Пример #1
void House::_makeOldHabitants()
  CitizenGroup newHabitants = _d->habitants;

  unsigned int houseHealth = state( House::health );

  newHabitants[ CitizenGroup::longliver ] = 0; //death-health function from oldest habitants count
  unsigned int agedPeoples = newHabitants.count( CitizenGroup::aged );
  unsigned int peoples2remove = math::random( agedPeoples * ( 100 - houseHealth ) / 100 );
  newHabitants.retrieve( CitizenGroup::aged, peoples2remove+1 );

  unsigned int studentNumber = newHabitants.count( 10, 19 );
  unsigned int youngNumber = newHabitants.count( 20, 29);
  unsigned int matureNumber = newHabitants.count( 30, 39 );
  unsigned int oldNumber = newHabitants.count( 40, 49 );
  unsigned int newBorn = studentNumber * math::random( 3 ) / 100 + //at 3% of student add newborn
                         youngNumber * math::random( 16 ) / 100 + //at 16% of young people add newborn
                         matureNumber * math::random( 9 ) / 100 + //at 9% of matures add newborn
                         oldNumber * math::random( 2 ) / 100;     //at 2% of aged peoples add newborn

  newBorn = newBorn * houseHealth / 100 ;  //house health add compensation for newborn citizens

  unsigned int vacantRoom = maxHabitants() - newHabitants.count();
  newBorn = math::clamp( newBorn, 0u, vacantRoom );

  newHabitants[ CitizenGroup::newborn ] = newBorn; //birth+health function from mature habitants count

  _updateHabitants( newHabitants );
Пример #2
bool Immigrant::send2City( CityPtr city, const CitizenGroup& peoples, Tile& startTile )
    if( peoples.count() > 0 )
        ImmigrantPtr im = Immigrant::create( city );
        im->setPeoples( peoples );
        im->send2City( startTile );
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #3
void House::_updateHabitants( const CitizenGroup& group )
  int deltaWorkersNumber = group.count( CitizenGroup::mature ) - _d->habitants.count( CitizenGroup::mature );

  _d->habitants = group;

  _d->services[ Service::recruter ].setMax( _d->habitants.count( CitizenGroup::mature ) );

  int firedWorkersNumber = _d->services[ Service::recruter ] + deltaWorkersNumber;
  _d->services[ Service::recruter ] += deltaWorkersNumber;

  if( firedWorkersNumber < 0 )
    GameEventPtr e = FireWorkers::create( pos(), abs( firedWorkersNumber ) );