Пример #1
static void DoEvalBase(const ConfigParameters& config, IDataReader& reader)
    DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId = DeviceFromConfig(config);
    ConfigArray minibatchSize = config(L"minibatchSize", "40960");
    size_t epochSize = config(L"epochSize", "0");
    if (epochSize == 0)
        epochSize = requestDataSize;
    wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");
    intargvector mbSize = minibatchSize;

    int traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", "0");
    size_t numMBsToShowResult = config(L"numMBsToShowResult", "100");

    ConfigArray evalNodeNames = config(L"evalNodeNames", "");
    vector<wstring> evalNodeNamesVector;
    for (int i = 0; i < evalNodeNames.size(); ++i)

    auto net = ComputationNetwork::CreateFromFile<ElemType>(deviceId, modelPath);

    SimpleEvaluator<ElemType> eval(net, numMBsToShowResult, traceLevel);
    eval.Evaluate(&reader, evalNodeNamesVector, mbSize[0], epochSize);
Пример #2
static void DisableLegacyUsage(const ConfigParameters& TopLevelConfig, const ConfigArray& commands)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++)
        ConfigParameters cfgParameters(TopLevelConfig(commands[i]));
        DisableLegacyTruncationSettings(TopLevelConfig, cfgParameters);
Пример #3
ComputationNetworkPtr GetModelFromConfig(const ConfigRecordType& config, const wstring& outputNodeNamesConfig, vector<wstring>& outputNodeNamesVector)
    DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId = DeviceFromConfig(config);

    ConfigArray outputNodeNames = config(outputNodeNamesConfig.c_str(), ConfigArray(""));

    ComputationNetworkPtr net;

    // first try if a NetworkBuilder is present
    function<ComputationNetworkPtr(DEVICEID_TYPE)> createNetworkFn;
    bool gotIt = TryGetNetworkFactory<ConfigRecordType, ElemType>(config, createNetworkFn);
    if (gotIt)
        // We have several ways to create a network.
        net = createNetworkFn(deviceId);
        if (outputNodeNames.size() > 0)
            PatchOutputNodes(net, outputNodeNames, outputNodeNamesVector);
            // BUGBUG: This will generate double Validation output in the log
    else // no NetworkBuilder given: load from 'modelPath'
        wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");

        // We don't use CreateFromFile() here since the user might specify OutputNodeNames in the config.
        // By not compiling the network before patching, we avoid double log output for validation.
        net = make_shared<ComputationNetwork>(deviceId);
        net->SetTraceLevel(config(L"traceLevel", 0));
        if (outputNodeNames.size() > 0)
            PatchOutputNodes(net, outputNodeNames, outputNodeNamesVector);

    return net;
Пример #4
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
        ConfigParameters config;
        ConfigParameters::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, config);

        // get the command param set they want
        wstring logpath = config("stderr", L"");
        ConfigArray command = config("command", "train");

        // dump config info
        fprintf(stderr, "command: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s ", command[i].c_str());

        // run commands
        std::string type = config("precision", "float");
        // accept old precision key for backward compatibility
        if (config.Exists("type"))
            type = config("type", "float");
        fprintf(stderr, "\nprecision = %s\n", type.c_str());
        if (type == "float")
        else if (type == "double")
            RuntimeError("invalid precision specified: %s", type.c_str());
    catch (std::exception& err)
        fprintf(stderr, "EXCEPTION occurred: %s", err.what());
#ifdef _DEBUG
        return -1;
    catch (...)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown ERROR occurred");
#ifdef _DEBUG
        return -1;
    return 0;
Пример #5
// special temporary function to guard against a now invalid usage of "truncated" which exists in some IPG production setups
static void DisableLegacyTruncationSettings(const ConfigParameters& TopLevelConfig, const ConfigParameters& commandConfig)
    if (TopLevelConfig.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated"))

    // if any of the action has set a reader/SGD section and has different Truncated value for reader and SGD section
    ConfigArray actions = commandConfig(L"action");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++)
        if (actions[i] == "train" || actions[i] == "trainRNN")
            ConfigParameters sgd = ConfigParameters(commandConfig(L"SGD"));
            ConfigParameters reader = ConfigParameters(commandConfig(L"reader"));
            // reader and SGD sections are two must-have sections in train/trainRNN
            if (reader.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated") && !sgd.ExistsCurrent(L"Truncated"))
                InvalidArgument("DisableLegacyUsage: setting Truncated only in reader section are not allowed. Please move Truncated=true/false to the top level section.");
Пример #6
void DoCrossValidate(const ConfigParameters& config)
    // test
    ConfigParameters readerConfig(config(L"reader"));
    readerConfig.Insert("traceLevel", config(L"traceLevel", "0"));

    DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId = DeviceFromConfig(config);
    ConfigArray minibatchSize = config(L"minibatchSize", "40960");
    size_t epochSize = config(L"epochSize", "0");
    if (epochSize == 0)
        epochSize = requestDataSize;
    wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");
    intargvector mbSize = minibatchSize;

    ConfigArray cvIntervalConfig = config(L"crossValidationInterval");
    intargvector cvInterval = cvIntervalConfig;

    size_t sleepSecondsBetweenRuns = config(L"sleepTimeBetweenRuns", "0");

    int traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", 0);
    size_t numMBsToShowResult = config(L"numMBsToShowResult", "100");
    size_t firstMBsToShowResult = config(L"firstMBsToShowResult", "0");
    size_t maxSamplesInRAM    = config(L"maxSamplesInRAM", (size_t)SIZE_MAX);
    size_t numSubminiBatches  = config(L"numSubminibatches", (size_t)1);

    bool enableDistributedMBReading = config(L"distributedMBReading", false);

    ConfigArray evalNodeNames = config(L"evalNodeNames", "");
    vector<wstring> evalNodeNamesVector;
    for (int i = 0; i < evalNodeNames.size(); ++i)

    std::vector<std::vector<EpochCriterion>> cvErrorResults;
    std::vector<std::wstring> cvModels;

    DataReader cvDataReader(readerConfig);

    bool finalModelEvaluated = false;
    for (size_t i = cvInterval[0]; i <= cvInterval[2]; i += cvInterval[1])
        wstring cvModelPath = msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"%ls.%lld", modelPath.c_str(), i);

        if (!fexists(cvModelPath))
            fprintf(stderr, "Model %ls does not exist.\n", cvModelPath.c_str());
            if (finalModelEvaluated || !fexists(modelPath))
                continue; // file missing
                cvModelPath = modelPath;
                finalModelEvaluated = true;

        auto net = ComputationNetwork::CreateFromFile<ElemType>(deviceId, cvModelPath);
        // BUGBUG: ^^ Should use GetModelFromConfig()
        SimpleEvaluator<ElemType> eval(net, MPIWrapper::GetInstance(), enableDistributedMBReading, numMBsToShowResult,
            firstMBsToShowResult, traceLevel, maxSamplesInRAM, numSubminiBatches);

        fprintf(stderr, "Model %ls --> \n", cvModelPath.c_str());
        auto evalErrors = eval.Evaluate(&cvDataReader, evalNodeNamesVector, mbSize[0], epochSize);

        ::Sleep(1000 * sleepSecondsBetweenRuns);

    // find best model
    if (cvErrorResults.size() == 0)
        LogicError("No model is evaluated.");

    vector<double> minErrors;
    vector<int>    minErrIds;
    vector<EpochCriterion> evalErrors = cvErrorResults[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < evalErrors.size(); ++i)

    for (int i = 0; i < cvErrorResults.size(); i++)
        evalErrors = cvErrorResults[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < evalErrors.size(); j++)
            if (evalErrors[j].Average() < minErrors[j])
                minErrors[j] = evalErrors[j].Average();
                minErrIds[j] = i;

    fprintf(stderr, "Best models:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "------------\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < minErrors.size(); ++i)
        fprintf(stderr, "Based on Err[%d]: Best model = %ls with min err %.8g\n", i, cvModels[minErrIds[i]].c_str(), minErrors[i]);
Пример #7
// called from wmain which is a wrapper that catches & repots Win32 exceptions
int wmainOldCNTKConfig(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
    std::string timestamp = TimeDateStamp();
    PrintBanner(argc, argv, timestamp);

    ConfigParameters config;
    std::string rawConfigString = ConfigParameters::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, config);    // get the command param set they want

    int traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", 0);

#ifndef CPUONLY
    ConfigValue val = config("deviceId", "auto");
    if (!EqualCI(val, "cpu") && !EqualCI(val, "auto"))
        if (static_cast<int>(val) >= 0) // gpu (id >= 0)
            CheckSupportForGpu(static_cast<int>(val)); // throws if gpu is not supported

    if (config(L"timestamping", false))

    if (config(L"forceDeterministicAlgorithms", false))

    // get the command param set they want
    wstring logpath = config(L"stderr", L"");

    wstring doneFile = config(L"doneFile", L"");
    ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "train");

    // parallel training
    // The top-level 'parallelTrain' is a bool, not to be confused with the parallelTrain block inside SGD.
    shared_ptr<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::MPIWrapper> mpi;
    auto ensureMPIWrapperCleanup = MakeScopeExit(&MPIWrapper::DeleteInstance);
    // when running under MPI with more than one node, use 'true' as the default value for parallelTrain,
    // 'false' otherwise.
    bool paralleltrain = config(L"parallelTrain", (MPIWrapper::GetTotalNumberOfMPINodes() > 1));

    if (paralleltrain)
       mpi = MPIWrapper::GetInstance(true /*create*/);

    g_shareNodeValueMatrices = config(L"shareNodeValueMatrices", false);

    TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::SetTraceLevel(config(L"traceGPUMemoryAllocations", 0));

    if (logpath != L"")
#if 1   // keep the ability to do it how it was done before 1.8; delete if noone needs it anymore
        let useOldWay = ProgressTracing::GetTimestampingFlag(); // enable it when running in our server farm
        if (useOldWay)
            for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++) // append all 'command' entries
                logpath += L"_";
                logpath += (wstring)command[i];
            logpath += L".log"; // append .log

        if (paralleltrain && useOldWay)
            std::wostringstream oss;
            oss << mpi->CurrentNodeRank();
            logpath += L"rank" + oss.str();
        // for MPI workers except main, append .rankN
        if (paralleltrain && mpi->CurrentNodeRank() != 0)
            logpath += msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L".rank%d", mpi->CurrentNodeRank());
        if (traceLevel == 0)
            PrintBanner(argc, argv, timestamp); // repeat simple banner into log file

    // full config info
    if (traceLevel > 0)

#ifdef _DEBUG
    if (traceLevel > 0)
        // This simply merges all the different config parameters specified (eg, via config files or via command line directly),
        // and prints it.
        fprintf(stderr, "\nConfiguration, Raw:\n\n");
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n", rawConfigString.c_str());

        // Same as above, but all variables are resolved.  If a parameter is set multiple times (eg, set in config, overridden at command line),
        // All of these assignments will appear, even though only the last assignment matters.
        fprintf(stderr, "\nConfiguration After Variable Resolution:\n\n");
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n", config.ResolveVariables(rawConfigString).c_str());


    // This outputs the final value each variable/parameter is assigned to in config (so if a parameter is set multiple times, only the last
    // value it is set to will appear).
    if (traceLevel > 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nConfiguration After Processing and Variable Resolution:\n\n");

        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Commands:");
        for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
            fprintf(stderr, " %s", command[i].c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // run commands
    std::string type = config(L"precision", "float");
    // accept old precision key for backward compatibility
    if (config.Exists("type"))
        InvalidArgument("CNTK: Use of 'type' parameter is deprecated, it is called 'precision' now.");

    if (traceLevel > 0)
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "precision = \"%s\"\n", type.c_str());

    if (type == "float")
        DoCommands<float>(config, mpi);
    else if (type == "double")
        DoCommands<double>(config, mpi);
        RuntimeError("CNTK: Invalid precision string: \"%s\", must be \"float\" or \"double\"", type.c_str());

    // if completed then write a doneFile if requested
    if (!doneFile.empty())
        FILE* fp = fopenOrDie(doneFile.c_str(), L"w");
        fprintf(fp, "Successfully finished at %s on %s\n", TimeDateStamp().c_str(), GetHostName().c_str());
    if (ProgressTracing::GetTimestampingFlag())
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "__COMPLETED__\n"); // running in server environment which expects this string
        fprintf(stderr, "COMPLETED.\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
void DoCommands(const ConfigParameters& config, const shared_ptr<MPIWrapper>& mpi)
    ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "train");

    if (Globals::ShouldForceDeterministicAlgorithms())
        // Setting specified number of threads.
        int numCPUThreads = config(L"numCPUThreads", "0");
        numCPUThreads = CPUMatrix<ElemType>::SetNumThreads(numCPUThreads);
        if (numCPUThreads > 0)
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Using %d CPU threads.\n", numCPUThreads);

    bool progressTracing = config(L"progressTracing", false);

    // temporary hack to prevent users from failing due to a small breaking change related to the "truncated" flag (will be redone bigger and better some day)
    DisableLegacyUsage(config, command);

    // summarize command info upfront in the log and stdout
    size_t fullTotalMaxEpochs = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        // get the configuration parameters that match the command
        ConfigParameters commandParams(config(command[i]));
        ConfigArray action = commandParams("action", "train");

        // determine the action to perform, and do it
        for (int j = 0; j < action.size(); j++)
            if (action[j] == "train" || action[j] == "trainRNN")
                wstring modelPath = commandParams("modelPath");
                size_t maxEpochs = GetMaxEpochs(commandParams);
                if (progressTracing)
                    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "CNTKModelPath: %ls\n", modelPath.c_str());
                    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "CNTKCommandTrainInfo: %s : %d\n", command[i].c_str(), (int)maxEpochs);
                fullTotalMaxEpochs += maxEpochs;
    if (progressTracing)
        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "CNTKCommandTrainInfo: CNTKNoMoreCommands_Total : %d\n", (int)fullTotalMaxEpochs);

    // set up progress tracing for compute cluster management
    if (progressTracing && (!mpi || mpi->IsMainNode()))
        ProgressTracing::TraceTotalNumberOfSteps(fullTotalMaxEpochs); // enable tracing, using this as the total number of epochs

    size_t fullEpochsOffset = 0;

    // execute the commands
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        // get the configuration parameters that match the command
        const string thisCommand = command[i];
        ConfigParameters commandParams(config(thisCommand));
        ConfigArray action = commandParams("action", "train");
        int traceLevel = commandParams("traceLevel", "0");

        if (progressTracing && ((mpi == nullptr) || mpi->IsMainNode()))
            ProgressTracing::SetStepOffset(fullEpochsOffset); // this is the epoch number that SGD will log relative to

        // determine the action to perform, and do it
        for (int j = 0; j < action.size(); j++)
            const string thisAction = action[j];

            // print a banner to visually separate each action in the log
            const char* delim = "##############################################################################";
            string showActionAs = thisCommand + " command (" + thisAction + " action)";
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n", delim);
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "#%*s#\n", (int)(strlen(delim) - 2), "");
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "# %s%*s #\n", showActionAs.c_str(), (int)(strlen(delim) - showActionAs.size() - 4), "");
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "#%*s#\n", (int)(strlen(delim) - 2), "");
            LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n\n", delim);

            if ((mpi == nullptr) || (commandstoRunOnAllRanks.find(thisAction) != commandstoRunOnAllRanks.end()) || mpi->IsMainNode())
                if (thisAction == "train" || thisAction == "trainRNN")
                    if (progressTracing)
                        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "CNTKCommandTrainBegin: %s\n", command[i].c_str());
                    DoTrain<ConfigParameters, ElemType>(commandParams);
                    if (progressTracing)
                        LOGPRINTF(stderr, "CNTKCommandTrainEnd: %s\n", command[i].c_str());
                    fullEpochsOffset += GetMaxEpochs(commandParams);
                // TODO: Choose a clearer name.
                else if (thisAction == "pbn")
                else if (thisAction == "adapt")
                else if (thisAction == "test" || thisAction == "eval")
                else if (thisAction == "edit")
                else if (thisAction == "cv")
                else if (thisAction == "write")
                else if (thisAction == "devtest")
                    TestCn<ElemType>(config); // for "devtest" action pass the root config instead
                else if (thisAction == "dumpNodes" /*deprecated:*/ || thisAction == "dumpNode" || thisAction == "dumpnode")
                else if (thisAction == "convertdbn")
                else if (thisAction == "exportdbn")
                else if (thisAction == "createLabelMap")
                else if (thisAction == "writeWordAndClass")
                else if (thisAction == "plot")
                else if (thisAction == "SVD")
                    RuntimeError("unknown action: %s  in command set: %s", thisAction.c_str(), command[i].c_str());

            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
            if (traceLevel > 0)
                LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Action \"%s\" complete.\n\n", thisAction.c_str());

            NDLScript<ElemType> ndlScript;
            ndlScript.ClearGlobal(); // clear global macros between commands

            // Synchronize all ranks before proceeding to next action/command
            if (mpi)
Пример #9
int wmainOldCNTKConfig(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) // called from wmain which is a wrapper that catches & repots Win32 exceptions
    ConfigParameters config;
    std::string rawConfigString = ConfigParameters::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, config);

    // get the command param set they want
    wstring logpath = config(L"stderr", L"");

    //  [1/26/2015 erw, add done file so that it can be used on HPC]
    wstring DoneFile = config(L"DoneFile", L"");
    ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "train");

    // paralleltrain training
    g_mpi = nullptr;
    bool paralleltrain = config(L"parallelTrain", "false");
    if (paralleltrain)
        g_mpi = new MPIWrapper();

    g_shareNodeValueMatrices = config(L"shareNodeValueMatrices", false);

    TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::SetTraceLevel(config(L"traceGPUMemoryAllocations", 0));

    if (logpath != L"")
        for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
            logpath += L"_";
            logpath += (wstring) command[i];
        logpath += L".log";

        if (paralleltrain)
            std::wostringstream oss;
            oss << g_mpi->CurrentNodeRank();
            logpath += L"rank" + oss.str();

    PrintBuiltInfo(); // this one goes to log file
    std::string timestamp = TimeDateStamp();

    // dump config info
    fprintf(stderr, "running on %s at %s\n", GetHostName().c_str(), timestamp.c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "command line: \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s ", WCharToString(argv[i]).c_str());

    // This simply merges all the different config parameters specified (eg, via config files or via command line directly),
    // and prints it.
    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", rawConfigString.c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    // Same as above, but all variables are resolved.  If a parameter is set multiple times (eg, set in config, overriden at command line),
    // All of these assignments will appear, even though only the last assignment matters.
    fprintf(stderr, "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", config.ResolveVariables(rawConfigString).c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    // This outputs the final value each variable/parameter is assigned to in config (so if a parameter is set multiple times, only the last
    // value it is set to will appear).
    fprintf(stderr, "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "command: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s ", command[i].c_str());

    // run commands
    std::string type = config(L"precision", "float");
    // accept old precision key for backward compatibility
    if (config.Exists("type"))
        type = config(L"type", "float");

    fprintf(stderr, "\nprecision = %s\n", type.c_str());
    if (type == "float")
    else if (type == "double")
        RuntimeError("invalid precision specified: %s", type.c_str());

    // still here , write a DoneFile if necessary
    if (!DoneFile.empty())
        FILE* fp = fopenOrDie(DoneFile.c_str(), L"w");
        fprintf(fp, "successfully finished at %s on %s\n", TimeDateStamp().c_str(), GetHostName().c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "COMPLETED\n"), fflush(stderr);

    delete g_mpi;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
void DoCommands(const ConfigParameters& config)
    ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "train");

    int numCPUThreads = config(L"numCPUThreads", "0");
    numCPUThreads = CPUMatrix<ElemType>::SetNumThreads(numCPUThreads);

    if (numCPUThreads > 0)
        std::cerr << "Using " << numCPUThreads << " CPU threads" << endl;

    bool progressTracing = config(L"progressTracing", false);

    // temporary hack to prevent users from failling for a small breaking change related to the "truncated" flag (will be redone bigger and better some day)
    DisableLegacyUsage(config, command);

    // summarize command info upfront in the log and stdout
    size_t fullTotalMaxEpochs = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        // get the configuration parameters that match the command
        ConfigParameters commandParams(config(command[i]));
        ConfigArray action = commandParams("action", "train");

        // determine the action to perform, and do it
        for (int j = 0; j < action.size(); j++)
            if (action[j] == "train" || action[j] == "trainRNN")
                wstring modelPath = commandParams("modelPath");
                std::wcerr << "CNTKModelPath: " << modelPath << endl;
                size_t maxEpochs = GetMaxEpochs(commandParams);
                std::cerr << "CNTKCommandTrainInfo: " + command[i] << " : " << maxEpochs << endl;
                fullTotalMaxEpochs += maxEpochs;
    std::cerr << "CNTKCommandTrainInfo: CNTKNoMoreCommands_Total : " << fullTotalMaxEpochs << endl;

    // set up progress tracing for compute cluster management
    if (progressTracing && ((g_mpi == nullptr) || g_mpi->IsMainNode()))
        ProgressTracing::TraceTotalNumberOfSteps(fullTotalMaxEpochs); // enable tracing, using this as the total number of epochs

    size_t fullEpochsOffset = 0;

    // execute the commands
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        // get the configuration parameters that match the command
        ConfigParameters commandParams(config(command[i]));
        ConfigArray action = commandParams("action", "train");

        if (progressTracing && ((g_mpi == nullptr) || g_mpi->IsMainNode()))
            ProgressTracing::SetStepOffset(fullEpochsOffset); // this is the epoch number that SGD will log relative to

        // determine the action to perform, and do it
        for (int j = 0; j < action.size(); j++)
            if (action[j] == "train" || action[j] == "trainRNN")
                std::cerr << "CNTKCommandTrainBegin: " + command[i] << endl;
                DoTrain<ConfigParameters, ElemType>(commandParams);
                std::cerr << "CNTKCommandTrainEnd: " + command[i] << endl;
                fullEpochsOffset += GetMaxEpochs(commandParams);
            else if (action[j] == "adapt")
            else if (action[j] == "test" || action[j] == "eval")
            else if (action[j] == "edit")
            else if (action[j] == "cv")
            else if (action[j] == "write")
            else if (action[j] == "devtest")
                TestCn<ElemType>(config); // for "devtest" action pass the root config instead
            else if (action[j] == "dumpnode")
            else if (action[j] == "convertdbn")
            else if (action[j] == "createLabelMap")
            else if (action[j] == "writeWordAndClass")
            else if (action[j] == "plot")
            else if (action[j] == "SVD")
                RuntimeError("unknown action: %s  in command set: %s", action[j].c_str(), command[i].c_str());

            NDLScript<ElemType> ndlScript;
            ndlScript.ClearGlobal(); // clear global macros between commands
Пример #11
Section* BinaryWriter<ElemType>::CreateSection(const ConfigParameters& config, Section* parentSection, size_t p_records, size_t p_windowSize)
    // first check if we need to open a new section file
    std::vector<std::wstring> sections;

    // determine the element size, default to ElemType size
    size_t elementSize = sizeof(ElemType);
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"elementSize"))
        elementSize = config(L"elementSize");

    // get the number of records we should expect (max)
    // if defined in previous levels same number will be used
    size_t records = p_records;
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"wrecords"))
        records = config(L"wrecords");
    if (records == 0)
        InvalidArgument("Required config variable 'wrecords' missing from BinaryWriter configuration.");

    size_t dim = 1; // default dimension (single item)
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"dim"))
        dim = config(L"dim");

    // get the section type (used for caching)
    SectionType sectionType = sectionTypeNull;
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"sectionType"))
        SectionType foundType = sectionTypeNull;
        wstring type = config(L"sectionType");
        for (int i = 0; i < sectionTypeMax; i++)
            if (EqualCI(type, SectionTypeStrings[i]))
                foundType = SectionType(i);

        // check to make sure it matched something
        if (foundType == sectionTypeNull)
            InvalidArgument("Invalid value for 'sectionType' in BinaryWriter configuration: %ls", type.c_str());
        sectionType = foundType;

    // calculate number of bytes = dim*elementSize*records
    size_t dataOnlySize = records * elementSize * dim;
    size_t dataSize = dataOnlySize + sectionHeaderMin;

    // filename to use the one defined at this level, if there is none use the parent file
    SectionFile* file = NULL;
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"wfile"))
        std::wstring wfile = config(L"wfile");
        auto secFile = m_secFiles.find(wfile);
        if (secFile != m_secFiles.end())
            file = secFile->second;
            // TODO: sanity check and use records as a clue of how big to make it
            size_t initialSize = config(L"wsize", (size_t) 256); // default to 256MB if not provided
            initialSize *= 1024 * 1024;                          // convert MB to bytes
            if (initialSize < dataSize)
                initialSize = dataSize * 5 / 4; // make the initalSize slightly larger than needed for data
            file = new SectionFile(wfile, fileOptionsReadWrite, initialSize);
            m_secFiles[wfile] = file;
            parentSection = file->FileSection();
    { // no file defined at this config level, use parent file
        if (parentSection != NULL && parentSection->GetSectionFile() != NULL)
            file = parentSection->GetSectionFile();
        else if (sectionType != sectionTypeNull)
            InvalidArgument("No filename (wfile) defined in BinaryWriter configuration.");

    // determine file position if needed
    size_t filePositionLast = 0;
    size_t filePositionNext = 0;

    if (file != NULL)
        // get the next available position in the file (always on the end)
        filePositionLast = file->GetFilePositionMax();
        filePositionNext = file->RoundUp(filePositionLast);

        // we have a gap, zero it out to keep the file clean
        if (filePositionLast != filePositionNext)
            size_t size = filePositionNext - filePositionLast;
            size_t roundDown = file->RoundUp(filePositionLast - file->GetViewAlignment() - 1);
            // need to get a veiw to zero out non-used bytes
            void* view = file->GetView(roundDown, file->GetViewAlignment());
            char* ptr = (char*) view + filePositionLast % file->GetViewAlignment();
            memset(ptr, 0, size);

    // get the new section name
    std::string sectionName = config.ConfigName();

    // get the window size, to see if we want to do separate element mapping
    size_t windowSize = p_windowSize;
    if (config.ExistsCurrent(L"windowSize"))
        windowSize = config(L"windowSize");
    MappingType mappingMain = windowSize ? mappingElementWindow : mappingParent;
    MappingType mappingAux = windowSize ? mappingSection : mappingParent;

    // now create the new section
    Section* section = NULL;
    switch (sectionType)
    case sectionTypeNull:
        // this happens for the original file header, nothing to do
        // also used when multiple files are defined, but none at the base level
    case sectionTypeFile: // file header
        // shouldn't occur, but same case as above
    case sectionTypeData: // data section
        section = new Section(file, parentSection, filePositionNext, mappingMain, dataSize);
        section->InitHeader(sectionTypeData, sectionName + ":Data Section", sectionDataFloat, sizeof(ElemType));
    case sectionTypeLabel: // label data
        size_t elementSize2 = sizeof(LabelIdType);
        dataSize = records * elementSize2 + sectionHeaderMin;
        auto sectionLabel = new SectionLabel(file, parentSection, filePositionNext, mappingMain, dataSize);
        SectionData dataType = sectionDataInt;
        LabelKind labelKind = labelCategory; // default
        if (config.Match(L"labelType", L"Regression"))
            labelKind = labelRegression;
            dataType = sectionDataFloat;
            elementSize2 = sizeof(ElemType);
        else if (config.Match(L"labelType", L"Category"))
            // everything set already, default value
            RuntimeError("Invalid type 'labelType' or missing in BinaryWriter configuration.");

        // initialize the section header
        sectionLabel->InitHeader(sectionTypeLabel, sectionName + ":Labels", dataType, (WORD) elementSize2);

        // initialize the special label header items
        section = sectionLabel;
    case sectionTypeLabelMapping: // label mapping table (array of strings)
        section = new SectionString(file, parentSection, filePositionNext, mappingAux, dataSize);
        section->InitHeader(sectionTypeLabelMapping, sectionName + ":Label Map", sectionDataStrings, 0); // declare variable length strings
    case sectionTypeStats: // data statistics
        ConfigArray calcStats = config(L"compute");
        records = calcStats.size();
        elementSize = sizeof(NumericStatistics);
        dataOnlySize = records * elementSize;
        dataSize = dataOnlySize + sectionHeaderMin;
        auto sectionStats = new SectionStats(file, parentSection, filePositionNext, mappingAux, dataSize);
        sectionStats->InitHeader(sectionTypeStats, sectionName + ":Data Statistics", sectionDataStruct, sizeof(NumericStatistics)); // declare variable length strings
        section = sectionStats;
    case sectionTypeCategoryLabel:
        section = new Section(file, parentSection, filePositionNext, mappingMain, dataSize);
        section->InitHeader(sectionTypeCategoryLabel, sectionName + ":Category Labels", sectionDataFloat, sizeof(ElemType)); // declare variable length strings

    // set the rest of the header variables necessary
    if (section == NULL)
        // NULL or file section/already created
        section = parentSection;
        section->SetElementCount(records * dim);

        // windowSize is in records, convert to bytes
        size_t dataWindowSize = windowSize ? windowSize * elementSize * dim : dataOnlySize;
        // clamp it down to actual data size
        dataWindowSize = min(dataOnlySize, dataWindowSize);

        // now get the data pointer setup and allocate the view as necessary
        bool auxSection = !!(section->GetFlags() & flagAuxilarySection);
        section->EnsureElements(0, auxSection ? dataOnlySize : dataWindowSize);

        // update the max file position for the next section
        file->SetFilePositionMax(section->GetFilePosition() + dataSize);

        // Add new section to parent

    // From here on down we have a fully usable section object

    // now find the subsections and repeat
    vector<std::wstring> subsections;
    FindConfigNames(config, "sectionType", subsections);

    // look for any children and create them as well
    for (std::wstring subsection : subsections)
        CreateSection(config(subsection), section, records, windowSize);

    // wait until here so everything is mapped and valid in the object
    if (sectionType == sectionTypeStats)
        ConfigArray calcStats = config(L"compute");
        ((SectionStats*) section)->InitCompute(calcStats);

    // add to section map
    if (sectionType != sectionTypeFile && sectionType != sectionTypeNull)
        std::wstring wsectionName = msra::strfun::utf16(sectionName);
        // can't have identical names in a write configuration
        if (m_sections.find(wsectionName) != m_sections.end())
            RuntimeError("Identical section name appears twice:%s", sectionName.c_str());
        m_sections[wsectionName] = section;

    // validate the header (make sure it's sane)
    if (section && file && !section->ValidateHeader(file->Writing()))
        RuntimeError("Invalid header in file %ls, in header %ls\n", file->GetName().c_str(), section->GetName().c_str());

    // return the now complete section
    return section;
Пример #12
void TestConfiguration(const ConfigParameters& configBase)
    ConfigParameters configMacros = configBase("macroExample");
    for (auto iterMacro = configMacros.begin(); iterMacro != configMacros.end(); iterMacro++)
        std::map<std::string, ConfigValue> paramsMap;
        ConfigParameters configCN = iterMacro->second;
        if (configCN.Exists("parameters"))
            ConfigArray params = configCN("parameters");
            for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i)
                paramsMap[params[i]] = ConfigValue("uninitialized");
        ConfigParameters configNodes = configCN("NodeList");
        for (auto iter = configNodes.begin();
             iter != configNodes.end(); iter++)
            std::wstring nodeName;
            nodeName = msra::strfun::utf16(iter->first);
            ConfigArray configNode = iter->second;
            std::string opName = configNode[0];
            if (IsParameter(paramsMap, opName))
            if (opName == "InputValue" && configNode.size() >= 2)
                size_t rows = 0;
                if (!IsParameter(paramsMap, configNode[1]))
                    rows = configNode[1];
            else if (opName == "LearnableParameter" && configNode.size() >= 3)
                size_t rows = 0;
                if (!IsParameter(paramsMap, configNode[1]))
                    rows = configNode[1];
                size_t cols = 0;
                if (!IsParameter(paramsMap, configNode[2]))
                    cols = configNode[2];
                bool learningRateMultiplier = 0;
                bool init = false;
                ConfigArray initData;

                // look for optional parameters
                for (int i = 3; i < configNode.size(); ++i)
                    bool needsGradient = false;
                    ConfigParameters configParam = configNode[i];
                    if (configParam.Exists("learningRateMultiplier")) // TODO: should this be a test for 'true' rather than Exists()?
                        needsGradient = (float)configParam("learningRateMultiplier") > 0? true : false;
                    else if (configParam.Exists("init"))
                        init = true;
                        initData = configParam["init"];
                // if initializing, do so now
                if (init)
                    bool uniform = true;
                    ElemType initValueScale = 1;
                    size_t inputSize = cols;

                    if (initData.size() > 0)
                        initValueScale = initData[0];
                    if (initData.size() > 1)
                        uniform = EqualCI(initData[1], "uniform");

        // now link up all the nodes
        configNodes = configCN("Relation");
        for (auto iter = configNodes.begin(); iter != configNodes.end(); iter++)
            std::wstring nodeName = msra::strfun::utf16(iter->first);
            ConfigArray configNode = iter->second;
            int numChildren = (int) configNode.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        ConfigParameters configRoots = configCN("RootNodes");
        ConfigArray configNode = configRoots("FeatureNodes");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
            std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        if (configRoots.Exists("LabelNodes"))
            configNode = configRoots("LabelNodes");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        if (configRoots.Exists("CriterionNodes"))
            configNode = configRoots("CriterionNodes");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        if (configRoots.Exists("CriteriaNodes")) // legacy
            configNode = configRoots("CriteriaNodes");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        if (configRoots.Exists("NodesReqMultiSeqHandling"))
            configNode = configRoots("NodesReqMultiSeqHandling");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: 'NodesReqMultiSeqHandling' flag is defunct\n");

        if (configRoots.Exists("EvalNodes"))
            configNode = configRoots("EvalNodes");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];

        if (configRoots.Exists("OutputNodes"))
            configNode = configRoots("OutputNodes");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < configNode.size(); i++)
                std::wstring nodeName = configNode[i];
Пример #13
void DoWriteOutput(const ConfigParameters& config)
    ConfigParameters readerConfig(config(L"reader"));
    readerConfig.Insert("traceLevel", config(L"traceLevel", "0"));
    readerConfig.Insert("randomize", "None"); // we don't want randomization when output results

    DataReader testDataReader(readerConfig);

    DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId = DeviceFromConfig(config);
    ConfigArray minibatchSize = config(L"minibatchSize", "2048");
    wstring modelPath = config(L"modelPath");
    intargvector mbSize = minibatchSize;

    size_t epochSize = config(L"epochSize", "0");
    if (epochSize == 0)
        epochSize = requestDataSize;

    ConfigArray outputNodeNames = config(L"outputNodeNames", "");
    vector<wstring> outputNodeNamesVector;

    // Note this is required since the user might specify OutputNodeNames in the config, so don't use CreateFromFile,
	// instead we build the network ourselves.
    auto net = make_shared<ComputationNetwork>(deviceId);

    if (outputNodeNames.size() > 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < outputNodeNames.size(); ++i)

    SimpleOutputWriter<ElemType> writer(net, 1);

    if (config.Exists("writer"))
        ConfigParameters writerConfig(config(L"writer"));
        bool bWriterUnittest = writerConfig(L"unittest", "false");
        DataWriter testDataWriter(writerConfig);
        writer.WriteOutput(testDataReader, mbSize[0], testDataWriter, outputNodeNamesVector, epochSize, bWriterUnittest);
    else if (config.Exists("outputPath"))
        wstring outputPath = config(L"outputPath");

        // gather additional formatting options
        typename decltype(writer)::WriteFormattingOptions formattingOptions;
        if (config.Exists("format"))
            ConfigParameters formatConfig(config(L"format"));
            if (formatConfig.ExistsCurrent("type")) // do not inherit 'type' from outer block
                string type = formatConfig(L"type");
                if      (type == "real")     formattingOptions.isCategoryLabel = false;
                else if (type == "category") formattingOptions.isCategoryLabel = true;
                else                         InvalidArgument("write: type must be 'real' or 'category'");
                if (formattingOptions.isCategoryLabel)
                    formattingOptions.labelMappingFile = (wstring)formatConfig(L"labelMappingFile", L"");
            formattingOptions.transpose         = formatConfig(L"transpose",         formattingOptions.transpose);
            formattingOptions.prologue          = formatConfig(L"prologue",          formattingOptions.prologue);
            formattingOptions.epilogue          = formatConfig(L"epilogue",          formattingOptions.epilogue);
            formattingOptions.sequenceSeparator = formatConfig(L"sequenceSeparator", formattingOptions.sequenceSeparator);
            formattingOptions.sequencePrologue  = formatConfig(L"sequencePrologue",  formattingOptions.sequencePrologue);
            formattingOptions.sequenceEpilogue  = formatConfig(L"sequenceEpilogue",  formattingOptions.sequenceEpilogue);
            formattingOptions.elementSeparator  = formatConfig(L"elementSeparator",  formattingOptions.elementSeparator);
            formattingOptions.sampleSeparator   = formatConfig(L"sampleSeparator",   formattingOptions.sampleSeparator);
            formattingOptions.precisionFormat   = formatConfig(L"precisionFormat",   formattingOptions.precisionFormat);

        writer.WriteOutput(testDataReader, mbSize[0], outputPath, outputNodeNamesVector, formattingOptions, epochSize);
        InvalidArgument("write command: You must specify either 'writer'or 'outputPath'");
Пример #14
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main() for old CNTK config language
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// called from wmain which is a wrapper that catches & repots Win32 exceptions
int wmainOldCNTKConfig(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
    ConfigParameters config;
    std::string rawConfigString = ConfigParameters::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, config);    // get the command param set they want
    bool timestamping = config(L"timestamping", false);
    if (timestamping)

    // get the command param set they want
    wstring logpath = config(L"stderr", L"");

    //  [1/26/2015 erw, add done file so that it can be used on HPC]
    wstring DoneFile = config(L"DoneFile", L"");
    ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "train");

    // paralleltrain training
    shared_ptr<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::MPIWrapper> mpi;
    bool paralleltrain = config(L"parallelTrain", "false");
    if (paralleltrain)
        mpi = MPIWrapper::GetInstance(true /*create*/);

    g_shareNodeValueMatrices = config(L"shareNodeValueMatrices", false);

    TracingGPUMemoryAllocator::SetTraceLevel(config(L"traceGPUMemoryAllocations", 0));

    if (logpath != L"")
        for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
            logpath += L"_";
            logpath += (wstring) command[i];
        logpath += L".log";

        if (paralleltrain)
            std::wostringstream oss;
            oss << mpi->CurrentNodeRank();
            logpath += L"rank" + oss.str();

    PrintBuiltInfo(); // this one goes to log file
    std::string timestamp = TimeDateStamp();

    // dump config info
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Running on %s at %s\n", GetHostName().c_str(), timestamp.c_str());
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Command line: \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "%*s%ls", i > 0 ? 2 : 0, "", argv[i]); // use 2 spaces for better visual separability
    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");

#if 1 //def _DEBUG
    // This simply merges all the different config parameters specified (eg, via config files or via command line directly),
    // and prints it.
    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n", rawConfigString.c_str());
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    // Same as above, but all variables are resolved.  If a parameter is set multiple times (eg, set in config, overridden at command line),
    // All of these assignments will appear, even though only the last assignment matters.
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "%s\n", config.ResolveVariables(rawConfigString).c_str());
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    // This outputs the final value each variable/parameter is assigned to in config (so if a parameter is set multiple times, only the last
    // value it is set to will appear).
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Commands:");
    for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
        fprintf(stderr, " %s", command[i].c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    // run commands
    std::string type = config(L"precision", "float");
    // accept old precision key for backward compatibility
    if (config.Exists("type"))
        InvalidArgument("CNTK: Use of 'type' parameter is deprecated, it is called 'precision' now.");

    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "Precision = \"%s\"\n", type.c_str());

    if (type == "float")
        DoCommands<float>(config, mpi);
    else if (type == "double")
        DoCommands<double>(config, mpi);
        RuntimeError("CNTK: Invalid precision string: \"%s\", must be \"float\" or \"double\"", type.c_str());

    // if completed then write a DoneFile if requested
    if (!DoneFile.empty())
        FILE* fp = fopenOrDie(DoneFile.c_str(), L"w");
        fprintf(fp, "successfully finished at %s on %s\n", TimeDateStamp().c_str(), GetHostName().c_str());
    // TODO: Change back to COMPLETED (no underscores)
    LOGPRINTF(stderr, "__COMPLETED__\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;