Пример #1
static Distribution* createDistribution( const IndexType n, CommunicatorPtr comm, int kind )
    Distribution* dist;

    if ( kind == 0 )
        dist = new BlockDistribution( n, comm );
    else if ( kind == 1 )
        dist = new NoDistribution( n );
    else if ( kind == 2 )
        std::vector<IndexType> localIndexes;
        IndexType size = comm->getSize();
        IndexType rank = comm->getRank();

        for ( int k = 0; k < n; k++ )
            if ( k % size == rank )

        dist = new GeneralDistribution( n, localIndexes, comm);
    else if ( kind == 3 )
        IndexType chunkSize = comm->getSize();

        dist = new CyclicDistribution( n, chunkSize, comm);
        LAMA_THROWEXCEPTION( "kind = " << kind << " unsupported here" )

    return dist;
Пример #2
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( buildTest, T, test_types ) 
    typedef T ValueType;

    PartitionId size = comm->getSize();

    int numRows = 3 * size;
    int numCols = 5 * size;

    scoped_array<ValueType> values( new ValueType[ numRows * numCols ] );

    for ( IndexType i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
        for ( IndexType j = 0; j < numCols; ++j )
            ValueType value = static_cast<ValueType> ( i * numCols + j + 1.0 );
            values[ i * numCols + j ] = value;

    DenseMatrix<ValueType> repM;
    repM.setRawDenseData( numRows, numCols, values.get() );

    for ( IndexType i = 0; i < numRows; ++i )
        for ( IndexType j = 0; j<numCols; ++j )
            Scalar value = repM.getValue( i , j );
            Scalar expectedvalue = Scalar( static_cast<ValueType>(values[i * numCols + j]) );
            LAMA_CHECK_SCALAR_SMALL( value - expectedvalue, ValueType, eps<ValueType>() );

    shared_ptr<Distribution> dist( new BlockDistribution(numRows, comm) );
    shared_ptr<Distribution> distCol( new BlockDistribution(numCols, comm) );

    DenseMatrix<ValueType> distM( repM, dist, distCol );

    for (IndexType i = 0; i<numRows; ++i)
        for (IndexType j = 0; j<numCols; ++j)
            Scalar value = distM.getValue( i, j );
            Scalar expectedvalue = repM.getValue( i, j );
            LAMA_CHECK_SCALAR_SMALL( value - expectedvalue , ValueType, eps<ValueType>() );
Пример #3
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testSolveWithoutPreconditioning, T, test_types ) {
    typedef T ValueType;

    CommunicatorPtr comm = CommunicatorFactory::get(); // default one

    testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< CSRSparseMatrix<ValueType> >();
    testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< ELLSparseMatrix<ValueType> >();
    testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< JDSSparseMatrix<ValueType> >();
    testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< COOSparseMatrix<ValueType> >();

// ToDo: these tests do not run with multiple processors

    if ( comm->getSize() <= 1 )
        testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< DIASparseMatrix<ValueType> >();
        testSolveWithoutPreconditionmethod< DenseMatrix<ValueType> >();
Пример #4
        comm = CommunicatorFactory::get( "MPI" );

        rank = comm->getRank();
        size = comm->getSize();

        elemsPerPartition = 10;

        globalSize = elemsPerPartition * size;

        for ( IndexType k = 0; k < elemsPerPartition; ++k )
            localIndexes.push_back( k * size + rank );

        dist = DistributionPtr( new GeneralDistribution( globalSize, localIndexes, comm ) );

Пример #5
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( multVectorTest, T, test_types ) 
    typedef T ValueType;

    int numRows = 20;
    int numCols = 31;

    // definition of raw data for setup and comparison

    scoped_array<ValueType> valuesA( new ValueType[numRows * numCols] );
    scoped_array<ValueType> valuesX( new ValueType[numCols] );
    scoped_array<ValueType> valuesY( new ValueType[numRows] );

    // intialise data for the matrix

    for ( IndexType i = 0; i<numRows; ++i )
        for ( IndexType j = 0; j<numCols; ++j )
            ValueType value = static_cast<ValueType> ( 100.0 - ::fabs( 2.0 * i - j ) );
            valuesA[i * numCols + j] = value;

    // initialize the vector x

    for ( IndexType j = 0; j < numCols; ++j)
        valuesX[j] = static_cast<ValueType> ( 1.2 * ( j + 1 ) );

// compute Y = A * X for comparison

    for (IndexType i = 0; i<numRows; ++i)
        valuesY[i] = 0.0;
        for (IndexType j = 0; j<numCols; ++j)
            valuesY[i] += static_cast<ValueType> ( valuesA[i*numCols+j]*valuesX[j] );

    // construct replicated matrix A and vector X to be redistributed

    DenseMatrix<ValueType> rA;
    rA.setRawDenseData( numRows, numCols, valuesA.get() );
    DenseVector<ValueType> rX( numCols, valuesX.get());

    // try different distributions for rows and colums

    DistributionPtr rowDist;
    DistributionPtr colDist;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        rowDist = DistributionPtr( createDistribution( numRows, comm, i ) );

        for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
            colDist = DistributionPtr( createDistribution( numCols, comm, j ) );

            for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
                // redistribute A, X, setup result vector Y

                DenseMatrix<ValueType> A( rA, rowDist, colDist );
                DenseVector<ValueType> X( rX, colDist );

                if ( k == 0 )
                    A.setCommunicationKind( Matrix::SYNCHRONOUS );
                    A.setCommunicationKind( Matrix::ASYNCHRONOUS );

                LAMA_LOG_INFO( logger, "mult matrix A = " << A << " with vector X = " << X );

                DenseVector<ValueType> result ( A * X );

                BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( result.size(), numRows );
                BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( result.getDistribution(), *rowDist );

                // compare the result vector Y with the precomputed results valuesY

                for ( IndexType m = 0; m < numRows; ++m )
                    Scalar value = Scalar( valuesY[m] );
                    Scalar expectedvalue = result.getValue( m );
                    //1e-1 is used because there are 8 of 1280 cases which fails with eps<1e-1
                    LAMA_CHECK_SCALAR_SMALL( value - expectedvalue , ValueType, 1e-1 );

    //Tests for Cyclic Dist speciliatzion in case of a square matrix

        PartitionId size = comm->getSize();
        IndexType chunkSize = 7;

        IndexType n = 2 * size * chunkSize;
        cyclicMultVectorTest( chunkSize, n );

        n = 3 * size * chunkSize + chunkSize - 2;
        cyclicMultVectorTest( chunkSize, n );

        //Calculate the size so that each process gets more than one chunk and that not
        //all chunks have the same numbers of chunks and that we have at least von chunk that is not
        // square
        n = 3 * size * chunkSize + size/2 * chunkSize + chunkSize - 2;
        cyclicMultVectorTest( chunkSize, n );

        //not all process get a chunk
        n = size/2 * chunkSize + chunkSize - 2;
        cyclicMultVectorTest( chunkSize, n );