Пример #1
Graph* Connector::connect(Graph* g)
	const std::vector<CfgNode*>& nodes = g->getNodes();

	std::map<unsigned int, CfgNode*> id2node = getId2Node(nodes);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
		CfgNode* fromNode = nodes[i];
		Cfg* cfg = fromNode->getCfg();

		std::vector<unsigned int> nexts = cfg->getNext();

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nexts.size(); j++) {
			CfgNode* toNode = id2node[nexts[j]];

			if (toNode == NULL)
				THROWEXCEPTION("next statement is illegal; there is no node with id=%d", nexts[j]);

			if (connectNodes) // insert the connection in the graph
				g->addEdge(fromNode, toNode);

			msg(MSG_INFO,  "Connecting module %s[Id = %d] -> %s[Id = %d]",
					cfg->getName().c_str(), cfg->getID(),

			if (connectModules) {// connect the modules
				DPRINTF("connecting instances");

	return g;
void SensorManager::retrieveStatistics(bool ignoreshutdown)
	const char* xmlpre = "<vermont>\n\t<sensorData time=\"%s\" host=\"%s\">\n";
	const char* xmlpost = "\t</sensorData>\n</vermont>\n";
	const char* xmlglobals = "\t\t<%s>%s</%s>\n";

	string lockfile = outputFilename + ".lock";

	// we must not wait for the graph lock, else there may be a race condition with
	// the ConfigManager
	while (!graphIS->tryLockGraph()) {
		if (smExitFlag) break;
		timespec timeout = { 0, 200000 };
		nanosleep(&timeout, NULL);

	if (!ignoreshutdown && smExitFlag) return;

	const char* openflags = (append ? "a" : "w");
	FILE* file = fopen(outputFilename.c_str(), openflags);
	if (!file) {
		THROWEXCEPTION("failed to reopen file %s", outputFilename.c_str());

	time_t curtime = time(0);
	char curtimestr[100];
	ctime_r(&curtime, curtimestr);
	curtimestr[strlen(curtimestr)-1] = 0;
	fprintf(file, xmlpre, curtimestr, hostname);
	char text[100];
	snprintf(text, 100, "%u", static_cast<uint32_t>(getpid()));
	fprintf(file, xmlglobals, "pid", text, "pid");
	char lasttimestr[100];
	ctime_r(&lasttime, lasttimestr);
	lasttimestr[strlen(lasttimestr)-1] = 0;
	fprintf(file, xmlglobals, "lastTime", lasttimestr, "lastTime");

#if defined(__linux__)
	const char* xmlglobalsuint = "\t\t<%s>%u</%s>\n";
	ThreadCPUInterface::SystemInfo si = ThreadCPUInterface::getSystemInfo();

	fprintf(file, "\t\t<jiffyFrequency>%llu</jiffyFrequency>\n", hertzValue);
	fprintf(file, xmlglobalsuint, "processorAmount", si.noCPUs, "processorAmount");
	for (uint16_t i=0; i<si.sysJiffies.size(); i++) {
		double sysutil = (si.sysJiffies[i]-lastSystemInfo.sysJiffies[i])/(static_cast<double>(curtime)-lasttime)/hertzValue*100;
		double userutil = (si.userJiffies[i]-lastSystemInfo.userJiffies[i])/(static_cast<double>(curtime)-lasttime)/hertzValue*100;
		fprintf(file, "\t\t<processor id=\"%u\"><util type=\"system\">%.2f</util><util type=\"user\">%.2f</util></processor>\n",
				i, sysutil, userutil);
	fprintf(file, "\t\t<memory><free type=\"bytes\">%llu</free><total type=\"bytes\">%llu</total></memory>\n",
			si.freeMemory, si.totalMemory);
	lastSystemInfo = si;

	//DPRINTF("*** sensor data at %s", ctime(&curtime));

	Graph* g = graphIS->getGraph();
	vector<CfgNode*> nodes = g->getNodes();
	vector<CfgNode*>::iterator iter = nodes.begin();
	while (iter != nodes.end()) {
		Cfg* cfg = (*iter)->getCfg();
		Sensor* s = cfg->getInstance();
		vector<uint32_t> nextids = cfg->getNext();
		writeSensorXML(file, s, cfg->getName().c_str(), cfg->getID(), true, curtime, lasttime, &nextids);


	// iterate through all non-module sensors
	list<SensorEntry>::const_iterator siter = sensors.begin();
	while (siter != sensors.end()) {
		writeSensorXML(file, siter->sensor, siter->name.c_str(), siter->id, false, curtime, lasttime, NULL);

	fprintf(file, "%s", xmlpost);

void SensorManager::collectDataWorker()
	time_t lasttime = time(0);
	char* xmlpre = "<vermont>\n\t<sensorData time=\"%s\" host=\"%s\">\n";
	char* xmlpost = "\t</sensorData>\n</vermont>\n";
	char* xmlglobals = "\t\t<%s>%s</%s>\n";	
	if (!graphIS) {
		THROWEXCEPTION("GraphInstanceSupplier variable graphIS MUST be set when module is started!");
	string lockfile = outputFilename + ".lock";
	char hostname[100];
	if (gethostname(hostname, 100) != 0) 
		THROWEXCEPTION("failed to get hostname by gethostname()!");
	msg(MSG_FATAL, "SensorManager: checking sensor values every %u seconds", checkInterval);
	while (!exitFlag) {		
		uint32_t sleepcount = checkInterval*2;
		uint32_t i = 0;
		while (i<sleepcount && !exitFlag) {
			// restart nanosleep with the remaining sleep time
			// if we got interrupted by a signal
			timespec req;
			req.tv_sec = 0;
			req.tv_nsec = 50000000;
			while (nanosleep(&req, &req) == -1 && errno == EINTR);
		if (exitFlag) break;
		// we must not wait for the graph lock, else there may be a race condition with
		// the ConfigManager
		while (!graphIS->tryLockGraph()) {
			if (exitFlag) break;
			timespec timeout = { 0, 200000 };
			nanosleep(&timeout, NULL);
		if (exitFlag) break;
		int fdlock = open(lockfile.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_RDONLY);
		if (fdlock == -1)
			msg(MSG_DEBUG, "failed to open file %s, error code %d", lockfile.c_str(), errno);
		if (flock(fdlock, LOCK_EX)!=0)			
			msg(MSG_DEBUG, "failed to activate exclusive lock on file %s (flock())", lockfile.c_str());
		FILE* file = fopen(outputFilename.c_str(), "w");
		if (!file) {
			THROWEXCEPTION("failed to reopen file %s", outputFilename.c_str());
		time_t curtime = time(0);
		char curtimestr[100];
		ctime_r(&curtime, curtimestr);
		curtimestr[strlen(curtimestr)-1] = 0;
		fprintf(file, xmlpre, curtimestr, hostname);
		char text[100];
		snprintf(text, 100, "%u", static_cast<uint32_t>(getpid()));
		fprintf(file, xmlglobals, "pid", text, "pid");		
		char lasttimestr[100];
		ctime_r(&lasttime, lasttimestr);
		lasttimestr[strlen(lasttimestr)-1] = 0;
		fprintf(file, xmlglobals, "lastTime", lasttimestr, "lastTime");
#if defined(__linux__)		
		char* xmlglobalsuint = "\t\t<%s>%u</%s>\n";
		ThreadCPUInterface::SystemInfo si = ThreadCPUInterface::getSystemInfo();
		fprintf(file, xmlglobalsuint, "processorAmount", si.noCPUs, "processorAmount");
		for (uint16_t i=0; i<si.sysJiffies.size(); i++) {
			double sysutil = (si.sysJiffies[i]-lastSystemInfo.sysJiffies[i])/(static_cast<double>(curtime)-lasttime)/hertzValue*100;
			double userutil = (si.userJiffies[i]-lastSystemInfo.userJiffies[i])/(static_cast<double>(curtime)-lasttime)/hertzValue*100;
			fprintf(file, "\t\t<processor id=\"%u\"><util type=\"system\">%.2f%%</util><util type=\"user\">%.2f%%</util></processor>\n",
					i, sysutil, userutil);			
		fprintf(file, "\t\t<memory><free type=\"bytes\">%llu</free><total type=\"bytes\">%llu</total></memory>\n",
				si.freeMemory, si.totalMemory);
		lastSystemInfo = si;
		DPRINTF("*** sensor data at %s", ctime(&curtime));
		Graph* g = graphIS->getGraph();
		vector<CfgNode*> nodes = g->getNodes();
		vector<CfgNode*>::iterator iter = nodes.begin();
		while (iter != nodes.end()) {
			Cfg* cfg = (*iter)->getCfg();
			Sensor* s = cfg->getInstance();		
			vector<uint32_t> nextids = cfg->getNext();
			writeSensorXML(file, s, cfg->getName().c_str(), cfg->getID(), true, curtime, lasttime, &nextids);
		// iterate through all non-module sensors
		list<SensorEntry>::const_iterator siter = sensors.begin();
		while (siter != sensors.end()) {
			writeSensorXML(file, siter->sensor, siter->name.c_str(), siter->id, false, curtime, lasttime, NULL);
		fprintf(file, xmlpost);
		lasttime = time(0);
Пример #4
Graph* Connector::connect(Graph* g)
	const std::vector<CfgNode*>& nodes = g->getNodes();

	std::map<unsigned int, CfgNode*> id2node = getId2Node(nodes);

	//add a ConnectionQueue to every Module which has more predecessors
	vector<Cfg*> check;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
		vector<unsigned int> nexts = nodes[i]->getCfg()->getNext();

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nexts.size(); j++){
			Cfg* successor = id2node[nexts[j]]->getCfg();
			bool found = false;

			for(unsigned int k = 0; k < check.size(); k++){
				if(check[k] == successor){
					found = true;
					msg(MSG_INFO, "Creating ConnectionQueue for module %s[Id = %d] because of multiple predecessors",
							successor->getName().c_str(), successor->getID());

	//connect modules
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
		CfgNode* fromNode = nodes[i];
		Cfg* cfg = fromNode->getCfg();

		std::vector<unsigned int> nexts = cfg->getNext();

		if (nexts.size()==0) {
		} else {
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nexts.size(); j++) {
				CfgNode* toNode = id2node[nexts[j]];

				if (toNode == NULL)
					THROWEXCEPTION("next statement is illegal; there is no node with id=%d", nexts[j]);

				if (connectNodes) // insert the connection in the graph
					g->addEdge(fromNode, toNode);

				msg(MSG_INFO,  "Connecting module %s[Id = %d/%08X] -> %s[Id = %d/%08X]",
						cfg->getName().c_str(), cfg->getID(), cfg->getInstance(),
						id2node[nexts[j]]->getCfg()->getID(), id2node[nexts[j]]->getCfg()->getInstance());

				if (connectModules) {// connect the modules
					DPRINTF("connecting instances");

	return g;