void iCalConverter::setSource(Calendar& inputCalendar) {
        delete calendar;
    calendar = (Calendar *)inputCalendar.clone();
    if(iCalendar) {
        delete [] iCalendar; iCalendar = NULL;
Пример #2
DateFormat::setCalendar(const Calendar& newCalendar)
    Calendar* newCalClone = newCalendar.clone();
    if (newCalClone != NULL) {
Пример #3
/* {{{ proto bool datefmt_set_calendar(IntlDateFormatter $mf, mixed $calendar)
 * Set formatter's calendar.
U_CFUNC PHP_FUNCTION(datefmt_set_calendar)
	zval	*calendar_zv;

	if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Oz",
			&object, IntlDateFormatter_ce_ptr, &calendar_zv) == FAILURE) {
			"datefmt_set_calendar: unable to parse input params", 0 TSRMLS_CC);


	Calendar	*cal;
	long		cal_type;
	bool		cal_owned;
	Locale		locale = Locale::createFromName(dfo->requested_locale);
	// getting the actual locale from the DateFormat is not enough
	// because we would have lost modifiers such as @calendar. We
	// must store the requested locale on object creation

	if (datefmt_process_calendar_arg(calendar_zv, locale,
			"datefmt_set_calendar",	INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(dfo), cal, cal_type,
			cal_owned TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {

	if (cal_owned) {
		/* a non IntlCalendar was specified, we want to keep the timezone */
		TimeZone *old_timezone = fetch_datefmt(dfo)->getTimeZone().clone();
		if (old_timezone == NULL) {
					"datefmt_set_calendar: Out of memory when cloning calendar",
					0 TSRMLS_CC);
			delete cal;
	} else {
		cal = cal->clone();
		if (cal == NULL) {
					"datefmt_set_calendar: Out of memory when cloning calendar",
					0 TSRMLS_CC);


	dfo->calendar = cal_type;

int32_t RelativeDateFormat::dayDifference(Calendar &cal, UErrorCode &status) {
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return 0;
    // TODO: Cache the nowCal to avoid heap allocs? Would be difficult, don't know the calendar type
    Calendar *nowCal = cal.clone();
    nowCal->setTime(Calendar::getNow(), status);

    // For the day difference, we are interested in the difference in the (modified) julian day number
    // which is midnight to midnight.  Using fieldDifference() is NOT correct here, because
    // 6pm Jan 4th  to 10am Jan 5th should be considered "tomorrow".
    int32_t dayDiff = cal.get(UCAL_JULIAN_DAY, status) - nowCal->get(UCAL_JULIAN_DAY, status);

    delete nowCal;
    return dayDiff;
void IntlCalendarTest::TestJapanese3860()
    Calendar *cal;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    cal = Calendar::createInstance("ja_JP@calendar=japanese", status);
    CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating ja_JP@calendar=japanese calendar"));
    Calendar *cal2 = cal->clone();
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("HH:mm:ss.S MMMM d, yyyy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"), status);
    UnicodeString str;

        // Test simple parse/format with adopt
        UDate aDate = 0; 
        // Test parse with missing era (should default to current era, heisei)
        // Test parse with incomplete information
        logln("Testing parse w/ missing era...");
        SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("y.M.d"), Locale("ja_JP@calendar=japanese"), status);
        CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
        if(!fmt) { 
            errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
        } else {
            UErrorCode s2 = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UnicodeString samplestr("1.1.9");
            logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Year: " + samplestr);
            aDate = fmt->parse(samplestr, s2);
            ParsePosition pp=0;
            fmt->parse(samplestr, *cal2, pp);
            CHECK(s2, "parsing the 1.1.9 string");
            logln("*cal2 after 119 parse:");
            fmt2->format(aDate, str);
            logln(UnicodeString() + "as Gregorian Calendar: " + str);

            cal2->setTime(aDate, s2);
            int32_t gotYear = cal2->get(UCAL_YEAR, s2);
            int32_t gotEra = cal2->get(UCAL_ERA, s2);
            int32_t expectYear = 1;
            int32_t expectEra = JapaneseCalendar::getCurrentEra();
            if((gotYear!=1) || (gotEra != expectEra)) {
                errln(UnicodeString("parse "+samplestr+" of 'y.m.d' as Japanese Calendar, expected year ") + expectYear + 
                    UnicodeString(" and era ") + expectEra +", but got year " + gotYear + " and era " + gotEra + " (Gregorian:" + str +")");
            } else {            
                logln(UnicodeString() + " year: " + gotYear + ", era: " + gotEra);
            delete fmt;
        // Test simple parse/format with adopt
        UDate aDate = 0; 
        // Test parse with missing era (should default to current era, heisei)
        // Test parse with incomplete information
        logln("Testing parse w/ just year...");
        SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("y"), Locale("ja_JP@calendar=japanese"), status);
        CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
        if(!fmt) { 
            errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
        } else {
            UErrorCode s2 = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UnicodeString samplestr("1");
            logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Year: " + samplestr);
            aDate = fmt->parse(samplestr, s2);
            ParsePosition pp=0;
            fmt->parse(samplestr, *cal2, pp);
            CHECK(s2, "parsing the 1 string");
            logln("*cal2 after 1 parse:");
            fmt2->format(aDate, str);
            logln(UnicodeString() + "as Gregorian Calendar: " + str);

            cal2->setTime(aDate, s2);
            int32_t gotYear = cal2->get(UCAL_YEAR, s2);
            int32_t gotEra = cal2->get(UCAL_ERA, s2);
            int32_t expectYear = 1;
            int32_t expectEra = 235; //JapaneseCalendar::kCurrentEra;
            if((gotYear!=1) || (gotEra != expectEra)) {
                errln(UnicodeString("parse "+samplestr+" of 'y' as Japanese Calendar, expected year ") + expectYear + 
                    UnicodeString(" and era ") + expectEra +", but got year " + gotYear + " and era " + gotEra + " (Gregorian:" + str +")");
            } else {            
                logln(UnicodeString() + " year: " + gotYear + ", era: " + gotEra);
            delete fmt;

    delete cal2;
    delete cal;
    delete fmt2;
void IntlCalendarTest::TestJapaneseFormat() {
    Calendar *cal;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    cal = Calendar::createInstance("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", status);
    CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating ja_JP_TRADITIONAL calendar"));
    Calendar *cal2 = cal->clone();
    delete cal;
    cal = NULL;
    // Test simple parse/format with adopt
    UDate aDate = 999932400000.0; 
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yyyy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"), status);
    CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
    if(!fmt) { 
        errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
    } else {
        UnicodeString str;
        fmt2->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
        fmt->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
        UnicodeString expected("September 8, 13 Heisei");
        if(str != expected) {
            errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
        UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
        if(otherDate != aDate) { 
            UnicodeString str3;
            ParsePosition pp;
            fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
            fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
            errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " +  " = " +   otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
        } else {
            logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
        delete fmt;

    // Test parse with incomplete information
    fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("G y"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
    aDate = -3197117222000.0;
    CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
    if(!fmt) { 
        errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
    } else {
        UnicodeString str;
        fmt2->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
        fmt->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
        UnicodeString expected("Meiji 1");
        if(str != expected) {
            errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
        UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
        if(otherDate != aDate) { 
            UnicodeString str3;
            ParsePosition pp;
            fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
            fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
            errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " +  " = " +
                otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
        } else {
            logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
        delete fmt;

    delete cal2;
    delete fmt2;
    CHECK(status, "Error occured");
    // Now, try in Japanese
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
        Locale        loc("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL"); // legacy
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5b89\\u6c385\\u5e747\\u67084\\u65e5\\u6728\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = -6106032422000.0; // 1776-07-04T00:00:00Z-075258
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    
    {   // Jitterbug 1869 - this is an ambiguous era. (Showa 64 = Jan 6 1989, but Showa could be 2 other eras) )
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u662d\\u548c64\\u5e741\\u67086\\u65e5\\u91d1\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 600076800000.0;
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    
    {   // This Feb 29th falls on a leap year by gregorian year, but not by Japanese year.
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5EB7\\u6B632\\u5e742\\u670829\\u65e5\\u65e5\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate =  -16214400422000.0;  // 1456-03-09T00:00Z-075258
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    
Пример #7
void RelativeDateFormat::parse( const UnicodeString& text,
                    Calendar& cal,
                    ParsePosition& pos) const {

    int32_t startIndex = pos.getIndex();
    if (fDatePattern.isEmpty()) {
        // no date pattern, try parsing as time
    } else if (fTimePattern.isEmpty() || fCombinedFormat == NULL) {
        // no time pattern or way to combine, try parsing as date
        // first check whether text matches a relativeDayString
        UBool matchedRelative = FALSE;
        for (int n=0; n < fDatesLen && !matchedRelative; n++) {
            if (fDates[n].string != NULL &&
                    text.compare(startIndex, fDates[n].len, fDates[n].string) == 0) {
                // it matched, handle the relative day string
                UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                matchedRelative = TRUE;

                // Set the calendar to now+offset
                cal.add(UCAL_DATE,fDates[n].offset, status);

                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    // failure in setting calendar field, set offset to beginning of rel day string
                } else {
                    pos.setIndex(startIndex + fDates[n].len);
        if (!matchedRelative) {
            // just parse as normal date
    } else {
        // Here we replace any relativeDayString in text with the equivalent date
        // formatted per fDatePattern, then parse text normally using the combined pattern.
        UnicodeString modifiedText(text);
        FieldPosition fPos;
        int32_t dateStart = 0, origDateLen = 0, modDateLen = 0;
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        for (int n=0; n < fDatesLen; n++) {
            int32_t relativeStringOffset;
            if (fDates[n].string != NULL &&
                    (relativeStringOffset = modifiedText.indexOf(fDates[n].string, fDates[n].len, startIndex)) >= startIndex) {
                // it matched, replace the relative date with a real one for parsing
                UnicodeString dateString;
                Calendar * tempCal = cal.clone();

                // Set the calendar to now+offset
                tempCal->add(UCAL_DATE,fDates[n].offset, status);
                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    delete tempCal;

                fDateTimeFormatter->format(*tempCal, dateString, fPos);
                dateStart = relativeStringOffset;
                origDateLen = fDates[n].len;
                modDateLen = dateString.length();
                modifiedText.replace(dateStart, origDateLen, dateString);
                delete tempCal;
        UnicodeString combinedPattern;
        fCombinedFormat->format(fTimePattern, fDatePattern, combinedPattern, status);

        // Adjust offsets
        UBool noError = (pos.getErrorIndex() < 0);
        int32_t offset = (noError)? pos.getIndex(): pos.getErrorIndex();
        if (offset >= dateStart + modDateLen) {
            // offset at or after the end of the replaced text,
            // correct by the difference between original and replacement
            offset -= (modDateLen - origDateLen);
        } else if (offset >= dateStart) {
            // offset in the replaced text, set it to the beginning of that text
            // (i.e. the beginning of the relative day string)
            offset = dateStart;
        if (noError) {
        } else {
Пример #8
DateFormat::setCalendar(const Calendar& newCalendar)
Пример #9
void IntlCalendarTest::TestJapaneseFormat() {
    Calendar *cal;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    cal = Calendar::createInstance("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", status);
    CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating ja_JP_TRADITIONAL calendar"));
    Calendar *cal2 = cal->clone();
    delete cal;
    cal = NULL;
    // Test simple parse/format with adopt
    UDate aDate = 999932400000.0; 
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
    SimpleDateFormat *fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yyyy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"), status);
    CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
    if(!fmt) { 
        errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
    } else {
        UnicodeString str;
        fmt2->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
        fmt->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
        UnicodeString expected("September 8, 13 Heisei");
        if(str != expected) {
            errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
        UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
        if(otherDate != aDate) { 
            UnicodeString str3;
            ParsePosition pp;
            fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
            fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
            errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " +  " = " +   otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
        } else {
            logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
        delete fmt;

    // Test parse with incomplete information
    fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("G y"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
    /* The test data below should points to 1868-09-08T00:00:00 in America/Los_Angeles.
     * The time calculated by original test code uses -7:00 UTC offset, because it assumes
     * DST is observed (because of a timezone bug, DST is observed for early 20th century
     * day to infinite past time).  The bug was fixed and DST is no longer used for time before
     * 1900 for any zones.  However, ICU timezone transition data is represented by 32-bit integer
     * (sec) and cannot represent transitions before 1901 defined in Olson tzdata.  For example,
     * based on Olson definition, offset -7:52:58 should be used for Nov 18, 1883 or older dates.
     * If ICU properly capture entire Olson zone definition, the start time of "Meiji 1" is
     * -3197117222000. -Yoshito
    /* TODO: When ICU support the Olson LMT offset for America/Los_Angeles, we need to update
     * the reference data.
    //aDate = -3197120400000.;
    aDate = -3197116800000.;
    CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
    if(!fmt) { 
        errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
    } else {
        UnicodeString str;
        fmt2->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
        fmt->format(aDate, str);
        logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
        UnicodeString expected("Meiji 1");
        if(str != expected) {
            errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
        UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
        if(otherDate != aDate) { 
            UnicodeString str3;
            ParsePosition pp;
            fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
            fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
            errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " +  " = " +
                otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
        } else {
            logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
        delete fmt;

    delete cal2;
    delete fmt2;
    CHECK(status, "Error occured");
    // Now, try in Japanese
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
        Locale        loc("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL"); // legacy
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5b89\\u6c385\\u5e747\\u67084\\u65e5\\u6728\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        //UDate         expectDate = -6106035600000.0;
        UDate         expectDate = -6106032000000.0; // 1776-07-04T00:00:00Z-0800
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    
    {   // Jitterbug 1869 - this is an ambiguous era. (Showa 64 = Jan 6 1989, but Showa could be 2 other eras) )
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u662d\\u548c64\\u5e741\\u67086\\u65e5\\u91d1\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        UDate         expectDate = 600076800000.0;
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    
    {   // This Feb 29th falls on a leap year by gregorian year, but not by Japanese year.
        UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5EB7\\u6B632\\u5e742\\u670829\\u65e5\\u65e5\\u66dc\\u65e5");
        // Add -1:00 to the following for historical TZ - aliu
        //UDate         expectDate =  -16214403600000.0;  // courtesy of date format round trip test
        UDate         expectDate =  -16214400000000.0;  // 1456-03-09T00:00:00Z-0800
        Locale        loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);    