bool HandRank::CheckFlush(list<Card> cards, unsigned int& HandRank ) { list<Card>::iterator it = cards.begin(); int count[4] = {0,0,0,0}; int flushsuit = -1; while( it != cards.end()) { suit s = it->GetSuit(); count[(int)s]++; it++; } for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( count[i] >= 5) { flushsuit = i; break; } } if( flushsuit == -1 ) return false; else { SetRank(FLUSH, HandRank); list<Card> FlushCards; it = cards.begin(); while( it != cards.end()) { if( (int)it->GetSuit() == flushsuit ) { FlushCards.push_back(Card(it->GetValue(), it->GetSuit())); } it++; } Card F = FlushCards.front(); FlushCards.pop_front(); SetHighV(F.GetValue(), HandRank); F = FlushCards.front(); SetLowV(F.GetValue(), HandRank); SetKickers(FlushCards, HandRank); return true; } }
void HandRank::SetHighCard(list<Card> cards, unsigned int& HandRank ) { if( cards.size() < 5 ) throw new exception(); Card c = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); SetHighV(c.GetValue(), HandRank); c = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); SetLowV(c.GetValue(), HandRank); SetKickers(cards, HandRank); }
void CIteratorThread::InitIteratorLoop() { write_log(preferences.debug_prwin(), "[PrWinThread] Initializing iterator loop\n"); // Set starting status and parameters InitNumberOfIterations(); // player cards CardMask_RESET(_plCards); CardMask_RESET(_comCards); _nplCards = _ncomCards = 0; // Counters _win = _tie = _los = 0; int userchair = p_symbol_engine_userchair->userchair(); if (userchair == k_undefined) return; // setup masks AssertRange(userchair, 0, k_max_chair_number); for (int i=0; i<k_number_of_cards_per_player; i++) { Card card = p_table_state->User()->_hole_cards[i]; if (card.IsKnownCard()) { CardMask_SET(_plCards, card.GetValue()); _nplCards++; } } for (int i=0; i<k_number_of_community_cards; i++) { Card card = p_table_state->_common_cards[i]; if (card.IsKnownCard()) { CardMask_SET(_comCards, card.GetValue()); _ncomCards++; } } //Weighted prwin only for nopponents <=13 _willplay = p_function_collection->Evaluate("f$prwin_willplay"); _wontplay = p_function_collection->Evaluate("f$prwin_wontplay"); _mustplay = p_function_collection->Evaluate("f$prwin_mustplay"); _topclip = p_function_collection->Evaluate("f$prwin_topclip"); // Call prw1326 callback if needed if (_prw1326.useme==1326 && _prw1326.usecallback==1326 && (p_betround_calculator->betround()!= k_betround_preflop || _prw1326.preflop==1326) ){ _prw1326.prw_callback(); //Matrix 2008-05-09 } }
void HoldEmTable::DealCommunityCards(int x) { _discard.push_back(_deck->DrawCard()); //burn for(int i=0; i< x; i++ ) { Card* c = _deck->DrawCard(); _communitycards.push_back(c); tablelog << "Dealt Community Card " << c->GetValue() << " of " << c->GetSuitString() << endl; NotifyAllCommunityCard(c); } }
void HandRank::SetKickers(list<Card> cards, unsigned int& HandRank ) { if( cards.empty() ) return; Card c = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); SetKick1(c.GetValue(), HandRank); if( cards.empty() ) return; c = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); SetKick2(c.GetValue(), HandRank); if( cards.empty() ) return; c = cards.front(); cards.pop_front(); SetKick3(c.GetValue(), HandRank); }
/* Return the split card to be moved and reduced the current hand value */ const Card Box::MoveSplitCard() { Card TempCard; TempCard =; qDebug() << "TempCard = " << TempCard.GetName() << " (" << TempCard.GetValue() << ") of " << TempCard.GetSuit(); HandValue -=; Hand.pop_back(); /* AcesHeld must be reassessed after a split */ string CompareString = Hand.front().GetName(); if ("Ace") == 0) { AcesHeld = 1; HandValue = 11; } return TempCard; }
void HoldEmTable::CollectBlindsAndDeal() { int smblind = _currentblind / 2; int cardsdealtperplayer = 0; if( 2 != GetNumberOfPlayers() ) _actionto = GetNextPosition(_dealerposition); _pot[_actionto] += _seat[_actionto]->CollectBlind(smblind); if( _pot[_actionto] == smblind ) { tablelog << "Position " << _actionto << " paid small blind " << smblind << endl; NotifyAllAction(_actionto, smblind ); } else { BootPlayer(_actionto); } _actionto = GetNextPosition(_actionto); _pot[_actionto] += _seat[_actionto]->CollectBlind(_currentblind); if( _pot[_actionto] == _currentblind ) { tablelog << "Position " << _actionto << " paid big blind " << _currentblind << endl; NotifyAllAction(_actionto, _currentblind ); _option = _actionto; } else { BootPlayer(_actionto); } _actionto = GetNextPosition(_actionto); unsigned int dealto = _dealerposition; do{ dealto = GetNextPosition(dealto); if( dealto == _dealerposition ) cardsdealtperplayer++; Card* c = _deck->DrawCard(); _seat[dealto]->DealCard(c); tablelog << "Dealt Card " << c->GetValue() << " of " << c->GetSuitString() << " to position " << dealto << endl; } while( cardsdealtperplayer != 2 ); }
/* Receive the card dealt to the box */ void Participant::TakeCard(const Card& DealtCard) { Hand.push_back(DealtCard); HandValue += DealtCard.GetValue(); /* Keep a count of the number of aces held */ string CompareString = DealtCard.GetName(); if ("Ace") == 0) { AcesHeld++; } /* Soften any aces if required */ if(CheckHand() > 21) { if (AcesHeld > 0) { SoftenAce(); } } }
bool operator==(const Card& c1, const Card& c2) { return (c1.GetSuit() == c2.GetSuit() && c1.GetValue() == c2.GetValue()); }
void CSymbolEnginePrwin::CalculateNhands() { CardMask plCards = {0}, comCards = {0}, oppCards = {0}, playerEvalCards = {0}, opponentEvalCards = {0}; HandVal hv_player = 0, hv_opponent = 0; unsigned int pl_pokval = 0, opp_pokval = 0; int dummy = 0; int nplCards, ncomCards; _nhandshi = 0; _nhandsti = 0; _nhandslo = 0; // player cards CardMask_RESET(plCards); nplCards = 0; for (int i=0; i<kNumberOfCardsPerPlayer; i++) { Card card = p_table_state->User()->_hole_cards[i]; if (card.IsKnownCard()) { CardMask_SET(plCards, card.GetValue()); nplCards++; } } // common cards CardMask_RESET(comCards); ncomCards = 0; for (int i=0; i<kNumberOfCommunityCards; i++) { Card card = p_table_state->_common_cards[i]; if (card.IsKnownCard()) { CardMask_SET(comCards, card.GetValue()); ncomCards++; } } // player/common cards and pokerval CardMask_OR(playerEvalCards, plCards, comCards); hv_player = Hand_EVAL_N(playerEvalCards, nplCards+ncomCards); pl_pokval = p_symbol_engine_pokerval->CalculatePokerval(hv_player, nplCards+ncomCards, &dummy, CARD_NOCARD, CARD_NOCARD); for (int i=0; i<(kNumberOfCardsPerDeck-1); i++) { for (int j=(i+1); j<kNumberOfCardsPerDeck; j++) { if (!CardMask_CARD_IS_SET(plCards, i) && !CardMask_CARD_IS_SET(plCards, j) && !CardMask_CARD_IS_SET(comCards, i) && !CardMask_CARD_IS_SET(comCards, j)) { // opponent cards CardMask_RESET(oppCards); CardMask_SET(oppCards, i); CardMask_SET(oppCards, j); CardMask_OR(opponentEvalCards, oppCards, comCards); hv_opponent = Hand_EVAL_N(opponentEvalCards, 2+ncomCards); opp_pokval = p_symbol_engine_pokerval->CalculatePokerval(hv_opponent, (kNumberOfCardsPerPlayer + ncomCards), &dummy, CARD_NOCARD, CARD_NOCARD); if (pl_pokval > opp_pokval) { _nhandslo++; } else if (pl_pokval < opp_pokval) { _nhandshi++; } else { _nhandsti++; } } } } AssertRange(_nhandshi, 0, nhands()); AssertRange(_nhandsti, 0, nhands()); AssertRange(_nhandslo, 0, nhands()); assert((_nhandshi + _nhandsti + _nhandslo) == nhands()); _prwinnow = pow(((double)_nhandslo/nhands()), _nopponents_for_prwin); _prlosnow = 1 - pow((((double)_nhandslo + _nhandsti)/nhands()), _nopponents_for_prwin); AssertRange(_prwinnow, 0, 1); AssertRange(_prlosnow, 0, 1); }
void COpenHoldemStatusbar::ComputeCurrentStatus() { CardMask Cards; CString temp; int userchair = p_symbol_engine_userchair->userchair(); // Player cards CardMask_RESET(Cards); int nCards = 0; _status_plcards = ""; if (p_table_state->User()->HasKnownCards()) { for (int i=0; i<k_number_of_cards_per_player; i++) { // This condition got already checked: "playing" Card card = p_table_state->User()->_hole_cards[i]; // Assertion removeed, because the scraper runs in a different thread. // assert(card.IsKnownCard()); _status_plcards.Append(card.ToString()); CardMask_SET(Cards, card.GetValue()); nCards++; } _status_nopp.Format("%d", p_symbol_engine_prwin->nopponents_for_prwin()); } else { for (int i=0; i<k_number_of_cards_per_player; i++) { if (p_table_state->User()->HasKnownCards()) { Card card = p_table_state->User()->_hole_cards[i]; _status_plcards.Append(card.ToString()); CardMask_SET(Cards, card.GetValue()); nCards++; } } // Not playing, therefore no opponents to be considered for prwin. _status_nopp = ""; } // Common cards _status_comcards = ""; for (int i=0; i<k_number_of_community_cards; i++) { Card card = p_table_state->_common_cards[i]; if (card.IsKnownCard()) { _status_comcards.Append(card.ToString()); CardMask_SET(Cards, card.GetValue()); nCards++; } } // poker hand HandVal hv = Hand_EVAL_N(Cards, nCards); char hvstring[100] = {0}; HandVal_toString(hv, hvstring); _status_pokerhand = hvstring; _status_pokerhand = _status_pokerhand.Mid(0, _status_pokerhand.Find(" ")); // Always use handrank169 here _status_handrank.Format("%.0f/169", p_symbol_engine_handrank->handrank169()); // Always update prwin/nit if (p_symbol_engine_userchair->userchair_confirmed() && p_table_state->User()->HasKnownCards()) { _status_prwin.Format("%d/%d/%d", (int) (p_iterator_thread->prwin()*1000), (int) (p_iterator_thread->prtie()*1000), (int) (p_iterator_thread->prlos()*1000)); double iterations; p_engine_container->EvaluateSymbol("f$prwin_number_of_iterations", &iterations); _status_nit.Format("%d/%s", p_iterator_thread->IteratorThreadProgress(), Number2CString(iterations)); } else { _status_prwin = "0/0/0"; // No iteratrions without userchair or cards _status_nit.Format("0"); } }
//Adds provided card to hand and updates hand total void Hand::DrawCard(Card _card) { m_total += _card.GetValue(); m_hand.push_back(_card); }