strSeq.Format ("%ld", pDoc->m_view_number); strNewLines.Format ("%ld", pDoc->m_new_lines); strLines.Format ("%ld", pDoc->m_total_lines); // work out world status strStatus = GetConnectionStatus (pDoc->m_iConnectPhase); // when they connected if (pDoc->m_iConnectPhase == eConnectConnectedToMud) strSince = pDoc->FormatTime (pDoc->m_tConnectTime, "%#I:%M %p, %d %b"); else strSince.Empty (); // work out world connection duration // first time spent in previous connections CTimeSpan ts = pDoc->m_tsConnectDuration; // now time spent connected in this session, if we are connected if (pDoc->m_iConnectPhase == eConnectConnectedToMud) ts += CTime::GetCurrentTime() - pDoc->m_tConnectTime; if (ts.GetDays () > 0) strDuration = ts.Format ("%Dd %Hh %Mm %Ss"); else if (ts.GetHours () > 0) strDuration = ts.Format ("%Hh %Mm %Ss"); else if (ts.GetMinutes () > 0) strDuration = ts.Format ("%Mm %Ss"); else strDuration = ts.Format ("%Ss"); // sequence if (bInserting) pList.InsertItem (nItem, strSeq); // eColumnSeq pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnMush, pDoc->m_mush_name); pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnNew, strNewLines); pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnLines, strLines); pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnStatus, strStatus); pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnSince, strSince); pList.SetItemText(nItem, eColumnDuration, strDuration); if (bInserting) pList.SetItemData(nItem, (DWORD) pDoc); LVITEM lvitem; memset (&lvitem, 0, sizeof lvitem); // update where tick goes lvitem.iImage = 0; if (pDoc->m_pActiveCommandView || pDoc->m_pActiveOutputView) lvitem.iImage = 1; // show the tick lvitem.mask = LVIF_IMAGE; lvitem.iItem = nItem; pList.SetItem (&lvitem); } // end of searching for all documents // make sure in same order that we left them pList.SortItems (CompareFunc, m_reverse << 8 | m_last_col); m_bUpdateLockout = FALSE; } // end of CActivityView::OnUpdate
void COscillogram::DrawGrid(CDC *dc) { //_DrawGrid(dc); CString tempStr; CSize tempSzie; int tempPos; CFont m_cFont, *oldFont; CPen pen(PS_SOLID,6,m_GridColor); m_cFont.CreatePointFont(260,"宋体");//"Arial"); oldFont = dc->SelectObject(&m_cFont); dc->SelectObject(&pen); dc->SetTextColor(m_xyTextColor); float m_xTemp = (float)m_GridRect.Width() / (m_xShowCount-1); float m_yTemp = (float)m_GridRect.Height() / (m_yShowCount-1); CTimeSpan m_xTimeSpan = 0; if(m_showTime) { CTimeSpan sc = m_endTime - m_beginTime; double secCount = (sc.GetDays()*86400) + (sc.GetHours()*3600) + (sc.GetMinutes()*60) + sc.GetSeconds(); secCount = secCount / (m_xShowCount-1); int day = (int)secCount/86400; //天 secCount -= day*86400; int hour = (int)secCount/3600; //小时 secCount -= hour*3600; int minute = (int)secCount/60; //分钟 secCount -= minute*60; int second = (int)secCount; //秒 m_xTimeSpan = CTimeSpan(day,hour,minute,second); } for(int i=0;i<m_xShowCount;i++) { tempPos = m_GridRect.left + (int)(m_xTemp*i); DotLine(dc, tempPos, , tempPos , m_GridRect.bottom , m_GridColor ); if(!m_showTime) tempStr.Format("%.2f", (m_xMaxVal-m_xMinVal)/(m_xShowCount-1) * i + m_xMinVal ); else { CTime cnTime = m_beginTime;; for(int j=0;j<i;j++) cnTime += m_xTimeSpan; tempStr = cnTime.Format("%H:%M:%S");//%Y/%m/%d } tempSzie = dc->GetTextExtent(tempStr); dc->TextOut(tempPos - , m_GridRect.bottom - 15 , tempStr ); } for(int j=0;j<m_yShowCount;j++) { tempPos = + (int)(m_yTemp*j); DotLine(dc, m_GridRect.left , tempPos , m_GridRect.right , tempPos , m_GridColor ); tempStr.Format("%.2f", (m_yMaxVal-m_yMinVal)/(m_yShowCount-1) * (m_yShowCount-1-j) + m_yMinVal ); tempSzie = dc->GetTextExtent(tempStr); dc->TextOut(m_GridRect.left - , tempPos + , tempStr ); } //X轴文本 tempSzie = dc->GetTextExtent(m_xText); dc->TextOut(m_GridRect.right + 15,m_GridRect.bottom +,m_xText); //Y轴文本 tempSzie = dc->GetTextExtent(m_yText); dc->TextOut(m_GridRect.left -, + + 15,m_yText); //XY轴线 dc->MoveTo(m_GridRect.left,; dc->LineTo(m_GridRect.left,m_GridRect.bottom); dc->MoveTo(m_GridRect.left,m_GridRect.bottom); dc->LineTo(m_GridRect.right,m_GridRect.bottom); //上面小三角 int i; for(i=1;i<12;i++) { dc->MoveTo(m_GridRect.left-i-3,; dc->LineTo(m_GridRect.left+i-3,; } //上面小三角 for(i=1;i<12;i++) { dc->MoveTo(m_GridRect.right-i,m_GridRect.bottom-i); dc->LineTo(m_GridRect.right-i,m_GridRect.bottom+i); } dc->SelectObject(oldFont); }
void CDlgSetStockAndTime::OnOK() { // TODO: Add extra validation here if( m_curSelStockCondition != NULL ) { // 日期范围 // 计算终止日期 CString str; CTime timeEnd; if (m_curSelStockCondition->m_dStyle & SelectStock_HisDate) { m_wndEndDate.GetTime( timeEnd ); str.Format("%04d%02d%02d",timeEnd.GetYear(),timeEnd.GetMonth(),timeEnd.GetDay()); } else//yulx add 20091207 { SYSTEMTIME tm; GetLocalTime(&tm); str.Format("%04d%02d%02d",tm.wYear,tm.wMonth,tm.wDay); } m_curSelStockCondition->m_lEndDate = atol(str); // 计算日期长度 if( m_curSelStockCondition->m_dStyle & SelectStock_HisDate ) { CTime timeBegin; m_wndBeginDate.GetTime( timeBegin ); CTimeSpan nSpan = timeEnd - timeBegin; if( (nSpan.GetDays() + 1) <= 0 ) { //AfxMessageBox(CDlgSetStockAndTime_Begin_End_Date_Error); MessageBox(CDlgSetStockAndTime_Begin_End_Date_Error,_T(" 提示 "), MB_OK); m_wndBeginDate.SetFocus(); return; } str.Format("%04d%02d%02d",timeBegin.GetYear(),timeBegin.GetMonth(),timeBegin.GetDay()); m_curSelStockCondition->m_lDateCount = atol(str);//nSpan.GetDays(); } else { m_curSelStockCondition->m_lDateCount = 0; } } // save - begin CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); // 时间 CString str; if( m_curSelStockCondition ) { str.Format("%i;%i",m_curSelStockCondition->m_lDateCount,m_curSelStockCondition->m_lEndDate); } pApp->WriteProfileString(CDlgSetStockAndTime_Section, CDlgSetStockAndTime_Time,str); // 股票范围 str = ""; CString strTemp; StockArea* pCheckData; for( int i = 0; m_ayCheck && i < m_ayCheck->GetSize(); i++ ) { pCheckData = m_ayCheck->GetAt(i); strTemp.Format("%i,%s",pCheckData->lData,pCheckData->strText); str += strTemp; str += ";"; } pApp->WriteProfileString(CDlgSetStockAndTime_Section, CDlgSetStockAndTime_Stock,str); // 选项 if( m_curSelStockCondition ) { pApp->WriteProfileInt(CDlgSetStockAndTime_Section, CDlgSetStockAndTime_Option,m_curSelStockCondition->m_dStyle); } // save - end CDialog::OnOK(); }
void COscillogram::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CStringArray valArray; CDWordArray colArray; CString strVal; CRect mRect; CClientDC dc(this); float length; //鼠标位置绝对象素数 float gValue; int oldMode; int curCell; //所在单元格 CPen pen(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(0,0,0)); BOOL PtState = FALSE; //(整个函数过程的功能)计算所有线所在单元格的数值 oldMode = dc.SetMapMode(MM_LOMETRIC); SetOscillogramRect(&dc); dc.SelectObject(&pen); dc.SetROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN); dc.DPtoLP(&point); //如果 鼠标不在波形图内 或者 没有曲线 不做处理返回 if(!(point.x >= m_GridRect.left && point.x <= m_GridRect.right+3 && point.y <= && point.y >= m_GridRect.bottom) || GetCurveCount() < 1 || m_showTitle == FALSE) { if(m_bPt.x != -1) { DrawMouseLine(&dc,m_bPt); m_bPt =-1; } m_TitleTip.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); return; } //绘画跟随鼠标的十字线 if(m_bPt.x == -1) { m_bPt = point; DrawMouseLine(&dc,point); } else { DrawMouseLine(&dc,m_bPt); m_bPt = point; DrawMouseLine(&dc,point); } //计算个单元格数值 length = (float)( point.x - m_GridRect.left ); curCell = (int)( length / m_xSpan ); if(!m_showTime) { float n1 = (m_xMaxVal - m_xMinVal)/(m_xCount-1); float n2 = m_xMinVal + curCell*n1; strVal.Format("%s: %.2f",m_xText,n2); } else { CTimeSpan m_xTimeSpan = 0; CTimeSpan sc = m_endTime - m_beginTime; CTime cnTime = m_beginTime; double secCount = (sc.GetDays()*86400) + (sc.GetHours()*3600) + (sc.GetMinutes()*60) + sc.GetSeconds(); secCount = secCount / (m_xCount-1); int day = (int)secCount/86400; //天 secCount -= day*86400; int hour = (int)secCount/3600; //小时 secCount -= hour*3600; int minute = (int)secCount/60; //分钟 secCount -= minute*60; int second = (int)secCount; //秒 m_xTimeSpan = CTimeSpan(day,hour,minute,second); for(int j=0;j<curCell;j++) cnTime += m_xTimeSpan; strVal.Format("%s: %s",m_xText,cnTime.Format("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")); } colArray.Add(RGB(0,0,0)); valArray.Add(strVal); for(int i=0;i<GetCurveCount();i++) { gValue = GetCurve(i)->ptVal.GetPointValue(curCell,PtState); if(PtState) strVal.Format("%s: %.2f",GetCurveName(i),gValue); else strVal.Format("%s: ",GetCurveName(i)); colArray.Add(GetCurve(i)->lColor); valArray.Add(strVal); } //显示浮动窗体 dc.LPtoDP(&point); dc.SetMapMode(oldMode); //窗口跟随鼠标位置移动 GetClientRect(mRect); mRect.left += CS_LMARGIN; += CS_LMARGIN; mRect.right -= CS_LMARGIN; mRect.bottom -= CS_LMARGIN; ClientToScreen(&point); ClientToScreen(&mRect); m_TitleTip.SetParentRect(mRect); m_TitleTip.SetStrArray(valArray,colArray); m_TitleTip.SetPos(&point); ScreenToClient(&point); CWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
void CBook::OnBnClickedBookBook() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 char in[10000]; CString note, num; string which; if (info.user == 'c') GetDlgItemText(IDC_BOOK_NUM, num); else num = "1"; if (num == "") { MessageBox(L"还未填写需要机票数", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } if (num > m_list.GetItemText(row, tickets - 1)) { MessageBox(L"超出能预定的张数", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } if (tickets == 4) which = "Business"; else which = "Normal"; GetDlgItemText(IDC_BOOK_SHOW, note); if (MessageBox(L"即将预定 " + num + L"枚 " + note, L"Option", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) == IDCANCEL) return; ClientSocket *client = new ClientSocket; Deal *deal = new Deal; string str; CTime now = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); DWORD dwNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, note, -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); char *infor = new char[dwNum]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, note, -1, infor, dwNum, 0, NULL); dwNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, num, -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); char *n = new char[dwNum]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, num, -1, n, dwNum, 0, NULL); dwNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, m_list.GetItemText(row, 1), -1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); char *tm = new char[dwNum]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, m_list.GetItemText(row, 1), -1, tm, dwNum, 0, NULL); str = tm; //int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec; //year = strtol(str.substr(0, 4).c_str(), NULL, 10); CTime setoff(strtol(str.substr(0, 4).c_str(), NULL, 10), strtol(str.substr(5, 2).c_str(), NULL, 10) + 1, strtol(str.substr(8, 2).c_str(), NULL, 10), 0, 0, 0); CTimeSpan span = setoff - now; str = infor; if (info.user != 'c') sprintf(in, "1;s;select Pos from GiveUp where Num = '%s';", str.substr(0, 3).c_str()); else sprintf(in, "2;c;%s;u;update RealNum set %s = %s - %d where Num = '%s';", str.substr(0, 3).c_str(), which.c_str(), which.c_str(), atoi(n), str.substr(0, 3).c_str()); str = in; try { client->init(); client->Connect(); client->Send(deal->RepaceSpace(str)); str = client->Recv(); client->closeclient(); } catch (SocketFail e) { delete deal; delete client; MessageBox(L"网络连接错误,预定失败", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } if (str == "Fail") { delete deal; delete client; MessageBox(L"预定失败", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } span.GetDays(); if (str != "") {//表明有,已被退回的位置 int pos; if ((pos = str.find("|")) == str.npos) pos = str.find(";"); string Num(infor, 3); sprintf(in, "2;d;delete from GiveUp where Num = '%s' and Pos = '%s';u;update RealNum set %s = %s + 1 where Num = '%s';", Num.c_str(), str.substr(0, pos).c_str(), which.c_str(), which.c_str(), Num.c_str()); str = in; } else { str = infor; sprintf(in, "3;b;%s|%.2d;i;insert into Tickets values('&r', '%s', 0, %s);u;update RealNum set %s = %s + 1 where Num = '%s';", str.substr(0, 3).c_str(), (int)span.GetDays(),, str.substr(str.find("¥") + 2).c_str(), which.c_str(), which.c_str(), str.substr(0, 3).c_str()); str = in; } try { client->init(); client->Connect(); client->Send(deal->RepaceSpace(str)); str = client->Recv(); client->closeclient(); } catch (SocketFail e) { delete deal; delete client; MessageBox(L"网络连接错误,预定失败", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } if (str.substr(str.find("|") + 1, 2) == "OK") { CString t; t = str.substr(0, 18).c_str(); MessageBox(L"票号为 " + t, L"预定成功\n票号已复制到剪贴板", MB_OK | MB_ICONASTERISK); if (OpenClipboard()) { HGLOBAL clipbuffer; char *buffer; EmptyClipboard(); clipbuffer = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, str.substr(0, 18).size() + 1); buffer = (char*)GlobalLock(clipbuffer); strcpy(buffer, LPCSTR(str.substr(0, 18).c_str())); GlobalUnlock(clipbuffer); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, clipbuffer); CloseClipboard(); } } else MessageBox(L"预定失败", L"ERROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); delete deal; delete client; }
unsigned long GetLimitDate(CodeInfo *pCode,short nPeriod,int nDays) { static int min1_download_limit_day = 0; static int min5_download_limit_day = 0; if(min1_download_limit_day == 0 || min5_download_limit_day == 0) { CString strConfigFile = CGeneralHelper::GetSpecifyPath(CGeneralHelper::SETTING_PATH) + "sysconfig.ini"; min1_download_limit_day = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("data_download","min1_download_limit_day",33000,strConfigFile); min5_download_limit_day = ::GetPrivateProfileInt("data_download","min15_download_limit_day",33000,strConfigFile); } short nGZIndex = MakeGZIndex(pCode->m_cCodeType); short nMainType = MakeMarket(pCode->m_cCodeType); int nBeing1min = 931; int nBegin5min = 935; if (nMainType != STOCK_MARKET) { if (nGZIndex) { nBeing1min = 916; nBegin5min = 920; } else { nBeing1min = 901; nBegin5min = 905; } } CTime tm20(2000,1,5,0,0,0); CTime t = GetNowTime(nPeriod); CTimeSpan tmSpan = t - tm20; long lCurTime = t.GetYear()*10000 + t.GetMonth()*100 + t.GetDay(); long nLimitedTime = 0; switch(nPeriod) { case PERIOD_TYPE_DAY: { if (nDays == 0) nLimitedTime = 19900101; else { CTimeSpan tSpanDay(nDays,0,0,0); nLimitedTime = GetIntTimeFromTime(t - tSpanDay,nPeriod); } break; } case PERIOD_TYPE_MINUTE5: { int nLimit = 10; if (nDays != 0) nLimit = nDays < min5_download_limit_day ? nDays : min5_download_limit_day; else nLimit = tmSpan.GetDays(); CTimeSpan tSpan5(nLimit,0,0,0); CTime nLimitTm = t - tSpan5; nLimitedTime = nBegin5min+ nLimitTm.GetDay()* 10000 + nLimitTm.GetMonth() * 1000000 + (nLimitTm.GetYear() - 1990)* 100000000; //nLimitedTime = GetIntTimeFromTime(t - tSpan5,nPeriod); break; } case PERIOD_TYPE_MINUTE1: { int nLimit = 10; if (nDays != 0) nLimit = nDays < min1_download_limit_day ? nDays : min1_download_limit_day; else nLimit = tmSpan.GetDays(); CTimeSpan tSpan1(nLimit,0,0,0); CTime nLimitTm = t - tSpan1; nLimitedTime = nBeing1min + nLimitTm.GetDay()* 10000 + nLimitTm.GetMonth() * 1000000 + (nLimitTm.GetYear() - 1990)* 100000000; break; } } return nLimitedTime; }
int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPTSTR lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { #ifdef __EXPIRATION__ // Program Expiration routines CTime expirationTime(2010, // year 2, // month 30, // date 23, // hour 24 59, // minute 59); // second CTime currentTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTimeSpan leftTime = expirationTime - currentTime; // 사용 기간이 남았을 경우 if(leftTime.GetTotalSeconds() > 0) { CString msg; msg = L""; msg += L"This is a trial version of BTools2\n"; msg += expirationTime.Format(L"Expiration date :\n %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\n\n"); msg += leftTime.Format(L"%D day(s) and\n %H:%M:%S left" ); // 사용 기간이 3일 미만 남았을 경우 if(leftTime.GetDays() < 7) { msg = leftTime.Format(L"This software will expire after %D day(s)");// %H Hour(s) %M Minute(s)"); //AtlMessageBox(NULL, msg.GetBuffer(), L"Expiration Warning"); } //AfxMessageBox(msg); } else // 사용 기간이 만료된 경우 { CString msg("This is a trial version of BTools2\n" "If you want to use this software more\n" "Please contact to me.\[email protected]\n" "Thank you for your interest\n"); msg += expirationTime.Format(L"Expiration date :\n %Y-%m-%d %H:%M\n\n"); msg += leftTime.Format(L"%D day(s) and\n %H:%M:%S passed" ); //msg.Format(L"This software is submitted for the Windows Mobile Contest"); //AtlMessageBox(NULL, msg.GetBuffer(), L"Warning"); return FALSE; } #endif #ifdef __TSTORE_ARM__0 // ARM T_RETURN ret; TAPPID *APPID = TSTORE_APPLICATION_ID; bool aSuccess=true; T_RETURN res; ARM_PLUGIN_Initialize(&res,APPID); if (res.code == ARM_SUCCESS) { ARM_PLUGIN_CheckLicense(&res); if (res.code == ARM_SUCCESS) { ARM_PLUGIN_RequestLicense(&res); if (res.code !=ARM_SUCCESS) { //실패시 구현 aSuccess=false; TCHAR wszMsg[1024]; if(ret.pMsg) { ansi_to_unicode(ret.pMsg, strlen(ret.pMsg), wszMsg, 1024); ::AtlMessageBox(NULL, wszMsg, L"[ARM]Request License"); } } } else {//실패시 메시 구현 aSuccess=false; TCHAR wszMsg[1024]; switch(res.code) { case CLICENSE_DENY: case CLICENSE_NOT_EXIST: case CLICENSE_EXPIRED: case CLICENSE_INVALID: { if(ret.pMsg) { ansi_to_unicode(ret.pMsg, strlen(ret.pMsg), wszMsg, 1024); ::AtlMessageBox(NULL, wszMsg, L"[ARM]Check License"); } } default: ; } } } else { aSuccess=false; } ARM_PLUGIN_Uninitialize(&res); //if (! aSuccess) return 0;//PostQuitMessage(0); #endif //CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal(); // HRESULT hRes = CBTools2Frame::ActivatePreviousInstance(hInstance, lpstrCmdLine); if(FAILED(hRes) || S_FALSE == hRes) { return hRes; } hRes = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes)); AtlInitCommonControls(ICC_DATE_CLASSES); SHInitExtraControls(); hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes)); int nRet = CBTools2Frame::AppRun(lpstrCmdLine, nCmdShow); _Module.Term(); ::CoUninitialize(); return nRet; }
void CWorldSocket::OnClose(int nErrorCode) { bool bWasClosed = m_pDoc->m_iConnectPhase == eConnectNotConnected; TRACE1 ("CWorldSocket::OnClose, error code %i\n", nErrorCode); m_pDoc->m_iConnectPhase = eConnectDisconnecting; m_pDoc->UpdateAllViews (NULL); m_pDoc->MXP_Off (true); // turn off MXP now // update button bar - make button red if (m_pDoc->m_view_number >= 1 && m_pDoc->m_view_number <= 10) Frame.OnUpdateBtnWorlds (m_pDoc->m_view_number, NULL); // execute "disconnect" script if (m_pDoc->m_ScriptEngine) { if (m_pDoc->SeeIfHandlerCanExecute (m_pDoc->m_strWorldDisconnect)) { DISPPARAMS params = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; long nInvocationCount = 0; m_pDoc->ExecuteScript (m_pDoc->m_dispidWorldDisconnect, m_pDoc->m_strWorldDisconnect, eWorldAction, "world disconnect", "disconnecting from world", params, nInvocationCount); } } // end of executing disconnect script m_pDoc->SendToAllPluginCallbacks (ON_PLUGIN_DISCONNECT); // close log file if we auto-opened it if (!m_pDoc->m_strAutoLogFileName.IsEmpty ()) m_pDoc->CloseLog (); if (m_pDoc->m_bShowConnectDisconnect && !bWasClosed) { CTime theTime; theTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString strConnected; strConnected = theTime.Format (TranslateTime ("--- Disconnected on %A, %B %d, %Y, %#I:%M %p ---")); m_pDoc->Note (strConnected); // find time spent connected CTimeSpan ts = CTime::GetCurrentTime() - m_pDoc->m_tConnectTime; CString strDuration = TFormat ("--- Connected for %i day%s, %i hour%s, %i minute%s, %i second%s. ---", PLURAL ((long) ts.GetDays()), PLURAL ((long) ts.GetHours()), PLURAL ((long) ts.GetMinutes()), PLURAL ((long) ts.GetSeconds())); m_pDoc->Note (strDuration); // and a horizontal rule m_pDoc->m_pCurrentLine->flags = HORIZ_RULE; m_pDoc->StartNewLine (true, 0); } // end of message in world window wanted CString strInfo = TFormat ("--- Received %i line%s, sent %i line%s.", PLURAL (m_pDoc->m_nTotalLinesReceived), PLURAL (m_pDoc->m_nTotalLinesSent) ); m_pDoc->Note (strInfo); strInfo = TFormat ("--- Output buffer has %i/%i line%s in it (%.1f%% full).", m_pDoc->m_LineList.GetCount (), m_pDoc->m_maxlines, (m_pDoc->m_LineList.GetCount ()) == 1 ? "" : "s", (double) m_pDoc->m_LineList.GetCount () / (double) m_pDoc->m_maxlines * 100.0 ); m_pDoc->Note (strInfo); strInfo = TFormat ("--- Matched %i trigger%s, %i alias%s, and %i timer%s fired.", PLURAL (m_pDoc->m_iTriggersMatchedThisSessionCount), PLURALES (m_pDoc->m_iAliasesMatchedThisSessionCount), PLURAL (m_pDoc->m_iTimersFiredThisSessionCount) ); m_pDoc->Note (strInfo); CString str; str = TFormat ("The \"%s\" server has closed the connection", (const char *) m_pDoc->m_mush_name); if (App.m_bNotifyOnDisconnect && !m_pDoc->m_bDisconnectOK) { if (App.m_bErrorNotificationToOutputWindow) m_pDoc->Note (str); else ::UMessageBox (str, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else Frame.SetStatusMessage (str); m_pDoc->m_iConnectPhase = eConnectNotConnected; m_pDoc->UpdateAllViews (NULL); // force window title to be redrawn } // end of OnClose