string CUBuild::GetFACTORY(){ NLOG("CUBuild::GetFACTORY"); const vector<CommandDescription>* di = G->cb->GetUnitCommands(uid); if(di == 0) return string(""); list<string> possibles; float best_score = 0; string best = ""; for(vector<CommandDescription>::const_iterator is = di->begin(); is != di->end();++is){ if(is->id<0){ CUnitTypeData* p = G->UnitDefLoader->GetUnitTypeDataByName(is->name); if(p->IsFactory()){ if(!G->Pl->feasable(p,utd)) continue; if(p->IsUWStructure()!=(water||G->info->spacemod)) continue; float temp = G->efficiency->GetEfficiency(p->GetName()); temp /= (p->GetUnitDef()->energyCost+(p->GetUnitDef()->metalCost*45)); int r = G->mrand()%max(int(temp/4),1)+1; temp += (float)abs(r); if(temp > best_score){ best_score = temp; best = p->GetName(); } } } } return best; }
bool CConfigTaskManager::LoadTaskList(){ NLOG("CConfigTaskManager::LoadTaskList"); CUnit* u = G->unit_array[unit]; CUnitTypeData* utd = u->GetUnitDataType(); vector<string> vl; string sl; if(G->Cached->cheating){ sl= G->Get_mod_tdf()->SGetValueMSG(string("TASKLISTS\\CHEAT\\")+utd->GetName()); }else{ sl = G->Get_mod_tdf()->SGetValueMSG(string("TASKLISTS\\NORMAL\\")+utd->GetName()); } tolowercase(sl); trim(sl); string us = utd->GetName(); if(sl != string("")){ CTokenizer<CIsComma>::Tokenize(vl, sl, CIsComma()); if(vl.empty() == false){ int randnum = G->mrand()%vl.size(); us =,max(int(vl.size()-1),1))); } } string s = G->Get_mod_tdf()->SGetValueMSG(string("TASKLISTS\\LISTS\\")+us); if(s.empty()){ G->L.print(" error loading tasklist for unit :: \"" + us + "\" :: buffer empty, most likely because of an empty list"); nolist=true; return false; } tolowercase(s); trim(s); vector<string> v; CTokenizer<CIsComma>::Tokenize(v, s, CIsComma()); if(v.empty() == false){ G->L.print("loading contents of tasklist :: " + us + " :: filling tasklist with #" + to_string(v.size()) + " items"); bool polate=false; bool polation = G->info->rule_extreme_interpolate; btype bt = G->Manufacturer->GetTaskType(G->Get_mod_tdf()->SGetValueDef("b_na","AI\\interpolate_tag")); if(utd->IsFactory()){ polation = false; } if(bt == B_NA){ polation = false; } // TASKS LOADING for(std::vector<string>::iterator vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end(); ++vi){ if(polation){ if(polate){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),bt)); tasks.push_back(t); } polate = !polate; } std::string q = *vi; trim(q); tolowercase(q); CUnitTypeData* b = G->UnitDefLoader->GetUnitTypeDataByName(q); if(b != 0){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CUnitConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),utd,b)); tasks.push_back(t); }else if(q == string("")){ continue; }else if(q == string("b_na")){ continue; } else if(q == string("no_rule_interpolation")){ polation=false; } else if(q == string("rule_interpolate")){ polation=true; }else if(q == string("base_pos")){ G->Map->base_positions.push_back(G->GetUnitPos(u->GetID())); } else if(q == string("gaia")){ G->info->gaia = true; } else if(q == string("not_gaia")){ G->info->gaia = false; } else if(q == string("switch_gaia")){ G->info->gaia = !G->info->gaia; } else if(q == string("b_factory")){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),B_FACTORY)); tasks.push_back(t); } else if(q == string("b_power")){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),B_POWER)); tasks.push_back(t); } else if(q == string("b_defence")){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),B_DEFENCE)); tasks.push_back(t); } else if(q == string("b_mex")){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),B_MEX)); tasks.push_back(t); } else{ btype x = G->Manufacturer->GetTaskType(q); if( x != B_NA){ boost::shared_ptr<IModule> t(new CKeywordConstructionTask(G,u->GetID(),x)); tasks.push_back(t); }else{ G->L.print("error :: a value :: " + *vi +" :: was parsed in :: "+us + " :: this does not have a valid UnitDef according to the engine, and is not a Task keyword such as repair or b_mex"); } } } if(utd->GetUnitDef()->isCommander){ G->Map->basepos = G->GetUnitPos(u->GetID()); } G->L.print("loaded contents of tasklist :: " + us + " :: loaded tasklist at " + to_string(tasks.size()) + " items"); return !tasks.empty(); } else{ G->L.print(" error loading contents of tasklist :: " + us + " :: buffer empty, most likely because of an empty tasklist"); return false; } }