void RefLeakReport::deriveAllocLocation(CheckerContext &Ctx,
                                          SymbolRef sym) {
  // Most bug reports are cached at the location where they occurred.
  // With leaks, we want to unique them by the location where they were
  // allocated, and only report a single path.  To do this, we need to find
  // the allocation site of a piece of tracked memory, which we do via a
  // call to GetAllocationSite.  This will walk the ExplodedGraph backwards.
  // Note that this is *not* the trimmed graph; we are guaranteed, however,
  // that all ancestor nodes that represent the allocation site have the
  // same SourceLocation.
  const ExplodedNode *AllocNode = nullptr;

  const SourceManager& SMgr = Ctx.getSourceManager();

  AllocationInfo AllocI =
      GetAllocationSite(Ctx.getStateManager(), getErrorNode(), sym);

  AllocNode = AllocI.N;
  AllocBinding = AllocI.R;

  // Get the SourceLocation for the allocation site.
  // FIXME: This will crash the analyzer if an allocation comes from an
  // implicit call (ex: a destructor call).
  // (Currently there are no such allocations in Cocoa, though.)
  AllocStmt = PathDiagnosticLocation::getStmt(AllocNode);

  if (!AllocStmt) {
    AllocBinding = nullptr;

  PathDiagnosticLocation AllocLocation =
    PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(AllocStmt, SMgr,
  Location = AllocLocation;

  // Set uniqieing info, which will be used for unique the bug reports. The
  // leaks should be uniqued on the allocation site.
  UniqueingLocation = AllocLocation;
  UniqueingDecl = AllocNode->getLocationContext()->getDecl();