Пример #1
void TestClefCourtesy::clef_courtesy02()
      Score* score = readScore(DIR + "clef_courtesy02.mscx");

      // 'go' to 4th measure
      Measure* m1 = score->firstMeasure();
      for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
            m1 = m1->nextMeasure();
      // make a clef-drop object and drop it to the measure
      Clef* clef = new Clef(score); // create a new element, as Measure::drop() will eventually delete it
      DropData dropData;
      dropData.pos = m1->pagePos();
      dropData.element = clef;

      // 'go' to 7th measure
      Measure* m2 = m1;
      for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
            m2 = m2->nextMeasure();
      // make a clef-drop object and drop it to the measure
      clef = new Clef(score); // create a new element, as Measure::drop() will eventually delete it
      dropData.pos = m2->pagePos();
      dropData.element = clef;

      // check both clef elements are there, but none is shown
      Clef*    clefCourt = nullptr;
      Measure* m = m1->prevMeasure();
      Segment* seg = m->findSegment(SegmentType::Clef, m1->tick());
      QVERIFY2(seg != nullptr, "No SegClef in measure 3.");
      clefCourt = static_cast<Clef*>(seg->element(0));
      QVERIFY2(clefCourt != nullptr, "No courtesy clef element in measure 3.");
      QVERIFY2(clefCourt->bbox().width() == 0, "Courtesy clef in measure 3 is NOT hidden.");

      clefCourt = nullptr;
      m = m2->prevMeasure();
      seg = m->findSegment(SegmentType::Clef, m2->tick());
      QVERIFY2(seg != nullptr, "No SegClef in measure 6.");
      clefCourt = static_cast<Clef*>(seg->element(0));
      QVERIFY2(clefCourt != nullptr, "No courtesy clef element in measure 6.");
      QVERIFY2(clefCourt->bbox().width() == 0, "Courtesy clef in measure 3 is NOT hidden.");

      QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, "clef_courtesy02.mscx", DIR + "clef_courtesy02-ref.mscx"));
      delete score;