Serializable* ChanAccess::Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data) { Anope::string provider, chan; data["provider"] >> provider; data["ci"] >> chan; ServiceReference<AccessProvider> aprovider("AccessProvider", provider); ChannelInfo *ci = ChannelInfo::Find(chan); if (!aprovider || !ci) return NULL; ChanAccess *access; if (obj) access = anope_dynamic_static_cast<ChanAccess *>(obj); else access = aprovider->Create(); access->ci = ci; Anope::string m; data["mask"] >> m; access->SetMask(m, ci); data["creator"] >> access->creator; data["last_seen"] >> access->last_seen; data["created"] >> access->created; Anope::string adata; data["data"] >> adata; access->AccessUnserialize(adata); if (!obj) ci->AddAccess(access); return access; }
void Tick(time_t) { if (!Config->CSExpire || noexpire || readonly) return; for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList.begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList.end(); it != it_end; ) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; ++it; bool expire = false; if (!ci->c && Config->CSExpire && Anope::CurTime - ci->last_used >= Config->CSExpire) expire = true; if (ci->HasFlag(CI_NO_EXPIRE)) expire = false; FOREACH_MOD(I_OnPreChanExpire, OnPreChanExpire(ci, expire)); if (expire) { Anope::string extra; if (ci->HasFlag(CI_SUSPENDED)) extra = "suspended "; Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Expiring " << extra << "channel " << ci->name << " (founder: " << (ci->GetFounder() ? ci->GetFounder()->display : "(none)") << ")"; FOREACH_MOD(I_OnChanExpire, OnChanExpire(ci)); delete ci; } } }
void ChanAccess::SetMask(const Anope::string &m, ChannelInfo *c) { if (*nc != NULL) nc->RemoveChannelReference(this->ci); else if (!this->mask.empty()) { ChannelInfo *targc = ChannelInfo::Find(this->mask); if (targc) targc->RemoveChannelReference(this->ci->name); } ci = c; mask.clear(); nc = NULL; const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(m); if (na != NULL) { nc = na->nc; nc->AddChannelReference(ci); } else { mask = m; ChannelInfo *targci = ChannelInfo::Find(mask); if (targci != NULL) targci->AddChannelReference(ci->name); } }
void ChannelRecPriority::updateInfo(MythUIButtonListItem *item) { if (!item) return; ChannelInfo *channelItem = item->GetData().value<ChannelInfo *>(); if (!m_channelData.isEmpty() && channelItem) { QString rectype; if (m_iconImage) { QString iconUrl = gCoreContext->GetMasterHostPrefix("ChannelIcons", channelItem->icon); m_iconImage->SetFilename(iconUrl); m_iconImage->Load(); } InfoMap chanmap; channelItem->ToMap(chanmap); SetTextFromMap(chanmap); if (m_chanstringText) m_chanstringText->SetText(channelItem->GetFormatted(ChannelInfo::kChannelLong)); } MythUIText *norecordingText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*> (GetChild("norecordings_info")); if (norecordingText) norecordingText->SetVisible(m_channelData.isEmpty()); }
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) { const Anope::string &chan = params[0]; User *u = source.u; Channel *c = findchan(chan); if (!c) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_IN_USE, chan.c_str()); return; } ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci; if (!ci) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, chan.c_str()); return; } if (!ci->AccessFor(u).HasPriv("INVITE") && !u->HasCommand("chanserv/invite")) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } User *u2; if (params.size() == 1) u2 = u; else { if (!(u2 = finduser(params[1]))) { source.Reply(NICK_X_NOT_IN_USE, params[1].c_str()); return; } } if (c->FindUser(u2)) { if (u2 == u) source.Reply(_("You are already in \002%s\002!"), c->name.c_str()); else source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 is already in \002%s\002!"), u2->nick.c_str(), c->name.c_str()); } else { bool override = !ci->AccessFor(u).HasPriv("INVITE"); ircdproto->SendInvite(ci->WhoSends(), chan, u2->nick); if (u2 != u) { source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 has been invited to \002%s\002."), u2->nick.c_str(), c->name.c_str()); Log(override ? LOG_OVERRIDE : LOG_COMMAND, u, this, ci) << "for " << u2->nick; } else {
void ChannelRecPriority::FillList(void) { QMap<int, QString> srcMap; m_channelData.clear(); m_sortedChannel.clear(); MSqlQuery result(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); result.prepare("SELECT sourceid, name FROM videosource;"); if (result.exec()) { while ( { srcMap[result.value(0).toInt()] = result.value(1).toString(); } } result.prepare("SELECT chanid, channum, sourceid, callsign, " "icon, recpriority, name FROM channel WHERE visible=1;"); if (result.exec()) { int cnt = 999; while ( { ChannelInfo *chaninfo = new ChannelInfo; chaninfo->chanid = result.value(0).toInt(); chaninfo->channum = result.value(1).toString(); chaninfo->sourceid = result.value(2).toInt(); chaninfo->callsign = result.value(3).toString(); QString iconurl = result.value(4).toString(); if (!iconurl.isEmpty()) iconurl = gCoreContext->GetMasterHostPrefix( "ChannelIcons", iconurl); chaninfo->icon = iconurl; chaninfo->recpriority = result.value(5).toInt(); chaninfo->name = result.value(6).toString(); chaninfo->SetSourceName(srcMap[chaninfo->sourceid]); m_channelData[QString::number(cnt)] = *chaninfo; // save recording priority value in map so we don't have to save // all channel's recording priority values when we exit m_origRecPriorityData[QString::number(chaninfo->chanid)] = chaninfo->recpriority; cnt--; } } else if (!result.isActive()) MythDB::DBError("Get channel recording priorities query", result); SortList(); }
bool FillChannelInfo( DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel, uint nChanID, bool bDetails /* = true */ ) { ChannelInfo channel; if (channel.Load(nChanID)) { return FillChannelInfo(pChannel, channel, bDetails); } return false; }
bool ChanAccess::Matches(const User *u, const NickCore *acc, Path &p) const { if (this->nc) return this->nc == acc; if (u) { bool is_mask = this->mask.find_first_of("!@?*") != Anope::string::npos; if (is_mask && Anope::Match(u->nick, this->mask)) return true; else if (Anope::Match(u->GetDisplayedMask(), this->mask)) return true; } if (acc) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < acc->aliases->size(); ++i) { const NickAlias *na = acc->aliases->at(i); if (Anope::Match(na->nick, this->mask)) return true; } } if (IRCD->IsChannelValid(this->mask)) { ChannelInfo *tci = ChannelInfo::Find(this->mask); if (tci) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < tci->GetAccessCount(); ++i) { ChanAccess *a = tci->GetAccess(i); std::pair<const ChanAccess *, const ChanAccess *> pair = std::make_pair(this, a); std::pair<Set::iterator, Set::iterator> range = p.first.equal_range(this); for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first) if (range.first->first == pair.first && range.first->second == pair.second) goto cont; p.first.insert(pair); if (a->Matches(u, acc, p)) p.second.insert(pair); cont:; } return p.second.count(this) > 0; } } return false; }
void EntryMsg::unserialize(serialized_data &data) { ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(data["ci"].astr()); if (!ci) return; EntryMessageList *messages = ci->GetExt<EntryMessageList *>("cs_entrymsg"); if (messages == NULL) { messages = new EntryMessageList(); ci->Extend("cs_entrymsg", messages); } messages->push_back(EntryMsg(ci, data["creator"].astr(), data["message"].astr())); }
void ChannelRecPriority::updateList() { m_channelList->Reset(); QMap<QString, ChannelInfo*>::Iterator it; MythUIButtonListItem *item; for (it = m_sortedChannel.begin(); it != m_sortedChannel.end(); ++it) { ChannelInfo *chanInfo = *it; item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_channelList, "", qVariantFromValue(chanInfo)); QString fontState = "default"; if (!m_visMap[chanInfo->chanid]) fontState = "disabled"; QString stringFormat = item->GetText(); if (stringFormat.isEmpty()) stringFormat = "<num> <sign> \"<name>\""; item->SetText(chanInfo->GetFormatted(stringFormat), fontState); item->SetText(chanInfo->chanstr, "channum", fontState); item->SetText(chanInfo->callsign, "callsign", fontState); item->SetText(chanInfo->channame, "name", fontState); item->SetText(QString().setNum(chanInfo->sourceid), "sourceid", fontState); item->SetText(chanInfo->sourcename, "sourcename", fontState); if (m_visMap[chanInfo->chanid]) item->DisplayState("normal", "status"); else item->DisplayState("disabled", "status"); item->SetImage(chanInfo->iconpath, "icon"); item->SetImage(chanInfo->iconpath); item->SetText(chanInfo->recpriority, "priority", fontState); if (m_currentItem == chanInfo) m_channelList->SetItemCurrent(item); } MythUIText *norecordingText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*> (GetChild("norecordings_info")); if (norecordingText) norecordingText->SetVisible(m_channelData.isEmpty()); }
void ChannelRecPriority::updateList() { m_channelList->Reset(); QMap<QString, ChannelInfo*>::Iterator it; for (it = m_sortedChannel.begin(); it != m_sortedChannel.end(); ++it) { ChannelInfo *chanInfo = *it; MythUIButtonListItem *item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_channelList, "", qVariantFromValue(chanInfo)); QString fontState = "default"; item->SetText(chanInfo->GetFormatted(ChannelInfo::kChannelLong), fontState); InfoMap infomap; chanInfo->ToMap(infomap); item->SetTextFromMap(infomap, fontState); item->DisplayState("normal", "status"); if (!chanInfo->icon.isEmpty()) { QString iconUrl = gCoreContext->GetMasterHostPrefix("ChannelIcons", chanInfo->icon); item->SetImage(iconUrl, "icon"); item->SetImage(iconUrl); } item->SetText(QString::number(chanInfo->recpriority), "priority", fontState); if (m_currentItem == chanInfo) m_channelList->SetItemCurrent(item); } // this textarea name is depreciated use 'nochannels_warning' instead MythUIText *noChannelsText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*>(GetChild("norecordings_info")); if (!noChannelsText) noChannelsText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*>(GetChild("nochannels_warning")); if (noChannelsText) noChannelsText->SetVisible(m_channelData.isEmpty()); }
void BuildChanList(NickAlias *na, TemplateFileServer::Replacements &replacements) { std::deque<ChannelInfo *> queue; na->nc->GetChannelReferences(queue); std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), ChannelSort); for (unsigned i = 0; i < queue.size(); ++i) { ChannelInfo *ci = queue[i]; if (na->nc != ci->GetFounder() && ci->AccessFor(na->nc).empty()) continue; replacements["CHANNEL_NAMES"] = ci->name; replacements["ESCAPED_CHANNEL_NAMES"] = HTTPUtils::URLEncode(ci->name); } }
ChanAccess::~ChanAccess() { if (this->ci) { std::vector<ChanAccess *>::iterator it = std::find(this->ci->access->begin(), this->ci->access->end(), this); if (it != this->ci->access->end()) this->ci->access->erase(it); if (*nc != NULL) nc->RemoveChannelReference(this->ci); else { ChannelInfo *c = ChannelInfo::Find(this->mask); if (c) c->RemoveChannelReference(this->ci->name); } } }
void ChannelRecPriority::updateList() { m_channelList->Reset(); QMap<QString, ChannelInfo*>::Iterator it; MythUIButtonListItem *item; for (it = m_sortedChannel.begin(); it != m_sortedChannel.end(); ++it) { ChannelInfo *chanInfo = *it; item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_channelList, "", qVariantFromValue(chanInfo)); QString fontState = "default"; if (!m_visMap[chanInfo->chanid]) fontState = "disabled"; item->SetText(chanInfo->GetFormatted(ChannelInfo::kChannelLong), fontState); InfoMap infomap; chanInfo->ToMap(infomap); item->SetTextFromMap(infomap, fontState); if (m_visMap[chanInfo->chanid]) item->DisplayState("normal", "status"); else item->DisplayState("disabled", "status"); item->SetImage(chanInfo->iconpath, "icon"); item->SetImage(chanInfo->iconpath); item->SetText(chanInfo->recpriority, "priority", fontState); if (m_currentItem == chanInfo) m_channelList->SetItemCurrent(item); } MythUIText *norecordingText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*> (GetChild("norecordings_info")); if (norecordingText) norecordingText->SetVisible(m_channelData.isEmpty()); }
void PrivateTab::channel(const ChannelInfo &info) { if ( != id()) return; if (m_joined) return; m_chatView->add(ServiceMessage::joined(id())); m_joined = true; }
bool WebCPanel::NickServ::Alist::OnRequest(HTTPProvider *server, const Anope::string &page_name, HTTPClient *client, HTTPMessage &message, HTTPReply &reply, NickAlias *na, TemplateFileServer::Replacements &replacements) { std::deque<ChannelInfo *> queue; na->nc->GetChannelReferences(queue); std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), ChannelSort); int chan_count = 0; for (unsigned q = 0; q < queue.size(); ++q) { ChannelInfo *ci = queue[q]; if (ci->GetFounder() == na->nc) { ++chan_count; replacements["NUMBERS"] = stringify(chan_count); replacements["CHANNELS"] = (ci->HasExt("CS_NO_EXPIRE") ? "!" : "") + ci->name; replacements["ACCESSES"] = "Founder"; continue; } AccessGroup access = ci->AccessFor(na->nc); if (access.empty()) continue; ++chan_count; replacements["NUMBERS"] = stringify(chan_count); replacements["CHANNELS"] = (ci->HasExt("CS_NO_EXPIRE") ? "!" : "") + ci->name; Anope::string access_str; for (unsigned i = 0; i < access.size(); ++i) access_str += ", " + access[i]->AccessSerialize(); replacements["ACCESSES"] = access_str.substr(2); } TemplateFileServer page("nickserv/alist.html"); page.Serve(server, page_name, client, message, reply, replacements); return true; }
void ChannelRecPriority::updateInfo(MythUIButtonListItem *item) { if (!item) return; ChannelInfo *channelItem = qVariantValue<ChannelInfo *>(item->GetData()); if (!m_channelData.isEmpty() && channelItem) { QString rectype; if (m_iconImage) { m_iconImage->SetFilename(channelItem->iconpath); m_iconImage->Load(); } if (m_chanstringText) m_chanstringText->SetText(channelItem->GetFormatted(m_longchannelformat)); if (m_callsignText) m_callsignText->SetText(channelItem->callsign); if (m_channumText) m_channumText->SetText(channelItem->chanstr); if (m_channameText) m_channameText->SetText(channelItem->channame); if (m_sourcenameText) m_sourcenameText->SetText(channelItem->sourcename); if (m_sourceidText) m_sourceidText->SetText(QString().setNum(channelItem->sourceid)); if (m_priorityText) m_priorityText->SetText(channelItem->recpriority); } MythUIText *norecordingText = dynamic_cast<MythUIText*> (GetChild("norecordings_info")); if (norecordingText) norecordingText->SetVisible(m_channelData.isEmpty()); }
/*static*/ already_AddRefed<Response> Response::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const Optional<Nullable<fetch::ResponseBodyInit>>& aBody, const ResponseInit& aInit, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports()); if (aInit.mStatus < 200 || aInit.mStatus > 599) { aRv.ThrowRangeError<MSG_INVALID_RESPONSE_STATUSCODE_ERROR>(); return nullptr; } // Check if the status text contains illegal characters nsACString::const_iterator start, end; aInit.mStatusText.BeginReading(start); aInit.mStatusText.EndReading(end); if (FindCharInReadable('\r', start, end)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUSTEXT_ERROR>(); return nullptr; } // Reset iterator since FindCharInReadable advances it. aInit.mStatusText.BeginReading(start); if (FindCharInReadable('\n', start, end)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUSTEXT_ERROR>(); return nullptr; } RefPtr<InternalResponse> internalResponse = new InternalResponse(aInit.mStatus, aInit.mStatusText); // Grab a valid channel info from the global so this response is 'valid' for // interception. if (NS_IsMainThread()) { ChannelInfo info; nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(global); if (window) { nsIDocument* doc = window->GetExtantDoc(); MOZ_ASSERT(doc); info.InitFromDocument(doc); } else { info.InitFromChromeGlobal(global); } internalResponse->InitChannelInfo(info); } else { WorkerPrivate* worker = GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate(); MOZ_ASSERT(worker); internalResponse->InitChannelInfo(worker->GetChannelInfo()); } RefPtr<Response> r = new Response(global, internalResponse, nullptr); if (aInit.mHeaders.WasPassed()) { internalResponse->Headers()->Clear(); // Instead of using Fill, create an object to allow the constructor to // unwrap the HeadersInit. RefPtr<Headers> headers = Headers::Create(global, aInit.mHeaders.Value(), aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } internalResponse->Headers()->Fill(*headers->GetInternalHeaders(), aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } if (aBody.WasPassed() && !aBody.Value().IsNull()) { if (aInit.mStatus == 204 || aInit.mStatus == 205 || aInit.mStatus == 304) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_RESPONSE_NULL_STATUS_WITH_BODY>(); return nullptr; } nsCString contentTypeWithCharset; nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> bodyStream; int64_t bodySize = InternalResponse::UNKNOWN_BODY_SIZE; const fetch::ResponseBodyInit& body = aBody.Value().Value(); if (body.IsReadableStream()) { aRv.MightThrowJSException(); JSContext* cx = aGlobal.Context(); const ReadableStream& readableStream = body.GetAsReadableStream(); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> readableStreamObj(cx, readableStream.Obj()); bool disturbed; bool locked; if (!JS::ReadableStreamIsDisturbed(cx, readableStreamObj, &disturbed) || !JS::ReadableStreamIsLocked(cx, readableStreamObj, &locked)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return nullptr; } if (disturbed || locked) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_FETCH_BODY_CONSUMED_ERROR>(); return nullptr; } r->SetReadableStreamBody(cx, readableStreamObj); JS::ReadableStreamMode streamMode; if (!JS::ReadableStreamGetMode(cx, readableStreamObj, &streamMode)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return nullptr; } if (streamMode == JS::ReadableStreamMode::ExternalSource) { // If this is a DOM generated ReadableStream, we can extract the // inputStream directly. void* underlyingSource = nullptr; if (!JS::ReadableStreamGetExternalUnderlyingSource(cx, readableStreamObj, &underlyingSource)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(underlyingSource); aRv = FetchStream::RetrieveInputStream(underlyingSource, getter_AddRefs(bodyStream)); // The releasing of the external source is needed in order to avoid an // extra stream lock. if (!JS::ReadableStreamReleaseExternalUnderlyingSource(cx, readableStreamObj)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return nullptr; } if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } else { // If this is a JS-created ReadableStream, let's create a // FetchStreamReader. aRv = FetchStreamReader::Create(aGlobal.Context(), global, getter_AddRefs(r->mFetchStreamReader), getter_AddRefs(bodyStream)); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } } else { uint64_t size = 0; aRv = ExtractByteStreamFromBody(body, getter_AddRefs(bodyStream), contentTypeWithCharset, size); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } bodySize = size; } internalResponse->SetBody(bodyStream, bodySize); if (!contentTypeWithCharset.IsVoid() && !internalResponse->Headers()->Has(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Content-Type"), aRv)) { // Ignore Append() failing here. ErrorResult error; internalResponse->Headers()->Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Content-Type"), contentTypeWithCharset, error); error.SuppressException(); } if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } r->SetMimeType(); return r.forget(); }
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) { const Anope::string &chan = params[0]; const Anope::string &chdesc = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : ""; User *u = source.u; Channel *c = findchan(params[0]); ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(params[0]); if (readonly) source.Reply(_("Sorry, channel registration is temporarily disabled.")); else if (u->Account()->HasFlag(NI_UNCONFIRMED)) source.Reply(_("You must confirm your account before you can register a channel.")); else if (chan[0] == '&') source.Reply(_("Local channels cannot be registered.")); else if (chan[0] != '#') source.Reply(CHAN_SYMBOL_REQUIRED); else if (!ircdproto->IsChannelValid(chan)) source.Reply(CHAN_X_INVALID, chan.c_str()); else if (ci) source.Reply(_("Channel \002%s\002 is already registered!"), chan.c_str()); else if (c && !c->HasUserStatus(u, CMODE_OP)) source.Reply(_("You must be a channel operator to register the channel.")); else if (Config->CSMaxReg && u->Account()->channelcount >= Config->CSMaxReg && !u->HasPriv("chanserv/no-register-limit")) source.Reply(u->Account()->channelcount > Config->CSMaxReg ? CHAN_EXCEEDED_CHANNEL_LIMIT : _(CHAN_REACHED_CHANNEL_LIMIT), Config->CSMaxReg); else { ci = new ChannelInfo(chan); ci->SetFounder(u->Account()); if (!chdesc.empty()) ci->desc = chdesc; ci->mode_locks = def_mode_locks; for (ChannelInfo::ModeList::iterator it = ci->mode_locks.begin(), it_end = ci->mode_locks.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { it->second.setter = u->nick; it-> = ci; } if (c && !c->topic.empty()) { ci->last_topic = c->topic; ci->last_topic_setter = c->topic_setter; ci->last_topic_time = c->topic_time; } else ci->last_topic_setter = source.owner->nick; Log(LOG_COMMAND, u, this, ci); source.Reply(_("Channel \002%s\002 registered under your nickname: %s"), chan.c_str(), u->nick.c_str()); /* Implement new mode lock */ if (c) { check_modes(c); ChannelMode *cm; if (u->FindChannel(c) != NULL) { /* On most ircds you do not receive the admin/owner mode till its registered */ if ((cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_OWNER))) c->SetMode(NULL, cm, u->nick); else if ((cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_PROTECT))) c->RemoveMode(NULL, cm, u->nick); } /* Mark the channel as persistent */ if (c->HasMode(CMODE_PERM)) ci->SetFlag(CI_PERSIST); /* Persist may be in def cflags, set it here */ else if (ci->HasFlag(CI_PERSIST) && (cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_PERM))) c->SetMode(NULL, CMODE_PERM); } FOREACH_MOD(I_OnChanRegistered, OnChanRegistered(ci)); } return; }
Nrrd* OIFReader::Convert(int t, int c, bool get_max) { Nrrd *data = 0; int sl_num = 0; if (t>=0 && t<m_time_num && c>=0 && c<m_chan_num && m_slice_num>0 && m_x_size>0 && m_y_size>0) { //allocate memory for nrrd unsigned long long mem_size = (unsigned long long)m_x_size* (unsigned long long)m_y_size*(unsigned long long)m_slice_num; unsigned short *val = new (std::nothrow) unsigned short[mem_size]; //read the channel ChannelInfo *cinfo = &m_oif_info[t].dataset[c]; int i; for (i=0; i<int(cinfo->size()); i++) { char *pbyData = 0; wstring file_name = (*cinfo)[i]; //open file ifstream is; #ifdef _WIN32, ios::binary); #else, ios::binary); #endif if (is.is_open()) { is.seekg(0, ios::end); size_t size = is.tellg(); pbyData = new char[size]; is.seekg(0, ios::beg);, size); is.close(); //read ReadTiff(pbyData, val, i); //increase sl_num++; } if (pbyData) delete []pbyData; } //create nrrd if (val && sl_num == m_slice_num) { //ok data = nrrdNew(); nrrdWrap(data, val, nrrdTypeUShort, 3, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSpacing, m_xspc, m_yspc, m_zspc); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMax, m_xspc*m_x_size, m_yspc*m_y_size, m_zspc*m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSize, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); } else { //something is wrong if (val) delete []val; } } if (m_max_value > 0.0) m_scalar_scale = 65535.0 / m_max_value; m_cur_time = t; return data; }
MemoResult Send(const Anope::string &source, const Anope::string &target, const Anope::string &message, bool force) { bool ischan; MemoInfo *mi = this->GetMemoInfo(target, ischan); if (mi == NULL) return MEMO_INVALID_TARGET; User *sender = finduser(source); if (sender != NULL && !sender->HasPriv("memoserv/no-limit") && !force) { if (Config->MSSendDelay > 0 && sender->lastmemosend + Config->MSSendDelay > Anope::CurTime) return MEMO_TOO_FAST; else if (!mi->memomax) return MEMO_TARGET_FULL; else if (mi->memomax > 0 && mi->memos.size() >= mi->memomax) return MEMO_TARGET_FULL; else if (mi->HasIgnore(sender)) return MEMO_SUCCESS; } if (sender != NULL) sender->lastmemosend = Anope::CurTime; Memo *m = new Memo(); mi->memos.push_back(m); m->owner = target; m->sender = source; m->time = Anope::CurTime; m->text = message; m->SetFlag(MF_UNREAD); FOREACH_MOD(I_OnMemoSend, OnMemoSend(source, target, mi, m)); if (ischan) { ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(target); if (ci->c) { for (CUserList::iterator it = ci->c->users.begin(), it_end = ci->c->users.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { UserContainer *cu = *it; if (ci->AccessFor(cu->user).HasPriv("MEMO")) { if (cu->user->Account() && cu->user->Account()->HasFlag(NI_MEMO_RECEIVE)) cu->user->SendMessage(MemoServ, MEMO_NEW_X_MEMO_ARRIVED, ci->name.c_str(), Config->UseStrictPrivMsgString.c_str(), Config->MemoServ.c_str(), ci->name.c_str(), mi->memos.size()); } } } } else { NickCore *nc = findnick(target)->nc; if (nc->HasFlag(NI_MEMO_RECEIVE)) { for (std::list<NickAlias *>::iterator it = nc->aliases.begin(), it_end = nc->aliases.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { NickAlias *na = *it; User *user = finduser(na->nick); if (user && user->IsIdentified()) user->SendMessage(MemoServ, MEMO_NEW_MEMO_ARRIVED, source.c_str(), Config->UseStrictPrivMsgString.c_str(), Config->MemoServ.c_str(), mi->memos.size()); } } /* let's get out the mail if set in the nickcore - certus */ if (nc->HasFlag(NI_MEMO_MAIL)) SendMemoMail(nc, mi, m); } return MEMO_SUCCESS; }
void OnDelCore(NickCore *nc) { // XXX this is slightly inefficient for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList.begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList.end(); it != it_end;) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; ++it; if (ci->GetFounder() == nc) { NickCore *newowner = NULL; if (ci->successor && (ci->successor->IsServicesOper() || !Config->CSMaxReg || ci->successor->channelcount < Config->CSMaxReg)) newowner = ci->successor; else { ChanAccess *highest = NULL; for (unsigned j = 0; j < ci->GetAccessCount(); ++j) { ChanAccess *ca = ci->GetAccess(j); NickCore *anc = findcore(ca->mask); if (!anc || (!anc->IsServicesOper() && Config->CSMaxReg && anc->channelcount >= Config->CSMaxReg) || (anc == nc)) continue; if (!highest || *ca > *highest) highest = ca; } if (highest) newowner = findcore(highest->mask); } if (newowner) { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Transferring foundership of " << ci->name << " from deleted nick " << nc->display << " to " << newowner->display; ci->SetFounder(newowner); ci->successor = NULL; } else { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "chanserv/expire") << "Deleting channel " << ci->name << " owned by deleted nick " << nc->display; delete ci; continue; } } if (ci->successor == nc) ci->successor = NULL; for (unsigned j = 0; j < ci->GetAccessCount(); ++j) { ChanAccess *ca = ci->GetAccess(j); NickCore *anc = findcore(ca->mask); if (anc && anc == nc) { ci->EraseAccess(j); break; } } for (unsigned j = ci->GetAkickCount(); j > 0; --j) { AutoKick *akick = ci->GetAkick(j - 1); if (akick->HasFlag(AK_ISNICK) && akick->nc == nc) ci->EraseAkick(j - 1); } } }
bool WebCPanel::MemoServ::Memos::OnRequest(HTTPProvider *server, const Anope::string &page_name, HTTPClient *client, HTTPMessage &message, HTTPReply &reply, NickAlias *na, TemplateFileServer::Replacements &replacements) { const Anope::string &chname = message.get_data["channel"]; ChannelInfo *ci; const MemoInfo *mi; Memo *m; for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList->begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList->end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ci = it->second; if (ci->AccessFor(na->nc).HasPriv("MEMO")) { replacements["CHANNEL_NAMES"] = ci->name; replacements["ESCAPED_CHANNEL_NAMES"] = HTTPUtils::URLEncode(ci->name); } } if (chname.empty()) { replacements["MESSAGES"] = "No Channel specified, displaying the memos for your Nick"; mi = &na->nc->memos; } else { ci = ChannelInfo::Find(chname); if (ci) { replacements["MESSAGES"] = "Displaying the memos for " + chname + "."; mi = &ci->memos; } else { replacements["MESSAGES"] = "Channel " + chname + " not found, displaying the memos for your nick"; mi = &na->nc->memos; } replacements["CHANNEL_NAME"] = ci->name; replacements["ESCAPED_CHANNEL_NAME"] = HTTPUtils::URLEncode(ci->name); } if (message.post_data.count("receiver") > 0 && message.post_data.count("message") > 0) { std::vector<Anope::string> params; params.push_back(HTTPUtils::URLDecode(message.post_data["receiver"])); params.push_back(HTTPUtils::URLDecode(message.post_data["message"])); WebPanel::RunCommand(na->nc->display, na->nc, "MemoServ", "memoserv/send", params, replacements, "CMDR"); } if (message.get_data.count("del") > 0 && message.get_data.count("number") > 0) { std::vector<Anope::string> params; if (!chname.empty()) params.push_back(chname); params.push_back(message.get_data["number"]); WebPanel::RunCommand(na->nc->display, na->nc, "MemoServ", "memoserv/del", params, replacements, "CMDR"); } if (message.get_data.count("read") > 0 && message.get_data.count("number") > 0) { std::vector<Anope::string> params; int number = -1; try { number = convertTo<int>(message.get_data["number"]); } catch (const ConvertException &ex) { replacements["MESSAGES"] = "ERROR - invalid parameter for NUMBER"; } if (number > 0) { m = mi->GetMemo(number-1); if (!m) replacements["MESSAGES"] = "ERROR - invalid memo number."; else if (message.get_data["read"] == "1") m->unread = false; else if (message.get_data["read"] == "2") m->unread = true; } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < mi->memos->size(); ++i) { m = mi->GetMemo(i); replacements["NUMBER"] = stringify(i+1); replacements["SENDER"] = m->sender; replacements["TIME"] = Anope::strftime(m->time); replacements["TEXT"] = HTTPUtils::Escape(m->text); if (m->unread) replacements["UNREAD"] = "YES"; else replacements["UNREAD"] = "NO"; } TemplateFileServer page("memoserv/memos.html"); page.Serve(server, page_name, client, message, reply, replacements); return true; }
Nrrd* LSMReader::Convert(int t, int c, bool get_max) { Nrrd *data = 0; FILE* pfile = 0; if (!WFOPEN(&pfile, m_path_name.c_str(), L"rb")) return 0; int i, j; if (t>=0 && t<m_time_num && c>=0 && c<m_chan_num && m_slice_num > 0 && m_x_size > 0 && m_y_size > 0 && t<(int)m_lsm_info.size() && c<(int)m_lsm_info[t].size()) { //allocate memory for nrrd switch (m_datatype) { case 1://8-bit { unsigned long long mem_size = (unsigned long long)m_x_size* (unsigned long long)m_y_size*(unsigned long long)m_slice_num; unsigned char *val = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[mem_size]; ChannelInfo *cinfo = &m_lsm_info[t][c]; for (i=0; i<(int)cinfo->size(); i++) { if (m_l4gb? FSEEK64(pfile, ((uint64_t((*cinfo)[i].offset_high))<<32)+(*cinfo)[i].offset, SEEK_SET)==0: fseek(pfile, (*cinfo)[i].offset, SEEK_SET)==0) { unsigned int val_pos = m_x_size*m_y_size*i; if (m_compression==1) fread(val+val_pos, sizeof(unsigned char), (*cinfo)[i].size, pfile); else if (m_compression==5) { unsigned char* tif = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[(*cinfo)[i].size]; fread(tif, sizeof(unsigned char), (*cinfo)[i].size, pfile); LZWDecode(tif, val+val_pos, (*cinfo)[i].size); for (j=0; j<m_y_size; j++) DecodeAcc8(val+val_pos+j*m_x_size, m_x_size,1); delete []tif; } } } //create nrrd data = nrrdNew(); nrrdWrap(data, val, nrrdTypeUChar, 3, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSpacing, m_xspc, m_yspc, m_zspc); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMax, m_xspc*m_x_size, m_yspc*m_y_size, m_zspc*m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSize, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); } break; case 2://16-bit case 3: { unsigned long long mem_size = (unsigned long long)m_x_size* (unsigned long long)m_y_size*(unsigned long long)m_slice_num; unsigned short *val = new (std::nothrow) unsigned short[mem_size]; ChannelInfo *cinfo = &m_lsm_info[t][c]; for (i=0; i<(int)cinfo->size(); i++) { if (m_l4gb? FSEEK64(pfile, ((uint64_t((*cinfo)[i].offset_high))<<32)+(*cinfo)[i].offset, SEEK_SET)==0: fseek(pfile, (*cinfo)[i].offset, SEEK_SET)==0) { unsigned int val_pos = m_x_size*m_y_size*i; if (m_compression==1) fread(val+val_pos, sizeof(unsigned char), (*cinfo)[i].size, pfile); else if (m_compression==5) { unsigned char* tif = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[(*cinfo)[i].size]; fread(tif, sizeof(unsigned char), (*cinfo)[i].size, pfile); LZWDecode(tif, (tidata_t)(val+val_pos), (*cinfo)[i].size); for (j=0; j<m_y_size; j++) DecodeAcc16((tidata_t)(val+val_pos+j*m_x_size), m_x_size,1); delete []tif; } } } //create nrrd data = nrrdNew(); nrrdWrap(data, val, nrrdTypeUShort, 3, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSpacing, m_xspc, m_yspc, m_zspc); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMax, m_xspc*m_x_size, m_yspc*m_y_size, m_zspc*m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSize, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); } break; } } fclose(pfile); return data; }
Nrrd *OIBReader::Convert(int t, int c, bool get_max) { Nrrd *data = 0; int sl_num = 0; if (t>=0 && t<m_time_num && c>=0 && c<m_chan_num && m_slice_num > 0 && m_x_size > 0 && m_y_size > 0) { unsigned char *pbyData = 0; wstring path_name = m_type==0?m_path_name:m_oib_info[t].filename; //storage POLE::Storage pStg(ws2s(path_name).c_str()); //open if ( { //allocate memory for nrrd unsigned long long mem_size = (unsigned long long)m_x_size* (unsigned long long)m_y_size*(unsigned long long)m_slice_num; unsigned short *val = new (std::nothrow) unsigned short[mem_size]; //enumerate std::list<std::string> entries = pStg.entries(); for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { if (pStg.isDirectory(*it)) { std::list<std::string> streams = pStg.GetAllStreams(*it); size_t num = 0; ChannelInfo *cinfo = &m_oib_info[t].dataset[c]; for(std::list<std::string>::iterator its = streams.begin(); its != streams.end(); ++its) { if (num >= cinfo->size()) break; //fix the stream name std::string str_name = ws2s((*cinfo)[num].stream_name); std::string name = (*it) + std::string("/") + str_name; POLE::Stream pStm(&pStg,name); //open if (!pStm.eof() && ! { //get stream size size_t sz = pStm.size(); //allocate pbyData = new unsigned char[sz]; if (!pbyData) return NULL; //read if (,sz)) { //copy tiff to val ReadTiff(pbyData, val, num); //increase sl_num++; } } //release if (pbyData) delete[] pbyData; num++; } } } //create nrrd if (val && sl_num == m_slice_num) { //ok data = nrrdNew(); nrrdWrap(data, val, nrrdTypeUShort, 3, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSpacing, m_xspc, m_yspc, m_zspc); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMax, m_xspc*m_x_size, m_yspc*m_y_size, m_zspc*m_slice_num); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoMin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); nrrdAxisInfoSet(data, nrrdAxisInfoSize, (size_t)m_x_size, (size_t)m_y_size, (size_t)m_slice_num); } else { //something is wrong if (val) delete []val; } //release pStg.close(); } } if (m_max_value > 0.0) m_scalar_scale = 65535.0 / m_max_value; m_cur_time = t; return data; }
/*static*/ already_AddRefed<Response> Response::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const Optional<ArrayBufferOrArrayBufferViewOrBlobOrFormDataOrUSVStringOrURLSearchParams>& aBody, const ResponseInit& aInit, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports()); if (aInit.mStatus < 200 || aInit.mStatus > 599) { aRv.ThrowRangeError(MSG_INVALID_RESPONSE_STATUSCODE_ERROR); return nullptr; } nsCString statusText; if (aInit.mStatusText.WasPassed()) { statusText = aInit.mStatusText.Value(); nsACString::const_iterator start, end; statusText.BeginReading(start); statusText.EndReading(end); if (FindCharInReadable('\r', start, end)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError(MSG_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUSTEXT_ERROR); return nullptr; } // Reset iterator since FindCharInReadable advances it. statusText.BeginReading(start); if (FindCharInReadable('\n', start, end)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError(MSG_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUSTEXT_ERROR); return nullptr; } } else { // Since we don't support default values for ByteString. statusText = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("OK"); } nsRefPtr<InternalResponse> internalResponse = new InternalResponse(aInit.mStatus, statusText); // Grab a valid channel info from the global so this response is 'valid' for // interception. if (NS_IsMainThread()) { ChannelInfo info; nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> window = do_QueryInterface(global); if (window) { nsIDocument* doc = window->GetExtantDoc(); MOZ_ASSERT(doc); info.InitFromDocument(doc); } else { info.InitFromChromeGlobal(global); } internalResponse->InitChannelInfo(info); } else { workers::WorkerPrivate* worker = workers::GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate(); MOZ_ASSERT(worker); internalResponse->InitChannelInfo(worker->GetChannelInfo()); } nsRefPtr<Response> r = new Response(global, internalResponse); if (aInit.mHeaders.WasPassed()) { internalResponse->Headers()->Clear(); // Instead of using Fill, create an object to allow the constructor to // unwrap the HeadersInit. nsRefPtr<Headers> headers = Headers::Create(global, aInit.mHeaders.Value(), aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } internalResponse->Headers()->Fill(*headers->GetInternalHeaders(), aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } if (aBody.WasPassed()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> bodyStream; nsCString contentType; aRv = ExtractByteStreamFromBody(aBody.Value(), getter_AddRefs(bodyStream), contentType); internalResponse->SetBody(bodyStream); if (!contentType.IsVoid() && !internalResponse->Headers()->Has(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Content-Type"), aRv)) { internalResponse->Headers()->Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Content-Type"), contentType, aRv); } if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } r->SetMimeType(); return r.forget(); }
void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> ¶ms) { const Anope::string &channel = params[0]; const Anope::string &target = params[1]; Anope::string what = params.size() > 2 ? params[2] : ""; User *u = source.u; ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(params[0]); if (ci == NULL) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str()); return; } if (!ci->AccessFor(u).HasPriv("SET")) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } ChannelInfo *target_ci = cs_findchan(target); if (!target_ci) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, target.c_str()); return; } if (!IsFounder(u, ci) || !IsFounder(u, target_ci)) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } if (what.equals_ci("ALL")) what.clear(); if (what.empty()) { delete target_ci; target_ci = new ChannelInfo(*ci); target_ci->name = target; RegisteredChannelList[target_ci->name] = target_ci; target_ci->c = findchan(target_ci->name); if (target_ci->c) { target_ci->c->ci = target_ci; check_modes(target_ci->c); ChannelMode *cm; if (u->FindChannel(target_ci->c) != NULL) { /* On most ircds you do not receive the admin/owner mode till its registered */ if ((cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_OWNER))) target_ci->c->SetMode(NULL, cm, u->nick); else if ((cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_PROTECT))) target_ci->c->RemoveMode(NULL, cm, u->nick); } /* Mark the channel as persistent */ if (target_ci->c->HasMode(CMODE_PERM)) target_ci->SetFlag(CI_PERSIST); /* Persist may be in def cflags, set it here */ else if (target_ci->HasFlag(CI_PERSIST) && (cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(CMODE_PERM))) target_ci->c->SetMode(NULL, CMODE_PERM); if (target_ci->bi && target_ci->c->FindUser(target_ci->bi) == NULL) target_ci->bi->Join(target_ci->c, &Config->BotModeList); } if (target_ci->c && !target_ci->c->topic.empty()) { target_ci->last_topic = target_ci->c->topic; target_ci->last_topic_setter = target_ci->c->topic_setter; target_ci->last_topic_time = target_ci->c->topic_time; } else target_ci->last_topic_setter = source.owner->nick; FOREACH_MOD(I_OnChanRegistered, OnChanRegistered(target_ci)); source.Reply(_("All settings from \002%s\002 have been cloned to \002%s\002"), channel.c_str(), target.c_str()); } else if (what.equals_ci("ACCESS")) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ci->GetAccessCount(); ++i) { ChanAccess *taccess = ci->GetAccess(i); AccessProvider *provider = taccess->provider; ChanAccess *newaccess = provider->Create(); newaccess->ci = target_ci; newaccess->mask = taccess->mask; newaccess->creator = taccess->creator; newaccess->last_seen = taccess->last_seen; newaccess->created = taccess->created; newaccess->Unserialize(taccess->Serialize()); target_ci->AddAccess(newaccess); } source.Reply(_("All access entries from \002%s\002 have been cloned to \002%s\002"), channel.c_str(), target.c_str()); } else if (what.equals_ci("AKICK")) { target_ci->ClearAkick(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ci->GetAkickCount(); ++i) { AutoKick *akick = ci->GetAkick(i); if (akick->HasFlag(AK_ISNICK)) target_ci->AddAkick(akick->creator, akick->nc, akick->reason, akick->addtime, akick->last_used); else target_ci->AddAkick(akick->creator, akick->mask, akick->reason, akick->addtime, akick->last_used); } source.Reply(_("All akick entries from \002%s\002 have been cloned to \002%s\002"), channel.c_str(), target.c_str()); } else if (what.equals_ci("BADWORDS")) { target_ci->ClearBadWords(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ci->GetBadWordCount(); ++i) { BadWord *bw = ci->GetBadWord(i); target_ci->AddBadWord(bw->word, bw->type); } source.Reply(_("All badword entries from \002%s\002 have been cloned to \002%s\002"), channel.c_str(), target.c_str()); } else { this->OnSyntaxError(source, ""); return; } Log(LOG_COMMAND, u, this, ci) << "to clone " << (what.empty() ? "everything from it" : what) << " to " << target_ci->name; return; }