Пример #1
void CDlgBrowseByClass::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

  CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument();

  // if dialog is recieving data
  if( (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate == FALSE) && (::IsWindow(m_listEntities.m_hWnd)) )
    INDEX ctEntities = m_listEntities.GetItemCount();
    INDEX ctSelectedEntities = m_listEntities.GetSelectedCount();
    char achrEntitiesCount[ 64];
    sprintf( achrEntitiesCount, "Selected entities:     %d            Total entities:     %d", ctSelectedEntities, ctEntities);
    m_strEntitiesInVolume = achrEntitiesCount;
    INDEX iSelectedItem = m_listEntities.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED);
    if( iSelectedItem != -1) m_listEntities.EnsureVisible( iSelectedItem, FALSE);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PLUGGINS, m_ctrlPluggins);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ENTITY_LIST, m_listEntities);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ENTITIES_IN_VOLUME_T, m_strEntitiesInVolume);
	DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DISPLAY_VOLUME, m_bShowVolume);
	DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DISPLAY_IMPORTANTS, m_bShowImportants);

  // if dialog is giving data
  if( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate != FALSE)
    // clear document selection
    // mark all selected entities in list as selected in document's entity selection
    INDEX iSelectedItem = -1;
      iSelectedItem = m_listEntities.GetNextItem( iSelectedItem, LVNI_ALL|LVNI_SELECTED);
      if( iSelectedItem == -1)
      // get selected entity
      CEntity *penEntity = (CEntity *) m_listEntities.GetItemData(iSelectedItem);
      // add entity into normal selection
      pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Select( *penEntity);
    if( pDoc->m_bBrowseEntitiesMode)
      // clear volume container
      // go out of browse by volume mode
    // mark that selections have been changed
Пример #2
void CChildFrame::OnEnableVisibilityTweaks() 
  // get document
  CWorldEditorView *pWEDView = (CWorldEditorView *) m_wndSplitter.GetPane( 0, 0);
  ASSERT( pWEDView != NULL);
	CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = pWEDView->GetDocument();
	m_bDisableVisibilityTweaks = !m_bDisableVisibilityTweaks;
  pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
Пример #3
void CChildFrame::OnViewSelection() 
  // get document
  CWorldEditorView *pWEDView = (CWorldEditorView *) m_wndSplitter.GetPane( 0, 0);
  ASSERT( pWEDView != NULL);
	CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = pWEDView->GetDocument();
	m_bSelectionVisible = !m_bSelectionVisible;
  pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
void CTriangularisationCombo::OnSelchange() 
  // get document ptr
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetActiveDocument();
  if( pDoc == NULL) return;

  int iSelected = GetCurSel();
  theApp.m_vfpCurrent.vfp_ttTriangularisationType = (enum TriangularisationType) iSelected;
Пример #5
void CChildFrame::OnRestorePosition03() 
  m_mvViewer.mv_plViewer = wo_plStored03;
  m_mvViewer.mv_fTargetDistance = wo_fStored03;

  CWorldEditorView *pWEDView = (CWorldEditorView *) m_wndSplitter.GetPane( 0, 0);
  ASSERT( pWEDView != NULL);
	CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = pWEDView->GetDocument();
  pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
Пример #6
void CChildFrame::OnToggleVisibilityTweaks() 
  // get document
  CWorldEditorView *pWEDView = (CWorldEditorView *) m_wndSplitter.GetPane( 0, 0);
  ASSERT( pWEDView != NULL);
	CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = pWEDView->GetDocument();
	m_bShowVisibilityTweaks = !m_bShowVisibilityTweaks;
	// auto turn off disabling of visibility tweaks
  m_bDisableVisibilityTweaks = FALSE;
  pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
Пример #7
void CChildFrame::OnUpdateKeyY(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) 
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetActiveDocument();
  if( pDoc->GetEditingMode() == TERRAIN_MODE)
Пример #8
void CChildFrame::OnKeyY() 
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetActiveDocument();
  if( pDoc->GetEditingMode() == TERRAIN_MODE)
BOOL CTriangularisationCombo::OnIdle(LONG lCount)
  // get document ptr
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetActiveDocument();

  if( (pDoc == NULL) ||
      (pDoc->GetEditingMode() != CSG_MODE) ||
      (!pDoc->m_bPrimitiveMode) )
    // we should disable triangularisation combo
    if(GetCount() == 1) return TRUE; // we allready have "not available" in combo
    // remove all combo entries
    // set none available message
    AddString( L"None Available");
    SetCurSel( 0);
  // we should enable triangularisation combo 
    // if it is allready enabled
    if(GetCount() != 1) return TRUE;
    // add all possible triangularisation types
    AddString( L"None");
    AddString( L"Center");
    AddString( L"Vertex 1");
    AddString( L"Vertex 2");
    AddString( L"Vertex 3");
    AddString( L"Vertex 4");
    AddString( L"Vertex 5");
    AddString( L"Vertex 6");
    AddString( L"Vertex 7");
    AddString( L"Vertex 8");
    AddString( L"Vertex 9");
    AddString( L"Vertex 10");
    AddString( L"Vertex 11");
    AddString( L"Vertex 12");
    AddString( L"Vertex 13");
    AddString( L"Vertex 14");
    AddString( L"Vertex 15");
    AddString( L"Vertex 16");
    // select currently selected triangularisation type
    SetCurSel( (int)theApp.m_vfpCurrent.vfp_ttTriangularisationType);
  return TRUE;
Пример #10
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBuilderZone::calcMask()
	sint32 i;
	sint32 x, y;

	_MinY = _MinX = 1000000;
	_MaxY = _MaxX = -1000000;

	if (_ZoneRegions.size() == 0)

	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();

	for (i = 0; i < (sint32)_ZoneRegions.size(); ++i)
		const CZoneRegion *pBZR = &(doc->getZoneRegion (i));

		if (_MinX > pBZR->getMinX())
			_MinX = pBZR->getMinX();
		if (_MinY > pBZR->getMinY())
			_MinY = pBZR->getMinY();
		if (_MaxX < pBZR->getMaxX())
			_MaxX = pBZR->getMaxX();
		if (_MaxY < pBZR->getMaxY())
			_MaxY = pBZR->getMaxY();
	_ZoneMask.resize ((1+_MaxX-_MinX)*(1+_MaxY-_MinY));
	sint32 stride = (1+_MaxX-_MinX);
	for (y = _MinY; y <= _MaxY; ++y)
	for (x = _MinX; x <= _MaxX; ++x)
		_ZoneMask[x-_MinX+(y-_MinY)*stride] = true;

		for (i = 0; i < (sint32)_ZoneRegions.size(); ++i)
		if (i != _ZoneRegionSelected)
			const CZoneRegion *pBZR = &(doc->getZoneRegion (i));

			const string &rSZone = pBZR->getName (x, y);
			if ((rSZone != STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND) && (rSZone != STRING_UNUSED))
				_ZoneMask[x-_MinX+(y-_MinY)*stride] = false;
Пример #11
void OnModifyPrimitive (CPrimitives &primitives)
	// Look for the good database element using the primitives pointer

	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
	uint i;
	const uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
	for (i=0; i<count; i++)
		if (&doc->getDatabaseElements (i) == &primitives)

	// If found, modify it

	if (i < count)
		doc->modifyDatabase (i);
Пример #12
void InvalidateAllPrimitives ()
	// Erase all caches
/*	Selection.clear ();
	PrimitiveQuadGrid.clear ();
	ModifiedPrimitive.clear ();*/
	// Invalidate quad grid
	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
	if (doc)
		uint i;
		uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
		for (i=0; i<count; i++)
			// Is a primtive ?
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			locator.getRoot (i);
			InvalidatePrimitiveRec (locator, QuadTree|LogicTreeStruct|SelectionState);
Пример #13
void UpdateSelection ()
	// Get the tools window
	CToolsLogic *toolWnd = dynamic_cast<CToolsLogic*>(getMainFrame ()->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1));

	// Selection is changed ?
	bool selectionChanged = false;

	// For each modified primitive 
	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
	std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>::iterator ite = ModifiedPrimitive.begin ();
	while (ite != ModifiedPrimitive.end ())
		CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
		doc->getLocator (locator, *ite);
		IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (*ite);

		// Selection ?
		if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & _SelectionSelectState)
			// Update the selection
			UpdatePrimitiveSelection (primitiveEditor, locator, selectionChanged);

			// Validate
			primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~_SelectionSelectState;

		// Next primitive to update

	/*// Change dialog selection ?
	if (selectionChanged)
		PropertyDialog.changeSelection (Selection);
Пример #14
void VerifyPrimitivesStructures()
	getMainFrame()->launchLoadingDialog("checking primitives structures");
	// Invalidate quad grid
	CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
	if (doc)
		// Begin modifications
		doc->beginModification ();

		string path;
		string errors;
		uint i;
		uint count = doc->getNumDatabaseElement ();
		IPrimitiveEditor::StructureError error = IPrimitiveEditor::NoError;
		for (i=0; i<count; i++)
			if (doc->isEditable (i))
				// Is a primtive ?
				CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
				locator.getRoot (i);
				error = (IPrimitiveEditor::StructureError)((sint)VerifyPrimitiveRec (locator, path, errors) | (sint)error);
				//VerifyPrimitiveRec (locator);

				// auto generate missing ID
				doc->resetUniqueID(*(doc->getDatabaseElements(i).RootNode), true);
		// End modifications
		doc->endModification ();

		if (error != IPrimitiveEditor::NoError)
			errors = "Found errors in the tree structure:\n"+errors;
			int first = errors.find_first_not_of ("\n");
			int end = errors.find_first_of ("\n");
			while (first != string::npos)
				nlwarning (errors.substr(first, end-first).c_str());
				first = end;
				end = errors.find_first_of ("\n", end+1);

			theApp.errorMessage (errors.c_str());
Пример #15
void CChildFrame::TestGame( BOOL bFullScreen) 
  // turn off info window
  CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd());

  CWorldEditorView *pPerspectiveView = GetPerspectiveView();
  ASSERT( pPerspectiveView != NULL);
  SetActiveView( pPerspectiveView, FALSE);
	CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = pPerspectiveView->GetDocument();

  CTFileName fnmWorldToPlay;
  CTFileName fnmTempWorld = CTString("Temp\\TestGame.wld");

  // if the world was never saved or if it is modified
  if( (!pDoc->m_bWasEverSaved && wed_bSaveTestGameFirstTime) || pDoc->IsModified())
  { // save world under temporary name
    try {  
      fnmWorldToPlay = fnmTempWorld;
    } catch( char *strError) {
      AfxMessageBox( CString(strError));
  // if the world is not modified (it is saved on disk)
  } else
  { // use the saved world
    fnmWorldToPlay = CTString(CStringA(pDoc->GetPathName()));
    try {
    } catch( char *strError) {
      AfxMessageBox( CString(strError));

  // set rendering preferences
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs = pPerspectiveView->m_vpViewPrefs.m_wrpWorldRenderPrefs;
  _mrpModelRenderPrefs = pPerspectiveView->m_vpViewPrefs.m_mrpModelRenderPrefs;
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetShadowsType( pPerspectiveView->GetChildFrame()->m_stShadowType);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetSelectedEntityModel( theApp.m_pEntityMarkerModelObject);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetSelectedPortalModel( theApp.m_pPortalMarkerModelObject);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetEmptyBrushModel( theApp.m_pEmptyBrushModelObject);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetTextureLayerOn( theApp.m_bTexture1, 0);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetTextureLayerOn( theApp.m_bTexture2, 1);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetTextureLayerOn( theApp.m_bTexture3, 2);

  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetSelectedEntityModel( theApp.m_pEntityMarkerModelObject);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetSelectedPortalModel( theApp.m_pPortalMarkerModelObject);
  _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.SetEmptyBrushModel( theApp.m_pEmptyBrushModelObject);

  // prepare test game view/draw ports
  CViewPort *pvp = pPerspectiveView->m_pvpViewPort;
  CDrawPort *pdp = pPerspectiveView->m_pdpDrawPort;
  pdp->SetOverlappedRendering(FALSE); // we are not rendering scene over already rendered scene (used for CSG layer)

  // if full screen mode is required
  HWND hWndFullScreen=NULL;
  HINSTANCE hInstanceFullScreen;
  WNDCLASSEX wcFullScreen;
  char achWindowTitle[256]; // current window title
  if( bFullScreen) 
    // get full screen display mode info
    const PIX pixSizeI = theApp.m_dmFullScreen.dm_pixSizeI;
    const PIX pixSizeJ = theApp.m_dmFullScreen.dm_pixSizeJ;
    const DisplayDepth dd = theApp.m_dmFullScreen.dm_ddDepth;
    const GfxAPIType gat  = theApp.m_gatFullScreen;
    // set OpenGL fullscreen (before window)
    if( gat==GAT_OGL) {
      const BOOL bRes = _pGfx->SetDisplayMode( gat, 0, pixSizeI, pixSizeJ, dd);
      if( !bRes) {
        WarningMessage( "Unable to setup full screen display.");
    } // register the window class
    hInstanceFullScreen = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
    ASSERT( hInstanceFullScreen!=NULL);
    wcFullScreen.cbSize = sizeof(wcFullScreen);
    wcFullScreen.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    wcFullScreen.lpfnWndProc = ::DefWindowProc;
    wcFullScreen.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wcFullScreen.cbWndExtra = 0;
    wcFullScreen.hInstance = hInstanceFullScreen;
    wcFullScreen.hIcon = LoadIcon( hInstanceFullScreen, (LPCTSTR)IDR_MAINFRAME );
    wcFullScreen.hCursor = NULL;
    wcFullScreen.hbrBackground = NULL;
    wcFullScreen.lpszMenuName  = CString(APPLICATION_NAME);
    wcFullScreen.lpszClassName = CString(APPLICATION_NAME);
    wcFullScreen.hIconSm = NULL;

    // create a window, invisible initially
    hWndFullScreen = CreateWindowExA(
      "Serious Editor - Full Screen Test Game",   // title
      pixSizeI, pixSizeJ,  // window size
    // didn't make it?
    ASSERT( hWndFullScreen!=NULL);
    if( hWndFullScreen==NULL) {
      if( gat==GAT_OGL) _pGfx->ResetDisplayMode( (enum GfxAPIType)theApp.m_iApi);
      WarningMessage( "Unable to setup window for full screen display.");
    // set windows for engine
    CMainFrame* pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd());
    SE_UpdateWindowHandle( hWndFullScreen);

    // set window title and show it
    sprintf( achWindowTitle, "Serious Editor - Test Game (FullScreen %dx%d)", pixSizeI, pixSizeJ);
    ::SetWindowTextA( hWndFullScreen, achWindowTitle);
    ::ShowWindow(    hWndFullScreen, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    // set Direct3D full screen (after window)
#ifdef SE1_D3D
    if( gat==GAT_D3D) {
      const BOOL bRes = _pGfx->SetDisplayMode( gat, 0, pixSizeI, pixSizeJ, dd);
      if( !bRes) {
        WarningMessage( "Unable to setup full screen display.");
        ::DestroyWindow( hWndFullScreen);
        SE_UpdateWindowHandle( pMainFrame->m_hWnd);
#endif // SE1_D3D
    // create canvas
    _pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas( hWndFullScreen, &pvp, &pdp);
    // initial screen fill and swap, just to get context running
    BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
    if( pdp!=NULL && pdp->Lock()) {
      bSuccess = TRUE;
    // must succeed!
    ASSERT( bSuccess);
    if( !bSuccess) {
      _pGfx->ResetDisplayMode( (enum GfxAPIType)theApp.m_iApi);
      WarningMessage( "Unable to setup canvas for full screen display.");

  // enable sound
  snd_iFormat = Clamp( snd_iFormat, (INDEX)CSoundLibrary::SF_NONE, (INDEX)CSoundLibrary::SF_44100_16);
  _pSound->SetFormat( (enum CSoundLibrary::SoundFormat)snd_iFormat, TRUE);

  // run quick test game
  extern BOOL _bInOnDraw; 
  _bInOnDraw = TRUE;
  _pGameGUI->QuickTest( fnmWorldToPlay, pdp, pvp);
  _bInOnDraw = FALSE;

  // disable sound
  _pSound->SetFormat( CSoundLibrary::SF_NONE);

  // restore default display mode and close test full screen window
  if( hWndFullScreen!=NULL) {
    _pGfx->ResetDisplayMode( (enum GfxAPIType)theApp.m_iApi);
    ::DestroyWindow( hWndFullScreen);
    SE_UpdateWindowHandle( pMainFrame->m_hWnd);
  // redraw all views
  pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
  pPerspectiveView->EnableToolTips( TRUE);
Пример #16
void UpdatePrimitives ()
	// Get the tools window
	CMainFrame *mainWnd = getMainFrame ();
	if (mainWnd)
		CToolsLogic *toolWnd = dynamic_cast<CToolsLogic*>(getMainFrame ()->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1));

		// Sort the list
		static vector<CDatabaseLocatorPointer>	toSort;
		toSort.clear ();

		CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
		std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>::iterator ite = ModifiedPrimitive.begin ();
		while (ite != ModifiedPrimitive.end ())
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, *ite);
			toSort.push_back (locator);
		sort (toSort.begin (), toSort.end ());

		// For each modified primitive 
		sint i;
		sint count = (sint)toSort.size ();
		for (i=count-1; i>=0; i--)
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, toSort[i].Primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(toSort[i].Primitive));

			// Logic tree structure modified ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Remove from the tree
				primitiveEditor->removeFromLogicTree ();

		// Selection is changed ?
		bool selectionChanged = false;

		// For each modified primitive 
		for (i=0; i<count; i++)
			const IPrimitive *primitive = toSort[i].Primitive;
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(primitive));

			// Quad grid ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & QuadTree)
				// Remove from the container
				primitiveEditor->removeFromQuadGrid ();

				// Num points
				uint pointCount = (primitive)->getNumVector ();
				if (pointCount > 0)
					// Point pointer
					const CPrimVector *points = (primitive)->getPrimVector ();

					// BBox
					CAABBox	bbox;
					bbox.setCenter (points[0]);

					// Extend the bbox
					uint j;
					for (j=1; j<pointCount; j++)
						bbox.extend (points[j]);

					// Insert in the quadtree
					primitiveEditor->_QuadIterator = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive));

					// Get the linked primitives
					const IPrimitive* linkedPrimitive = theApp.Config.getLinkedPrimitive (*primitive);

					// Is this primitive linked with another one ?
					if (linkedPrimitive)
						IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditorLinked = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(linkedPrimitive));
						if (linkedPrimitive->getNumVector () > 0)
							bbox.setCenter (points[0]);
							bbox.extend (linkedPrimitive->getPrimVector ()[0]);

							// Insert in the quadtree
							primitiveEditor->_QuadIteratorLink = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), CQuadGridEntry 
								(const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (linkedPrimitive)));

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~QuadTree;

			// Logic tree structure ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Add the primitive
				AddPrimitivesLogicTree (locator, primitiveEditor, toolWnd);

				// The flag is validated by AddPrimitivesLogicTree

			// Logic tree parameters ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeParam)
				// Update tree item parameters
				if (toolWnd)
					toolWnd->updatePrimitive (primitiveEditor->_TreeItem, locator);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~LogicTreeParam;

			// Selection ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & _SelectionSelectState)
				// Update the selection
				UpdatePrimitiveSelection (primitiveEditor, locator, selectionChanged);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~_SelectionSelectState;

			// Remove from the modified list
			nlassert (primitiveEditor->_Channels == 0);
			ModifiedPrimitive.erase (primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator);
			primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator = ModifiedPrimitive.end ();

		/*// Change dialog selection ?
		if (selectionChanged)
			if ( pDlg )
				pDlg->changeSelection (Selection);
		nlassert (ModifiedPrimitive.size ()==0);
Пример #17
IPrimitiveEditor::StructureError VerifyPrimitiveRec (const CDatabaseLocatorPointer &locator, const string &path, string &errors)
	IPrimitiveEditor::StructureError error = IPrimitiveEditor::NoError;
	// For every child, we check the errors
	CDatabaseLocatorPointer myLocator = locator;

	const IPrimitive *primitive = locator.Primitive;
	string newPath = "?";
	if (primitive)
		if (primitive->getParent())
			primitive->getPropertyByName ("name", newPath);
			newPath = ":"+newPath;
			CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
			uint databaseIndex = locator.getDatabaseIndex ();			
			newPath = doc->getDatabaseElement (databaseIndex);
	newPath = path + newPath;

	// we parse the tree recursively, collection errors, and propagating to the parent
	if (myLocator.firstChild ())
			// not very elegant, but we need to set bit fields
			error = (IPrimitiveEditor::StructureError)((sint)VerifyPrimitiveRec (myLocator, newPath, errors) | (sint)error);
		while (myLocator.nextChild ());
	// when we finished to recurse the tree, we simply check if the StaticChildren are all here
	// all other children MUST be either Dynamic or Generated

	if (primitive)
		string className;
		bool Success;
		Success = primitive->getPropertyByName ("class", className);

		if (!Success)
			// is this the root node ?
			const IPrimitive *parent = primitive->getParent();
			if (!parent)
				// if no parent, we have a root node
				className = "root";
				Success = true;
		if (Success)
			const CPrimitiveClass *primClass = theApp.Config.getPrimitiveClass (className.c_str ());
			if (primClass)
				uint CountStaticChildren = 0;
				uint MissingChildren = 0;
				myLocator = locator;
				// we parse the tree recursively, collection errors, and propagating to the parent
				if (myLocator.firstChild ())
						const IPrimitive *primitive2 = myLocator.Primitive;
						if (primitive2)
							string ClassName2;
							nlverify (primitive2->getPropertyByName ("class", ClassName2));
							string name;
							if (primitive2->getPropertyByName ("name", name))
								uint c;
								bool Found = false;
								for (c=0; c<primClass->StaticChildren.size (); c++)
									if (primClass->StaticChildren[c].ClassName == ClassName2 &&
										primClass->StaticChildren[c].Name == name)
										Found = true;

								for (c=0; c<primClass->GeneratedChildren.size (); c++)
									if (primClass->GeneratedChildren[c].ClassName == ClassName2)
										Found = true;
								for (c=0; c<primClass->DynamicChildren.size (); c++)
									if (primClass->DynamicChildren[c].ClassName == ClassName2)
										Found = true;
								if (!Found)

									// Mark the child as error
									IPrimitiveEditor *childPrimitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(primitive2));
									childPrimitiveEditor->_Error = IPrimitiveEditor::InExcessField;
									InvalidatePrimitive (myLocator, LogicTreeParam);

									string childName;
									primitive2->getPropertyByName ("name", childName);
									errors += newPath + " : " + "The child \"" + childName + "\" (class \"" + ClassName2 + "\") is not declared in class \"" + className + "\".\n";
					while (myLocator.nextChild ());
				if (MissingChildren)
					error = IPrimitiveEditor::InExcessField;
				if (CountStaticChildren != primClass->StaticChildren.size())
					error = IPrimitiveEditor::InExcessField;
					errors += newPath+" : "+"Missing static children.\n";
	if (locator.Primitive)
		IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(locator.Primitive));
		// set the error message
		primitiveEditor->_Error = error;
		InvalidatePrimitive (locator, LogicTreeParam);
	return error;
Пример #18
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CBuilderZone::refresh ()
	// Reset all
	_ZoneRegions.clear ();
	_ZoneRegionSelected = -1;

	CWorldEditorDoc *doc  = getDocument ();
	for (uint j=0; j<doc->getNumDatabaseElement (); j++)
		// Is it a landscape ?
		if (doc->isLandscape (j))

			newZone (false);

			// Check if we can load this zone
			const CZoneRegion *pBZR = &(getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (_ZoneRegionSelected));
			for (sint32 y = pBZR->getMinY(); y <= pBZR->getMaxY(); ++y)
			for (sint32 x = pBZR->getMinX(); x <= pBZR->getMaxX(); ++x)
				const string &refSZone = pBZR->getName (x, y);
				if (refSZone != STRING_UNUSED)
					sint zoneRegionSelected2 = -1;
					CWorldEditorDoc *doc  = getDocument ();
					for (uint i=0; i<doc->getNumDatabaseElement (); i++)
						// Is it a landscape ?
						if (doc->isLandscape (i))
							if (i!=j)
								const CZoneRegion *pBZR2 = &(getDocument ()->getZoneRegion (zoneRegionSelected2));
								const string &sZone = pBZR2->getName (x, y);
								if ((sZone != STRING_UNUSED)&&(sZone != STRING_OUT_OF_BOUND))
									unload (_ZoneRegionSelected);
									MessageBox (NULL, "Cannot add this zone because it overlaps existing ones", 
												"Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
									return false;

			string error;
			if (!_ZoneRegions[_ZoneRegionSelected]->init (&_ZoneBank, this, error))
				unload (_ZoneRegionSelected);
				MessageBox (NULL, ("Cannot add this zone :\n"+error).c_str(), 
							"Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
				return false;

			_Display->_Offset.x = _Display->_CellSize*(pBZR->getMinX() + 
														pBZR->getMaxX()) / 2.0f;
			_Display->_Offset.y = _Display->_CellSize*(pBZR->getMinY() + 
														pBZR->getMaxY()) / 2.0f;
			calcMask ();
	return true;
Пример #19
void CDlgPgPosition::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
  if( theApp.m_bDisableDataExchange) return;


  SetModified( TRUE);

  // obtain document
  CWorldEditorDoc* pDoc = theApp.GetDocument();
  // if document doesn't exist, return
  if( pDoc == NULL)  return;
  // get active view 
  CWorldEditorView *pWorldEditorView = theApp.GetActiveView();

  // if dialog is recieving data
  if( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate == FALSE)
	  // is CSG on?
    if( pDoc->m_pwoSecondLayer != NULL)
      // yes, pick up coordinates for editting from second layer
      m_fHeading = DegAngle( pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(1));
	    m_fPitch   = DegAngle( pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(2));
	    m_fBanking = DegAngle( pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(3));

      m_fX = pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(1);
      m_fY = pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(2);
      m_fZ = pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(3);
    // otherwise if we are in entity mode and there is only one entity selected
    else if( (pDoc->m_iMode == ENTITY_MODE) && ( pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Count() == 1) )
      // lock selection's dynamic container
      // get first entity
      CEntity *penEntityOne = pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Pointer(0);
      // unlock selection's dynamic container

      // get placement of first entity
      CPlacement3D plEntityOnePlacement = penEntityOne->GetPlacement();
      m_fHeading = DegAngle( plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(1));
	    m_fPitch   = DegAngle( plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(2));
	    m_fBanking = DegAngle( plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(3));

      m_fX = plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(1);
      m_fY = plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(2);
      m_fZ = plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(3);

	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_BANKING, m_fBanking);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_HEADING, m_fHeading);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PITCH, m_fPitch);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_X, m_fX);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_Y, m_fY);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_Z, m_fZ);

  // if dialog is giving data
  if( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate != FALSE)
	  // is CSG on?
    if( pDoc->m_pwoSecondLayer != NULL)
      // yes, copy coordinates from editting controls into second layer
      pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(1) = AngleDeg( m_fHeading);
	    pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(2) = AngleDeg( m_fPitch);
	    pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_OrientationAngle(3) = AngleDeg( m_fBanking);
      pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(1) = m_fX;
      pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(2) = m_fY;
      pDoc->m_plSecondLayer.pl_PositionVector(3) = m_fZ;

      // snap values to grid
      pDoc->SnapToGrid( pDoc->m_plSecondLayer, SNAP_FLOAT_12);
      theApp.m_vfpCurrent.vfp_plPrimitive = pDoc->m_plSecondLayer;

      // update all document's views
      pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);
    // otherwise if we are in entity mode
    else if( pDoc->m_iMode == ENTITY_MODE)
      // there must be only one entity selected
      ASSERT( pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Count() == 1);
      // lock selection's dynamic container
      // get first entity
      CEntity *penEntityOne = pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Pointer(0);
      // unlock selection's dynamic container

      // get placement of first entity
      CPlacement3D plEntityOnePlacement = penEntityOne->GetPlacement();
      plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(1) = AngleDeg( m_fHeading);
	    plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(2) = AngleDeg( m_fPitch);
	    plEntityOnePlacement.pl_OrientationAngle(3) = AngleDeg( m_fBanking);

      plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(1) = m_fX;
      plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(2) = m_fY;
      plEntityOnePlacement.pl_PositionVector(3) = m_fZ;

      // snap entity's placement
      pDoc->SnapToGrid( plEntityOnePlacement, SNAP_FLOAT_12);
      // set placement back to entity
      penEntityOne->SetPlacement( plEntityOnePlacement);

      pDoc->SetModifiedFlag( TRUE);
      pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);

      // update all document's views
      pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL);