Пример #1
// Begin editing a particular material
void CMaterialEditorPanel::BeginEditingMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, IMaterial *pMaterial )
	m_bMaterialDirty = false;
	m_EditedMaterial = pMaterialName;
	m_pTitleLabel->SetText( m_EditedMaterial.String() );
	m_pMaterial = pMaterial;
Пример #2
// Purpose: gets the icon for a binding, if it exists
const char *CControllerMap::GetBindingIcon( int idx )
	CUtlSymbol s = m_buttonMap[idx].icon;
	if ( s.IsValid() )
		return s.String();
	return NULL;
// Purpose: Updates the value shown in the mapcycle field
void CServerInfoPanel::UpdateMapCycleValue()
	// look at current map
	CUtlSymbol currentMap = GetVarString("map");
	if (!currentMap.IsValid())

	// find it in the map cycle list
	int listPoint = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_MapCycle.Count(); i++)
		if (!stricmp(m_MapCycle[i].String(), currentMap.String()))
			listPoint = i;

	// take out the next 2 maps and make them the value
	char nextMaps[512];
	nextMaps[0] = 0;
	bool needComma = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		int point = listPoint + i + 1;
		if (point >= m_MapCycle.Count())
			point -= m_MapCycle.Count();

		if (m_MapCycle.IsValidIndex(point))
			if (needComma)
				strcat(nextMaps, ", ");
			strcat(nextMaps, m_MapCycle[point].String());
			needComma = true;

	// add some elipses to show there is more maps
	if (needComma)
		strcat(nextMaps, ", ");
	strcat(nextMaps, "...");

	// show in varlist
	SetVarString("mapcycle", nextMaps);
// Purpose:
const char *CMaterialSubRect::GetTextureGroupName() const
	return m_symTextureGroupName.String();
// Purpose:
const char *CMaterialSubRect::GetName() const
	return m_symName.String();
Пример #6
// Purpose: walks the file elements in the vcproj and inserts them into configs
bool CVCProjConvert::ExtractFiles( IXMLDOMDocument *pDoc  )
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;
	Assert( m_Configurations.Count() ); // some configs must be loaded first

#ifdef _WIN32
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pFiles;
	pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("File"), &pFiles);
	if (pFiles)
		long len = 0;
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode;
			pFiles->get_item( i, &pNode);
			if (pNode)
				CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode );
				CUtlSymbol fileName = GetXMLAttribValue(pElem,"RelativePath");
				if ( fileName.IsValid() )
					CConfiguration::FileType_e type = GetFileType( fileName.String() );
					CConfiguration::CFileEntry fileEntry( fileName.String(), type );
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_Configurations.Count(); i++ ) // add the file to all configs
						CConfiguration & config = m_Configurations[i];
						config.InsertFile( fileEntry );
					IterateFileConfigurations( pElem, fileName ); // now remove the excluded ones
#elif _LINUX
	DOMNodeList *nodes = pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("File") );
	if (nodes)
		int len = nodes->getLength();
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i);
			if (node)
				CUtlSymbol fileName = GetXMLAttribValue(node,"RelativePath");
				if ( fileName.IsValid() )
					char fixedFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
					Q_strncpy( fixedFileName, fileName.String(), sizeof(fixedFileName) );
					if ( fixedFileName[0] == '.' && fixedFileName[1] == '\\' )
						Q_memmove( fixedFileName, fixedFileName+2, sizeof(fixedFileName)-2 );

					Q_FixSlashes( fixedFileName );
					FindFileCaseInsensitive( fixedFileName, sizeof(fixedFileName) );
					CConfiguration::FileType_e type = GetFileType( fileName.String() );
					CConfiguration::CFileEntry fileEntry( fixedFileName, type );
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_Configurations.Count(); i++ ) // add the file to all configs
						CConfiguration & config = m_Configurations[i];
						config.InsertFile( fileEntry );
					IterateFileConfigurations( node, fixedFileName ); // now remove the excluded ones
	return true;
Пример #7
// Purpose: extracts the list of defines and includes used for this config
bool CVCProjConvert::ExtractIncludes( IXMLDOMElement *pDoc, CConfiguration & config )
	if (!pDoc)
		return false;

#ifdef _WIN32
	CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> pTools;
	pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool"), &pTools);
	if (pTools)
		long len = 0;
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pNode;
			pTools->get_item( i, &pNode );
			if (pNode)
				CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> pElem( pNode );
				CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "Name" );
				if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" )
					CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "PreprocessorDefinitions" );
					char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str );
					Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char *delim = strchr( str, ';' );
					char *curpos = str;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
							 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
							config.AddDefine( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ';' );
					if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
						 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
						config.AddDefine( curpos );

					CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( pElem, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" );
					char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str2 );
					Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					delim = strchr( str2, ',' );
					curpos = str2;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						config.AddInclude( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ',' );
					config.AddInclude( curpos );
#elif _LINUX
	DOMNodeList *nodes= pDoc->getElementsByTagName( _bstr_t("Tool"));
	if (nodes)
		int len = nodes->getLength();
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
			DOMNode *node = nodes->item(i);
			if (node)
				CUtlSymbol toolName = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "Name" );
				if ( toolName == "VCCLCompilerTool" )
					CUtlSymbol defines = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "PreprocessorDefinitions" );
					char *str = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( defines.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str );
					Q_strcpy( str, defines.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char *delim = strchr( str, ';' );
					char *curpos = str;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
							 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
							config.AddDefine( curpos );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, ';' );
					if ( Q_stricmp( curpos, "WIN32" ) && Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WIN32" )  &&  
						 Q_stricmp( curpos, "_WINDOWS") && Q_stricmp( curpos, "WINDOWS")) // don't add WIN32 defines
						config.AddDefine( curpos );

					CUtlSymbol includes = GetXMLAttribValue( node, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories" );
					char *str2 = (char *)_alloca( Q_strlen( includes.String() ) + 1 );
					Assert( str2 );
					Q_strcpy( str2, includes.String() );
					// now tokenize the string on the ";" char
					char token = ',';
					delim = strchr( str2, token );
					if ( !delim )
						token = ';';
						delim = strchr( str2, token );
					curpos = str2;
					while ( delim )
						*delim = 0;
						Q_FixSlashes( curpos );
						Q_strlower( curpos );
						char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
						Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos );
						Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath );
						config.AddInclude( fullPath );
						curpos = delim;
						delim = strchr( delim, token );
					Q_FixSlashes( curpos );
					Q_strlower( curpos );
					char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
					Q_snprintf( fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", m_BaseDir.String(), curpos );
					Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullPath );
					config.AddInclude( fullPath );

	return true;
char const *CBugReporter::GetUserName()
	return m_UserName.String();