Пример #1
void CFavorit::FillTree (CTreeCtrl& wndTree, HTREEITEM htreeItemParent)
	for (POSITION pos = m_lstSubItems.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;)
		CFavorit* pFavorit = (CFavorit*) m_lstSubItems.GetNext (pos);
		ASSERT_VALID (pFavorit);

		HTREEITEM hTreeItem = wndTree.InsertItem (pFavorit->m_strName, 
			pFavorit->m_iIcon, pFavorit->m_iIcon, htreeItemParent);
		wndTree.SetItemData (hTreeItem, (DWORD_PTR) pFavorit);

		pFavorit->FillTree (wndTree, hTreeItem);
Пример #2
// @pymethod int|PyCTreeCtrl|SetItemData|Sets the item's application-specific value.
PyObject *PyCTreeCtrl_SetItemData( PyObject *self, PyObject *args )
	CTreeCtrl *pList = GetTreeCtrl(self);
	if (!pList) return NULL;
	PyObject *obItem;
	int data;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Oi:SetItemData",
		                   &obItem, // @pyparm HTREEITEM|item||The item whose Data is to be set.
						   &data)) // @pyparm int|Data||New value for the data.
		return NULL;
	if (!PyWinObject_AsHANDLE(obItem, (HANDLE *)&item))
		return NULL;
	BOOL ok = pList->SetItemData(item, data);
	if (!ok)
		RETURN_ERR("SetItemData failed");
	// @comm Note that a reference count is not added to the object.  This it is your
	// responsibility to make sure the object remains alive while in the list.
Пример #3
int CIISConfigHelper::PopulateTreeFromMetaBase(CTreeCtrl& cTree, HTREEITEM htParent, LPCWSTR pszMetaBasePath, LPCWSTR pszURI, IMSAdminBase* pAdminBase, const std::set<CStringW>& IgnoreDirNames, int nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex)
	if (htParent == NULL || pszMetaBasePath == NULL || pszURI == NULL || pAdminBase == NULL)
		return 0;	

	// we are going to enum the metabase...
	CIISMetaBase MetaBase(pAdminBase);
	// enum the given metabase path for child keys
	std::vector<std::wstring> saKeys;
	if (MetaBase.EnumKeys(CString(pszMetaBasePath), saKeys) == false || saKeys.size() == 0)
		return 0;

	// keep track of the number of child VRs we find
	int nTotalVRs = 0;

	// loop through all the child keys
	for (int i = 0; i < (int) saKeys.size(); i++)
		// check to see whether we should ignore this dir
		if (IgnoreDirNames.find(saKeys[i].c_str()) != IgnoreDirNames.end())

		CStringW sChildURI = pszURI;

		int nChildURILength = sChildURI.GetLength();
		if (nChildURILength > 0 && sChildURI[nChildURILength - 1] != '/')
			sChildURI += '/';

		sChildURI += saKeys[i].c_str();

		CStringW sChildMetaBasePath = pszMetaBasePath;
		sChildMetaBasePath += '/';
		sChildMetaBasePath += saKeys[i].c_str();

		// add the key to the tree (since children may need it)
		HTREEITEM htVR = cTree.InsertItem(CString(saKeys[i].c_str()), nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex, nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex, htParent);

		// drop down to enumerate the child key
		int nChildVRs = PopulateTreeFromMetaBase(cTree, htVR, sChildMetaBasePath, sChildURI, pAdminBase, IgnoreDirNames, nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex);

		// if the key doesn't have a VR itself or it didn't have any children with VRs then it's nothing
		// of interest. Delete the tree item and move to the next key.
		CIISMetaBaseData VRPath;		
		if (VRPath.ReadData(pAdminBase, sChildMetaBasePath, MD_VR_PATH) == false && nChildVRs <= 0)

		// we need an item data for this tree item
		IISURIItem* pItem = new IISURIItem;
		pItem->sMetaBasePath = sChildMetaBasePath;
		pItem->sURI = sChildURI;

		// get the VR_PATH (there may not be one)
		std::wstring sVRPath;
		if (VRPath.GetAsString(sVRPath) == true)
			pItem->Type = IISURIItem::VirtualRoot;
			pItem->sFileSystemPath = sVRPath.c_str();
			pItem->Type = IISURIItem::IncompleteFileSystemPath;

		cTree.SetItemData(htVR, (DWORD_PTR) pItem);

		// keep track of the number of VRs in this branch
		nTotalVRs += nChildVRs;

	return nTotalVRs;
Пример #4
void CIISConfigHelper::PopulateTreeFromFileSystem(CTreeCtrl& cTree, HTREEITEM htParent, const std::set<CStringW>& IgnoreDirNames, int nMaxDepth)
	if (htParent == NULL)

	// get the item data from the tree item
	IISURIItem* pParentItem = (IISURIItem*) cTree.GetItemData(htParent);
	if (pParentItem == NULL)
		ASSERT(pParentItem != NULL);

	// if the item is incomplete then we need to get it's file system path
	if (pParentItem->Type == IISURIItem::IncompleteFileSystemPath && pParentItem->sFileSystemPath.GetLength() <= 0)
		// get the grand parent item
		HTREEITEM htGrandParent = cTree.GetParentItem(htParent);
		if (htGrandParent == NULL)
			ASSERT(htGrandParent != NULL);

		// get the grand parent item data
		IISURIItem* pGrandParentItem = (IISURIItem*) cTree.GetItemData(htGrandParent);
		if (pGrandParentItem == NULL)
			ASSERT(pGrandParentItem != NULL);

		// the grand parent MUST not be incomplete
		if (pGrandParentItem->Type == IISURIItem::IncompleteFileSystemPath)
			ASSERT(pGrandParentItem->Type != IISURIItem::IncompleteFileSystemPath);

		// get the item name
		CStringW sName = CStringW(cTree.GetItemText(htParent));
		if (sName.GetLength() <= 0)
			ASSERT(sName.GetLength() > 0);

		// make the path to the parent item
		CPathT<CStringW> ItemFileSystemPath(pGrandParentItem->sFileSystemPath);

		// assign the new file system path and set the type
		pParentItem->sFileSystemPath = (LPCWSTR) ItemFileSystemPath;
		pParentItem->Type = IISURIItem::FileSystem;

	// if the item already has children then we need to build up a list of their names
	std::set<CStringW> KnownDirs;
	if (cTree.ItemHasChildren(htParent) == TRUE)
		// loop through all the children
		HTREEITEM htChild = cTree.GetChildItem(htParent);
		while (htChild != NULL)
			// get the child name
			CStringW sName = CStringW(cTree.GetItemText(htChild));

			// we need lower case so we can compare easier

			// add the name to the known list

			// move on to the next child item
			htChild = cTree.GetNextSiblingItem(htChild);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	ATLTRACE2(L"CIISConfigHelper::PopulateTreeFromFileSystem() : searching '%s'\n", pParentItem->sFileSystemPath);

	// create a search string
	CPathT<CStringW> FileSystemPath(pParentItem->sFileSystemPath);
	CStringW sSearchPath = (LPCWSTR) FileSystemPath;	

	// start the search
	WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData;	
	HANDLE hFind = ::FindFirstFileW(sSearchPath, &FindData);
		// TODO: empty

	CArray<CStringW, LPCWSTR> saDirs;	

	// guess that we will have 32 sub dirs (the array will grow if we have more)

	// keep track of the number of dirs we have actually found
	int nDirsFound = 0;

		if ((FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)

		// eliminate . and .. from the search
		if (FindData.cFileName[0] == '.')
			if (FindData.cFileName[1] == '\0')
			else if (FindData.cFileName[1] == '.' && FindData.cFileName[2] == '\0')
		// convert to lower case
		CStringW sTempFileName = FindData.cFileName;

		// only add to the collection if we don't already know about it
		if (KnownDirs.find(sTempFileName) != KnownDirs.end())

		// if it's a known ignore dir name - then ignore it
		if (IgnoreDirNames.find(sTempFileName) != IgnoreDirNames.end())
#ifdef _DEBUG
		ATLTRACE2(L"CIISConfigHelper::PopulateTreeFromFileSystem() : found '%s'\n", FindData.cFileName);

		saDirs.SetAtGrow(nDirsFound, FindData.cFileName);		

		// we have found one
	while (::FindNextFileW(hFind, &FindData) == TRUE);	

	// get rid of the find handle
	hFind = NULL;	
	if (nDirsFound <= 0)

	if (nMaxDepth <= 0)
		cTree.InsertItem(EmptyNodeString, htParent);

	for (int i = 0; i < nDirsFound; i++)
		CString sDir(saDirs[i]);
		HTREEITEM htChild = cTree.InsertItem(sDir, htParent);		

		// create the child file system path
		CPathT<CStringW> FileSystemPath(pParentItem->sFileSystemPath);

		// we need an item data for this tree item
		IISURIItem* pChildItem = new IISURIItem;
		pChildItem->Type = IISURIItem::FileSystem;
		pChildItem->sFileSystemPath = (LPCWSTR) FileSystemPath;

		// make the child URI
		CStringW sChildURI = pParentItem->sURI;
		int nChildURILength = sChildURI.GetLength();
		if (nChildURILength > 0 && sChildURI[nChildURILength - 1] != '/')
			sChildURI += '/';

		// append the dir name
		sChildURI += saDirs[i];

		// assign the URI to the item data
		pChildItem->sURI = sChildURI;

		// store the item data
		cTree.SetItemData(htChild, (DWORD_PTR) pChildItem);

		PopulateTreeFromFileSystem(cTree, htChild, IgnoreDirNames, nMaxDepth - 1);
Пример #5
void CIISConfigHelper::PopulateTreeFromXML(CTreeCtrl& cTree, HTREEITEM htParent, int nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex, IISWebSite* pInstanceItem)
	if (pInstanceItem == NULL)

	// get the config file
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> pDoc;
	if (CIIS7XMLConfigHelper::GetApplicationHostConfigDocument(&pDoc) != S_OK || pDoc == NULL)

	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pSite;
	HRESULT hr = CIIS7XMLConfigHelper::GetSiteNode(pDoc, pInstanceItem->sInstance, &pSite);
	if (hr != S_OK || pSite == NULL)

	// get the 'applications' of the site
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pApplications;
	hr = pSite->selectNodes(CComBSTR(L"application"), &pApplications);
	if (hr != S_OK || pApplications == NULL)

	long nApplications = 0;
	hr = pApplications->get_length(&nApplications);

	// we are going to turn the XML into a more usable form, so we need map for this
	std::map<std::wstring, IISURIItem> uriitems;

	// loop thru the applications
	for (long i = 0; i < nApplications; i++)
		CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pApplicationNode;
		hr = pApplications->get_item(i, &pApplicationNode);
		if (hr != S_OK || pApplicationNode == NULL)

		CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> pApplicationAttribs;
		hr = pApplicationNode->get_attributes(&pApplicationAttribs);
		if (hr != S_OK || pApplicationAttribs == NULL)
		CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pApplicationPathAttr;
		hr = pApplicationAttribs->getNamedItem(CComBSTR(L"path"), &pApplicationPathAttr);
		if (hr != S_OK || pApplicationPathAttr == NULL)

		CComBSTR bsApplicationURI;
		hr = pApplicationPathAttr->get_text(&bsApplicationURI);

		CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pVirtualDirectories;
		hr = pApplicationNode->selectNodes(CComBSTR(L"virtualDirectory"), &pVirtualDirectories);
		if (hr != S_OK || pVirtualDirectories == NULL)

		long nVirtualDirectories = 0;
		hr = pVirtualDirectories->get_length(&nVirtualDirectories);

		for (long j = 0; j < nVirtualDirectories; j++)
			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pVirtualDirectoryNode;
			hr = pVirtualDirectories->get_item(j, &pVirtualDirectoryNode);
			if (hr != S_OK || pVirtualDirectoryNode == NULL)

			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> pVirtualDirectoryAttribs;
			hr = pVirtualDirectoryNode->get_attributes(&pVirtualDirectoryAttribs);
			if (hr != S_OK || pVirtualDirectoryAttribs == NULL)

			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pVirtualDirectoryPathNode;
			hr = pVirtualDirectoryAttribs->getNamedItem(CComBSTR(L"path"), &pVirtualDirectoryPathNode);

			CComBSTR bsVirtualDirectoryURI;
			hr = pVirtualDirectoryPathNode->get_text(&bsVirtualDirectoryURI);

			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pPhysicalPathNode;
			hr = pVirtualDirectoryAttribs->getNamedItem(CComBSTR(L"physicalPath"), &pPhysicalPathNode);

			CComBSTR bsPhysicalPath;
			hr = pPhysicalPathNode->get_text(&bsPhysicalPath);

			IISURIItem item;			

			// figure out the type of the item
			if (bsApplicationURI == L"/" && bsVirtualDirectoryURI == L"/")
				item.Type = IISURIItem::WebServer;
				item.Type = IISURIItem::VirtualRoot;

			// we need to figure out on the URI required to get to the item
			if (bsApplicationURI == L"/")
				// we are at the root of the app/web site, so the URI is the virtual dir portion
				item.sURI = bsVirtualDirectoryURI;
			else if (bsVirtualDirectoryURI == L"/")
				// we are at the root of the app/virtual dir, so the URI is the app dir portion
				item.sURI = bsApplicationURI;
				// we need both app and virtual directory strings
				item.sURI = bsApplicationURI;
				item.sURI += bsVirtualDirectoryURI;
			CIIS7XMLConfigHelper::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(bsPhysicalPath, item.sFileSystemPath);

			// add the item to the list
			uriitems[std::wstring(item.sURI)] = item;

	// as we add the items to the tree keep track of them since we need to establish the
	// parent/child relationship
	std::map<std::wstring, HTREEITEM> uritreemap;

	// add the root to the map since it's already in the tree
	uritreemap[L"/"] = htParent;

	// loop thru the URI items
	std::map<std::wstring, IISURIItem>::const_iterator iter = uriitems.begin();
	for (; iter != uriitems.end(); ++iter)
		// ignore the web server node since it has already been added
		if (iter->first == L"/")

		// look for the last '/' in the URI string
		size_t nURIPrefixLength = iter->first.rfind('/');
		if (nURIPrefixLength == std::wstring::npos)

		// get the URI prefix
		std::wstring sURIPrefix(iter->first.c_str(), nURIPrefixLength == 0 ? 1 : nURIPrefixLength);

		// get the URI tail (the bit we are going use for the tree node text)
		LPCWSTR pszURITail = iter->first.c_str() + nURIPrefixLength + 1;		

		// find the parent item
		std::map<std::wstring, HTREEITEM>::const_iterator uriiter = uritreemap.find(sURIPrefix);
		if (uriiter == uritreemap.end())
		// add the URI item to the tree
		HTREEITEM htItem = cTree.InsertItem(pszURITail, nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex, nVirtualDirectoryIconIndex, uriiter->second);

		// we need an item data for this tree item
		IISURIItem* pItem = new IISURIItem;
		pItem->Type = IISURIItem::VirtualRoot;
		pItem->sMetaBasePath = iter->second.sMetaBasePath;
		pItem->sFileSystemPath = iter->second.sFileSystemPath;
		pItem->sURI = iter->second.sURI;

		cTree.SetItemData(htItem, (DWORD_PTR) pItem);	

		// add the new item to the map (so children can find it on subseqent passes)
		uritreemap[iter->first] = htItem;
Пример #6
void Cube::InsertItem(CTreeCtrl& c, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM hInsertAfter)
	c.SetItemData(c.InsertItem(m_Name, 8, 9, hParent, hInsertAfter), (DWORD)this);