void DatabaseOpenWidget::openDatabase() { KeePass2Reader reader; CompositeKey masterKey = databaseKey(); if (masterKey.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile file(m_filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // TODO: error message return; } if (m_db) { delete m_db; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); m_db = reader.readDatabase(&file, masterKey); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (m_db) { Q_EMIT editFinished(true); // this is a c++11 equivalent foreach construct // if c++11 is not available another iteration loop style is needed! for (auto widget : qApp->topLevelWidgets()) { if(widget->inherits("QMainWindow")) static_cast<MainWindow*>(widget)->configuredMinimizeWindow(); } } else { MessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Unable to open the database.").append("\n") .append(reader.errorString())); m_ui->editPassword->clear(); } }
void DatabaseOpenWidget::openDatabase() { KeePass2Reader reader; CompositeKey masterKey = databaseKey(); if (masterKey.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile file(m_filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // TODO: error message return; } if (m_db) { delete m_db; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); m_db = reader.readDatabase(&file, masterKey); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (m_db) { Q_EMIT editFinished(true); } else { MessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Unable to open the database.").append("\n") .append(reader.errorString())); m_ui->editPassword->clear(); } }
void DatabaseOpenWidget::enterKey(const CompositeKey& masterKey) { if (masterKey.isEmpty()) { return; } openDatabase(masterKey); }
void DatabaseOpenWidget::openDatabase() { CompositeKey masterKey = databaseKey(); if (masterKey.isEmpty()) { return; } openDatabase(masterKey); }
void DatabaseTabWidget::openDatabase(const QString& fileName, const QString& pw, const QString& keyFile, const CompositeKey& key, int index) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QString canonicalFilePath = fileInfo.canonicalFilePath(); if (canonicalFilePath.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("File not found!")); return; } QHashIterator<Database*, DatabaseManagerStruct> i(m_dbList); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (i.value().canonicalFilePath == canonicalFilePath) { setCurrentIndex(databaseIndex(i.key())); return; } } DatabaseManagerStruct dbStruct; // test if we can read/write or read the file QFile file(fileName); // TODO: error handling if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // can't open // TODO: error message return; } else { // can only open read-only dbStruct.readOnly = true; } } file.close(); Database* db = new Database(); dbStruct.dbWidget = new DatabaseWidget(db, this); dbStruct.saveToFilename = !dbStruct.readOnly; dbStruct.filePath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); dbStruct.canonicalFilePath = canonicalFilePath; dbStruct.fileName = fileInfo.fileName(); dbStruct.lastModified = fileInfo.lastModified(); insertDatabase(db, dbStruct, index); m_fileWatcher->addPath(dbStruct.filePath); updateRecentDatabases(dbStruct.filePath); if (!key.isEmpty()) { dbStruct.dbWidget->switchToOpenDatabase(dbStruct.filePath, key); } else if (!pw.isNull() || !keyFile.isEmpty()) { dbStruct.dbWidget->switchToOpenDatabase(dbStruct.filePath, pw, keyFile); } else { dbStruct.dbWidget->switchToOpenDatabase(dbStruct.filePath); } }