BOOL CuDlgDBEventPane01::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); VERIFY (m_cListDBEvent.SubclassDlgItem (IDC_MFC_LIST1, this)); CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); pDoc->SetRegisteredDBEventList (&m_cListDBEvent); try { // // If the Document is load, then we update the control. UpdateControl(); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { VDBA_OutOfMemoryMessage(); e->Delete(); } catch (...) { throw; } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void CMainFrame::SwitchToView(eView nView) { CView* pOldActiveView = GetActiveView(); CView* pNewActiveView = (CView*) GetDlgItem(nView); if (pNewActiveView == NULL) { switch (nView) { case STRING: pNewActiveView = (CView*) new CStringView; break; case HEX: pNewActiveView = (CView*) new CHexView; break; } CCreateContext context; context.m_pCurrentDoc = pOldActiveView->GetDocument(); pNewActiveView->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER, CFrameWnd::rectDefault, this, nView, &context); pNewActiveView->OnInitialUpdate(); } SetActiveView(pNewActiveView); pNewActiveView->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pOldActiveView->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pOldActiveView->SetDlgCtrlID( pOldActiveView->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CStringView) ? STRING : HEX); pNewActiveView->SetDlgCtrlID(AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST); RecalcLayout(); }
//**************************************************************************** COleClientItem* CBCGPFrameWnd::GetInPlaceActiveItem () { CFrameWnd* pActiveFrame = GetActiveFrame (); if (pActiveFrame == NULL) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pActiveFrame); CView* pView = pActiveFrame->GetActiveView (); if (pView == NULL || pView->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPPrintPreviewView))) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pView); COleDocument* pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (COleDocument, pView->GetDocument ()); if (pDoc == NULL) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pDoc); return pDoc->GetInPlaceActiveItem (pView); }
BOOL CuDlgDBEventPane02::OnMaxLineChange (int nMax) { CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); int nCount = m_cListRaisedDBEvent.GetItemCount(); if (nCount > nMax) { int i, diff = nCount - nMax; if (pDoc->m_bClearFirst) { for (i=0; i<diff; i++) m_cListRaisedDBEvent.DeleteItem (0); } else { //CString strMsg = "New value is smaller than actual number of lines,\n" // "and 'Clear First When Max Reached is not checked'.\n" // "Previous value is kept"; BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_NEW_VALUE), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::UpdateControl() { CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); CWnd* pSplitter = pView->GetParent(); ASSERT (pSplitter); CDbeventFrame* pFrame = (CDbeventFrame*)pSplitter->GetParent(); ASSERT (pFrame); // // Remark: // InitializeDBEvent() is called on the CBN_SELCHANGE of Database ComboBox. CString strNone; if (strNone.LoadString (IDS_DATABASE_NONE) == 0) strNone = "<None>"; if (pDoc->m_strDBName == "" || pDoc->m_strDBName == strNone) return; // Load ... // Initialize the new Database. if (DBETraceInit (pDoc->m_hNode, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)pDoc->m_strDBName , pFrame->m_hWnd, &(pDoc->m_nHandle)) == RES_SUCCESS) { pDoc->m_bDBInit = TRUE; m_strCurrentDB = pDoc->m_strDBName; } else { pDoc->m_bDBInit = FALSE; pDoc->m_nHandle = -1; BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_INITIALIZE_DB_EVENT));//"Error while initializing the Database for DB Event Registration" } if (pDoc->m_bDBInit) { int index; CTypedPtrList<CObList, CuDataRegisteredDBevent*>& listDBEvent = pDoc->m_listRegisteredDBEvent; POSITION pos = listDBEvent.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CuDataRegisteredDBevent* dbe = listDBEvent.GetNext (pos); index = m_cListDBEvent.AddString (dbe->m_strDBEvent); if (index != LB_ERR) { LPTSTR lpszOwner = new TCHAR [dbe->m_strOwner.GetLength() +1]; lstrcpy (lpszOwner, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)dbe->m_strOwner); m_cListDBEvent.SetItemData (index, (DWORD)lpszOwner); if (dbe->m_bRegistered) { if (DBETraceRegister (pDoc->m_nHandle, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)dbe->m_strDBEvent, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)dbe->m_strOwner) != RES_SUCCESS) BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_REGISTERING_DB_EVENT));//"Error while Registering DB Event" else m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (index, 1); } } } } }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::OnRefresh() { TRACE0 ("CuDlgDBEventPane01::OnRefresh() ...\n"); int nCount, i, index =CB_ERR; CString strItem; CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); // // Refresh data of this Window // Refresh the DB Events of One Database. CString strNone; strNone.LoadString (IDS_DATABASE_NONE); if (pDoc->m_strDBName == strNone || pDoc->m_strDBName == "") return; CCheckListBox list; list.Create (WS_CHILD|LBS_HASSTRINGS|LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED, CRect (0,0, 10, 10), this, (UINT)-1); ASSERT (IsWindow (list.m_hWnd)); InitializeDBEvent (m_strCurrentDB, &list); nCount = m_cListDBEvent.GetCount(); for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if (m_cListDBEvent.GetCheck(i) == 1) { m_cListDBEvent.GetText (i, strItem); index = list.FindStringExact (-1, strItem); if (index == LB_ERR) { CString msg; AfxFormatString1 (msg, IDS_DBECHECKED_HASBEEN_REMOVED, (LPCTSTR)strItem); BfxMessageBox (msg); } else { list.SetCheck (index, 1); } } } CleanListBox (&m_cListDBEvent); m_cListDBEvent.ResetContent (); nCount = list.GetCount(); for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { list.GetText (i, strItem); index = m_cListDBEvent.AddString (strItem); if (index != LB_ERR) { LPTSTR lpszOwner = (LPTSTR)list.GetItemData (i); m_cListDBEvent.SetItemData (i, (DWORD)lpszOwner); if (list.GetCheck (i) == 1) m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (index, 1); } } }
CConvertToSPEXDoc* CDrawGraph::GetMyDocument() const { CView *pParent = (CView *)GetParent(); VERIFY(pParent); CDocument *m_pDocument = pParent->GetDocument(); VERIFY(m_pDocument); ASSERT_KINDOF(CConvertToSPEXDoc,m_pDocument); return (CConvertToSPEXDoc*)m_pDocument; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CuDlgDBEventPane02 message handlers void CuDlgDBEventPane02::ResetDBEvent() { CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); // pDoc->m_nCounter1 = 1; // pDoc->m_nCounter2 = 0; m_cListRaisedDBEvent.DeleteAllItems(); }
BOOL CuDlgDBEventPane02::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); VERIFY (m_cListRaisedDBEvent.SubclassDlgItem (IDC_MFC_LIST1, this)); // // Initalize the Column Header of CListCtrl (CuListCtrl) // LV_COLUMN lvcolumn; UINT strHeaderID[LAYOUT_NUMBER] = { IDS_RAISEDDBE_NUM, IDS_RAISEDDBE_TIME, IDS_RAISEDDBE_NAME, IDS_RAISEDDBE_OWNER, IDS_RAISEDDBE_TEXT }; int i, hWidth [LAYOUT_NUMBER] = {40, 100, 80, 100, 400}; // // Set the number of columns: LAYOUT_NUMBER // memset (&lvcolumn, 0, sizeof (LV_COLUMN)); lvcolumn.mask = LVCF_FMT|LVCF_SUBITEM|LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_WIDTH; for (i=0; i<LAYOUT_NUMBER; i++) { CString strHeader; strHeader.LoadString (strHeaderID[i]); lvcolumn.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvcolumn.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strHeader; lvcolumn.iSubItem = i; = hWidth[i]; m_cListRaisedDBEvent.InsertColumn (i, &lvcolumn); } CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); pDoc->SetRaisedDBEventList (&m_cListRaisedDBEvent); try { // // If the Document is load, then we update the control. UpdateControl(); } catch (CMemoryException* e) { VDBA_OutOfMemoryMessage (); e->Delete(); } catch (...) { throw; } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
BOOL CDocument::CanCloseFrame( CFrameWnd *pFrame ) /************************************************/ { POSITION position = m_viewList.GetHeadPosition(); while( position != NULL ) { CView *pView = (CView *)m_viewList.GetNext( position ); if( pView->GetDocument() == this && pView->GetParentFrame() != pFrame ) { return( TRUE ); } } return( SaveModified() ); }
CDocument *CFrameWnd::GetActiveDocument() /***************************************/ { CFrameWnd *pFrame = GetActiveFrame(); if( pFrame != NULL ) { CView *pView = pFrame->GetActiveView(); if( pView != NULL ) { return( pView->GetDocument() ); } } return( NULL ); }
LONG CuDlgDBEventPane02::OnDbeventTraceIncoming (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPRAISEDDBE lpStruct = (LPRAISEDDBE)lParam; CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); CSplitterWnd* pSplitter = (CSplitterWnd*)pView->GetParent(); ASSERT (pSplitter); CDbeventFrame* pFrame = (CDbeventFrame*)pSplitter->GetParent(); ASSERT (pFrame); if (!pFrame->GetPaneRegisteredDBEvent()->Find ((LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventName, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventOwner)) { IncomingDBEvent ( pDoc, "r", (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->StrTimeStamp, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventName, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventOwner, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventText, "*"); } else { IncomingDBEvent ( pDoc, "r", (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->StrTimeStamp, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventName, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventOwner, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventText); } if (pDoc->m_bPopupOnRaise) { CString strMsg; strMsg.GetBuffer (520); TCHAR tchszAll [80]; StringWithOwner ((LPUCHAR)lpStruct->DBEventName, (LPUCHAR)lpStruct->DBEventOwner, (LPUCHAR)tchszAll); //"%s: Database Event %s '%s' was raised on node %s." strMsg.Format (IDS_I_DB_EVENT_RAISED, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->StrTimeStamp, (LPCTSTR)tchszAll, (LPCTSTR)lpStruct->DBEventText, (LPCTSTR)GetVirtNodeName (pDoc->m_hNode)); BfxMessageBox (strMsg); } return RES_SUCCESS; }
CView* CStaticDoc::GetActiveView( ) { CMainFrame * pMainFrame = AfxGetMainFrame(); if( pMainFrame ) { CChildFrame * pChildFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CChildFrame, pMainFrame->MDIGetActive() ); if( pChildFrame ) { CView * pView = pChildFrame->GetActiveView(); if( pView && this == pView->GetDocument() ) return pView; } } return NULL; }
BOOL CDFFDGlobal::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Show the template name in the dialog title CView *pv = dynamic_cast<CView *>(m_pParentWnd); ASSERT(pv != NULL); if (pv != NULL) { CHexEditDoc *pdoc = dynamic_cast<CHexEditDoc *>(pv->GetDocument()); ASSERT(pdoc != NULL); if (pdoc != NULL) SetWindowText("Global Settings for \"" + pdoc->GetXMLFileDesc() +".XML\""); } ASSERT(pelt_ != NULL && pelt_->GetName() == "binary_file_format"); CString ss; ss = pelt_->GetAttr("default_byte_order"); default_big_endian_ = (ss == "big"); ss = pelt_->GetAttr("default_read_only"); default_read_only_ = (ss == "true"); ss = pelt_->GetAttr("default_char_set"); if (ss == "ansi") default_char_set_ = 1; else if (ss == "oem") default_char_set_ = 2; else if (ss == "ebcdic") default_char_set_ = 3; else { ASSERT(ss == "ascii"); default_char_set_ = 0; } ss = pelt_->GetAttr("web_site"); if (ss.IsEmpty()) web_site_ = "http://"; else web_site_ = ss; UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
void CChildFrame::ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow) //------------------------------------------- { if ((glMdiOpenCount == 1) && (CMainFrame::gbMdiMaximize) && (nCmdShow == -1)) { nCmdShow = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; } CMDIChildWnd::ActivateFrame(nCmdShow); //rewbs.fix3185: When song first loads, initialise patternViewState // to point to start of song. CView *pView = GetActiveView(); CModDoc *pModDoc = NULL; if (pView) pModDoc = (CModDoc *)pView->GetDocument(); if ((m_hWndCtrl) && (pModDoc)) { if (m_bInitialActivation && m_ViewPatterns.nPattern==0) { m_ViewPatterns.nPattern=pModDoc->GetSoundFile()->Order[0]; m_ViewPatterns.nOrder=0; //just in case (should already be 0) m_ViewPatterns.nRow=0; //just in case m_bInitialActivation=false; } if (!pattern_test) { DEBUG_FUNC("creating my homie"); DEBUG_FUNC("pModDoc = %p", pModDoc); auto pSndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); if (pSndFile) { pattern_test = new modplug::gui::qt5::document_window( pSndFile, CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->global_config, nullptr ); /* pattern_test->resize(400, 400); pattern_test->show(); */ CMainFrame::GetMainFrame() ->ui_root ->mainwindow.add_document_window(pattern_test); } } } //end rewbs.fix3185 }
LRESULT CChildFrame::OnInstrumentSelected(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- { CView *pView = GetActiveView(); CModDoc *pModDoc = NULL; if (pView) pModDoc = (CModDoc *)pView->GetDocument(); if ((m_hWndCtrl) && (pModDoc)) { module_renderer *pSndFile = pModDoc->GetSoundFile(); UINT nIns = lParam; if ((!wParam) && (pSndFile->m_nInstruments > 0)) { nIns = pModDoc->FindSampleParent(nIns); } ::SendMessage(m_hWndCtrl, WM_MOD_CTRLMSG, CTRLMSG_PAT_SETINSTRUMENT, nIns); } return 0; }
void CMainFrame::SwitchView(ViewType nType) { CView* pOldView = GetActiveView(); CView* pNewView = (CView*)GetDlgItem(nType); if(pNewView == NULL) { switch(nType) { case FORMVIEW: pNewView = (CView*)new CMultiLookView; break; case FONTVIEW: pNewView = (CView*)new CFontView; break; case PAINTVIEW: pNewView = (CView*)new CPaintView; break; } CCreateContext context; context.m_pCurrentDoc = pOldView->GetDocument(); pNewView->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER, CFrameWnd::rectDefault, this, nType, &context); pNewView->OnInitialUpdate(); } SetActiveView(pNewView); pNewView->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pOldView->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(pOldView->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CMultiLookView)) pOldView->SetDlgCtrlID(FORMVIEW); if(pOldView->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CFontView)) pOldView->SetDlgCtrlID(FONTVIEW); if(pOldView->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CPaintView)) pOldView->SetDlgCtrlID(PAINTVIEW); pNewView->SetDlgCtrlID(AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST); RecalcLayout(); }
BOOL CSplitterFrame::SetNewView(int row, int col, CRuntimeClass* pViewClass) { ASSERT(pViewClass->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CView))); CView* pView = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CView, m_wndSplitter.GetPane(row, col)); CFrameWnd* pFrame = pView->GetParentFrame(); ASSERT(pFrame); // set up create context to preserve doc/frame etc. CCreateContext cc; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(cc)); cc.m_pNewViewClass = pViewClass; cc.m_pCurrentDoc = pView->GetDocument(); cc.m_pNewDocTemplate = cc.m_pCurrentDoc ? cc.m_pCurrentDoc->GetDocTemplate() : NULL; cc.m_pCurrentFrame = pFrame; m_wndSplitter.DeleteView(row, col); // delete old view /* */ /* recréer control tabs */ this_app->NewTabs(); /* */ VERIFY(m_wndSplitter.CreateView(row, col, // create new one pViewClass, CSize(0,0), // will fix in RecalcLayout &cc)); m_wndSplitter.RecalcLayout(); // recompute layout // initialize the view CWnd* pWnd = m_wndSplitter.GetPane(row, col); if (pWnd) pWnd->SendMessage(WM_INITIALUPDATE); GetActiveDocument()->SetModifiedFlag(FALSE); // Document vide GetActiveDocument()->SetTitle("New Project"); //SetDefaultTitle(GetActiveDocument()); return 1; }
void CMainFrame::OnViewPrediction() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here CDocument* pDoc; CView* pView; CCreateContext context; CRect rect; pView=(CView*)m_splitter.GetPane(0,0); pView->GetWindowRect(rect); if(!pView) { AfxMessageBox("Unexpected error occurs"); return; } pDoc=pView->GetDocument(); CString title=pDoc->GetTitle(); if(!pDoc) { AfxMessageBox("Unexpected error occurs"); return; } pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=false; m_splitter.GetPane(0,0)->DestroyWindow(); pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=true; context.m_pNewViewClass=RUNTIME_CLASS(CPredView); context.m_pCurrentDoc=pDoc; context.m_pLastView=NULL; context.m_pNewDocTemplate=NULL; context.m_pCurrentFrame=NULL; m_splitter.CreateView(0,0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CPredView),CSize(rect.Width(),rect.Height()),&context); ((CView*)m_splitter.GetPane(0,0))->OnInitialUpdate();// it is important to call initial update before create a view expecially a CScrollView m_splitter.RecalcLayout(); m_splitter.GetPane(0,0)->SendMessage(WM_PAINT); SetActiveView((CScrollView*)m_splitter.GetPane(0,0)); pDoc->SetTitle(title); ((CFCCDoc*)pDoc)->MessageCenter(IDS_MESSAGE_MAKEPREDICTION); }
// Returns the name of the currently opened file, including extension (if saved). CString CTemplateFormater::GetFile(void) { // Use the generic view class to make this class as portable as possible CView* pView = NULL; CMDIFrameWnd* pFrame = reinterpret_cast<CMDIFrameWnd*>(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd); // Get the active MDI child window. CMDIChildWnd* pChild = reinterpret_cast<CMDIChildWnd*>(pFrame->GetActiveFrame()); // or CMDIChildWnd *pChild = pFrame->MDIGetActive(); // Get the active view attached to the active MDI child window. pView = reinterpret_cast<CView*>(pChild->GetActiveView()); ASSERT(pView != NULL); // If at this point the view could not be obtained, the leave if (pView != NULL) { CDocument* pDoc = pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc != NULL); if (pDoc != NULL) { CString strPathName = pDoc->GetPathName(); if (!strPathName.IsEmpty()) { CCFileSpec fs(strPathName); //NOTE: This part is not portable! return fs.GetFileName(); } else { return pDoc->GetTitle(); } } } return _T(""); };
void CuDlgDBEventPane02::UpdateControl() { CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); CWnd* pSplitter = pView->GetParent(); ASSERT (pSplitter); CDbeventFrame* pFrame = (CDbeventFrame*)pSplitter->GetParent(); ASSERT (pFrame); CString strNone; if (strNone.LoadString (IDS_DATABASE_NONE) == 0) strNone = "<None>"; if (pDoc->m_strDBName == "" || pDoc->m_strDBName == strNone) return; // Load ... int nCount; CTypedPtrList<CObList, CuDataRaisedDBevent*>& listRaisedDBEvent = pDoc->m_listRaisedDBEvent; nCount = listRaisedDBEvent.GetCount(); POSITION pos = listRaisedDBEvent.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CuDataRaisedDBevent* dbe = listRaisedDBEvent.GetNext (pos); IncomingDBEvent (pDoc, dbe->m_strNum, dbe->m_strTime, dbe->m_strDBEvent, dbe->m_strDBEOwner, dbe->m_strDBEText); } if ((pDoc->m_nMaxLine+1) == nCount) { CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString st= t.Format ("%c"); nCount = m_cListRaisedDBEvent.GetItemCount (); int index = m_cListRaisedDBEvent.InsertItem (nCount, (LPTSTR)"", 0); m_cListRaisedDBEvent.SetItemText (index, 1, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)st); m_cListRaisedDBEvent.SetItemText (index, 2, VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_INTERRUPTED));//"<Interrupted>" } SetHeader (pDoc->m_strRaisedSince); }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::ForceRefresh() { TRACE0 ("CuDlgDBEventPane01::ForceRefresh() ...\n"); CString strNone; CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); LPUCHAR parentstrings [MAXPLEVEL]; if (strNone.LoadString (IDS_DATABASE_NONE) == 0) strNone = "<None>"; if (pDoc->m_strDBName == "" || pDoc->m_strDBName == strNone) return; parentstrings[0] = (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)pDoc->m_strDBName; // // Refresh the cach DOMDisableDisplay (pDoc->m_hNode, NULL); UpdateDOMData ( pDoc->m_hNode, OT_DBEVENT, 1, parentstrings, FALSE, FALSE); DOMUpdateDisplayData ( pDoc->m_hNode, OT_DBEVENT, 1, parentstrings, FALSE, ACT_ADD_OBJECT, 0L, 0); // // Refresh data of this Window OnRefresh (); }
void CDlgObjectManager::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized) { CDialog::OnActivate(nState, pWndOther, bMinimized); CMDIChildWnd* pChildWnd; CMod3DDoc* pDoc; CView* pView; CMDIFrameWnd* pMainWnd = (CMDIFrameWnd*) GetParent(); pChildWnd = (CMDIChildWnd *) pMainWnd->MDIGetActive(); if( pChildWnd == NULL ) return; pView = (CView *) pChildWnd->GetActiveView(); ASSERT( pView != NULL ); pDoc = (CMod3DDoc*) pView->GetDocument(); if( pDoc == NULL ) return; if( pDoc != m_pDoc ) { m_pDoc = pDoc; OnInitDialog(); } }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::UnregisterDBEvents() { CDbeventDoc* pDoc; CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; // // Unregister the DB Events: int nCount, i; CString strItem; nCount = m_cListDBEvent.GetCount(); for (i=0; i<nCount; i++) { m_cListDBEvent.GetText (i, strItem); LPTSTR lpszOwner = (LPTSTR)m_cListDBEvent.GetItemData (i); if (m_cListDBEvent.GetCheck (i) == 1) { DBETraceUnRegister (pDoc->m_nHandle, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)strItem, (LPUCHAR)lpszOwner); m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (i, 0); } } CString strNone; if (pDoc && m_strCurrentDB != "" && m_strCurrentDB != strNone) { // // Reset the Database ... if (pDoc->m_bDBInit && pDoc->m_nHandle != -1) { DBETraceTerminate (pDoc->m_nHandle); } } }
BOOL CSizingTabCtrlBar::AddView(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, CRuntimeClass *pViewClass, CCreateContext *pContext) { #ifdef _DEBUG ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pViewClass != NULL); ASSERT(pViewClass->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd))); ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pViewClass, sizeof(CRuntimeClass), FALSE)); #endif CCreateContext context; if (pContext == NULL) { // if no context specified, generate one from the currently selected // client if possible CView* pOldView = NULL; if (pOldView != NULL && pOldView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CView))) { // set info about last pane ASSERT(context.m_pCurrentFrame == NULL); context.m_pLastView = pOldView; context.m_pCurrentDoc = pOldView->GetDocument(); if (context.m_pCurrentDoc != NULL) context.m_pNewDocTemplate = context.m_pCurrentDoc->GetDocTemplate(); } pContext = &context; } CWnd* pWnd; TRY { pWnd = (CWnd*)pViewClass->CreateObject(); if (pWnd == NULL) AfxThrowMemoryException(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { TRACE0("Out of memory creating a view.\n"); // Note: DELETE_EXCEPTION(e) not required return FALSE; } END_CATCH_ALL ASSERT_KINDOF(CWnd, pWnd); ASSERT(pWnd->m_hWnd == NULL); // not yet created DWORD dwStyle = AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW; CRect rect; // Create with the right size and position if (!pWnd->Create(NULL, NULL, dwStyle, rect, this, 0, pContext)) { TRACE0("Warning: couldn't create client pane for view.\n"); // pWnd will be cleaned up by PostNcDestroy return FALSE; } m_pActiveView = (CView*) pWnd; TCB_ITEM *pMember=new TCB_ITEM; pMember->pWnd=pWnd; _tcscpy(pMember->szLabel, lpszLabel); m_views.AddTail(pMember); int nViews = m_views.GetCount(); if (nViews!=1) { pWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE); pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } else { ((CFrameWnd *)GetParent())->SetActiveView((CView *)m_pActiveView); } TC_ITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE; tci.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)lpszLabel; tci.iImage = nViews-1; m_tabctrl.InsertItem(nViews, &tci); return TRUE; }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::InitializeDBEvent (CString& str, CCheckListBox* pList) { CWinApp* app = NULL; CView* pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); CDbeventDoc* pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); int cur, ires; TCHAR buf [MAXOBJECTNAME]; TCHAR buffilter [MAXOBJECTNAME]; LPUCHAR parentstrings [MAXPLEVEL]; memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); memset (buffilter, 0, sizeof (buffilter)); if (!pList) { CleanListBox (&m_cListDBEvent); m_cListDBEvent.ResetContent(); } CString strNone; strNone.LoadString (IDS_DATABASE_NONE); if (str == strNone) { m_strCurrentDB = ""; return; } parentstrings [0] = (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)str; parentstrings [1] = NULL; app = AfxGetApp(); app->DoWaitCursor (1); ires = DOMGetFirstObject ( pDoc->m_hNode, OT_DBEVENT, 1, parentstrings, pDoc->m_bSysDBEvent, NULL, (LPUCHAR)buf, (LPUCHAR)buffilter, NULL); while (ires == RES_SUCCESS) { if (pList) cur = pList->AddString ((LPCTSTR)buf); else cur = m_cListDBEvent.AddString ((LPCTSTR)buf); if (cur != LB_ERR) { LPTSTR lpszOwner; lpszOwner = new TCHAR [lstrlen (buffilter)+1]; lstrcpy (lpszOwner, (LPTSTR)buffilter); if (pList) pList->SetItemData (cur, (DWORD)lpszOwner); else m_cListDBEvent.SetItemData (cur, (DWORD)lpszOwner); } ires = DOMGetNextObject ((LPUCHAR)buf, (LPUCHAR)buffilter, NULL); } app->DoWaitCursor (-1); m_strCurrentDB = str; }
void CuDlgDBEventPane01::OnCheckChange() { CDbeventFrame* pFrame; CView* pView; CDbeventDoc* pDoc; int nCheck, index = LB_ERR; CString strItem; CString strTime; LPTSTR lpszOwner; CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); strTime = time.Format ("%c"); index = m_cListDBEvent.GetCaretIndex(); if (index == LB_ERR) return; pView = (CView*)GetParent(); ASSERT (pView); pDoc = (CDbeventDoc*)pView->GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); CWnd* pSplitter = pView->GetParent(); ASSERT (pSplitter); pFrame = (CDbeventFrame*)pSplitter->GetParent(); ASSERT (pFrame); if (!pDoc->m_bDBInit) { BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_DB_EVENT_REGISTER));//"DBEvent Initialization Failure: Unable to register." nCheck = m_cListDBEvent.GetCheck (index); if (nCheck == 1) m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (index, 0); // Stay unckecked return; } CuDlgDBEventPane02* pRaisePanel = pFrame->GetPaneRaisedDBEvent(); ASSERT (pRaisePanel); m_cListDBEvent.GetText (index, strItem); lpszOwner = (LPTSTR)m_cListDBEvent.GetItemData (index); nCheck = m_cListDBEvent.GetCheck (index); if (nCheck == 1) { if (DBETraceRegister (pDoc->m_nHandle, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)strItem, (LPUCHAR)lpszOwner) != RES_SUCCESS) { BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_REGISTERING_DB_EVENT));//"Error while Registering DB Event" m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (index, 0); // Stay unckecked return; } CString st1; st1.Format (IDS_DBEVENT_CHECK, (LPCTSTR)strItem);//"<Check %s>" pRaisePanel->IncomingDBEvent (pDoc, "?", strTime, st1, "", ""); } else if (nCheck == 0) { CString st1; int ans = DBETraceUnRegister (pDoc->m_nHandle, (LPUCHAR)(LPCTSTR)strItem, (LPUCHAR)lpszOwner); if (ans != RES_SUCCESS && ans != RES_MOREDBEVENT) { BfxMessageBox (VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_E_UNREGISTERING_DB_EVENT));//"Error while unregistering DB Event" m_cListDBEvent.SetCheck (index, 1); // Stay ckecked st1.Format (IDS_E_UNCHECK, (LPCTSTR)strItem);//"<ERROR in Uncheck %s>" pRaisePanel->IncomingDBEvent (pDoc, "?", strTime, st1, "", ""); return; } st1.Format (IDS_I_UNCHECK, (LPCTSTR)strItem);//"<Uncheck %s>" pRaisePanel->IncomingDBEvent (pDoc, "?", strTime, st1, "", ""); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Replaces the current active view with a given view type. // Input : *pViewClass - // Output : CView //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CView *CChildFrame::ReplaceView(CRuntimeClass *pViewClass) { // // Verify that there is an active view to replace. // CView *pCurrentView = GetActiveView(); if (!pCurrentView) { return(NULL); } // // If we're already displaying this kind of view, no need to go // further. // if ((pCurrentView->IsKindOf(pViewClass)) == TRUE) { return(pCurrentView); } // // Get pointer to CDocument object so that it can be used in the // creation process of the new view. Set flag so that the document // will not be deleted when view is destroyed. // CMapDoc *pDoc = (CMapDoc *)pCurrentView->GetDocument(); BOOL bAutoDelete = pDoc->m_bAutoDelete; pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=FALSE; int iRow = 0, iCol = 0; CRect rect; // Delete existing view if (bUsingSplitter) { pCurrentView->GetClientRect(rect); m_wndSplitter->GetActivePane(&iRow, &iCol); m_wndSplitter->DeleteView(iRow, iCol); } else { pCurrentView->DestroyWindow(); } // Restore the autodelete flag. pDoc->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete; // Create new view and redraw. CCreateContext context; context.m_pNewViewClass = pViewClass; context.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc; context.m_pNewDocTemplate = NULL; context.m_pLastView = NULL; context.m_pCurrentFrame=this; CView *pNewView = NULL; if (bUsingSplitter) { if (m_wndSplitter->CreateView(iRow, iCol, pViewClass, rect.Size(), &context)) { pNewView = (CView *)m_wndSplitter->GetPane(iRow, iCol); } } else { pNewView = (CView *)pViewClass->CreateObject(); if (pNewView) { CRect r; GetClientRect(r); if (!pNewView->Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, r, this, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, &context)) { pNewView = NULL; } } } if (!pNewView) { TRACE0("Warning: couldn't create view for frame\n"); return(NULL); } pNewView->SendMessage(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0); if (bUsingSplitter) { m_wndSplitter->RecalcLayout(); } return(pNewView); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : bSplitter - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChildFrame::SetSplitterMode(BOOL bSplitter) { if(bSplitter == bUsingSplitter) return; // already at this mode if(!bSplitter) { // delete the splitterwnd.. first, get the view that it is currently // using. CView * pActiveView = GetActiveView(); CDocument* pDoc = pActiveView->GetDocument(); BOOL bAutoDelete=pDoc->m_bAutoDelete; pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=FALSE; pActiveView->SetRedraw(FALSE); m_wndSplitter->SetRedraw(FALSE); pActiveView->SetParent(this); m_wndSplitter->DestroyWindow(); delete m_wndSplitter; m_wndSplitter = NULL; pDoc->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete; // redraw active view CRect r; GetClientRect(r); pActiveView->SetRedraw(TRUE); pActiveView->MoveWindow(0, 0, r.right, r.bottom, TRUE); } else { CView * pActiveView = GetActiveView(); Assert(pActiveView); CMapDoc* pDoc = (CMapDoc*) pActiveView->GetDocument(); BOOL bAutoDelete=pDoc->m_bAutoDelete; pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=FALSE; pActiveView->DestroyWindow(); pDoc->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete; // creating new four views. m_wndSplitter = new CMySplitterWnd; if(!m_wndSplitter->CreateStatic(this, 2, 2)) { TRACE0("Failed to create split bar "); return; // failed to create } CRect r; GetClientRect(r); CSize sizeView(r.Width()/2 - 3, r.Height()/2 - 3); CCreateContext context; context.m_pNewViewClass = NULL; context.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc; context.m_pNewDocTemplate = NULL; context.m_pLastView = NULL; context.m_pCurrentFrame = this; context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D); m_wndSplitter->CreateView(0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D), sizeView, &context); m_wndSplitter->CreateView(1, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D), sizeView, &context); m_wndSplitter->CreateView(1, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView2D), sizeView, &context); context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMapView3D); m_wndSplitter->CreateView(0, 0, context.m_pNewViewClass, sizeView, &context); } bUsingSplitter = bSplitter; }
BOOL CXDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class ASSERT(pMsg != NULL); ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); // allow tooltip messages to be filtered if (m_bAccelToParentFrm && pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST ) { // use document specific accelerator table over m_hAccelTable CView* pView =(CView*)GetParent(); CDocument *pDoc=NULL; if(pView && pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CView))) { pDoc=pView->GetDocument(); } if(pDoc==NULL) goto PreMsgOut; if(pMsg->wParam==VK_TAB) goto PreMsgOut; if(pMsg->wParam==VK_SPACE) goto PreMsgOut; if(pMsg->wParam==VK_RETURN) goto PreMsgOut; if(pMsg->wParam==VK_BACK) goto PreMsgOut; if(VK_LEFT <= pMsg->wParam && pMsg->wParam <= VK_DOWN) goto PreMsgOut; if(VK_END <= pMsg->wParam && pMsg->wParam <= VK_HOME) goto PreMsgOut; if(VK_INSERT <= pMsg->wParam && pMsg->wParam <= VK_DELETE) goto PreMsgOut; if(VK_NUMPAD0 <= pMsg->wParam && pMsg->wParam <= VK_DIVIDE) goto PreMsgOut; if(pMsg->wParam==VK_F1) goto PreMsgOut; char ch=(char)pMsg->wParam; if('a'<=ch && ch<='z') ch+='A'-'a'; if(ch=='C') goto PreMsgOut; if(ch=='V') goto PreMsgOut; if(ch=='X') goto PreMsgOut; if(ch=='Z') goto PreMsgOut; if(ch=='Y') goto PreMsgOut; HACCEL hAccel = pDoc->GetDefaultAccelerator(); return (hAccel != NULL && ::TranslateAccelerator(pView->m_hWnd, hAccel, pMsg)); goto PreMsgOut; } PreMsgOut: return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }