Пример #1
Point __trilaterate(const Circle& a, const Circle& b, const Circle& c)
	//radii of each circle
	float ra, rb, rc;
	ra = a.getRadius();
	rb = b.getRadius();
	rc = c.getRadius();

	//center of each circle
	Point ca, cb, cc;
	ca = a.getCenter();
	cb = b.getCenter();
	cc = c.getCenter();

	//x basis vector of transformed co-ordinate space in original space
	Point xUnitVector = getXUnit(ca, cb);
	//"horizontal" component (transformed space) of difference between circle centers
	float i = signedMagnitudeX(ca, cc, xUnitVector);
	//y basis vector of transformed co-ordinate space in original space
	Point yUnitVector = getYUnit(ca, cc, i, xUnitVector);	
	//"vertical" component (transformed space) of difference between circle centers
	float j = signedMagnitudeY(ca, cc, yUnitVector);

	float d = getDistance(ca, cb);
	//the intersection point relative to origin in transformed co-ordinate space
	float x = (powf(ra,2)-powf(rb,2)+powf(d,2))/(2*d);
	float y = ((powf(ra, 2)-powf(rc,2)+powf(i,2)+powf(j,2))/(2*j)) - x*(i)/(j);

	//transform x, y to original co-ordinate frame
	Point xMagVector = xUnitVector*x, yMagVector = yUnitVector*y;
	Point p = ca + xMagVector + yMagVector;
	return p;
void OpenGLESCircleBatcher::renderPartialCircle(Circle &circle, int arcDegrees, Color &c, GpuProgramWrapper &gpuProgramWrapper)
    OGLESManager->addVertexCoordinate(circle.getCenter().getX(), circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha);
    m_iNumPoints = 1;
    for (int i = 90 - arcDegrees; i > -270; i -= DEGREE_SPACING)
        float rad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i);
        float cos = cosf(rad);
        float sin = sinf(rad);
        OGLESManager->addVertexCoordinate(cos * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getX(), sin * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha);
    float rad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-270);
    float cos = cosf(rad);
    float sin = sinf(rad);
    OGLESManager->addVertexCoordinate(cos * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getX(), sin * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha);
Пример #3
Point trilaterate(const Circle& c1, const Circle& c2, const Circle& c3)
	Point p1, p2, p3;
	p1 = c1.getCenter();
	p2 = c2.getCenter();
	p3 = c3.getCenter();

	float r1, r2, r3;
	r1 = c1.getRadius();
	r2 = c2.getRadius();
	r3 = c3.getRadius();

	float d12, d13, d23;
	d12 = getDistance(p1,p2);
	d13 = getDistance(p1,p3);
	d23 = getDistance(p2,p3);

	DEBUG("Attempting to trilaterate:\n");
	DEBUG("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",p1.getX(), p1.getY(), r1);
	DEBUG("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",p2.getX(), p2.getY(), r2);
	DEBUG("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",p3.getX(), p3.getY(), r3);

	bool inter12, inter13, inter23;
	inter12 = d12-r1 < r2 && r2 < d12+r1;
	inter13 = d13-r1 < r3 && r3 < d13+r1;
	inter23 = d23-r2 < r3 && r3 < d23+r3;

	if(!(inter12 && inter13 && inter23))
		DEBUG("Error: each pair of circles must intersect with at least two points\n");
	return __trilaterate(c1, c2, c3);
Пример #4
bool OverlapTester::doCirclesOverlap(const Circle &c1, const Circle &c2)
    Vector2D c1Center = c1.getCenter();
    Vector2D c2Center = c2.getCenter();
    float distance = c1Center.distSquared(c2Center);
    float radiusSum = c1.m_fRadius + c2.m_fRadius;
    return distance <= radiusSum * radiusSum;
Пример #5
bool TestCircleCircle ( Circle const & A, Circle const & B )
	float dist2 = Distance2d::Distance2PointPoint( A.getCenter(), B.getCenter() );

	float rad = A.getRadius() * B.getRadius();

	float rad2 = rad * rad;

	return dist2 <= rad2;
Пример #6
double Circle::intersectionArea(const Circle & otherCircle) {
    double d = center.distanceFrom(otherCircle.getCenter());
    //fprintf(stderr, "d=%f\n", d);
    double r = radius;
    //fprintf(stderr, "r=%f\n", r);
    double R = otherCircle.getRadius();
    //fprintf(stderr, "R=%f\n", R);
    // error handle: if a circle has no radius
    if (r==0 || R==0 || r+R<=d) {
        return 0;

    if (d==0){
        r = r<R ? r:R;
        return M_PI*r*r;
    if ( ((((d+r <= r)||(-d-R >= -r)) && (r>R))) || \
        ((((d+r <= R)||(-d-r >= -R)) && (r<R)))){
        //if overlap completely, do pi*r^2 with the smaller radius
        r = r<R ? r:R;
        return M_PI*r*r;
    double part1 = r*r*acos( (d*d+r*r-R*R)/(2*d*r));
    //fprintf(stderr, "part1=%f\n", part1);
    double part2 = R*R*acos( (d*d+R*R-r*r)/(2*d*R));
    //fprintf(stderr, "part2=%f\n", part2);
    double part3 = 0.5*sqrt( (-d+r+R)*(d+r-R)*(d-r+R)*(d+r+R));
    //fprintf(stderr, "part3=%f\n", part3);
    return part1+part2-part3;
Пример #7
void GerberGenerator::drawCircleOutline(const Circle& circle) noexcept {
  PositiveLength outerDia = circle.getDiameter() + circle.getLineWidth();
  Length         innerDia = circle.getDiameter() - circle.getLineWidth();
  if (innerDia < 0) innerDia = 0;
  flashCircle(circle.getCenter(), positiveToUnsigned(outerDia),
Пример #8
bool TestSegCircle_Below ( Segment3d const & S, Circle const & circle )
	Vector A = S.getBegin();
	Vector B = S.getEnd();
	Vector const & C = circle.getCenter();

	if(A.y > B.y) std::swap(A,B);

	if(C.y > B.y)
		return false;
	else if(C.y < A.y) 
		return Overlap2d::TestSegCircle(S,circle);
		if(A.y == B.y)
			return Overlap2d::TestSegCircle(S,circle);
			float param = (C.y - A.y) / (B.y - A.y);

			Vector D = A + (B - A) * param;

			return Overlap2d::TestSegCircle( Segment3d(D,B), circle );

Пример #9
float Circle::getIntersectionArea( const Circle &c ) const {
  Vector2D pos1, pos2, pos3;
  float d, h, dArea;
  AngDeg ang;

  d = getCenter().distanceTo( c.getCenter() ); // dist between two centers
  if( d > c.getRadius() + getRadius() )           // larger than sum radii
    return 0.0;                                   // circles do not intersect
  if( d <= fabs(c.getRadius() - getRadius() ) )   // one totally in the other
    float dR = min( c.getRadius(), getRadius() );// return area smallest circle
    return M_PI*dR*dR;

  int iNrSol = getIntersectionPoints( c, &pos1, &pos2 );
  if( iNrSol != 2 )
    return 0.0;

  // the intersection area of two circles can be divided into two segments:
  // left and right of the line between the two intersection points p1 and p2.
  // The outside area of each segment can be calculated by taking the part
  // of the circle pie excluding the triangle from the center to the
  // two intersection points.
  // The pie equals pi*r^2 * rad(2*ang) / 2*pi = 0.5*rad(2*ang)*r^2 with ang
  // the angle between the center c of the circle and one of the two
  // intersection points. Thus the angle between c and p1 and c and p3 where
  // p3 is the point that lies halfway between p1 and p2.
  // This can be calculated using ang = asin( d / r ) with d the distance
  // between p1 and p3 and r the radius of the circle.
  // The area of the triangle is 2*0.5*h*d.

  pos3 = pos1.getVector2DOnLineFraction( pos2, 0.5 );
  d = pos1.distanceTo( pos3 );
  h = pos3.distanceTo( getCenter() );
  ang = asin( d / getRadius() );

  dArea = ang*getRadius()*getRadius();
  dArea = dArea - d*h;

  // and now for the other segment the same story
  h = pos3.distanceTo( c.getCenter() );
  ang = asin( d / c.getRadius() );
  dArea = dArea + ang*c.getRadius()*c.getRadius();
  dArea = dArea - d*h;

  return dArea;
Пример #10
Point trilaterate(const Circle& a, const Circle& b, const Circle& c)
	Point ca, cb, cc;
	ca = a.getCenter();
	cb = b.getCenter();
	cc = c.getCenter();

	float dab = getDistance(ca, cb); //distance from a to b
	float dac = getDistance(ca, cc); //distance from a to c
	float dbc = getDistance(cb, cc); //distance from b to c

	float ra, rb, rc;
	ra = a.getRadius(); rb = b.getRadius(); rc = c.getRadius();

	//does a,b intersect? a,c intersect? b,c intersect?
	bool abIntersect, acIntersect, bcIntersect;
	abIntersect = fabs(dab-ra) < rb && rb < dab+ra;
	acIntersect = fabs(dac-ra) < rc && rc < dac+ra;
	bcIntersect = fabs(dbc-rb) < rc && rc < dbc+rb;

	//debug statements
#ifdef VERBOSE
	PRINT_ERR("Attempting to trilaterate:\n");
	PRINT_ERR("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",ca.getX(), ca.getY(), ra);
	PRINT_ERR("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",cb.getX(), cb.getY(), rb);
	PRINT_ERR("Centre:(%f, %f) Radius:%f\n",cc.getX(), cc.getY(), rc);

	//if colinear will cause nan errors in calculation
#ifdef VERBOSE
	PRINT_ERR("Error: circle centres are colinear\n");

	//insufficient number of intersections will result in throwing exception
	if(!abIntersect || !acIntersect || !bcIntersect)
#ifdef VERBOSE
	PRINT_ERR("Error: each pair of circles must intersect with at least two points\n");
	return __trilaterate(a, b, c);
Пример #11
bool BoundingBox::overlaps(const Circle &circle) {
  RectangleGeo rect( Vector2D( box.x, box.y ),
		  Vector2D( box.x + box.w, box.y + box.h ) );
  return (rect.isInside(circle.getCenter()) ||
	  circle.isInside(rect.getPosLeftTop()) ||
	  circle.isInside(rect.getPosRightBottom()) ||
	  circle.isInside(Vector2D( box.x, box.y + box.h )) ||
	  circle.isInside(Vector2D( box.x + box.w, box.y )));
void Direct3DCircleBatcher::renderCircle(Circle &circle, Color &c, GpuProgramWrapper &gpuProgramWrapper)
	m_iNumPoints = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += DEGREE_SPACING)
		float rad = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i);
		float cos = cosf(rad);
		float sin = sinf(rad);

		addVertexCoordinate(cos * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getX(), sin * circle.m_fRadius + circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha, 0, 0);

		addVertexCoordinate(circle.getCenter().getX(), circle.getCenter().getY(), 0, c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha, 0, 0);

Пример #13
void Ball::geOutOf(Object* object) {
	Circle* bouncer = object->getCircleBounds();
	Circle* ball = getCircleBounds();
	sf::Vector2f* normal = vectors->computeNormToSurface(ball, bouncer);

	vectors->setLength(normal, bouncer->getRadius() + ball->getRadius());
	sf::Vector2f* bouncerCenter = bouncer->getCenter();

	setPosition(bouncerCenter->x + normal->x - ball->getRadius(), bouncerCenter->y + normal->y - ball->getRadius());
Пример #14
void findIntersections(std::vector<Point>& p, const Circle& a, const Circle& b)
	Point mid = centroidIntersection(a,b);
	DEBUG("Circles intersect at: (%f %f)\n",mid.getX(),mid.getY());
	Point ca = a.getCenter();
	Point cb = b.getCenter();

	float deltaX, deltaY;
	deltaX = cb.getX() - ca.getX();
	deltaY = cb.getY() - ca.getY();

	float s = getDistance(ca,mid);
	float ra = a.getRadius();
	float d = getDistance(ca, cb);

	float u = sqrt(pow(ra,2)-pow(s,2));
	p.push_back(Point(ca.getX() - deltaX * u / d, ca.getY() + deltaY * u / d));
	p.push_back(Point(ca.getX() + deltaX * u / d, ca.getY() - deltaY * u / d));
Пример #15
bool isCircleInTriangle(Circle& circ, Triangle& trig) 
		return false;
	Point O(circ.getCenter());
	Point OA(circ.getCenter().x, circ.getCenter().y + circ.getRadius());
	Point OB (circ.getCenter().x + circ.getRadius(), circ.getCenter().y);
	Point OC(circ.getCenter().x, circ.getCenter().y - circ.getRadius());
	Point OD(circ.getCenter().x - circ.getRadius(), circ.getCenter().y);

	if(trig.isPointInsideFigure(OA) && trig.isPointInsideFigure(OB) && trig.isPointInsideFigure(OC) && trig.isPointInsideFigure(OD))
		return true;

	return false;
Пример #16
bool OverlapTester::overlapCircleRectangle(const Circle &c, Rectangle &r)
    float closestX = c.getCenter().getX();
    float closestY = c.getCenter().getY();
    if (c.getCenter().getX() < r.getLowerLeft().getX())
        closestX = r.getLowerLeft().getX();
    else if (c.getCenter().getX() > r.getLowerLeft().getX() + r.getWidth())
        closestX = r.getLowerLeft().getX() + r.getWidth();
    if (c.getCenter().getY() < r.getLowerLeft().getY())
        closestY = r.getLowerLeft().getY();
    else if (c.getCenter().getY() > r.getLowerLeft().getY() + r.getHeight())
        closestY = r.getLowerLeft().getY() + r.getHeight();
    return c.getCenter().distSquared(closestX, closestY) < c.m_fRadius * c.m_fRadius;
Пример #17
bool isCircleInRectangle(Circle& circ, Rectangle& rect) 
	Point O(circ.getCenter());
	Point OA(circ.getCenter().x, circ.getCenter().y + circ.getRadius());
	Point OB (circ.getCenter().x + circ.getRadius(), circ.getCenter().y);
	Point OC(circ.getCenter().x, circ.getCenter().y - circ.getRadius());
	Point OD(circ.getCenter().x - circ.getRadius(), circ.getCenter().y);
	if(rect.isPointInsideFigure(OA) && rect.isPointInsideFigure(OB) && rect.isPointInsideFigure(OC) && rect.isPointInsideFigure(OD))
		return true;

	return false;
Пример #18
int Circle::getIntersectionPoints( const Circle &c, Vector2D *p1,
				   Vector2D *p2) const {
    float x0, y0, r0;
    float x1, y1, r1;

    x0 = getCenter( ).getX();
    y0 = getCenter( ).getY();
    r0 = getRadius( );
    x1 = c.getCenter( ).getX();
    y1 = c.getCenter( ).getY();
    r1 = c.getRadius( );

    float      d, dx, dy, h, a, x, y, p2_x, p2_y;

    // first calculate distance between two centers circles P0 and P1.
    dx = x1 - x0;
    dy = y1 - y0;
    d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

    // normalize differences
    dx /= d; dy /= d;

    // a is distance between p0 and point that is the intersection point P2
    // that intersects P0-P1 and the line that crosses the two intersection
    // points P3 and P4.
    // Define two triangles: P0,P2,P3 and P1,P2,P3.
    // with distances a, h, r0 and b, h, r1 with d = a + b
    // We know a^2 + h^2 = r0^2 and b^2 + h^2 = r1^2 which then gives
    // a^2 + r1^2 - b^2 = r0^2 with d = a + b ==> a^2 + r1^2 - (d-a)^2 = r0^2
    // ==> r0^2 + d^2 - r1^2 / 2*d
    a = (r0*r0 + d*d - r1*r1) / (2.0 * d);

    // h is then a^2 + h^2 = r0^2 ==> h = sqrt( r0^2 - a^2 )
    float      arg = r0*r0 - a*a;
    h = (arg > 0.0) ? sqrt(arg) : 0.0;

    // First calculate P2
    p2_x = x0 + a * dx;
    p2_y = y0 + a * dy;

    // and finally the two intersection points
    x =  p2_x - h * dy;
    y =  p2_y + h * dx;
    p1->setVector2D( x, y );
    x =  p2_x + h * dy;
    y =  p2_y - h * dx;
    p2->setVector2D( x, y );

    return (arg < 0.0) ? 0 : ((arg == 0.0 ) ? 1 :  2);
Пример #19
/* Considérons le segment de ligne l (AB) et le cercre centré en C 

	Le point D est la projection de AC sur AB.
  DC est le vecteur entre D et C.
  Lorsque que la norme de DC est plus petite que le rayon, nous savons qu'il
  y a une intersection sur la ligne AB. Il reste a determiner si le point 
  d'intersection est sur le segment AB.
  Ensuite on détermine s'il y a 1 ou 2 points d'intersections. Lorsque la
  norme de DC est strictement égale au rayon, il n'y a qu'une intersection parce
  que AB est tangente au cercle.
  Si la norme de DC est plus petite que le rayon, il y aura 2 intersections.
  Ensuite, pour chaque intersection, il faut d'éterminer le point précis de 
  l'intersection (E) et déterminer si ce point est sur le segment AB.
  Dans le cas de la tangente, le point d'intersection est déterminer par la 
  projection AC sur AB.
  Dans l'autre cas, on trouve le point d'intersection par trigonométrie. On
  connais le rayon et le point D. Par c^2 = a^2 + b^2 (triangle rectangle), on
  peut trouver la norme de ED. Ensuite les deux points d'intersections sont
  défini comme AD - ED et AD + ED.
  Pour terminer, afin de determiner si E est sur le segment AB on s'assure
  que le produit scalaire AB * AE est positif et que la norme de AB est plus
  grande qye la norme de AE
Intersection2d intersect( const LineSegment2d& l, const Circle& c)
	Intersection2d r;
	Vector2d ab(l.a(), l.b());
  Vector2d abUnit = ab.getUnit();
  Vector2d ac(l.a(), c.getCenter());
  double adNorm = ac * abUnit;
  Vector2d ad = adNorm * abUnit;
  Vector2d dc( l.a() + ad, c.getCenter() );
  double dcNorm = dc.norm();
  if( dcNorm <= c.getRadius() )
  	if( isEqual( dcNorm, c.getRadius(), 1.0e-5 ) ) //l'intersection est tangente
    	Point2d e = l.a() + ad;
    	Vector2d ae(l.a(), e);
      Vector2d ec( c.getCenter(), e );
      if( ab.normSquare() >= ae.normSquare() && ab * ae >= 0.0 )
      	r.add( e, ec );
    	double edNorm = sqrt( std::abs( dc.normSquare() - c.getRadius() * c.getRadius() ) );
      Point2d e = l.a() + (adNorm - edNorm) * abUnit;
      Vector2d ae(l.a(), e);
      Vector2d ec( c.getCenter(), e );
      if( ab.normSquare() >= ae.normSquare() && ab * ae >= 0.0 )
      	r.add( e, ec );
      e = l.a() + (adNorm +edNorm) * abUnit;
      ae = Vector2d(l.a(), e);
      ec = Vector2d( c.getCenter(), e );
      if( ab.normSquare() >= ae.normSquare() && ab * ae >= 0.0 )
      	r.add( e, ec );
  return r;
Пример #20
Point centroidIntersection(const Circle& a, const Circle& b)
	Point ca, cb;
	ca = a.getCenter();
	cb = b.getCenter();

	float ra, rb;
	ra = a.getRadius();
	rb = b.getRadius();

	float deltaX, deltaY;
	deltaX = cb.getX() - ca.getX();
	deltaY = cb.getY() - ca.getY();

	float d = getDistance(ca,cb);

	float s = (pow(d,2)+pow(ra,2)-pow(rb,2))/(2*d);

	float newX, newY;
	newX = ca.getX()+deltaX * s/d;
	newY = ca.getY()+deltaY * s/d;

	return Point(newX,newY);
Пример #21
void circles_test(u32 n, u32 size) {

    std::cout << "Circles(" << n << "):" << std::endl;
    Array<Circle> circles;
        BlockMeasure m(" creation");
        for (u32 i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            f32 x  = ((f32)rand()/RAND_MAX)*size;
            f32 y = ((f32)rand()/RAND_MAX)*size;
            f32 r = ((f32)rand()/RAND_MAX)*5 + 0.1f;
            circles.add(Vec2{x, y}, r);

    u32 overlaps = 0;
        BlockMeasure m(" update + collide");
        for (u32 i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            f32 dx  = ((f32)rand()/RAND_MAX)*0.5f;
            f32 dy = ((f32)rand()/RAND_MAX)*0.5f;
            Circle* c = circles.getAtPos(i);
            c->setCenter(c->getCenter()+Vec2{dx, dy});

        for (u32 i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            Circle* c1 = circles.getAtPos(i);
            for (u32 j=i+1; j<n; ++j) {
                Circle* c2 = circles.getAtPos(j);
                if (c1->overlaps(*c2))
    std::cout << "   overlaps: " << overlaps << std::endl;

    fast_vector<unsigned int> destruction_order;
    randomPickN(destruction_order, n, n);
        grynca::BlockMeasure m(" removal");
        for (u32 i=0; i<destruction_order.size(); ++i) {
            u32 circle_id = destruction_order[i];
Пример #22
int Line::getCircleIntersectionPoints( Circle circle,
              Vector2D *posSolution1, Vector2D *posSolution2 ){
  int    iSol;
  float dSol1, dSol2;
  float h = circle.getCenter().getX();
  float k = circle.getCenter().getY();

  // line:   x = -c/b (if a = 0)
  // circle: (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2, with h = center.x and k = center.y
  // fill in:(-c/b-h)^2 + y^2 -2ky + k^2 - r^2 = 0
  //         y^2 -2ky + (-c/b-h)^2 + k^2 - r^2 = 0
  // and determine solutions for y using abc-formula
  if( fabs(a) < EPSILON ){
    iSol = Geometry::abcFormula( 1, -2*k, ((-c/b) - h)*((-c/b) - h)
              + k*k - circle.getRadius()*circle.getRadius(), &dSol1, &dSol2);
    posSolution1->setVector2D( (-c/b), dSol1 );
    posSolution2->setVector2D( (-c/b), dSol2 );
    return iSol;

  // ay + bx + c = 0 => y = -b/a x - c/a, with da = -b/a and db = -c/a
  // circle: (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2, with h = center.x and k = center.y
  // fill in:x^2 -2hx + h^2 + (da*x-db)^2 -2k(da*x-db) + k^2 - r^2 = 0
  //         x^2 -2hx + h^2 + da^2*x^2 + 2da*db*x + db^2 -2k*da*x -2k*db
  //                                                         + k^2 - r^2 = 0
  //         (1+da^2)*x^2 + 2(da*db-h-k*da)*x + h2 + db^2  -2k*db + k^2 - r^2 = 0
  // and determine solutions for x using abc-formula
  // fill in x in original line equation to get y coordinate
  float da = -b/a;
  float db = -c/a;

  float dA = 1 + da*da;
  float dB = 2*( da*db - h - k*da );
  float dC = h*h + db*db - 2*k*db + k*k - circle.getRadius()*circle.getRadius();

  iSol = Geometry::abcFormula( dA, dB, dC, &dSol1, &dSol2 );

  posSolution1->setVector2D( dSol1, da*dSol1 + db );
  posSolution2->setVector2D( dSol2, da*dSol2 + db );
  return iSol;
Пример #23
void showTemplate(const MinutiaeTemplate & mt, double T, const char *name)
	Circle c;
	Mat mat(500, 500, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255));
	int offsetx = 100, offsety = 100, R = c.getR();
	for(int i = 1; i < c.getSize(); i+=2)
		double p1 = c.getPoint(i-1);
		double p2 = c.getPoint(i);
	for(int i = 0; i < mt.getSize(); i++)
Пример #24
bool TestPointCircle ( Vector const & V, Circle const & C )
	return Distance2d::Distance2PointPoint( C.getCenter(), V ) <= C.getRadiusSquared();
Пример #25
bool isCircleInCircle(Circle& circ1, Circle& circ2) 
		return false;
		return false;
	Point OA(circ1.getCenter().x, circ1.getCenter().y + circ1.getRadius());
	Point OB (circ1.getCenter().x + circ1.getRadius(), circ1.getCenter().y);
	Point OC(circ1.getCenter().x, circ1.getCenter().y - circ1.getRadius());
	Point OD(circ1.getCenter().x - circ1.getRadius(), circ1.getCenter().y);

	if(circ2.isPointInsideFigure(OA) && circ2.isPointInsideFigure(OB) && circ2.isPointInsideFigure(OC) && circ2.isPointInsideFigure(OD))
		return true;
	Point OA2(circ2.getCenter().x, circ2.getCenter().y + circ2.getRadius());
	Point OB2(circ2.getCenter().x + circ2.getRadius(), circ2.getCenter().y);
	Point OC2(circ2.getCenter().x, circ2.getCenter().y - circ2.getRadius());
	Point OD2(circ2.getCenter().x - circ2.getRadius(), circ2.getCenter().y);
	if(circ1.isPointInsideFigure(OA2) && circ1.isPointInsideFigure(OB2) && circ1.isPointInsideFigure(OC2) && circ1.isPointInsideFigure(OD2))
		return true;
	return false;
Пример #26
bool TestYLineCircle ( Vector const & V, Circle const & C )
	return Distance2d::Distance2PointPoint(V,C.getCenter()) < sqr(C.getRadius());
Пример #27
bool OverlapTester::isPointInCircle(const Vector2D &p, const Circle &c)
    return c.getCenter().distSquared(p) < c.m_fRadius * c.m_fRadius;
Пример #28
void Console::outputAll(Core &core)
	cout << "OBJECTS:" << endl;
	if (core.sizeListObj() == 0)
		cout << "	No objects yet." << endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < core.sizeListObj(); ++i) {
		Point * newp = 0; Circle *newc = 0; Segment * news = 0;
		switch (core.searchID(core.getObjIDs()[i])->object_type()) {
		case IsPoint: {
			newp = dynamic_cast<Point*>(core.searchID(core.getObjIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(8);
			newp->isFixed() ? cout << "(fixed) " : cout << "";
			cout << setw(8) << "POINT ";
			cout << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << newp->showId();
			cout << setw(6) << "X: " << setw(8) << newp->getX();
			cout << setw(6) << "Y: " << setw(8) << newp->getY();
			newp->isPicked() ? cout << "  <-" : cout << "";
			cout << endl;
		} break;
		case IsSegment: {
			news = dynamic_cast<Segment*>(core.searchID(core.getObjIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(8);
			news->isFixed() ? cout << "(fixed) " : cout << "";
			cout << setw(8) << "SEGMENT ";
			cout << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << news->showId();
			cout << setw(6) << news->getP1()->showId();
			cout << "-----" << news->getP2()->showId();
			news->isPicked() ? cout << setw(16) << "<-" : cout << "";
			cout << endl << endl;
		} break;
		case IsCircle: {
			newc = dynamic_cast<Circle*>(core.searchID(core.getObjIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(8);
			Point t = newc->getCenter();
			newc->isFixed() ? cout << "(fixed) " : cout << "";
			cout << setw(8) << "CIRCLE ";
			cout << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << newc->showId();
			cout << setw(6) << "O: " << setw(8) << newc->getCenter().showId();
			cout << setw(6) << "R: " << setw(8) << newc->getRadius();
			newc->isPicked() ? cout << "  <-" : cout << "";
			cout << endl << endl;
		} break;
	cout << "RESTRICTIONS:" << endl;
	if (core.sizeListRestr() == 0)
		cout << "	No restrictions yet." << endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < core.sizeListRestr(); ++i) {
		switch (core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i])->get_type()) {

		case RT_P2PDIST: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrP2PDIST*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "P2PDIST " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getP1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getP2()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_P2SDIST: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrP2SDIST*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "P2SDIST " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getP1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getP2()->showId();
			cout << "==" << restr->getP3()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_P2SDISTEX: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrP2SDISTEX*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "P2SDISTEX " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getP1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getP2()->showId();
			cout << "==" << restr->getP3()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_S2SANGLE: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrS2SANGLE*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "S2SANGLE " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getS1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getS2()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_S2SORTHO: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrS2SORTHO*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "S2SORTHO " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getS1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getS2()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_S2SPARAL: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrS2SPARAL*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "S2SPARAL " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getS1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getS2()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
		case RT_S2SEQUALS: {
			auto restr = dynamic_cast<RestrS2SEQUALS*>(core.searchIDRestr(core.getRestrIDs()[i]));
			cout << setw(16) << "S2SEQUALS " << setw(3) << "ID: " << setw(2) << restr->showId();
			cout << setw(13) << "violation: " << setw(8) << restr->violation();
			cout << setw(8) << restr->getS1()->showId() << "---" << restr->getS2()->showId() << endl;
		} break;
Пример #29
bool TestSegCircle ( Segment3d const & S, Circle const & C )
	return Distance2d::Distance2PointSeg( C.getCenter(), S ) <= C.getRadiusSquared();
Пример #30
bool TestLineCircle ( Line3d const & L, Circle const & C )
	return Distance2d::Distance2PointLine( C.getCenter(), L ) <= C.getRadiusSquared();