Пример #1
 * main procedure
 * @param argc # of args
 * @param argv args
 * @return no error
int main ( int argc, char** argv )

      //CmdLine Parser generator
      CmdLine cmd ( "Quasi Affine Transform in dimension 2", ' ', "0.3" );
      vector<Arg *> xorlist;
      //Option (not required)
      SwitchArg backwardSwitch ( "l","linearbackward","Bilinear Backward Mapping", false );
      SwitchArg backwardNNSwitch ( "n","NNbackward","Nearest Neighbor Backward Mapping", false );
      SwitchArg naiveSwitch ( "","naive","Naive BoundingRect method",false );
      SwitchArg periodicitySwitch ( "p","periodicity","Use paving periodicity", false );
      cmd.xorAdd ( xorlist);
      SwitchArg nomultiplySwitch ( "m","no_multiplication","No multiplications in the paving computation", false );
      cmd.add ( nomultiplySwitch );
      SwitchArg fakeColorSwitch ( "f","fake_color","Output fake colors to illustrate pavings (non contracting AQA only)", false );
      cmd.add ( fakeColorSwitch );
      SwitchArg compositionSwitch ( "","composition","Composition test: f.f^{-1}", false );
      cmd.add ( compositionSwitch );
      ValueArg<string> transformFile ( "t","transform","The transform file name (this file should contain in this order : omega, a, b, c, d, e, f, separated with spaces, where the quasi-affine transform is : (ax + by + e, cx + dy + f) / omega)",true,"","file name" );
      cmd.add ( transformFile );
      ValueArg<string> outFile ( "o","output","The output image file name",true,"","file name" );
      cmd.add ( outFile );
      ValueArg<string> inFile ( "i","input","The input image file name",true,"","file name" );
      cmd.add ( inFile );

      // Parse the argv array.
      cmd.parse ( argc, argv );

      // Get the value parsed by each arg.
      InterpolationType interp = NO_BM;
      if ( backwardSwitch.getValue() )
        interp = LINEAR;
        if ( backwardNNSwitch.getValue() )
          interp = NN;

      bool useBoundingRect = naiveSwitch.getValue();
      bool noMultiply = nomultiplySwitch.getValue();
      bool usePeriodicity = periodicitySwitch.getValue();
      bool fakeColor = fakeColorSwitch.getValue();
      bool composition = compositionSwitch.getValue();

      cout <<"Cmd Line Test: [ ";

      cout << "Interpolation type : " << interp <<", ";
      cout << "BoundingRect : ";
      if ( useBoundingRect )
        cout << "Y, ";
        cout << "N, ";

      cout << "noMultiply : ";
      if ( noMultiply )
        cout << "Y, ";
        cout << "N, ";

      cout << "Periodicity : ";
      if ( usePeriodicity )
        cout << "Y";
        cout << "N";
      cout << " ]"<<endl;

      cout << "Fake Colors: ";
      if ( fakeColor )
        cout << "Y";
        cout << "N";
      cout << " ]"<<endl;

      // Aquisition de données
      int o, a, b, c, d, e, f;
      fstream transform ( transformFile.getValue().c_str(), fstream::in );
      transform >> o>> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >> f;

      Image initialImage ( inFile.getValue() );

      QAT qat ( Matrix2x2 ( a, b, c, d ), o, Vector2D ( e, f ) );

      QAT qat2 ( Matrix2x2 ( a, b, c, d ), o, Vector2D ( e, f ) );

      if ( composition )
          Image finalImage = qat.applyToImage ( initialImage, interp, useBoundingRect, usePeriodicity, noMultiply, fakeColor, false );
          cout << "Inverse computation..."<<endl;
          Image inverse = qat2.applyToImage ( finalImage, interp, useBoundingRect, usePeriodicity, noMultiply, fakeColor, true );
          inverse.write ( outFile.getValue() );

          double db = psnr ( initialImage, inverse );
          cout << "PSNR = "<<db<<" db"<<endl;
          Image finalImage = qat.applyToImage ( initialImage, interp , useBoundingRect, usePeriodicity, noMultiply, fakeColor, false );
          finalImage.write ( outFile.getValue() );

  catch ( ArgException &e )  // catch any exceptions
      std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;

  return 0;