void LinearComboFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	// We don't need configured component functions here (and they will be
	// configured after exiting from this function)
	first.reset(params.getObjectFromParameter<OutputFunction>(prefix + "first", false, false));

	w1 = 0.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "w1");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		w1 = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			w1 = 0.0;

	second.reset(params.getObjectFromParameter<OutputFunction>(prefix + "second", false, false));

	w2 = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "w2");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		w2 = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			w2 = 0.0;

	// We don't need to reload a reference to the cluster as he calls our setCluster
	// function after our creation
void StepFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	min = 0.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "min");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		min = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			min = 0.0;

	max = 1.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "max");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		max = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			max = 1.0;

	threshold = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "threshold");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		threshold = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			threshold = 0.0;
void LeakyIntegratorFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	// Delta is a vector, that is a list of space-separated values
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "delta");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		QStringList list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
		for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
			bool ok;
			delta[i] = list[i].toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) {
				delta[i] = 0.0;

	// Also reloading outprev (resizing it to match delta length)
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "outprev");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		QStringList list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
		for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
			bool ok;
			outprev[i] = list[i].toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) {
				outprev[i] = 0.0;
void ScaledSigmoidFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	lambda = 1.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "lambda");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		lambda = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			lambda = 1.0;

	min = -1.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "min");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		min = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			min = -1.0;

	max = 1.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "max");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		max = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			max = 1.0;
void Pattern::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix) {
	//--- get all parameters with the prefix 'cluster:'
	QStringList clusterList = params.getParametersWithPrefixList( prefix, "cluster:" );
	foreach( QString cluster, clusterList ) {
		QString id = cluster.split(':')[1];
		if ( id.isNull() || id.isEmpty() ) continue;
		//--- now, it check if there is a inputs and outputs parameter and load it
		QString str = params.getValue( prefix + "inputs:" + id );
		DoubleVector inputs;
		if (!str.isNull()) {
			QStringList list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
			for( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
				inputs.append( list[i].toDouble() );
		str = params.getValue( prefix + "outputs:" + id );
		DoubleVector outputs;
		if (!str.isNull()) {
			QStringList list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
			for( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
				outputs.append( list[i].toDouble() );
		if ( inputs.size() == 0 && outputs.size() == 0 ) continue;
		Cluster* cl = params.getObjectFromParameter<Cluster>( prefix+cluster, false, true );
		if ( inputs.size() > 0 ) {
			setInputsOf( cl, inputs );
		if ( outputs.size() > 0 ) {
			setOutputsOf( cl, outputs );
Пример #6
MatrixLinker::MatrixLinker( ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix )
	: Linker( params, prefix ), nrows(from()->numNeurons()), ncols(to()->numNeurons()), w(nrows, ncols, true) {
	// the weights are read from a single vector of data supposing they are row-major arranged
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "weights");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		QStringList list = str.split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
		int cycleLength = nrows*ncols;
		if (list.size() != cycleLength) {
			qWarning() << "The number of elements of the weights in configuration file (" << list.size()
			           << ") is different from the total number of weights (" << cycleLength << ").";
			cycleLength = std::min(list.size(), cycleLength);
		for( int i=0; i<cycleLength; i++) {
			bool ok;
			unsigned int r = i/ncols; //--- division may be expensive
			unsigned int c = i%ncols; //--- module may be expensive
			w[r][c] = list[i].toDouble(&ok);
			if (!ok) {
				w[r][c] = 0.0;
void RampFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	min_x = 0.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "minX");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		min_x = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			min_x = 0.0;

	max_x = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "maxX");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		max_x = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			max_x = 0.0;

	min_y = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "minY");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		min_y = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			min_y = 0.0;

	max_y = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "maxY");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		max_y = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			max_y = 0.0;
void ScaleFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	rate = 1.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "rate");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		rate = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			rate = 1.0;
void FakeSigmoidFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	lambda = 1.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "lambda");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		lambda = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			lambda = 1.0;
void GainFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	gainv = 1.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "gain");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		gainv = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			gainv = 1.0;
void LogLikeFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	A = 1.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "A");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		A = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			A = 1.0;

	B = 5.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "B");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		B = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			B = 5.0;
void LinearFunction::configure(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
	m = 0.0;
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "m");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		m = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			m = 0.0;

	b = 0.0;
	str = params.getValue(prefix + "b");
	if (!str.isNull()) {
		bool ok;
		b = str.toDouble(&ok);
		if (!ok) {
			b = 0.0;
Пример #13
void Genotype::configure( ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix ) {
	int newsize = params.getValue( prefix + QString( "bitsize" ) ).toInt();
	Q_ASSERT_X( newsize > 0,
				"The bitsize must be present in the config file and its value must be greater than zero" );
	resize( newsize );
	QString zipdata = params.getValue( prefix + QString( "data" ) );
	if ( !zipdata.isNull() ) {
		fromCompressedString( zipdata );
	QStringList valuesList = params.getValue( prefix + QString( "fitness" ) )
									.split( QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts );
	if ( valuesList.size() > 0 ) {
		// read the values of fitness
		foreach( QString avalue, valuesList ) {
			fitnessv << avalue.toDouble();
		// safe check
		if ( fitnessv.size() == 0 ) {
			fitnessv.append( 0 );
Пример #14
CopyLinker::CopyLinker( ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix )
	: Linker( params, prefix ), dataFrom(), dataTo() {
	dimData = qMin( to()->numNeurons(), from()->numNeurons() );
	this->mode = (CopyMode)-1;
	//--- default initialisation, in the case the user forget to set the parameter
	setMode( Out2In );
	QString str = params.getValue(prefix + "mode");
	if ( !str.isNull() ) {
		str = str.toLower();
		if ( str == "in2in" ) {
			setMode( In2In );
		} else if ( str == "in2ou" ) {
			setMode( In2Out );
		} else if ( str == "out2in" ) {
			setMode( Out2In );
		} else if ( str == "out2out" ) {
			setMode( Out2Out );
Пример #15
void DeterministicRank::configure( ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix ) {
	nTruncation = params.getValue( prefix + QString( "nTruncation" ) ).toInt();