Пример #1
bool operator == (const CommandInfo& left, const CommandInfo& right)
    if (left.uris().size() != right.uris().size()) {
        return false;

    // TODO(vinod): Factor out the comparison for repeated fields.
    for (int i = 0; i < left.uris().size(); i++) {
        bool found = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < right.uris().size(); j++) {
            if (left.uris().Get(i) == right.uris().Get(j)) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            return false;

    if (left.arguments().size() != right.arguments().size()) {
        return false;

    // The order of argv is important.
    for (int i = 0; i < left.arguments().size(); i++) {
        if (left.arguments().Get(i) != right.arguments().Get(i)) {
            return false;

    // NOTE: We are not validating CommandInfo::ContainerInfo here
    // because it is being deprecated in favor of ContainerInfo.
    // TODO(vinod): Kill the above comment when
    // CommandInfo::ContainerInfo is removed.
    return left.environment() == right.environment() &&
           left.value() == right.value() &&
           left.user() == right.user() &&
           left.shell() == right.shell();
Пример #2
inline bool operator == (const CommandInfo& left, const CommandInfo& right)
  if (left.uris().size() != right.uris().size()) {
    return false;

  for (int i=0; i<left.uris().size(); i++) {
    bool found = false;
    for (int j=0; j<right.uris().size(); j++) {
      if (left.uris().Get(i) == right.uris().Get(j)) {
        found = true;
    if (!found) {
      return false;

  return left.has_environment() == right.has_environment() &&
    (!left.has_environment() || (left.environment() == right.environment())) &&
    left.value() == right.value();
Пример #3
    const CommandInfo& command,
    Option<string>& rootfs)
  ::ZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));

  STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
  ::ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
  startupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);

  string executable;
  string commandLine = command.value();

  if (command.shell()) {
    // Use Windows shell (`cmd.exe`). Look for it in the system folder.
    char systemDir[MAX_PATH];
    if (!::GetSystemDirectory(systemDir, MAX_PATH)) {
      // No way to recover from this, safe to exit the process.

    executable = path::join(systemDir, os::Shell::name);

    // `cmd.exe` needs to be used in conjunction with the `/c` parameter.
    // For compliance with C-style applications, `cmd.exe` should be passed
    // as `argv[0]`.
    // TODO(alexnaparu): Quotes are probably needed after `/c`.
    commandLine =
      strings::join(" ", os::Shell::arg0, os::Shell::arg1, commandLine);
  } else {
    // Not a shell command, execute as-is.
    executable = command.value();

    // TODO(jieyu): Consider allowing os::stringify_args to take
    // `command.arguments()` directly.
    commandLine = os::stringify_args(os::raw::Argv(command.arguments()));

  cout << commandLine << endl;

  // There are many wrappers on `CreateProcess` that are more user-friendly,
  // but they don't return the PID of the child process.
  BOOL createProcessResult = ::CreateProcess(
      executable.empty() ? nullptr : executable.c_str(), // Module to load.
      (LPSTR) commandLine.c_str(),                       // Command line.
      nullptr,              // Default security attributes.
      nullptr,              // Default primary thread security attributes.
      TRUE,                 // Inherited parent process handles.
      CREATE_SUSPENDED,     // Create suspended so we can wrap in job object.
      nullptr,              // Use parent's environment.
      nullptr,              // Use parent's current directory.
      &startupInfo,         // STARTUPINFO pointer.
      &processInfo);        // PROCESS_INFORMATION pointer.

  if (!createProcessResult) {
    ABORT("launchTaskWindows: CreateProcess failed with error code " +

  Try<HANDLE> job = os::create_job(processInfo.dwProcessId);
  // The job handle is not closed. The job lifetime is equal or lower
  // than the process lifetime.
  if (job.isError()) {

  return processInfo;