Пример #1
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel )
	//mLoc += mDir * mVel;
    float gray = channel.getValue( mLoc );
    mColor = Color( gray, gray, gray );
    mRadius = channel.getValue( mLoc ) * mScale;
    //mRadius = 3.0f;
Пример #2
void Particle::update(Channel32f channel)
    if (age > lifespan) {
        alive = false;
	loc += dir * vel;
    auto lifePhase = ((float)age) / lifespan;
    blue = channel.getValue(loc);
    green = (15.0f * green + blue) / 16.0f;
    radius = 3.0f * (1 - (abs(lifePhase - 0.5f))) * channel.getValue(loc) + 1.0f;
Пример #3
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel,  const ci::Channel32f &rChan, const ci::Channel32f &gChan, const ci::Channel32f &bChan, const ci::Vec2i &mouseLoc )
    //calculate the vector that points from the particl to the mouse.
    mDirToCursor = mouseLoc - mLoc;
    mDirToCursor.safeNormalize(); //normalize it so it gives us a unit vector.
    Vec2f newLoc = mLoc + mDirToCursor * 100.f;
    newLoc.x = constrain( newLoc.x, 0.0f, channel.getWidth() - 1.0f );
    newLoc.y = constrain( newLoc.y, 0.0f, channel.getHeight() - 1.0f );
    //mRadius = channel.getValue( mLoc ) * mScale;
    mRadius = channel.getValue( newLoc ) * mScale;
    Vec2i mLoci = (Vec2i) mLoc;
    r = rChan.getValue( newLoc );
    g = gChan.getValue( newLoc );
    b = bChan.getValue( newLoc );    
    //console() << r << ", " << g << ", " << b << std::endl;
    //console() << channel.getValue(mLoc) << std::endl;
    //console() << "hello" << std::endl;
Пример #4
void Particle::update(const Channel32f &channel)
	//mLoc += mDir * mVel;
    //float gray = channel.getValue(mLoc);
    mDesiredRadius = channel.getValue( mLoc ) * 7.0f;
    if (mDesiredRadius > mRadius) {
        mRadius += 0.1;
    } else if (mDesiredRadius < mRadius) {
        mRadius -= 0.1;
    if (mDesiredLoc.x > mLoc.x ) {
        mLoc.x += (mDesiredLoc.x - mLoc.x) / 20.0 ;
    if (mDesiredLoc.x < mLoc.x) {
        mLoc.x -= (mLoc.x - mDesiredLoc.x) / 20.0;
    if (mDesiredLoc.y > mLoc.y ) {
        mLoc.y += (mDesiredLoc.y - mLoc.y) / 20.0;
    if (mDesiredLoc.y < mLoc.y) {
        mLoc.y -= (mLoc.y - mDesiredLoc.y) / 20.0;
Пример #5
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel )
  mRadius = channel.getValue( mLoc ) * 7.0f;

  //float gray = channel.getValue( mLoc );
  mLoc += mDir * mVel;
Пример #6
void Circle::update(const Vec2i &mouseLoc, const Channel32f &channel)
    mMouseLoc           = mouseLoc;
    mDirToCursor        = mMouseLoc-mLoc;
    float distToCursor  = mDirToCursor.length();
    float time          = app::getElapsedSeconds();
    float dist          = distToCursor * 0.025f;
    float sinOffset     = sin(dist-time)+1.0f;
    mDirToCursor        *= sinOffset * 100.0f;
    Vec2f newLoc        = mLoc+mDirToCursor;
    newLoc.x            = constrain(newLoc.x, 0.0f, channel.getWidth()-1.0f);
    newLoc.y            = constrain(newLoc.y, 0.0f, channel.getHeight() - 1.0f);
    mRadius             = channel.getValue(newLoc)*mScale+2.0f;
    float gray=channel.getValue(mLoc);
Пример #7
void DirVector::update(const Channel32f &channel, const Vec2f &windDirection){
	//console() << "Update1: << " << mDir << ", " << mRotationVector << endl;
	//mDir = Vec2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
	mDir = mRotationVector; //mouseLoc - mLoc;
	Vec2f newLoc = mLoc + mDir * 100.f;
	newLoc.x = constrain(newLoc.x, 0.f, channel.getWidth() - 1.f);
	newLoc.x = constrain(newLoc.x, 0.f, channel.getHeight() - 1.f);
	mRadius = channel.getValue(newLoc) * 7.0f;
	//console() << "Update2: << " << mDir << endl;
Пример #8
/// This update method takes a float channel, which is our image, and
/// the current mouse location. It then takes this data, based on the
/// amount of time that has elapsed, and will store the new properties
/// of the the Particle for drawing
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel, const Vec2i &mouseLoc)
	/// calculates the direction to the cursor, and finds
    /// the distance to it,
    myDirToCursor_ = mouseLoc - myLocation_;
    float dist_To_Cursor_ = myDirToCursor_.length();
    /// with the time and distance change factored in,
    /// we can generate our sine function offset and
    /// apply it to the particle.
    float time_ = app::getElapsedSeconds()*4.0f;
    float dist_ = dist_To_Cursor_ * myDistChange_;
    float sinOffset_ = sin(dist_-time_)*2.0f;
    myDirToCursor_ *= sinOffset_*15.0;

    /// the radius of the particle is then changed based on the
    /// current sinOffset_ value.
    myRadius_ = channel.getValue(myLocation_)*sinOffset_;

Пример #9
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel, const Vec2i &mouseLoc )
	mDirToCursor		= mouseLoc - mLoc;
	float distToCursor	= mDirToCursor.length();
	float time			= app::getElapsedSeconds();
	float dist			= distToCursor * 0.025f;
	float sinOffset		= sin( dist - time ) + 1.0f;
	mDirToCursor		*= sinOffset * 100.0f;
    Rectf rect( mLoc.x, mLoc.y, mLoc.x + mRadius, mLoc.y + mRadius );
    gl::drawSolidRect( rect );
	Vec2f newLoc		= mLoc + mDirToCursor;
	newLoc.x			= constrain( newLoc.x, 0.0f, channel.getWidth() - 1.0f );
	newLoc.y			= constrain( newLoc.y, 0.0f, channel.getHeight() - 1.0f );
	mRadius				= channel.getValue( newLoc ) * mScale;
Пример #10
/// This update method takes a float channel, which is our image, and
/// the current mouse location. It then takes this data, based on the
/// amount of time that has elapsed, and will store the new properties
/// of the the Particle for drawing
void Particle::update( const Channel32f &channel, const Vec2i &mouseLoc)
	/// calculates the direction to the cursor, and finds
    /// the distance to it,
    myDirToCursor_ = mouseLoc - myLocation_;
    float dist_To_Cursor_ = myDirToCursor_.length();
    /// with the time and distance change factored in,
    /// we can generate our sine function offset and
    /// apply it to the particle.
    float time_ = app::getElapsedSeconds()*4.0f;
    float dist_ = dist_To_Cursor_ * myDistChange_;
    float sinOffset_ = sin(dist_-time_)*2.0f;
    myDirToCursor_ *= sinOffset_*15.0;
    /// this if ... else if stack determines the
    /// color of the particle based on the values
    /// of the booleans isRed_, isGreen_, and isBlue_.
    if (!isRed_) { /// makes it red
        rand_ = randFloat(0.75f, 1.0f);
        myColor_ = Color(rand_, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    else if (!isGreen_) { /// makes it green
        rand_ = randFloat(0.75f, 1.0f);
        myColor_ = Color(0.0f, rand_, 0.0f);
    else if (!isBlue_) { /// makes it blue
        rand_ = randFloat(0.75f, 1.0f);
        myColor_ = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, rand_);
    /// the radius of the particle is then changed based on the
    /// current sinOffset_ value.
    myRadius_ = channel.getValue(myLocation_)*sinOffset_;
