/************************************************ OnPaint Paints the corner button object. The corner button object uses a CUGCell located at position -1,-1 from the default datasource then uses the cell type associated with this cell to draw itself with. Params: <none> Return: <none> *************************************************/ void CUGCnrBtn::OnPaint() { if ( m_GI->m_paintMode == FALSE ) return; CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting m_ctrl->OnScreenDCSetup(&dc,NULL,UG_TOPHEADING); RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CUGCellType * cellType; CUGCell cell; m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(-1,-1,&cell); //get the cell type to draw the cell if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_CELLTYPE_SET)) cellType = m_ctrl->GetCellType(cell.GetCellType()); else cellType = m_ctrl->GetCellType(-1); CFont * pOldFont = NULL; // get the default font if there is one if( m_GI->m_defFont != NULL ) { pOldFont = dc.SelectObject( ( CFont* )m_GI->m_defFont ); } cellType->OnDraw(&dc,&rect,-1,-1,&cell,0,0); if( m_GI->m_defFont != NULL && pOldFont != NULL ) dc.SelectObject( pOldFont ); }
// v7.2 - update 04 - added as a pared down version of OnPaint to handle // WM_PRINT message - called from WindowProc below. TD void CUGCnrBtn::OnPrint(CDC *dc) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CUGCellType * cellType; CUGCell cell; m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(-1,-1,&cell); //get the cell type to draw the cell if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_CELLTYPE_SET)) cellType = m_ctrl->GetCellType(cell.GetCellType()); else cellType = m_ctrl->GetCellType(-1); CFont * pOldFont = NULL; // get the default font if there is one if( m_GI->m_defFont != NULL ) { pOldFont = dc->SelectObject( ( CFont* )m_GI->m_defFont ); } cellType->OnDraw(dc,&rect,-1,-1,&cell,0,0); if( m_GI->m_defFont != NULL && pOldFont != NULL ) dc->SelectObject( pOldFont ); }
/*************************************************** OnLClicked - overloaded CUGCellType::OnLClicked Checks to see if the slider has been clicked on. If the mouse button is pressed over the slider, then the slider is put into a interactive update state. Once the mouse button is release the interactive update state is turned off **See CUGCellType::OnLClicked for more details about this function ****************************************************/ BOOL CUGSliderType::OnLClicked(int col,long row,int updn,RECT *rect,POINT *point){ if(updn) { m_updateSlider = FALSE; } CUGCell cell; m_ctrl->GetCell(col,row,&cell); //get the slider percentage int percent = 0; if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_STRING_SET)) percent = _ttol(cell.GetText()); //get the percent if(percent >100) percent = 100; else if(percent <0) percent = 0; //find the slider x position long width = rect->right - rect->left - 6; int xPos = rect->left + 3 + ((width * percent) / 100); int mouseX = point->x; if(mouseX > xPos- 6 && mouseX < xPos+6) { m_updateSlider = TRUE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/*************************************************** GetJoinRange function returns join information related to the cell specified in the col and row parameters. These parameters might be changed to represent starting col, row position of the join. Params: col, row - identify the cell to retrieve join information on, these parameters will represent the starting pos of the join. endCol, - will be set to the end col, row position of the endRow join. Returns: UG_SUCCESS - on success UG_ERROR - if joins are disabled, or cell specified is not part of a join *****************************************************/ int CUGTopHdg::GetJoinRange(int *col,int *row,int *endCol,int *endRow) { if(m_GI->m_enableJoins == FALSE) return UG_ERROR; int startCol; long startRow, joinRow; BOOL origin; CUGCell cell; m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(*col,*row,&cell); if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_JOIN_SET) == FALSE) return UG_ERROR; cell.GetJoinInfo(&origin,&startCol,&startRow); if(!origin) { *col += startCol; *row += (int)startRow; m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(*col,*row,&cell); } cell.GetJoinInfo(&origin,endCol,&joinRow); *endCol +=*col; *endRow = joinRow + *row; return UG_SUCCESS; }
/*************************************************** StartDropList This internal function is used to parse out the label string, which contains the items to show in the list. Also this function will show the list box in the proper location on the screen. Params: <none> Return: UG_ERROR - the list is already visible. UG_SUCCESS - everything went smoothly, the drop list was shown ***************************************************/ int CUGDropListType::StartDropList() { RECT rect; RECT clientRect; int dif,len,pos,startpos; CFont * font = NULL; LOGFONT lf; CFont * cfont; CStringList list; //lists of strings for the list are assembed here CString * items; //points to the string used to assemble the list //return false if it is already up if( m_listBox->m_HasFocus) return UG_ERROR; CUGCell cell; m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(m_btnCol,m_btnRow,&cell); // make sure that the read only cells do not show droplist if ( cell.GetReadOnly() == TRUE ) return UG_SUCCESS; //get the current row and col m_btnCol = m_ctrl->GetCurrentCol(); m_btnRow = m_ctrl->GetCurrentRow(); //add the strings to the CStringList CString string; cell.GetLabelText(&string); items = &string; len = items->GetLength(); pos =0; startpos =0; while(pos <len){ if(items->GetAt(pos)== _T('\n')){ list.AddTail(items->Mid(startpos,pos-startpos)); startpos = pos+1; } pos++; } //notify the user of the list, so it can be modified if needed if ( OnCellTypeNotify(m_ID,m_btnCol,m_btnRow,UGCT_DROPLISTSTART,(LONG_PTR)&list) == FALSE ) // if FALSE was returned from OnCellTypeNotify call, than the developer does not // wish to show the drop list at the moment. return UG_ERROR; // set default font height lf.lfHeight = 12; //get the font if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_FONT_SET)) font = cell.GetFont(); else if(m_ctrl->m_GI->m_defFont != NULL) font = m_ctrl->m_GI->m_defFont; if(font == NULL) font = CFont::FromHandle((HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); if(font != NULL) { //find the height of the font cfont = font; cfont->GetLogFont(&lf); // lf.lfHeight if( lf.lfHeight < 0 ){ HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); DeleteDC(hDC); } } //get the rectangle for the listbox m_ctrl->GetCellRect(m_btnCol,m_btnRow,&rect); rect.top = rect.bottom; rect.left+=10; rect.right+=10; len = (int)list.GetCount(); if(len >15) len = 15; rect.bottom += lf.lfHeight * len + 6; m_ctrl->m_CUGGrid->GetClientRect(&clientRect); if(rect.bottom > clientRect.bottom){ dif = rect.bottom - clientRect.bottom; rect.bottom -= dif; rect.top -= dif; if(rect.top <0) rect.top = 0; } if(rect.right > clientRect.right){ dif = rect.right - clientRect.right; rect.right -= dif; rect.left -= dif; if(rect.left <0) rect.left = 0; } //create the CListBox m_listBox->m_ctrl = m_ctrl; m_listBox->m_cellType = this; m_listBox->m_cellTypeId = m_ID; m_listBox->Create(WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER|WS_VSCROLL,rect,m_ctrl->m_CUGGrid,123); //set up the font if(font != NULL) m_listBox->SetFont(font); // v7.2 - update 03 - this works to eliminate blank lines that // can occur with odd sized fonts/number of items. Fix courtesy Gerbrand // .start int itHeight = m_listBox->GetItemHeight(0); if (len > 15) len = 15; rect.bottom = rect.top + len * itHeight + 6; if(rect.bottom > clientRect.bottom){ dif = rect.bottom - clientRect.bottom; rect.bottom -= dif; rect.top -= dif; if(rect.top <0) rect.top = 0; } // v7.2 - update 03 - Adjust the rect width to accomodate the largest string // Allen Shiels dif = GetMaxStringWidth(list) - (rect.right-rect.left); if (dif > 0) { if (len >= 15) // add a scroll bar width if max items in list dif += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); rect.right += dif; } if(rect.right > clientRect.right){ dif = rect.right - clientRect.right; rect.right -= dif; rect.left -= dif; if(rect.left <0) rect.left = 0; } // .end //resize the window again since a new font is being used m_listBox->MoveWindow(&rect,FALSE); //add the items to the list len = (int)list.GetCount(); POSITION position = list.GetHeadPosition(); pos =0; while(pos < len){ m_listBox->AddString(list.GetAt(position)); pos++; if(pos < len) list.GetNext(position); } //give the list box pointers to the cell m_listBox->m_col = &m_btnCol; m_listBox->m_row = &m_btnRow; m_listBox->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_listBox->SetFocus(); m_btnDown = FALSE; m_ctrl->RedrawCell(m_btnCol,m_btnRow); return UG_SUCCESS; }
/*************************************************** DrawCellsIntern function is the key to the fast redraw functionality in the Ultimate Grid. This function is responsible for drawing cells within the grid area, it makes sure that only the cells that are marked as invalid (by calling CUGDrawHint::IsInvalid function) are redrawn. Params: dc - pointer DC to draw on Returns: <none> *****************************************************/ void CUGTopHdg::DrawCellsIntern(CDC *dc) { CRect rect(0,0,0,0), cellRect; CUGCell cell; CUGCellType * cellType; int dcID; int xIndex,col; long yIndex,row; m_ctrl->OnScreenDCSetup(dc,NULL,UG_TOPHEADING); //set the default font if(m_GI->m_defFont != NULL) dc->SelectObject((CFont *) m_GI->m_defFont); int blankRight = 0; for(yIndex = (m_GI->m_numberTopHdgRows * -1); yIndex < 0 ; yIndex++) { row = yIndex; for(xIndex = 0;xIndex < m_GI->m_numberCols;xIndex++) { if(xIndex == m_GI->m_numLockCols) xIndex = m_GI->m_leftCol; col = xIndex; row = yIndex; //draw if invalid if(m_drawHint.IsInvalid(col,row) != FALSE) { GetCellRect(col,row,&rect); CopyRect(&cellRect,&rect); m_ctrl->GetCellIndirect(col,row,&cell); if(cell.IsPropertySet(UGCELL_JOIN_SET)) { GetCellRect(col,row,&cellRect); m_ctrl->GetJoinStartCell(&col,&row,&cell); if(m_drawHint.IsValid(col,row)) continue; m_drawHint.SetAsValid(col,row); } if(cellRect.left < cellRect.right) { cellType = m_ctrl->GetCellType(cell.GetCellType()); dcID = dc->SaveDC(); if(m_swapEndCol >=0 && col == m_swapStartCol) cellType->OnDraw(dc,&cellRect,col,row,&cell,1,0); else cellType->OnDraw(dc,&cellRect,col,row,&cell,0,0); dc->RestoreDC(dcID); } } if(rect.right > m_GI->m_gridWidth) break; } if(blankRight < rect.right) blankRight = rect.right; } if(blankRight < m_GI->m_gridWidth) { rect.top = 0; rect.bottom = m_GI->m_topHdgHeight; rect.left = blankRight; rect.right = m_GI->m_gridWidth; // fill-in the area that is not covered by cells CBrush brush( m_ctrl->OnGetDefBackColor( UG_TOPHEADING )); dc->FillRect( rect, &brush ); } }