bool JSActivation::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(object);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().arguments) {
        // Defend against the inspector asking for the arguments object after it has been optimized out.
        CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(thisObject->m_registers));
        if (!thisObject->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval())) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, DontEnum, argumentsGetter);
            return true;

    if (thisObject->symbolTableGet(propertyName, slot))
        return true;

    unsigned attributes;
    if (JSValue value = thisObject->getDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, attributes)) {
        slot.setValue(thisObject, attributes, value);
        return true;

    // We don't call through to JSObject because there's no way to give an 
    // activation object getter properties or a prototype.
    return false;
Пример #2
// Evaluate some JavaScript code in the scope of this frame.
JSValue DebuggerCallFrame::evaluate(const String& script, JSValue& exception)
    CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame;
    if (!callFrame)
        return jsNull();

    JSLockHolder lock(callFrame);

    if (!callFrame->codeBlock())
        return JSValue();
    VM& vm = callFrame->vm();
    EvalExecutable* eval = EvalExecutable::create(callFrame, makeSource(script), callFrame->codeBlock()->isStrictMode());
    if (vm.exception()) {
        exception = vm.exception();
        return jsUndefined();

    JSValue thisValue = thisValueForCallFrame(callFrame);
    JSValue result = vm.interpreter->execute(eval, callFrame, thisValue, scope());
    if (vm.exception()) {
        exception = vm.exception();
    return result;
Пример #3
JSValue DebuggerCallFrame::evaluateNonBlocking(const String& script, NakedPtr<Exception>& exception)
	CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame;
	if (!callFrame)
		return jsNull();

	if (!callFrame->codeBlock())
		return JSValue();

	DebuggerEvalEnabler evalEnabler(callFrame);
	VM& vm = callFrame->vm();
	auto& codeBlock = *callFrame->codeBlock();
	ThisTDZMode thisTDZMode = codeBlock.unlinkedCodeBlock()->constructorKind() == ConstructorKind::Derived ? ThisTDZMode::AlwaysCheck : ThisTDZMode::CheckIfNeeded;

	VariableEnvironment variablesUnderTDZ;
	JSScope::collectVariablesUnderTDZ(scope()->jsScope(), variablesUnderTDZ);

	EvalExecutable* eval = EvalExecutable::create(callFrame, makeSource(script), codeBlock.isStrictMode(), thisTDZMode, codeBlock.unlinkedCodeBlock()->isDerivedConstructorContext(), codeBlock.unlinkedCodeBlock()->isArrowFunction(), &variablesUnderTDZ);
	if (vm.exception()) {
		exception = vm.exception();
		return jsUndefined();

	JSValue thisValue = thisValueForCallFrame(callFrame);
	JSValue result = vm.interpreter->execute(eval, callFrame, thisValue, scope()->jsScope());
	if (vm.exception()) {
		exception = vm.exception();
	return result;
Пример #4
CallFrame* CallFrame::trueCallerFrameSlow()
    // this -> The callee; this is either an inlined callee in which case it already has
    //    a pointer to the true caller. Otherwise it contains current PC in the machine
    //    caller.
    // machineCaller -> The caller according to the machine, which may be zero or
    //    more frames above the true caller due to inlining.
    // trueCaller -> The real caller.
    // Am I an inline call frame? If so, we're done.
    if (isInlineCallFrame())
        return callerFrame();
    // I am a machine call frame, so the question is: is my caller a machine call frame
    // that has inlines or a machine call frame that doesn't?
    CallFrame* machineCaller = callerFrame()->removeHostCallFrameFlag();
    if (!machineCaller)
        return 0;
    if (!machineCaller->codeBlock() || !machineCaller->codeBlock()->hasCodeOrigins())
        return machineCaller; // No inlining, so machineCaller == trueCaller
    // Figure out where the caller frame would have gone relative to the machine
    // caller, and rematerialize it. Do so for the entire inline stack.
    CodeOrigin codeOrigin = machineCaller->codeBlock()->codeOriginForReturn(returnPC());
    for (InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame = codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame; inlineCallFrame;) {
        InlineCallFrame* nextInlineCallFrame = inlineCallFrame = inlineCallFrame->caller.inlineCallFrame;
        CallFrame* inlinedCaller = machineCaller + inlineCallFrame->stackOffset;
        JSObject* callee = machineCaller->registers()[inlineCallFrame->calleeVR].function();
        JSCell* calleeAsFunctionCell = getJSFunction(callee);
        JSFunction* calleeAsFunction = asFunction(calleeAsFunctionCell);
        // Fill in the inlinedCaller
        if (nextInlineCallFrame)
            inlinedCaller->setCallerFrame(machineCaller + nextInlineCallFrame->stackOffset);
        inlineCallFrame = nextInlineCallFrame;
    return machineCaller + codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame->stackOffset;
Пример #5
JSValue VM::throwException(ExecState* exec, JSValue error)
    ASSERT(exec == topCallFrame || exec == exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->globalExec() || exec == exec->dynamicGlobalObject()->globalExec());
    Vector<StackFrame> stackTrace;
    m_exceptionStack = RefCountedArray<StackFrame>(stackTrace);
    m_exception = error;
    if (stackTrace.isEmpty() || !error.isObject())
        return error;
    JSObject* exception = asObject(error);
    StackFrame stackFrame;
    for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < stackTrace.size(); ++i) {
        stackFrame =;
        if (stackFrame.bytecodeOffset)
    unsigned bytecodeOffset = stackFrame.bytecodeOffset;
    if (!hasErrorInfo(exec, exception)) {
        // FIXME: We should only really be adding these properties to VM generated exceptions,
        // but the inspector currently requires these for all thrown objects.
        unsigned line;
        unsigned column;
        stackFrame.computeLineAndColumn(line, column);
        exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "line"), jsNumber(line), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
        exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "column"), jsNumber(column), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
        if (!stackFrame.sourceURL.isEmpty())
            exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "sourceURL"), jsString(this, stackFrame.sourceURL), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
    if (exception->isErrorInstance() && static_cast<ErrorInstance*>(exception)->appendSourceToMessage()) {
        unsigned stackIndex = 0;
        CallFrame* callFrame;
        for (callFrame = exec; callFrame && !callFrame->codeBlock(); callFrame = callFrame->callerFrame()->removeHostCallFrameFlag())
        if (callFrame && callFrame->codeBlock()) {
            stackFrame =;
            bytecodeOffset = stackFrame.bytecodeOffset;
            appendSourceToError(callFrame, static_cast<ErrorInstance*>(exception), bytecodeOffset);

    if (exception->hasProperty(exec, this->propertyNames->stack))
        return error;
    exception->putDirect(*this, propertyNames->stack, interpreter->stackTraceAsString(topCallFrame, stackTrace), DontEnum);
    return error;
Пример #6
// Evaluate some JavaScript code in the scope of this frame.
JSValue DebuggerCallFrame::evaluateWithScopeExtension(const String& script, JSObject* scopeExtensionObject, NakedPtr<Exception>& exception)
    CallFrame* callFrame = m_validMachineFrame;
    if (!callFrame)
        return jsUndefined();

    VM& vm = callFrame->vm();
    JSLockHolder lock(vm);
    auto catchScope = DECLARE_CATCH_SCOPE(vm);

    CodeBlock* codeBlock = nullptr;
    if (isTailDeleted())
        codeBlock = m_shadowChickenFrame.codeBlock;
        codeBlock = callFrame->codeBlock();
    if (!codeBlock)
        return jsUndefined();
    DebuggerEvalEnabler evalEnabler(callFrame);

    EvalContextType evalContextType;
    if (isFunctionParseMode(codeBlock->unlinkedCodeBlock()->parseMode()))
        evalContextType = EvalContextType::FunctionEvalContext;
    else if (codeBlock->unlinkedCodeBlock()->codeType() == EvalCode)
        evalContextType = codeBlock->unlinkedCodeBlock()->evalContextType();
        evalContextType = EvalContextType::None;

    VariableEnvironment variablesUnderTDZ;
    JSScope::collectClosureVariablesUnderTDZ(scope()->jsScope(), variablesUnderTDZ);

    EvalExecutable* eval = DirectEvalExecutable::create(callFrame, makeSource(script), codeBlock->isStrictMode(), codeBlock->unlinkedCodeBlock()->derivedContextType(), codeBlock->unlinkedCodeBlock()->isArrowFunction(), evalContextType, &variablesUnderTDZ);
    if (UNLIKELY(catchScope.exception())) {
        exception = catchScope.exception();
        return jsUndefined();

    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = callFrame->vmEntryGlobalObject();
    if (scopeExtensionObject) {
        JSScope* ignoredPreviousScope = globalObject->globalScope();
        globalObject->setGlobalScopeExtension(JSWithScope::create(vm, globalObject, scopeExtensionObject, ignoredPreviousScope));

    JSValue thisValue = this->thisValue();
    JSValue result = vm.interpreter->execute(eval, callFrame, thisValue, scope()->jsScope());
    if (UNLIKELY(catchScope.exception())) {
        exception = catchScope.exception();

    if (scopeExtensionObject)

    return result;
EncodedJSValue JSActivation::argumentsGetter(ExecState*, EncodedJSValue slotBase, EncodedJSValue, PropertyName)
    JSActivation* activation = jsCast<JSActivation*>(JSValue::decode(slotBase));
    CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(activation->m_registers));
    ASSERT(!activation->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()));
    if (activation->isTornOff() || !(callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()))
        return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());

    VirtualRegister argumentsRegister = callFrame->codeBlock()->argumentsRegister();
    if (JSValue arguments = callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()).jsValue())
        return JSValue::encode(arguments);
    int realArgumentsRegister = unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(argumentsRegister).offset();

    JSValue arguments = JSValue(Arguments::create(callFrame->vm(), callFrame));
    callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()) = arguments;
    callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister) = arguments;
    return JSValue::encode(callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister).jsValue());
Пример #8
JSObject* addErrorInfo(ExecState* exec, JSObject* error, int line, const SourceCode& source)
    JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();

    addErrorInfo(globalData, error, line, source);

    JSArray* stack = constructEmptyArray(exec);
    CallFrame* frame = exec;

    JSObject* stackFrame;
    CodeBlock* codeBlock;
    UString sourceURL;
    UString functionName;
    ReturnAddressPtr pc;

    while (!frame->hasHostCallFrameFlag()) {
        stackFrame = constructEmptyObject(exec);
        codeBlock = frame->codeBlock();

        // sourceURL
        sourceURL = codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL();
            globalData, Identifier(globalData, sourceURLPropertyName),
            jsString(globalData, sourceURL), ReadOnly | DontDelete

        // line
        if (frame != exec) {
            line = codeBlock->lineNumberForBytecodeOffset(codeBlock->bytecodeOffset(pc));
            globalData, Identifier(globalData, linePropertyName),
            jsNumber(line), ReadOnly | DontDelete

        // function
        JSObject* function = frame->callee();
        if (function && function->inherits(&JSFunction::s_info)) {
            functionName = asFunction(function)->calculatedDisplayName(exec);
                globalData, Identifier(globalData, functionPropertyName),
                jsString(globalData, functionName), ReadOnly | DontDelete

        stack->push(exec, JSValue(stackFrame));

        pc = frame->returnPC();
        frame = frame->callerFrame();

    error->putWithAttributes(globalData, Identifier(globalData, stackPropertyName), stack, ReadOnly | DontDelete);
    return error;
Пример #9
JSValue VM::throwException(ExecState* exec, JSValue error)
    if (Options::breakOnThrow()) {
        dataLog("In call frame ", RawPointer(exec), " for code block ", *exec->codeBlock(), "\n");

    ASSERT(exec == topCallFrame || exec == exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->globalExec() || exec == exec->vmEntryGlobalObject()->globalExec());

    Vector<StackFrame> stackTrace;
    m_exceptionStack = RefCountedArray<StackFrame>(stackTrace);
    m_exception = error;

    if (stackTrace.isEmpty() || !error.isObject())
        return error;
    JSObject* exception = asObject(error);

    StackFrame stackFrame;
    for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < stackTrace.size(); ++i) {
        stackFrame =;
        if (stackFrame.bytecodeOffset)
    if (!hasErrorInfo(exec, exception)) {
        // FIXME: We should only really be adding these properties to VM generated exceptions,
        // but the inspector currently requires these for all thrown objects.
        unsigned line;
        unsigned column;
        stackFrame.computeLineAndColumn(line, column);
        exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "line"), jsNumber(line), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
        exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "column"), jsNumber(column), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
        if (!stackFrame.sourceURL.isEmpty())
            exception->putDirect(*this, Identifier(this, "sourceURL"), jsString(this, stackFrame.sourceURL), ReadOnly | DontDelete);
    if (exception->isErrorInstance() && static_cast<ErrorInstance*>(exception)->appendSourceToMessage()) {
        FindFirstCallerFrameWithCodeblockFunctor functor(exec);
        CallFrame* callFrame = functor.foundCallFrame();
        unsigned stackIndex = functor.index();

        if (callFrame && callFrame->codeBlock()) {
            stackFrame =;
            appendSourceToError(callFrame, static_cast<ErrorInstance*>(exception), stackFrame.bytecodeOffset);

    if (exception->hasProperty(exec, this->propertyNames->stack))
        return error;

    exception->putDirect(*this, propertyNames->stack, interpreter->stackTraceAsString(topCallFrame, stackTrace), DontEnum);
    return error;
Пример #10
void ErrorInstance::finishCreation(ExecState* exec, VM& vm, const String& message, bool useCurrentFrame)
    if (!message.isNull())
        putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->message, jsString(&vm, message), DontEnum);

    unsigned bytecodeOffset = hasSourceAppender();
    CallFrame* callFrame = nullptr;
    bool hasTrace = addErrorInfoAndGetBytecodeOffset(exec, vm, this, useCurrentFrame, callFrame, bytecodeOffset);

    if (hasTrace && callFrame && hasSourceAppender()) {
        if (callFrame && callFrame->codeBlock()) 
            appendSourceToError(callFrame, this, bytecodeOffset);
EncodedJSValue JSLexicalEnvironment::argumentsGetter(ExecState*, JSObject* slotBase, EncodedJSValue, PropertyName)
    JSLexicalEnvironment* lexicalEnvironment = jsCast<JSLexicalEnvironment*>(slotBase);
    CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(lexicalEnvironment->m_registers));
    return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());

    VirtualRegister argumentsRegister = callFrame->codeBlock()->argumentsRegister();
    if (JSValue arguments = callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()).jsValue())
        return JSValue::encode(arguments);
    int realArgumentsRegister = unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(argumentsRegister).offset();

    JSValue arguments = JSValue(Arguments::create(callFrame->vm(), callFrame));
    callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()) = arguments;
    callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister) = arguments;
    return JSValue::encode(callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister).jsValue());
Пример #12
JSValue JSActivation::argumentsGetter(ExecState*, JSValue slotBase, PropertyName)
    JSActivation* activation = jsCast<JSActivation*>(slotBase);
    if (activation->isTornOff())
        return jsUndefined();

    CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(activation->m_registers));
    int argumentsRegister = callFrame->codeBlock()->argumentsRegister();
    if (JSValue arguments = callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister).jsValue())
        return arguments;
    int realArgumentsRegister = unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(argumentsRegister);

    JSValue arguments = JSValue(Arguments::create(callFrame->vm(), callFrame));
    callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister) = arguments;
    callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister) = arguments;
    return callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister).jsValue();
void JSActivation::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
    JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(object);

    CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(thisObject->m_registers));
    if (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties && !thisObject->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()))

        ConcurrentJITLocker locker(thisObject->symbolTable()->m_lock);
        SymbolTable::Map::iterator end = thisObject->symbolTable()->end(locker);
        for (SymbolTable::Map::iterator it = thisObject->symbolTable()->begin(locker); it != end; ++it) {
            if (it->value.getAttributes() & DontEnum && mode != IncludeDontEnumProperties)
            if (!thisObject->isValid(it->value))
            propertyNames.add(Identifier(exec, it->key.get()));
    // Skip the JSVariableObject implementation of getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames
    JSObject::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(thisObject, exec, propertyNames, mode);
Пример #14
void ShadowChicken::update(VM& vm, ExecState* exec)
    if (verbose) {
        dataLog("Running update on: ", *this, "\n");
    const unsigned logCursorIndex = m_logCursor - m_log;
    // We need to figure out how to reconcile the current machine stack with our shadow stack. We do
    // that by figuring out how much of the shadow stack to pop. We apply three different rules. The
    // precise rule relies on the log. The log contains caller frames, which means that we know
    // where we bottomed out after making any call. If we bottomed out but made no calls then 'exec'
    // will tell us. That's why "highestPointSinceLastTime" will go no lower than exec. The third
    // rule, based on comparing to the current real stack, is executed in a later loop.
    CallFrame* highestPointSinceLastTime = exec;
    for (unsigned i = logCursorIndex; i--;) {
        Packet packet = m_log[i];
        if (packet.isPrologue()) {
            CallFrame* watermark;
            if (i && m_log[i - 1].isTail())
                watermark = packet.frame;
                watermark = packet.callerFrame;
            highestPointSinceLastTime = std::max(highestPointSinceLastTime, watermark);
    if (verbose)
        dataLog("Highest point since last time: ", RawPointer(highestPointSinceLastTime), "\n");
    while (!m_stack.isEmpty() && (m_stack.last().frame < highestPointSinceLastTime || m_stack.last().isTailDeleted))
    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    Revised stack: ", listDump(m_stack), "\n");
    // It's possible that the top of stack is now tail-deleted. The stack no longer contains any
    // frames below the log's high watermark. That means that we just need to look for the first
    // occurence of a tail packet for the current stack top.
    if (!m_stack.isEmpty()) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < logCursorIndex; ++i) {
            Packet& packet = m_log[i];
            if (packet.isTail() && packet.frame == m_stack.last().frame) {
                Frame& frame = m_stack.last();
                frame.thisValue = packet.thisValue;
                frame.scope = packet.scope;
                frame.codeBlock = packet.codeBlock;
                frame.callSiteIndex = packet.callSiteIndex;
                frame.isTailDeleted = true;

    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    Revised stack: ", listDump(m_stack), "\n");
    // The log-based and exec-based rules require that ShadowChicken was enabled. The point of
    // ShadowChicken is to give sensible-looking results even if we had not logged. This means that
    // we need to reconcile the shadow stack and the real stack by actually looking at the real
    // stack. This reconciliation allows the shadow stack to have extra tail-deleted frames, but it
    // forbids it from diverging from the real stack on normal frames.
    if (!m_stack.isEmpty()) {
        Vector<Frame> stackRightNow;
            exec, [&] (StackVisitor& visitor) -> StackVisitor::Status {
                if (visitor->isInlinedFrame())
                    return StackVisitor::Continue;
                if (visitor->isWasmFrame()) {
                    // FIXME: Make shadow chicken work with Wasm.
                    return StackVisitor::Continue;

                bool isTailDeleted = false;
                // FIXME: Make shadow chicken work with Wasm.
                stackRightNow.append(Frame(jsCast<JSObject*>(visitor->callee()), visitor->callFrame(), isTailDeleted));
                return StackVisitor::Continue;
        if (verbose)
            dataLog("    Stack right now: ", listDump(stackRightNow), "\n");
        unsigned shadowIndex = 0;
        unsigned rightNowIndex = 0;
        while (shadowIndex < m_stack.size() && rightNowIndex < stackRightNow.size()) {
            if (m_stack[shadowIndex].isTailDeleted) {

            // We specifically don't use operator== here because we are using a less
            // strict filter on equality of frames. For example, the scope pointer
            // could change, but we wouldn't want to consider the frames different entities
            // because of that because it's natural for the program to change scopes.
            if (m_stack[shadowIndex].frame == stackRightNow[rightNowIndex].frame
                && m_stack[shadowIndex].callee == stackRightNow[rightNowIndex].callee) {
        if (verbose)
            dataLog("    Revised stack: ", listDump(m_stack), "\n");
    // It's possible that the top stack frame is actually lower than highestPointSinceLastTime.
    // Account for that here.
    highestPointSinceLastTime = nullptr;
    for (unsigned i = m_stack.size(); i--;) {
        if (!m_stack[i].isTailDeleted) {
            highestPointSinceLastTime = m_stack[i].frame;
    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    Highest point since last time: ", RawPointer(highestPointSinceLastTime), "\n");
    // Set everything up so that we know where the top frame is in the log.
    unsigned indexInLog = logCursorIndex;
    auto advanceIndexInLogTo = [&] (CallFrame* frame, JSObject* callee, CallFrame* callerFrame) -> bool {
        if (verbose)
            dataLog("    Advancing to frame = ", RawPointer(frame), " from indexInLog = ", indexInLog, "\n");
        if (indexInLog > logCursorIndex) {
            if (verbose)
                dataLog("    Bailing.\n");
            return false;
        unsigned oldIndexInLog = indexInLog;
        while (indexInLog--) {
            Packet packet = m_log[indexInLog];
            // If all callees opt into ShadowChicken, then this search will rapidly terminate when
            // we find our frame. But if our frame's callee didn't emit a prologue packet because it
            // didn't opt in, then we will keep looking backwards until we *might* find a different
            // frame. If we've been given the callee and callerFrame as a filter, then it's unlikely
            // that we will hit the wrong frame. But we don't always have that information.
            // This means it's worth adding other filters. For example, we could track changes in
            // stack size. Once we've seen a frame at some height, we're no longer interested in
            // frames below that height. Also, we can break as soon as we see a frame higher than
            // the one we're looking for.
            // FIXME: Add more filters.
            if (packet.isPrologue() && packet.frame == frame
                && (!callee || packet.callee == callee)
                && (!callerFrame || packet.callerFrame == callerFrame)) {
                if (verbose)
                    dataLog("    Found at indexInLog = ", indexInLog, "\n");
                return true;
        // This is an interesting eventuality. We will see this if ShadowChicken was not
        // consistently enabled. We have a choice between:
        // - Leaving the log index at -1, which will prevent the log from being considered. This is
        //   the most conservative. It means that we will not be able to recover tail-deleted frames
        //   from anything that sits above a frame that didn't log a prologue packet. This means
        //   that everyone who creates prologues must log prologue packets.
        // - Restoring the log index to what it was before. This prevents us from considering
        //   whether this frame has tail-deleted frames behind it, but that's about it. The problem
        //   with this approach is that it might recover tail-deleted frames that aren't relevant.
        //   I haven't thought about this too deeply, though.
        // It seems like the latter option is less harmful, so that's what we do.
        indexInLog = oldIndexInLog;
        if (verbose)
            dataLog("    Didn't find it.\n");
        return false;
    Vector<Frame> toPush;
        exec, [&] (StackVisitor& visitor) -> StackVisitor::Status {
            if (visitor->isInlinedFrame()) {
                // FIXME: Handle inlining.
                return StackVisitor::Continue;

            if (visitor->isWasmFrame()) {
                // FIXME: Make shadow chicken work with Wasm.
                return StackVisitor::Continue;

            CallFrame* callFrame = visitor->callFrame();
            if (verbose)
                dataLog("    Examining ", RawPointer(callFrame), "\n");
            if (callFrame == highestPointSinceLastTime) {
                if (verbose)
                    dataLog("    Bailing at ", RawPointer(callFrame), " because it's the highest point since last time.\n");
                return StackVisitor::Done;

            bool foundFrame = advanceIndexInLogTo(callFrame, callFrame->jsCallee(), callFrame->callerFrame());
            bool isTailDeleted = false;
            JSScope* scope = nullptr;
            CodeBlock* codeBlock = callFrame->codeBlock();
            if (codeBlock && codeBlock->wasCompiledWithDebuggingOpcodes() && codeBlock->scopeRegister().isValid()) {
                scope = callFrame->scope(codeBlock->scopeRegister().offset());
                RELEASE_ASSERT(scope->inherits(vm, JSScope::info()));
            } else if (foundFrame) {
                scope = m_log[indexInLog].scope;
                if (scope)
                    RELEASE_ASSERT(scope->inherits(vm, JSScope::info()));
            toPush.append(Frame(jsCast<JSObject*>(visitor->callee()), callFrame, isTailDeleted, callFrame->thisValue(), scope, codeBlock, callFrame->callSiteIndex()));

            if (indexInLog < logCursorIndex
                // This condition protects us from the case where advanceIndexInLogTo didn't find
                // anything.
                && m_log[indexInLog].frame == toPush.last().frame) {
                if (verbose)
                    dataLog("    Going to loop through to find tail deleted frames with indexInLog = ", indexInLog, " and push-stack top = ", toPush.last(), "\n");
                for (;;) {
                    ASSERT(m_log[indexInLog].frame == toPush.last().frame);
                    // Right now the index is pointing at a prologue packet of the last frame that
                    // we pushed. Peek behind that packet to see if there is a tail packet. If there
                    // is one then we know that there is a corresponding prologue packet that will
                    // tell us about a tail-deleted frame.
                    if (!indexInLog)
                    Packet tailPacket = m_log[indexInLog - 1];
                    if (!tailPacket.isTail()) {
                        // Last frame that we recorded was not the outcome of a tail call. So, there
                        // will not be any more deleted frames.
                        // FIXME: We might want to have a filter here. Consider that this was a tail
                        // marker for a tail call to something that didn't log anything. It should
                        // be sufficient to give the tail marker a copy of the caller frame.
                    indexInLog--; // Skip over the tail packet.
                    if (!advanceIndexInLogTo(tailPacket.frame, nullptr, nullptr)) {
                        if (verbose)
                            dataLog("Can't find prologue packet for tail: ", RawPointer(tailPacket.frame), "\n");
                        // We were unable to locate the prologue packet for this tail packet.
                        // This is rare but can happen in a situation like:
                        // function foo() {
                        //     ... call some deeply tail-recursive function, causing a random number of log processings.
                        //     return bar(); // tail call
                        // }
                    Packet packet = m_log[indexInLog];
                    bool isTailDeleted = true;
                    RELEASE_ASSERT(tailPacket.scope->inherits(vm, JSScope::info()));
                    toPush.append(Frame(packet.callee, packet.frame, isTailDeleted, tailPacket.thisValue, tailPacket.scope, tailPacket.codeBlock, tailPacket.callSiteIndex));

            return StackVisitor::Continue;

    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    Pushing: ", listDump(toPush), "\n");
    for (unsigned i = toPush.size(); i--;)
    // We want to reset the log. There is a fun corner-case: there could be a tail marker at the end
    // of this log. We could make that work by setting isTailDeleted on the top of stack, but that
    // would require more corner cases in the complicated reconciliation code above. That code
    // already knows how to handle a tail packet at the beginning, so we just leverage that here.
    if (logCursorIndex && m_log[logCursorIndex - 1].isTail()) {
        m_log[0] = m_log[logCursorIndex - 1];
        m_logCursor = m_log + 1;
    } else
        m_logCursor = m_log;

    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    After pushing: ", *this, "\n");

    // Remove tail frames until the number of tail deleted frames is small enough.
    const unsigned maxTailDeletedFrames = Options::shadowChickenMaxTailDeletedFramesSize();
    if (m_stack.size() > maxTailDeletedFrames) {
        unsigned numberOfTailDeletedFrames = 0;
        for (const Frame& frame : m_stack) {
            if (frame.isTailDeleted)
        if (numberOfTailDeletedFrames > maxTailDeletedFrames) {
            unsigned dstIndex = 0;
            unsigned srcIndex = 0;
            while (srcIndex < m_stack.size()) {
                Frame frame = m_stack[srcIndex++];
                if (numberOfTailDeletedFrames > maxTailDeletedFrames && frame.isTailDeleted) {
                m_stack[dstIndex++] = frame;

    if (verbose)
        dataLog("    After clean-up: ", *this, "\n");
Пример #15
JSObject* addErrorInfo(ExecState* exec, JSObject* error, int line, const SourceCode& source)
    JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();

    addErrorInfo(globalData, error, line, source);

    UStringBuilder stackString;
    JSArray* stackArray = constructEmptyArray(exec);
    CallFrame* frame = exec;


    bool functionKnown;
    ReturnAddressPtr pc;

    while (!frame->hasHostCallFrameFlag()) {
        CodeBlock* codeBlock = frame->codeBlock();
        JSObject* arrayItem = constructEmptyObject(exec);

        stackString.append("\n    at ");

        JSObject* callee = frame->callee();
        UString functionName;

        if (callee && callee->inherits(&JSFunction::s_info)) {
            functionName = asFunction(callee)->calculatedDisplayName(exec);
            functionKnown = !functionName.isEmpty();
        } else {
            functionKnown = false;

        if (functionKnown) {
            stackString.append(" (");

                globalData, Identifier(globalData, functionPropertyName),
                jsString(globalData, functionName), ReadOnly | DontDelete

        UString sourceURL = codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL();

            globalData, Identifier(globalData, sourceURLPropertyName),
            jsString(globalData, sourceURL), ReadOnly | DontDelete


        if (frame != exec) {
            line = codeBlock->lineNumberForBytecodeOffset(codeBlock->bytecodeOffset(pc));

            globalData, Identifier(globalData, linePropertyName),
            jsNumber(line), ReadOnly | DontDelete


        if (functionKnown) {

        stackArray->push(exec, JSValue(arrayItem));

        pc = frame->returnPC();
        frame = frame->callerFrame();

        globalData, Identifier(globalData, stackPropertyName),
        jsString(globalData, stackString.toUString()), ReadOnly | DontDelete

        globalData, Identifier(globalData, "stackArray"),
        stackArray, ReadOnly | DontDelete

    return error;