bool CParrotNutEater::NutPuzzleMsg(CNutPuzzleMsg *msg) { if (msg->_value == "Jiggle") { playMovie(MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_GAMESTATE); movieEvent(68); movieEvent(132); playSound("z#215.wav"); CTrueTalkTriggerActionMsg triggerMsg; triggerMsg._param1 = triggerMsg._param2 = 0; triggerMsg.execute("PerchedParrot"); } return true; }
bool CParrot::FrameMsg(CFrameMsg *msg) { if (compareViewNameTo("ParrotLobby.Node 1.N")) return false; if (_v4) return true; Point pt = getMousePos(); CGameObject *dragObject = getDraggingObject(); int xp = _bounds.left + _bounds.width() / 2; if ((_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_400000) && !hasActiveMovie()) { _field128 = xp - (_field124 + _bounds.width() / 2); if (xp < 64) { if (_field134) { CActMsg actMsg("PanAwayFromParrot"); actMsg.execute(_field134); } _npcFlags &= ~(NPCFLAG_10000 | NPCFLAG_20000 | NPCFLAG_40000 | NPCFLAG_80000 | NPCFLAG_100000 | NPCFLAG_200000 | NPCFLAG_400000); return true; } } bool chickenFlag = dragObject && dragObject->isEquals("Chicken"); if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_1000000) { if (!chickenFlag || pt.x > 70 || pt.y < 90 || pt.y > 280) { stopMovie(); loadFrame(0); setPosition(Point(-90,; } } else { if (!chickenFlag) return false; } _field128 = CLIP((int)pt.x, 230, 480); if ((_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_10000) || hasActiveMovie()) return true; if (_field128 > 64) { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_10000 | NPCFLAG_20000; if (_field128 >= xp) { setPosition(Point(_bounds.left + 30,; _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_200000; playClip("Walk Right Intro", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); } else { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_100000; playClip("Walk Left Intro", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); } } else if (chickenFlag && pt.y >= 90 && pt.y <= 280 && !_field12C) { CParrotTriesChickenMsg triesMsg; triesMsg.execute(dragObject); CTrueTalkTriggerActionMsg triggerMsg; int id; switch (triesMsg._value2) { case 1: id = 280056 + (triesMsg._value1 ? 234 : 0); break; case 2: id = 280055 + (triesMsg._value1 ? 234 : 0); break; case 3: id = 280054 + (triesMsg._value1 ? 234 : 0); break; default: id = 280053 + (triesMsg._value1 ? 234 : 0); break; } if (id < 280266) { if (pt.x < 75) { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_1000000; playClip("Walk Left Intro", MOVIE_STOP_PREVIOUS); playClip("Walk Left Loop", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(236); chickenFlag = false; } else if ((pt.x - xp) > 15) { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_800000; playClip("Peck At Feet Right", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(170); } else if ((xp - pt.x) > 15) { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_800000; playClip("Peck At Feet Left", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(142); } else { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_800000; playClip("Peck At Feet", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(157); } } if (chickenFlag) { triggerMsg._param2 = 1; triggerMsg.execute(this); _field12C = 1; } } return true; }
bool CParrot::MovieEndMsg(CMovieEndMsg *msg) { if ((_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_2000000) && clipExistsByEnd("Take Off", msg->_endFrame)) { setVisible(false); moveUnder(findRoom()); stopMovie(); CActMsg actMsg1("LoseParrot"); actMsg1.execute("ParrotLobbyController"); if (_field134) { CActMsg actMsg2("PanAwayFromParrot"); actMsg2.execute(_field134); _field134 = nullptr; } else { CActMsg actMsg2("Shut"); actMsg2.execute("ParrotCage"); } _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_2000000; _v4 = 2; } else if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_10000) { if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_20000) { _npcFlags = (_npcFlags & ~NPCFLAG_20000) | NPCFLAG_40000; if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_100000) { playClip("Walk Left Loop", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(236); } else { playClip("Walk Right Loop", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); } } else if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_40000) { int xp = _bounds.left + _bounds.width() / 2; if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_100000) { if ((xp - _field128) > 32) { setPosition(Point(_bounds.left - 40,; playClip("Walk Left Loop", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(236); } else { setPosition(Point(_bounds.left - 10,; playClip("Walk Left Outro", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); _npcFlags = (_npcFlags & ~NPCFLAG_40000) | NPCFLAG_80000; } } else { if ((_field128 - xp) > 32) { playClip("Walk Right Loop", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); movieEvent(244); } else { playClip("Walk Right Outro", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); _npcFlags = (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_40000) | NPCFLAG_80000; } } } else if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_80000) { loadFrame(0); if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_100000) setPosition(Point(_bounds.left - 30,; else setPosition(Point(_bounds.left + 14,; _npcFlags &= ~(NPCFLAG_10000 | NPCFLAG_80000 | NPCFLAG_100000 | NPCFLAG_200000); CTrueTalkNPC::MovieEndMsg(msg); } else { if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_1000000) { Point pt = getMousePos(); if (pt.x > 70 || pt.y < 90 || pt.y > 280) { stopMovie(); loadFrame(0); _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_1000000; } if (clipExistsByEnd("Walk Left Loop", msg->_endFrame)) { playClip("Lean Over To Chicken", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); setPosition(Point(_bounds.left - 55,; _field130 = (-100 - _bounds.left) / 5; movieEvent(261); movieEvent(262); movieEvent(265); movieEvent(268); movieEvent(271); return true; } else if (clipExistsByEnd("Lean Over To Chicken", msg->_endFrame)) { playClip("Eat Chicken", 0); playClip("Eat Chicken 2", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); _v1 = 1; CStatusChangeMsg statusMsg; statusMsg._newStatus = 0; statusMsg.execute("PerchCoreHolder"); CTrueTalkTriggerActionMsg actionMsg; actionMsg._param1 = 280266; actionMsg._param2 = 1; actionMsg.execute(this); CCarry *chicken = dynamic_cast<CCarry *>(findUnder(getRoot(), "Chicken")); if (chicken) { CActMsg actMsg("Eaten"); actMsg.execute(chicken); } _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_1000000; return true; } } if (clipExistsByEnd("Eat Chicken 2", msg->_endFrame)) { CStatusChangeMsg statusMsg; statusMsg._newStatus = 1; statusMsg.execute("PerchCoreHolder"); if (_v2) { loadMovie("z168.avi", false); playClip("Take Off", MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); setPosition(Point(20, 10)); _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_2000000; } else { _npcFlags &= ~(NPCFLAG_10000 | NPCFLAG_20000 | NPCFLAG_40000 | NPCFLAG_80000 | NPCFLAG_100000 | NPCFLAG_200000); _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_400000; stopMovie(); loadFrame(0); setPosition(Point(-90,; } } else { CTrueTalkNPC::MovieEndMsg(msg); } } } return true; }