Пример #1
void OptionsDialog::_buildFrameNetwork()
	Input* i;
	Checkbox* c;
	int y = 0;
	mFrameNetwork->mSortable = false;

	new Label(mFrameNetwork, "", rect(0,y), "Reconnect");
	i = new Input(mFrameNetwork, "reconnect", rect(95, y, 150, 20), "0123456789", 0, true, NULL);
		i->SetText( "0" ); //game->mConfig.GetParamString("connection", "delay") );
		i->mHoverText = "Delay (in minutes) between reconnect attempts. 0 to disable.";
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameNetwork, "joinparts", rect(0,y), "Show Joins/Parts", 0);
		c->SetState( game->mShowJoinParts );
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameNetwork, "addr", rect(0,y), "Show Addresses In Joins/Parts", 0);
		c->SetState( game->mShowAddresses );
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameNetwork, "privmsg", rect(0,y), "Accept Private Messages", 0);
		c->SetState( sti(game->mUserData.GetValue("MapSettings", "PrivMsg")) );
	y += 25;

Пример #2
void OptionsDialog::_buildFrameGraphics()
	Input* i;
	Checkbox* c;
	int y = 0;

	mFrameGraphics->mSortable = false;
	new Label(mFrameGraphics, "", rect(0,y), "FPS Cap");
	i = new Input(mFrameGraphics, "fps", rect(95, y, 150, 20), "0123456789", 0, true, NULL);
		i->SetText( its(gui->mFpsCap) );
	y += 25;

	c = new Checkbox(mFrameGraphics, "lowcpu", rect(0,y), "Use Lower Cpu When Inactive", 0);
		c->SetState( gui->mUseLowCpu );
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameGraphics, "nolimit", rect(0,y), "Max Speed (Not Recommended)", 0);
		c->SetState( gui->mNoFpsLimit );
		c->mHoverText = "Seriously, this is a 2D chat room. Why have 4000 FPS?";
	y += 25;	
Пример #3
void OptionsDialog::_buildFrameAudio()
	Scrollbar* sc;
	Checkbox* c;
	int y = 0;
	mFrameAudio->mSortable = false;
	new Label(mFrameAudio, "", rect(0,y), "Volume");
	sc = new Scrollbar(mFrameAudio, "vol", rect(95, y, 150, 20), HORIZONTAL, MAX_VOLUME, 10, 0, NULL);
		sc->SetValue( config.GetParamInt("sound", "volume") );
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameAudio, "", rect(0,y), "Enable Voice Chat", 0);
		c->SetState( 0 );
		c->mHoverText = "Haha, you wish";
	y += 25;
Пример #4
void OptionsDialog::_buildFrameUser()
	Input* i;
	SmallSelect* ss;
	Checkbox* c;
	int y = 0;

	mFrameUser->mSortable = false;

	new Label(mFrameUser, "", rect(0,y), "Nickname");
	i = new Input(mFrameUser, "nick", rect(95, y, 150, 20), 
					32, true, NULL);
		i->SetText( game->mPlayer->GetName() );
	y += 25;
	new Label(mFrameUser, "", rect(0,y), "Alerts");
	ss = new SmallSelect(mFrameUser, "alerts", rect(95, y, 150, 20), NULL);
		ss->AddItem("Only When Inactive");
		ss->mSelectedIndex = gui->mSystemAlertType;
		ss->mHoverText = "Controls when to flash the title bar for a new message";
	y += 25;
/*	c = new Checkbox(mFrameUser, "names", rect(0,y), "Show Player Names", 0);
		c->SetState( game->mPlayerData.GetParamInt("map", "shownames") );
	y += 25;
	c = new Checkbox(mFrameUser, "trading", rect(0,y), "Allow Trade Requests", 0);
		c->SetState( game->mPlayerData.GetParamInt("map", "trading") );
	y += 25;

	c = new Checkbox(mFrameUser, "stamps", rect(0,y), "Show Timestamps", 0);
		c->SetState( sti(game->mUserData.GetValue("MapSettings", "Timestamps")) );
	y += 25;