bool GeneralGamlConfig::ReadPossibleModelPartition(ConfigReader &cr){ string origSection = cr.GetCurrentSection(); bool foundAnyModels = false; for(int modelNum = 0; ;modelNum++){ char modName[10]; sprintf(modName, "model%d", modelNum); int found = cr.SetSection(modName); //models need to appear consecuatively, but can start at 0 (old) or 1 (new) if(modelNum == 0 && found < 0){ continue; } else if(found < 0){ cr.SetSection(origSection.c_str()); return foundAnyModels; } else{ foundAnyModels = true; ConfigModelSettings configModSet; cr.GetStringOption("ratehetmodel", configModSet.rateHetModel, true); cr.GetUnsignedOption("numratecats", configModSet.numRateCats, true); cr.GetStringOption("statefrequencies", configModSet.stateFrequencies, true); cr.GetStringOption("ratematrix", configModSet.rateMatrix, true); cr.GetStringOption("invariantsites", configModSet.proportionInvariant, true); cr.GetStringOption("datatype", configModSet.datatype, true); cr.GetStringOption("geneticcode", configModSet.geneticCode, true); configModelSets.push_back(configModSet); } } //we shouldn't be getting to here return false; }
CmdResult Handle (const std::vector<std::string> ¶meters, User *user) { ConfigReader *Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); for (int index = 0; index < Conf->Enumerate("vhost"); index++) { std::string mask = Conf->ReadValue("vhost","host",index); std::string username = Conf->ReadValue("vhost","user",index); std::string pass = Conf->ReadValue("vhost","pass",index); std::string hash = Conf->ReadValue("vhost","hash",index); if ((!strcmp(parameters[0].c_str(),username.c_str())) && !ServerInstance->PassCompare(user, pass.c_str(), parameters[1].c_str(), hash.c_str())) { if (!mask.empty()) { user->WriteServ("NOTICE "+std::string(user->nick)+" :Setting your VHost: " + mask); user->ChangeDisplayedHost(mask.c_str()); delete Conf; return CMD_LOCALONLY; } } } user->WriteServ("NOTICE "+std::string(user->nick)+" :Invalid username or password."); delete Conf; return CMD_FAILURE; }
ModuleRandQuote(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me) { conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); // Sort the Randomizer thingie.. srand(time(NULL)); q_file = conf->ReadValue("randquote","file",0); prefix = conf->ReadValue("randquote","prefix",0); suffix = conf->ReadValue("randquote","suffix",0); mycommand = NULL; if (q_file.empty()) { RandquoteException e("m_randquote: Quotefile not specified - Please check your config."); throw(e); } quotes = new FileReader(ServerInstance, q_file); if(!quotes->Exists()) { RandquoteException e("m_randquote: QuoteFile not Found!! Please check your config - module will not function."); throw(e); } else { /* Hidden Command -- Mode clients assume /quote sends raw data to an IRCd >:D */ mycommand = new cmd_randquote(ServerInstance); ServerInstance->AddCommand(mycommand); } }
virtual void ReadConfig() { ConfigReader *MyConf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); helpop_map.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MyConf->Enumerate("helpop"); i++) { irc::string key = assign(MyConf->ReadValue("helpop", "key", i)); std::string value = MyConf->ReadValue("helpop", "value", i, true); /* Linefeeds allowed! */ if (key == "index") { throw ModuleException("m_helpop: The key 'index' is reserved for internal purposes. Please remove it."); } helpop_map[key] = value; } if (helpop_map.find("start") == helpop_map.end()) { // error! throw ModuleException("m_helpop: Helpop file is missing important entries. Please check the example conf."); } else if (helpop_map.find("nohelp") == helpop_map.end()) { // error! throw ModuleException("m_helpop: Helpop file is missing important entries. Please check the example conf."); } }
bool jets_RA5(EasyChain* tree,vector<int>& goodJets){ static ConfigReader config; // static since we read only once static float jet_pt_min = config.getFloat("jet_pt_min", 30); static float jet_eta_max = config.getDouble("jet_eta_max",2.4); static bool quick = config.getBool("quick"); // static to get the cut flow for all events static CutSet jetFlow("good jet selection"); // print at end of program and dump into histogram file jetFlow.autoprint=true; jetFlow.autodump=true; vector<int>& JetID = tree->Get(&JetID,"ak5JetPFPFJetIDloosePat"); vector<LorentzM>& Jets = tree->Get(&Jets, "ak5JetPFCorrectedP4Pat"); int cntJets=0; for(int k = 0; k<Jets.size(); k++){ if( !jetFlow.keepIf("pt>=jet_min", Jets[k].pt() >= jet_pt_min ) && quick) continue; if( !jetFlow.keepIf("eta<=eta_max", fabs(Jets[k].eta()) <= jet_eta_max ) && quick) continue; if( !jetFlow.keepIf("ak5JetPFPFJetIDloosePat", JetID[k]!=0 ) && quick) continue; goodJets.push_back(k); } return goodJets.size() >= 2; }
std::string getLocaleValue(const ConfigReader &config, const std::string &group, const std::string &key, const std::string &language) { lang wanted(language); std::vector<std::string> localeKeys; if ( > 0 && wanted.modifier.size() > 0) { localeKeys.push_back(wanted.language + "_" + + "@" + wanted.modifier); } if ( > 0) { localeKeys.push_back(wanted.language + "_" +; } if (wanted.modifier.size() > 0) { localeKeys.push_back(wanted.language + "@" + wanted.modifier); } localeKeys.push_back(wanted.language); for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type i = 0; i < localeKeys.size(); ++i) { std::string localeKey = key + "[" + localeKeys[i] + "]"; if (config.hasKey(group, localeKey)) { return config.value(group, localeKey); } } return config.value(group, key); }
PoseGrabber::PoseGrabber(const ConfigReader &reader, const std::string &output_dir) : BasePoseGrabber(output_dir) { self_name_ = "pose-grabber"; checkSelfName(reader.get_element("name")); try{ model_.LoadData(reader.get_element("model-file")); } catch (std::runtime_error){ //e.g. no model }"pose-file")); if (!ifs_.is_open()){ throw std::runtime_error("Error, could not open file: " + reader.get_element("pose-file")); } ifs_.exceptions(std::ifstream::eofbit); save_dir_ = output_dir; ofs_file_ = save_dir_ + "/" + reader.get_element("output-pose-file"); }
bool cleaningFilters::METconsistency( LorentzM& caloMET, LorentzM& pfMET){ ConfigReader config; static float DPhi_Max = config.getFloat( "METconsistency_DPhiMax", 1.5); return fabs( DeltaPhi( caloMET, pfMET)) < DPhi_Max; };
bool readV4Config( const char *configFile, EncfsConfig &config, ConfigInfo *) { bool ok = false; // use Config to parse the file and query it.. ConfigReader cfgRdr; if(cfgRdr.load( configFile )) { try { cfgRdr["cipher"] >> (*config.mutable_cipher()); int blockSize; cfgRdr["blockSize"] >> blockSize; config.set_block_size(blockSize); EncryptedKey *key = config.mutable_key(); cfgRdr["keyData"] >> (*key->mutable_ciphertext()); // fill in default for V4 config.mutable_naming()->MergeFrom( makeInterface("nameio/stream", 1, 0, 0) ); config.set_creator( "EncFS 1.0.x" ); ok = true; } catch( Error &err) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing config file " << configFile << ": " << err.what(); ok = false; } } return ok; }
// Read a v5 archive, which is a proprietary binary format. bool readV5Config( const char *configFile, EncfsConfig &config, ConfigInfo *) { bool ok = false; // use Config to parse the file and query it.. ConfigReader cfgRdr; if(cfgRdr.load( configFile )) { try { config.set_revision(cfgRdr["subVersion"].readInt(0)); if(config.revision() > V5Latest) { /* config file specifies a version outside our supported range.. */ LOG(ERROR) << "Config subversion " << config.revision() << " found, but this version of encfs only supports up to version " << V5Latest; return false; } if( config.revision() < V5Latest ) { LOG(ERROR) << "This version of EncFS doesn't support " << "filesystems created with EncFS releases before 2004-08-13"; return false; } cfgRdr["creator"] >> (*config.mutable_creator()); cfgRdr["cipher"] >> (*config.mutable_cipher()); cfgRdr["naming"] >> (*config.mutable_naming()); int blockSize; cfgRdr["blockSize"] >> blockSize; config.set_block_size(blockSize); EncryptedKey *encryptedKey = config.mutable_key(); int keySize; cfgRdr["keySize"] >> keySize; encryptedKey->set_size(keySize / 8); cfgRdr["keyData"] >> (*encryptedKey->mutable_ciphertext()); config.set_unique_iv( cfgRdr["uniqueIV"].readBool( false ) ); config.set_chained_iv( cfgRdr["chainedIV"].readBool( false ) ); config.set_external_iv( cfgRdr["externalIV"].readBool( false ) ); config.set_block_mac_bytes( cfgRdr["blockMACBytes"].readInt(0) ); config.set_block_mac_rand_bytes( cfgRdr["blockMACRandBytes"].readInt(0) ); ok = true; } catch( Error &err) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing data in config file " << configFile << "; " << err.what(); ok = false; } } return ok; }
virtual void OnRehash(User* user) { ConfigReader* conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); deaf_bypasschars = conf->ReadValue("deaf", "bypasschars", 0); deaf_bypasschars_uline = conf->ReadValue("deaf", "bypasscharsuline", 0); delete conf; }
bool cleaningFilters::anomalousRho( EasyChain* tree){ ConfigReader config; static float rho_Max = config.getFloat( "Rho_Max", 40.); float rho = tree->Get( rho, "rho"); return rho <= rho_Max; };
void ReadSettings() { Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); IdentTimeout = Conf->ReadInteger("ident", "timeout", 0, true); PortBind = Conf->ReadValue("ident", "bind", 0); if (!IdentTimeout) IdentTimeout = 1; DELETE(Conf); }
virtual void OnRehash(User* user) { ConfigReader* conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); JoinChan = conf->ReadValue("autojoin", "channel", 0); Joinchans.clear(); if (!JoinChan.empty()) tokenize(JoinChan,Joinchans); delete conf; }
int main() { string configFileName("difex.dat"); ConfigReader *configReader = new ConfigReader(configFileName); configReader->readConfig(); FTCSSchemeSolver *solver = new FTCSSchemeSolver(configReader); solver->run(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
virtual void OnRehash(userrec* user, const std::string ¶meter) { ConfigReader* conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); operChan = conf->ReadValue("operjoin", "channel", 0); operChans.clear(); if (!operChan.empty()) tokenize(operChan,operChans); DELETE(conf); }
/** * @brief Save all values and prepare xml configuration for writing */ void ParameterStructure::UpdateConfig() const { ConfigReader conf = m_configReader.Find("parameters"); for(const auto & elem : m_list) { if(m_writeAllParamsToConfig || (elem)->GetConfigurationSource() != PARAMCONF_DEF) { conf.FindRef("param[name=\"" +(elem)->GetName() + "\"]", true).SetValue((elem)->GetValueString()); } } }
void ReadConfig() { ConfigReader* MyConf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); allowchans.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MyConf->Enumerate("allowchannel"); i++) { std::string txt; txt = MyConf->ReadValue("allowchannel", "name", i); irc::string channel = txt.c_str(); allowchans[channel] = 1; } DELETE(MyConf); }
void LoadOperMOTD() { ConfigReader* conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); std::string filename; filename = conf->ReadValue("opermotd","file",0); if (opermotd) { delete opermotd; opermotd = NULL; } opermotd = new FileReader(ServerInstance, filename); DELETE(conf); }
int add_all_devices(ConfigReader &cfg, DeviceFilter &dev_filt) { int rc = 0; list<__u32> lst; cfg.get_unique_mms(lst); for (list<__u32>::const_iterator i = lst.begin(); i != lst.end(); ++i) { dev_filt.add_device(*i, cfg.get_ident_by_mm_internal(*i, &rc)); assert(rc == 0); } return 0; }
virtual void OnRehash(const std::string ¶meter) { // reload our config file on rehash - we must destroy and re-allocate the classes // to call the constructor again and re-read our data. ConfigReader* Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); std::string filterfile = Conf->ReadValue("filter","file",0); // this automatically re-reads the configuration file into the class ConfigReader* MyConf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance, filterfile); if ((filterfile == "") || (!MyConf->Verify())) { // bail if the user forgot to create a config file FilterException e; throw(e); } for (filter_t::iterator n = filters.begin(); n != filters.end(); n++) { DELETE(n->second); } filters.clear(); for (int index = 0; index < MyConf->Enumerate("keyword"); index++) { std::string pattern = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","pattern",index); std::string reason = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","reason",index); std::string do_action = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","action",index); if (do_action == "") do_action = "none"; Filter* x = new Filter; x->reason = reason; x->action = do_action; filters[pattern] = x; } ServerInstance->Log(DEFAULT,"m_filter: read configuration from "+filterfile); DELETE(Conf); DELETE(MyConf); }
void OnReload() { ConfigReader config; this->binddn = config.ReadValue("m_ldap_oper", "binddn", "", 0); this->password = config.ReadValue("m_ldap_oper", "password", "", 0); this->basedn = config.ReadValue("m_ldap_oper", "basedn", "", 0); this->filter = config.ReadValue("m_ldap_oper", "filter", "", 0); opertype_attribute = config.ReadValue("m_ldap_oper", "opertype_attribute", "", 0); for (std::set<Oper *>::iterator it = my_opers.begin(), it_end = my_opers.end(); it != it_end; ++it) delete *it; my_opers.clear(); }
void LoadOperMOTD() { ConfigReader* conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); std::string filename; filename = conf->ReadValue("opermotd","file",0); if (opermotd) { delete opermotd; opermotd = NULL; } opermotd = new FileReader(ServerInstance, filename); onoper = conf->ReadFlag("opermotd","onoper","yes",0); delete conf; }
void InitConf() { /* read configuration variables */ conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); /* throttle configuration */ seconds = conf->ReadInteger("connflood", "seconds", 0, true); maxconns = conf->ReadInteger("connflood", "maxconns", 0, true); timeout = conf->ReadInteger("connflood", "timeout", 0, true); quitmsg = conf->ReadValue("connflood", "quitmsg", 0); /* seconds to wait when the server just booted */ boot_wait = conf->ReadInteger("connflood", "bootwait", 0, true); first = ServerInstance->Time(); }
/** * @brief Print the results of timings */ void Manager::PrintStatistics() { double fps = m_frameCount / m_timerProcessable.GetSecDouble(); LOG_INFO(m_logger, "Manager: " << m_frameCount << " frames processed in " << m_timerProcessable.GetSecDouble() * 1000 << " ms, " << fps << " fps"); // LOG_INFO("input convertion " <<m_timerConvertion<<" ms ("<<(1000.0 * m_frameCount) / m_timerConvertion<<" frames/s)"); // LOG_INFO("Total time "<< m_timerProcessable + m_timerConvertion<<" ms ("<< (1000.0 * m_frameCount) /(m_timerProcessable + m_timerConvertion)<<" frames/s)"); // Create an XML file to summarize CPU usage // if output dir is empty, write to /tmp string benchFileName = ((IsContextSet() && !GetContext().IsOutputDirEmpty()) ? GetContext().GetOutputDir() : "/tmp") + "/benchmark.xml"; ConfigFile benchSummary(benchFileName, true); ConfigReader conf = benchSummary.FindRef("benchmark", true); // Write perf to output XML ConfigReader perfModule = conf.FindRef("manager", true); perfModule.FindRef("nb_frames", true).SetValue(m_frameCount); perfModule.FindRef("timer[name=\"processable\"]", true).SetValue(m_timerProcessable.GetSecDouble()*1000); perfModule.FindRef("timer[name=\"processing\"]", true).SetValue(m_timerProcessable.GetSecDouble()*1000); // note: this line is kept for backward compatibility perfModule.FindRef("fps", true).SetValue(fps); // Call for each module for(const auto& module : m_modules) { // LOG_INFO(cpt<<": "); module->PrintStatistics(conf); } benchSummary.SaveToFile(benchFileName); }
void Game::readObjectHeight(int &objectHeight, const ConfigReader reader, bool &parseOk, const std::string name, bool &successful) { objectHeight = QString(reader.get(name, "Height").c_str()).toInt(&parseOk); if (!parseOk || objectHeight < 0) { std::cerr << "error: [" << name << "]: height was not an integer." << std::endl; objectHeight = 1; successful = false; } }
void Game::readObjectPath(std::string &objectSprite, const ConfigReader reader, const std::string name, bool &successful) { objectSprite = reader.get(name, "Sprite"); if (objectSprite == "") { std::cerr << "error: [" << name << "]: Sprite was not set." << std::endl; objectSprite = ":/resources/block_brown.png"; successful = false; } }
virtual void OnRehash(User* user) { /* * reload our config file on rehash - we must destroy and re-allocate the classes * to call the constructor again and re-read our data. */ ConfigReader* MyConf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); censors.clear(); for (int index = 0; index < MyConf->Enumerate("badword"); index++) { irc::string pattern = (MyConf->ReadValue("badword","text",index)).c_str(); irc::string replace = (MyConf->ReadValue("badword","replace",index)).c_str(); censors[pattern] = replace; } delete MyConf; }
bool OperatorEnergyChannels::initialize(ConfigReader& cr,Simulation& sim,SimulationClasses& simClasses) { initialized = true; simClasses.logger << "(SEP OP ENERGY CHANNELS) Starting initialization" << endl << write; // Init base class: if (OperatorAccumulationBase::initialize(cr,sim,simClasses) == false) { simClasses.logger << "(SEP OP ENERGY CHANNELS) ERROR: OperatorAccumulationBase failed to initialize!" << endl << write; initialized = false; } // Create a profiler section name for this DataOperator: #if PROFILE_LEVEL > 0 stringstream ss; ss << "Energy Channels" << OperatorAccumulationBase::getOrder(); profileName = ss.str(); OperatorAccumulationBase::setProfileName(ss.str()); #endif // Get names of instruments: vector<string> instrumentNames; cr.addComposed(PREFIX+".instrument_names","Names of energy instruments (string)."); cr.parse(); cr.get(PREFIX+".instrument_names",instrumentNames); //instrumentIndices.push_back(make_pair<size_t,size_t>(0,0)); for (size_t i=0; i<instrumentNames.size(); ++i) { // Skip empty lines if (instrumentNames[i].size() == 0) continue; // Read config file items for instrument and create it: if (createInstrument(simClasses,cr,instrumentNames[i]) == false) { simClasses.logger << "(SEP OP ENERGY CHANNELS) ERROR: Failed to read required config file items for "; simClasses.logger << "instrument '" << instrumentNames[i] << "'" << endl << write; initialized = false; } } // Write init status and exit: simClasses.logger << "(SEP OP ENERGY CHANNELS) Initialization complete, status is "; if (initialized == true) simClasses.logger << "SUCCESS" << endl << write; else simClasses.logger << "FAILURE" << endl << write; return initialized; }
BaseDaVinciPoseGrabber::BaseDaVinciPoseGrabber(const ConfigReader &reader, const std::string &output_dir) : BasePoseGrabber(output_dir) { try{ model_.LoadData(reader.get_element("model-file")); } catch (std::runtime_error){ //no model (e.g. tracking camera) } }