bool Mbfo::isRoadClear(const CVector2& obstacleProximity) { CDegrees obstacleAngle(ToDegrees(obstacleProximity.Angle())); CDegrees safeAngle(150.0f); return (minAngleFromObstacle.WithinMinBoundIncludedMaxBoundIncluded(obstacleAngle) && obstacleProximity.Length() < minDistanceFromObstacle) || (obstacleAngle < -safeAngle || obstacleAngle > safeAngle); }
void CFootBotUN::addNodesAsObstacles(map<UInt8, Node> listNodeObstacles) { //Aux variables CVector2 auxPosition; CVector2 auxVelocity; //Create a list of Nodes for (map<UInt8, Node>::iterator it = listNodeObstacles.begin(); it != listNodeObstacles.end(); it++) { //printf("Node %d\n", (it->second).getId()); // I'm not and obstacle for myself! if ((it->second).getId() != mySelf.getId()) { //printf("Agent \n"); auxPosition.Set((it->second).getPosition().GetX(), (it->second).getPosition().GetY()); auxVelocity.Set((it->second).getVelocity(), 0); // For a dynamic obstacle we need to use the addObstacleAtPoint(position,velocity,radius) //agent->addObstacleAtPoint(auxPosition, OBSTACLE_RADIUS); agent->addObstacleAtPoint(auxPosition, auxVelocity, OBSTACLE_RADIUS); printf("Adding obstacle : %d\n", (it->second).getId()); } } }
void CFootBotMotorGroundSensor::Update() { /* We make the assumption that the foot-bot is rotated only wrt to Z */ CFloorEntity& cFloorEntity = m_cSpace.GetFloorEntity(); const CVector3& cEntityPos = GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition(); const CQuaternion& cEntityRot = GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation(); CRadians cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX; cEntityRot.ToEulerAngles( cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX ); CVector2 cCenterPos(cEntityPos.GetX(), cEntityPos.GetY()); CVector2 cSensorPos; for(UInt32 i = 0; i < CCI_FootBotMotorGroundSensor::NUM_READINGS; ++i) { cSensorPos = m_tReadings[i].Offset; cSensorPos.Rotate(cRotZ); cSensorPos *= 0.01; cSensorPos += cCenterPos; const CColor& cColor = cFloorEntity.GetColorAtPoint(cSensorPos.GetX(),cSensorPos.GetY()); m_tReadings[i].Value = cColor.ToGrayScale()/255*FOOTBOT_MOTOR_GROUND_SENSOR_READING_RANGE.GetSpan(); if( m_fNoiseLevel > 0.0f ) { AddNoise(i); } /* Normalize reading between 0 and 1, only if calibration has been performed */ if( m_bCalibrated ) { m_tReadings[i].Value = FOOTBOT_MOTOR_GROUND_SENSOR_READING_RANGE.NormalizeValue(m_tReadings[i].Value); } } }
void CFootBotBaseGroundRotZOnlySensor::Update() { /* * We make the assumption that the robot is rotated only wrt to Z */ /* Get robot position and orientation */ const CVector3& cEntityPos = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetPosition(); const CQuaternion& cEntityRot = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOrientation(); CRadians cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX; cEntityRot.ToEulerAngles(cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX); /* Set robot center */ CVector2 cCenterPos(cEntityPos.GetX(), cEntityPos.GetY()); /* Position of sensor on the ground after rototranslation */ CVector2 cSensorPos; /* Go through the sensors */ for(UInt32 i = 0; i < m_tReadings.size(); ++i) { /* Calculate sensor position on the ground */ cSensorPos = m_pcGroundSensorEntity->GetSensor(i+4).Offset; cSensorPos.Rotate(cRotZ); cSensorPos += cCenterPos; /* Get the color */ const CColor& cColor = m_pcFloorEntity->GetColorAtPoint(cSensorPos.GetX(), cSensorPos.GetY()); /* Set the reading */ m_tReadings[i].Value = cColor.ToGrayScale() / 255.0f; /* Apply noise to the sensor */ if(m_bAddNoise) { m_tReadings[i].Value += m_pcRNG->Uniform(m_cNoiseRange); } /* Set the final reading */ m_tReadings[i].Value = m_tReadings[i].Value < 0.5f ? 0.0f : 1.0f; } }
bool CKinematics2DCollisionCircle::CheckIntersectionWithRay(Real& f_distance, const CRay& c_ray) const { CSegment c_segment = c_ray.ProjectOntoXY(); CVector2 c_closest_point, c_closest_segment_point; c_segment.GetMinimumDistancePoints( m_cPosition, c_closest_point, c_closest_segment_point ); Real f_min_segment_distance = Distance(m_cPosition,c_closest_segment_point); if( f_min_segment_distance > m_fRadius ) { return false; } // see CVector2 dp = c_segment.GetEnd() - c_segment.GetStart(); Real a = dp.SquareLength(); Real b = 2 * dp.DotProduct(c_segment.GetStart() - m_cPosition); Real c = (m_cPosition.SquareLength() + c_segment.GetStart().SquareLength() - 2 * m_cPosition.DotProduct(c_segment.GetStart()) - m_fRadius*m_fRadius); Real bb4ac = b*b - 4*a*c; Real mu1 = (-b + sqrt(bb4ac)) / (2 * a); Real mu2 = (-b - sqrt(bb4ac)) / (2 * a); Real mu = Min(mu1,mu2); if( mu < 0 || mu > 1 ) mu = Max(mu1,mu2); f_distance = mu * c_ray.GetLength(); return true; }
void CBTFootbotRecruiterRootBehavior::GoToFood(){ CVector2 tmp = m_pcObstacleAvoidance->GetVector(); tmp += m_pcOdometry->GetReversedLocationVector(); tmp.Normalize(); GoToVector(tmp); m_pcOdometry->Step(*c_robot_state); }
/** * Returns true if the given vector is near the arena end. */ bool CCombinedLoopFunctions::CloseToArenaEnd(const CVector2& pos){ if(pos.GetX() > arenaSize.GetX()/2.0f - CLOSE_TO_ARENA_END_PARAMETER || pos.GetX() < -arenaSize.GetX()/2.0f + CLOSE_TO_ARENA_END_PARAMETER || pos.GetY() > arenaSize.GetY()/2.0f - CLOSE_TO_ARENA_END_PARAMETER || pos.GetY() < -arenaSize.GetY()/2.0f + CLOSE_TO_ARENA_END_PARAMETER) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Returns true if the given vector is near the nest, relative to food patch size. */ bool CCombinedLoopFunctions::CloseToNest(const CVector2& pos){ /*if(pos.GetX() > -(nestSize/2.0f)-foodPatchSize/1 && pos.GetX() < (nestSize/2.0f) + foodPatchSize/1 && pos.GetY() > -(nestSize/2.0f) - foodPatchSize/1 && pos.GetY() < (nestSize/2.0f) + foodPatchSize/1) { return true; } return false;*/ if(pos.GetX() > -(nestSize/2.0f) - CLOSE_TO_NEST_PARAMETER && pos.GetX() < (nestSize/2.0f) + CLOSE_TO_NEST_PARAMETER && pos.GetY() > -(nestSize/2.0f) - CLOSE_TO_NEST_PARAMETER && pos.GetY() < (nestSize/2.0f) + CLOSE_TO_NEST_PARAMETER) { return true; } return false; }
CVector2 Agent::relativePositionOfObstacleAt(CVector2 &obstaclePosition, Real obstacleRadius, Real &distance) { CVector2 relativePosition = obstaclePosition - position; distance = relativePosition.Length(); Real minDistance = (radius + obstacleRadius) + 0.002; if (distance < minDistance) { //too near, cannot penetrate in an obstacle (footbot or human) relativePosition = relativePosition / distance * minDistance; obstaclePosition = position + relativePosition; distance = minDistance; } return relativePosition; }
void CCameraData::ProjectDepthRay( const CVector2& v2d, CVector3& vdir, CVector3& vori ) const { const Frustum& camfrus = mFrustum; CVector3 near_xt_lerp; near_xt_lerp.Lerp( camfrus.mNearCorners[0], camfrus.mNearCorners[1], v2d.GetX() ); CVector3 near_xb_lerp; near_xb_lerp.Lerp( camfrus.mNearCorners[3], camfrus.mNearCorners[2], v2d.GetX() ); CVector3 near_lerp; near_lerp.Lerp( near_xt_lerp, near_xb_lerp, v2d.GetY() ); CVector3 far_xt_lerp; far_xt_lerp.Lerp( camfrus.mFarCorners[0], camfrus.mFarCorners[1], v2d.GetX() ); CVector3 far_xb_lerp; far_xb_lerp.Lerp( camfrus.mFarCorners[3], camfrus.mFarCorners[2], v2d.GetX() ); CVector3 far_lerp; far_lerp.Lerp( far_xt_lerp, far_xb_lerp, v2d.GetY() ); vdir=(far_lerp-near_lerp).Normal(); vori=near_lerp; }
void CFootBotUN::updateDesideredVelocity() { CVector2 agentToTarget = targetPosition - position; CRadians a0 = agentToTarget.Angle() - angle; DEBUG_CONTROLLER("updateDesideredVelocity to %.2f, state = %d \r\n",a0.GetValue(),state); agent->targetPosition = targetPosition; agent->updateDesideredVelocity(); printf("=> desidered speed %.2f, desidered angle %.2f \n", agent->desideredSpeed, agent->desideredAngle.GetValue()); }
bool iAnt_controller::checkDistanceY() { cout << "checkDistanceY\n"; CVector2 curPosition = GetPosition(); cout << "curPositionY" << curPosition << '\n'; bool stop = false; //cout << "curPosition" << curPosition.GetY() << '\n'; float distanceY = curPosition.GetX()- data->NestPosition.GetX(); cout << "distance: " << distanceY << "\n"; if (distanceY > 0.3) { cout << "line 115"; stop = true; } return stop; }
void CCameraData::GetPixelLengthVectors( const CVector3& Pos, const CVector2& vp, CVector3& OutX, CVector3& OutY ) const { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int ivpw = int(vp.GetX()); int ivph = int(vp.GetY()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CVector4 va = Pos; CVector4 va_xf = va.Transform(mVPMatrix); va_xf.PerspectiveDivide(); va_xf = va_xf*CVector4(vp.GetX(),vp.GetY(),0.0f); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CVector4 vdx = Pos+mCamXNormal; CVector4 vdx_xf = vdx.Transform(mVPMatrix); vdx_xf.PerspectiveDivide(); vdx_xf = vdx_xf*CVector4(vp.GetX(),vp.GetY(),0.0f); float MagX = (vdx_xf-va_xf).Mag(); // magnitude in pixels of mBillboardRight ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CVector4 vdy = Pos+mCamYNormal; CVector4 vdy_xf = vdy.Transform(mVPMatrix); vdy_xf.PerspectiveDivide(); vdy_xf = vdy_xf*CVector4(vp.GetX(),vp.GetY(),0.0f); float MagY = (vdy_xf-va_xf).Mag(); // magnitude in pixels of mBillboardUp ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OutX = mCamXNormal*(2.0f/MagX); OutY = mCamYNormal*(2.0f/MagY); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
CColor CLandmarks::GetFloorColor(const CVector2& c_position_on_plane) { if((c_position_on_plane.GetX() >= -2.0f && c_position_on_plane.GetX() <= 2.0f) && (c_position_on_plane.GetY() >= -5.0f && c_position_on_plane.GetY() <= -1.0f)) { return CColor::GRAY90; } for(size_t i = 0; i < TARGETS; ++i) { if(SquareDistance(c_position_on_plane, m_vecTargets[i]) < TARGET_RADIUS2) { return CColor::BLACK; } } return CColor::WHITE; }
CVector2 CFootBotFlocking::FlockingVector() { /* Get the camera readings */ const CCI_ColoredBlobOmnidirectionalCameraSensor::SReadings& sReadings = m_pcCamera->GetReadings(); /* Go through the camera readings to calculate the flocking interaction vector */ if(! sReadings.BlobList.empty()) { CVector2 cAccum; Real fLJ; size_t unBlobsSeen = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < sReadings.BlobList.size(); ++i) { /* * The camera perceives the light as a yellow blob * The robots have their red beacon on * So, consider only red blobs * In addition: consider only the closest neighbors, to avoid * attraction to the farthest ones. Taking 180% of the target * distance is a good rule of thumb. */ if(sReadings.BlobList[i]->Color == CColor::RED && sReadings.BlobList[i]->Distance < m_sFlockingParams.TargetDistance * 1.80f) { /* * Take the blob distance and angle * With the distance, calculate the Lennard-Jones interaction force * Form a 2D vector with the interaction force and the angle * Sum such vector to the accumulator */ /* Calculate LJ */ fLJ = m_sFlockingParams.GeneralizedLennardJones(sReadings.BlobList[i]->Distance); /* Sum to accumulator */ cAccum += CVector2(fLJ, sReadings.BlobList[i]->Angle); /* Increment the blobs seen counter */ ++unBlobsSeen; } } /* Divide the accumulator by the number of blobs seen */ cAccum /= unBlobsSeen; /* Clamp the length of the vector to the max speed */ if(cAccum.Length() > m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed) { cAccum.Normalize(); cAccum *= m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed; } return cAccum; } else { return CVector2(); } }
CVector2 CFootBotFlocking::VectorToLight() { /* Get light readings */ const CCI_FootBotLightSensor::TReadings& tReadings = m_pcLight->GetReadings(); /* Calculate a normalized vector that points to the closest light */ CVector2 cAccum; for(size_t i = 0; i < tReadings.size(); ++i) { cAccum += CVector2(tReadings[i].Value, tReadings[i].Angle); } if(cAccum.Length() > 0.0f) { /* Make the vector long as 1/4 of the max speed */ cAccum.Normalize(); cAccum *= 0.25f * m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed; } return cAccum; }
bool iAnt_controller::checkDistanceX() { cout << "checkDistanceX\n"; CVector2 curPosition = GetPosition(); //cout << "line 87\n"; cout << curPosition << "curPositionX\n"; bool stop = false; //cout << "nest:" << data ->NestPosition; float distanceX = curPosition.GetY()- data->NestPosition.GetY(); cout << "distance: " << distanceX << "\n"; if (distanceX > 0.3) { cout << "STOP!"; stop = true; } return stop; }
CColor CFloorPowerFunctions::GetFloorColor(const CVector2& c_position_on_plane) { if(c_position_on_plane.GetX() < -1.0f) { return CColor::GRAY50; } return CColor::GRAY20; }
CVector2 CFootBotForaging::CalculateVectorToLight() { /* Get readings from light sensor */ const CCI_FootBotLightSensor::TReadings& tLightReads = m_pcLight->GetReadings(); /* Sum them together */ CVector2 cAccumulator; for(size_t i = 0; i < tLightReads.size(); ++i) { cAccumulator += CVector2(tLightReads[i].Value, tLightReads[i].Angle); } /* If the light was perceived, return the vector */ if(cAccumulator.Length() > 0.0f) { return CVector2(1.0f, cAccumulator.Angle()); } /* Otherwise, return zero */ else { return CVector2(); } }
void CGroundSensorEquippedEntity::AddSensorRing(const CVector2& c_center, Real f_radius, const CRadians& c_start_angle, ESensorType e_type, UInt32 un_num_sensors, const SAnchor& s_anchor) { CRadians cSensorSpacing = CRadians::TWO_PI / un_num_sensors; CRadians cAngle; CVector2 cOffset; for(UInt32 i = 0; i < un_num_sensors; ++i) { cAngle = c_start_angle + i * cSensorSpacing; cAngle.SignedNormalize(); cOffset.Set(f_radius, 0.0f); cOffset.Rotate(cAngle); cOffset += c_center; AddSensor(cOffset, e_type, s_anchor); } }
void HRVOAgent::addObstacleAtPoint(CVector2 p,CVector2 v,Real r) { HRVO::Agent *a=new HRVO::Agent(); a->velocity_=HRVO::Vector2((float)v.GetX(),(float)v.GetY()); a->position_=HRVO::Vector2((float)p.GetX(),(float)p.GetY()); Real distance; CVector2 relativePosition=relativePositionOfObstacleAt(p,r,distance); //a->radius_=r+marginForObstacleAtDistance(distance,r,safetyMargin,socialMargin); a->radius_=r+fmin(distance-r-_HRVOAgent->radius_-0.001,marginForObstacleAtDistance(distance,r,safetyMargin,socialMargin)); // printf("Obstacle radius %.3f\n",a->radius_); //a->radius_=r+marginForObstacleAtDistance(p.Length(),r,safetyMargin,socialMargin); a->prefVelocity_=a->velocity_; _HRVOAgent->agents_.push_back(a); _HRVOAgent->insertAgentNeighbor(agentIndex, rangeSq); agentIndex++; }
void Texture::SetTexel( const CColor4 & color, const CVector2 & ST ) { CReal Mul(255.0f); U8* pu8data = (U8*) mpImageData; u8 ur = (u8) (color.GetX()*Mul); u8 ug = (u8) (color.GetY()*Mul); u8 ub = (u8) (color.GetZ()*Mul); u8 ua = (u8) (color.GetW()*Mul); int ix = (int) (miWidth * fmod( (float) ST.GetY(), 1.0f )); int iy = (int) (miHeight * fmod( (float) ST.GetX(), 1.0f )); int idx = (int) (4 * (ix*miHeight + iy)); pu8data[idx+0] = ub; pu8data[idx+1] = ug; pu8data[idx+2] = ur; pu8data[idx+3] = ua; SetDirty(true); }
virtual void SaveAsImage(const std::string& str_path) { fipImage cImage(FIT_BITMAP, m_unPixelsPerMeter * m_cHalfArenaSize.GetX()*2, m_unPixelsPerMeter * m_cHalfArenaSize.GetY()*2, 24); Real fFactor = 1.0f / static_cast<Real>(m_unPixelsPerMeter); CVector2 cFloorPos; CColor cARGoSPixel; RGBQUAD tFIPPixel; for(UInt32 y = 0; y < cImage.getHeight(); ++y) { for(UInt32 x = 0; x < cImage.getWidth(); ++x) { cFloorPos.Set(x * fFactor, y * fFactor); cFloorPos -= m_cHalfArenaSize; cARGoSPixel = m_cLoopFunctions.GetFloorColor(cFloorPos); tFIPPixel.rgbRed = cARGoSPixel.GetRed(); tFIPPixel.rgbGreen = cARGoSPixel.GetGreen(); tFIPPixel.rgbBlue = cARGoSPixel.GetBlue(); cImage.setPixelColor(x, y, &tFIPPixel); } } if(! { THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Cannot save image \"" << str_path << "\" for floor entity."); } }
CVector2 CFootBotForaging::DiffusionVector(bool& b_collision) { /* Get readings from proximity sensor */ const CCI_FootBotProximitySensor::TReadings& tProxReads = m_pcProximity->GetReadings(); /* Sum them together */ CVector2 cDiffusionVector; for(size_t i = 0; i < tProxReads.size(); ++i) { cDiffusionVector += CVector2(tProxReads[i].Value, tProxReads[i].Angle); } /* If the angle of the vector is small enough and the closest obstacle is far enough, ignore the vector and go straight, otherwise return it */ if(m_sDiffusionParams.GoStraightAngleRange.WithinMinBoundIncludedMaxBoundIncluded(cDiffusionVector.Angle()) && cDiffusionVector.Length() < m_sDiffusionParams.Delta ) { b_collision = false; return CVector2::X; } else { b_collision = true; cDiffusionVector.Normalize(); return -cDiffusionVector; } }
static int BuzzGoToC(buzzvm_t vm) { /* Push the vector components */ buzzvm_lload(vm, 1); buzzvm_lload(vm, 2); /* Create a new vector with that */ buzzobj_t tX = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 2); buzzobj_t tY = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1); CVector2 cDir; if(tX->o.type == BUZZTYPE_INT) cDir.SetX(tX->i.value); else if(tX->o.type == BUZZTYPE_FLOAT) cDir.SetX(tX->f.value); else { buzzvm_seterror(vm, BUZZVM_ERROR_TYPE, "gotoc(x,y): expected %s, got %s in first argument", buzztype_desc[BUZZTYPE_FLOAT], buzztype_desc[tX->o.type] ); return vm->state; } if(tY->o.type == BUZZTYPE_INT) cDir.SetY(tY->i.value); else if(tY->o.type == BUZZTYPE_FLOAT) cDir.SetY(tY->f.value); else { buzzvm_seterror(vm, BUZZVM_ERROR_TYPE, "gotoc(x,y): expected %s, got %s in second argument", buzztype_desc[BUZZTYPE_FLOAT], buzztype_desc[tY->o.type] ); return vm->state; } /* Get pointer to the controller */ buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "controller", 1)); buzzvm_gload(vm); /* Call function */ reinterpret_cast<CBuzzControllerFootBot*>(buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->u.value)->SetWheelSpeedsFromVector(cDir); return buzzvm_ret0(vm); }
void iAnt_controller::SetTargetInBounds(CVector2 t) { /* Bound the X value based on the forage range. */ if(t.GetX() > data->ForageRangeX.GetMax()) t = CVector2(data->ForageRangeX.GetMax(), t.GetY()); if(t.GetX() < data->ForageRangeX.GetMin()) t = CVector2(data->ForageRangeX.GetMin(), t.GetY()); /* Bound the Y value based on the forage range. */ if(t.GetY() > data->ForageRangeY.GetMax()) t = CVector2(t.GetX(), data->ForageRangeY.GetMax()); if(t.GetY() < data->ForageRangeY.GetMin()) t = CVector2(t.GetX(), data->ForageRangeY.GetMin()); /* Set the robot's target to the bounded t position. */ target = t; }
bool CVector2::FromString(Engine::Containers::CString str, CVector2& a) { if (str.Length() <= 0 || // Needs a string :3 str[0] != '(' || str[str.Length() - 1] != ')' || // Needs the braces around it. str.Count(',') != 1) // Needs exactly 1 seperating comma. return false; str = str.Trim("() "); s32 idx = str.IndexOf(','); Engine::Containers::CString xs = str.SubString(0, idx).Trim(); Engine::Containers::CString ys = str.SubString(idx + 1).Trim(); a.Set(xs.ToFloat(), ys.ToFloat()); return true; }
bool CKinematics2DEngine::CheckCollisions( const CKinematics2DCollisionCircle* pc_circle, const CKinematics2DCollisionRectangle* pc_rectangle ) { /* Rototranslate the plane so that the rectangle is axis aligned and centered in O */ CVector2 center = pc_circle->GetPosition() - pc_rectangle->GetPosition(); center.Rotate(pc_rectangle->GetOrientation() ); center.Absolute(); /* Find the Voronoi Region that the circle is in, exploiting the symmetries */ CVector2 c_half_size = pc_rectangle->GetHalfSize(); Real f_radius = pc_circle->GetRadius(); if( center.GetX() <= c_half_size.GetX() ) { /* The circle is in the top or bottom region */ return (center.GetY() <= c_half_size.GetY() + f_radius); } if( center.GetY() <= c_half_size.GetY() ) { /* The circle is in the left or right region */ return (center.GetX() <= c_half_size.GetX() + f_radius); } /* The circle is in one of the four corner regions */ return (SquareDistance( c_half_size, center ) <= f_radius*f_radius); }
void CBuzzControllerEFootBot::SetWheelSpeedsFromVector(const CVector2& c_heading) { /* Get the heading angle */ CRadians cHeadingAngle = c_heading.Angle().SignedNormalize(); /* Get the length of the heading vector */ Real fHeadingLength = c_heading.Length(); /* Clamp the speed so that it's not greater than MaxSpeed */ Real fBaseAngularWheelSpeed = Min<Real>(fHeadingLength, m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed); /* Turning state switching conditions */ if(Abs(cHeadingAngle) <= m_sWheelTurningParams.NoTurnAngleThreshold) { /* No Turn, heading angle very small */ m_sWheelTurningParams.TurningMechanism = SWheelTurningParams::NO_TURN; } else if(Abs(cHeadingAngle) > m_sWheelTurningParams.HardTurnOnAngleThreshold) { /* Hard Turn, heading angle very large */ m_sWheelTurningParams.TurningMechanism = SWheelTurningParams::HARD_TURN; } else if(m_sWheelTurningParams.TurningMechanism == SWheelTurningParams::NO_TURN && Abs(cHeadingAngle) > m_sWheelTurningParams.SoftTurnOnAngleThreshold) { /* Soft Turn, heading angle in between the two cases */ m_sWheelTurningParams.TurningMechanism = SWheelTurningParams::SOFT_TURN; } /* Wheel speeds based on current turning state */ Real fSpeed1, fSpeed2; switch(m_sWheelTurningParams.TurningMechanism) { case SWheelTurningParams::NO_TURN: { /* Just go straight */ fSpeed1 = fBaseAngularWheelSpeed; fSpeed2 = fBaseAngularWheelSpeed; break; } case SWheelTurningParams::SOFT_TURN: { /* Both wheels go straight, but one is faster than the other */ Real fSpeedFactor = (m_sWheelTurningParams.HardTurnOnAngleThreshold - Abs(cHeadingAngle)) / m_sWheelTurningParams.HardTurnOnAngleThreshold; fSpeed1 = fBaseAngularWheelSpeed - fBaseAngularWheelSpeed * (1.0 - fSpeedFactor); fSpeed2 = fBaseAngularWheelSpeed + fBaseAngularWheelSpeed * (1.0 - fSpeedFactor); break; } case SWheelTurningParams::HARD_TURN: { /* Opposite wheel speeds */ fSpeed1 = -m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed; fSpeed2 = m_sWheelTurningParams.MaxSpeed; break; } } /* Apply the calculated speeds to the appropriate wheels */ Real fLeftWheelSpeed, fRightWheelSpeed; if(cHeadingAngle > CRadians::ZERO) { /* Turn Left */ fLeftWheelSpeed = fSpeed1; fRightWheelSpeed = fSpeed2; } else { /* Turn Right */ fLeftWheelSpeed = fSpeed2; fRightWheelSpeed = fSpeed1; } /* Finally, set the wheel speeds */ m_pcWheels->SetLinearVelocity(fLeftWheelSpeed, fRightWheelSpeed); }
void CRecruitmentLoopFunctions::PreStep() { /* Logic to pick and drop food items */ /* * If a robot is in the nest, drop the food item * If a robot is on a food item, pick it * Each robot can carry only one food item per time */ /* Check whether a robot is on a food item */ //CSpace::TMapPerType& m_cFootbots = m_cSpace.GetEntitiesByType("foot-bot"); CSpace::TMapPerType& m_cFootbots = GetSpace().GetEntitiesByType("foot-bot"); for(CSpace::TMapPerType::iterator it = m_cFootbots.begin(); it != m_cFootbots.end(); ++it) { /* Get handle to foot-bot entity and controller */ CFootBotEntity& cFootBot = *any_cast<CFootBotEntity*>(it->second); CBTFootbotRecruitmentController& cController = dynamic_cast<CBTFootbotRecruitmentController&>(cFootBot.GetControllableEntity().GetController()); /* Get the position of the foot-bot on the ground as a CVector2 */ CVector2 cPos; cPos.Set(cFootBot.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition().GetX(), cFootBot.GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition().GetY()); /* Get state data */ CBTFootbotRecruitmentController::SStateData* sStateData = &cController.GetStateData(); sStateData->CurrentPosition = cPos; /* Get food data */ CBTFootbotRecruitmentController::SFoodData* sFoodData = &cController.GetFoodData(); /* The foot-bot has a food item */ if(sFoodData->HasFoodItem) { /* Check whether the foot-bot is in the nest */ if(InNest(cPos)) { /* Place a new food item on the ground */ CVector2 tmp = sFoodData->LastFoodPosition; m_cFoodPos[sFoodData->FoodItemIdx].Set(tmp.GetX(), tmp.GetY()); //m_cFoodPos[sFoodData->FoodItemIdx].Set(m_pcRNG->Uniform(m_cForagingArenaSideX), m_pcRNG->Uniform(m_cForagingArenaSideY)); /* Drop the food item */ sFoodData->HasFoodItem = false; sFoodData->FoodItemIdx = 0; ++sFoodData->TotalFoodItems; m_nbCollectedFood++; /* The floor texture must be updated */ m_pcFloor->SetChanged(); } } else { /* The foot-bot has no food item */ /* Check whether the foot-bot is out of the nest */ if(!InNest(cPos)) { /* Check whether the foot-bot is on a food item */ bool bDone = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < m_cFoodPos.size() && !bDone; ++i) { if((cPos - m_cFoodPos[i]).SquareLength() < m_fFoodSquareRadius) { /* If so, we move that item out of sight */ m_cFoodPos[i].Set(100.0f, 100.f); /* The foot-bot is now carrying an item */ sFoodData->HasFoodItem = true; sFoodData->FoodItemIdx = i; sFoodData->LastFoodPosition = cPos; /* The floor texture must be updated */ m_pcFloor->SetChanged(); /* We are done */ bDone = true; } } } } } if(GetSpace().GetSimulationClock() % 1000 == 0){ m_cOutput << GetSpace().GetSimulationClock() << "\t" << m_nbCollectedFood << "\t" << m_nbCollectedFood / (GetSpace().GetSimulationClock()/1000)<< "\n"; } }