bool TestUCLNRelaxedClockBHT92Model::run( void ) {
    std::vector<unsigned int> seeds;
    GLOBAL_RNG->setSeed( seeds );
    /* First, we read in the data */
    // the matrix
    std::vector<AbstractCharacterData*> data = NclReader::getInstance().readMatrices(alignmentFilename);
    std::cout << "Read " << data.size() << " matrices." << std::endl;
    std::cout << data[0] << std::endl;
    std::vector<TimeTree*> trees = NclReader::getInstance().readTimeTrees( treeFilename );
    std::cout << "Read " << trees.size() << " trees." << std::endl;
    std::cout << trees[0]->getNewickRepresentation() << std::endl;
    /* set up the model graph */
    // first the priors //
    // birth-death process priors
    StochasticNode<double> *div = new StochasticNode<double>("diversification", new UniformDistribution(new ConstantNode<double>("div_lower", new double(0.0)), new ConstantNode<double>("div_upper", new double(100.0)) ));
    ConstantNode<double> *turn = new ConstantNode<double>("turnover", new double(0.0));
    ConstantNode<double> *rho = new ConstantNode<double>("rho", new double(1.0));
    // Setting up the substitution model //
    //ts/tv ratio:
    ConstantNode<double > *tstv_prior = new ConstantNode<double >( "tstv_prior", new double(0.25) );
    ContinuousStochasticNode *tstv = new ContinuousStochasticNode("tstv", new ExponentialDistribution(tstv_prior) );
    //GC content prior:
    ConstantNode<double > *eq_gc_prior = new ConstantNode<double >( "eq_gc_prior_ab", new double(1.0) );    
    //Root GC frequency
    StochasticNode< double  > *omega = new StochasticNode< double >( "omega", new BetaDistribution(eq_gc_prior,eq_gc_prior) );
    DeterministicNode<std::vector<double> > *rf = new DeterministicNode< std::vector<double> >( "rf", new NucleotideFrequenciesFromGcContentFunction( omega ) );
    std::cout << "omega:\t" << omega->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rf:\t" << rf->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "tstv:\t" << tstv->getValue() << std::endl;
    //Declaring a vector of matrices, one per branch
    size_t numBranches = 2*data[0]->getNumberOfTaxa() - 2;
    std::vector<ContinuousStochasticNode*> thetas;
    std::vector< const TypedDagNode < RateMatrix >* > qs;
	//Equilibrium GC frequency: one per branch, defined in the loop along with the T92 rate matrices.
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numBranches ; i++ ) {
        std::ostringstream eq_gc_name;
        eq_gc_name << "eq_gc(" << i << ")";
        thetas.push_back(new ContinuousStochasticNode( eq_gc_name.str(), new BetaDistribution(eq_gc_prior,eq_gc_prior) ) );
		std::ostringstream q_name;
        q_name << "q(" << i << ")";
		qs.push_back(new DeterministicNode< RateMatrix >( q_name.str(), new Tamura92RateMatrixFunction( thetas[i], tstv) ));
        //std::cout << "Matrix Q:\t"<<i<<"\t" << qs[i]->getValue() << std::endl;
	//Build a node out of the vector of nodes
    DeterministicNode< RbVector< RateMatrix > >* qs_node = new DeterministicNode< RbVector< RateMatrix > >( "q_vector", new RbVectorFunction<RateMatrix>(qs) );
	// Setting up the relaxed clock model //

    ConstantNode<double> *a = new ConstantNode<double>("a", new double(0.5) );
    ConstantNode<double> *b = new ConstantNode<double>("b", new double(0.25) );

	std::vector<const TypedDagNode<double> *> branchRates;
	std::vector< ContinuousStochasticNode *> branchRates_nonConst;
	for( size_t i=0; i<numBranches; i++){
        std::ostringstream br_name;
        br_name << "br(" << i << ")";
		ContinuousStochasticNode* tmp_branch_rate = new ContinuousStochasticNode( br_name.str(), new LognormalDistribution(a, b, new ConstantNode<double>("offset", new double(0.0) )));
		branchRates.push_back( tmp_branch_rate );
		branchRates_nonConst.push_back( tmp_branch_rate );
	//Build a node out of the vector of nodes
    DeterministicNode< std::vector< double > >* br_vector = new DeterministicNode< std::vector< double > >( "br_vector", new VectorFunction< double >( branchRates ) );

	// Putting it all together //

    std::vector<std::string> names = data[0]->getTaxonNames();
    ConstantNode<double>* origin = new ConstantNode<double>( "origin", new double( trees[0]->getRoot().getAge()*2.0 ) );
    StochasticNode<TimeTree> *tau = new StochasticNode<TimeTree>( "tau", new ConstantRateBirthDeathProcess(origin, div, turn, rho, "uniform", "survival", int(names.size()), names, std::vector<Clade>()) );
	//If we want to get a good starting tree
	//    tau->setValue( trees[0] );
    std::cout << "tau:\t" << tau->getValue() << std::endl;
    // and the character model
	//    StochasticNode<CharacterData<DnaState> > *charactermodel = new StochasticNode<CharacterData <DnaState> >("S", new SimpleGTRBranchRateTimeCharEvoModel<DnaState, TimeTree>(tau, q, br_vector, true, data[0]->getNumberOfCharacters()) );
    GeneralBranchHeterogeneousCharEvoModel<DnaState, TimeTree> *phyloCTMC = new GeneralBranchHeterogeneousCharEvoModel<DnaState, TimeTree>(tau, 4, true, data[0]->getNumberOfCharacters());
    phyloCTMC->setRootFrequencies( rf );
    phyloCTMC->setRateMatrix( qs_node );
    phyloCTMC->setClockRate( br_vector );
	StochasticNode< AbstractCharacterData > *charactermodel = new StochasticNode< AbstractCharacterData >("S", phyloCTMC );
	charactermodel->clamp( data[0] );
    /* add the moves */
    RbVector<Move> moves;
    moves.push_back( new MetropolisHastingsMove( new ScaleProposal(div, 1.0), 2, true ) );
    moves.push_back( new NearestNeighborInterchange( tau, 5.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new NarrowExchange( tau, 10.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new FixedNodeheightPruneRegraft( tau, 2.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new SubtreeScale( tau, 5.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new TreeScale( tau, 1.0, true, 2.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new NodeTimeSlideUniform( tau, 30.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new RootTimeSlide( tau, 1.0, true, 2.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new BetaSimplexMove( omega, 10.0, true, 2.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new MetropolisHastingsMove( new ScaleProposal(tstv, 1.0), 2, true ) );
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numBranches ; i ++ ) {
        moves.push_back( new BetaSimplexMove( dynamic_cast<StochasticNode<double>* >(thetas[i]), 10.0, true, 2.0 ) );
        moves.push_back( new SlidingMove( thetas[i], 0.05, true, 2.0) );
        //    moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( ers[i], 100.0, 6, true, 2.0 ) );
		//        moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( pis[i], 100.0, 4, true, 2.0 ) );
    // add some tree stats to monitor
    DeterministicNode<double> *treeHeight = new DeterministicNode<double>("TreeHeight", new TreeHeightStatistic(tau) );
    /* add the monitors */
    RbVector<Monitor> monitors;
    std::set<DagNode*> monitoredNodes;
    //    monitoredNodes.insert( er );
    //    monitoredNodes.insert( pi );
    monitoredNodes.insert( div );
    monitors.push_back( new FileMonitor( monitoredNodes, 10, "TestUCLNRelaxedClockBHT92Model.log", "\t" ) );
    std::set<DagNode*> monitoredNodes1;
	//    monitoredNodes1.insert( er );
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numBranches ; i ++ ) {
        monitoredNodes1.insert( thetas[i] );
    monitoredNodes1.insert( rf );
    monitoredNodes1.insert( treeHeight );
    monitors.push_back( new FileMonitor( monitoredNodes1, 10, "TestUCLNRelaxedClockBHT92ModelSubstRates.log", "\t" ) );
    monitors.push_back( new ScreenMonitor( monitoredNodes1, 10, "\t" ) );
    std::set<DagNode*> monitoredNodes2;
    monitoredNodes2.insert( tau );
    monitors.push_back( new FileMonitor( monitoredNodes2, 10, "TestUCLNRelaxedClockBHT92Model.tree", "\t", false, false, false ) );
    /* instantiate the model */
    Model myModel = Model(qs[0]);
    /* instiate and run the MCMC */
    Mcmc myMcmc = Mcmc( myModel, moves, monitors );;
    /* clean up */
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    //        delete x[i];
    //    }
    //    delete [] x;
    delete div;
    //    delete sigma;
    //    delete a;
    //    delete b;
    //    delete c;
    std::cout << "Finished GTR model test." << std::endl;
    return true;
Пример #2
bool TestGtrGammaModel::run( void ) {
    /* First, we read in the data */
    // the matrix
    NclReader& reader = NclReader::getInstance();
    std::vector<AbstractCharacterData*> data = reader.readMatrices(alignmentFilename);
    std::cout << "Read " << data.size() << " matrices." << std::endl;
    std::vector<TimeTree*> trees = NclReader::getInstance().readTimeTrees( treeFilename );
    std::cout << "Read " << trees.size() << " trees." << std::endl;
    std::cout << trees[0]->getNewickRepresentation() << std::endl;
    /* set up the model graph */
    // first the priors //
    // birth-death process priors
    StochasticNode<double> *div = new StochasticNode<double>("diversification", new UniformDistribution(new ConstantNode<double>("", new double(0.0)), new ConstantNode<double>("", new double(100.0)) ));
    ConstantNode<double> *turn = new ConstantNode<double>("turnover", new double(0.0));
    ConstantNode<double> *rho = new ConstantNode<double>("rho", new double(1.0));
    // gtr model priors
    ConstantNode<std::vector<double> > *bf = new ConstantNode<std::vector<double> >( "bf", new std::vector<double>(4,1.0) );
    ConstantNode<std::vector<double> > *e = new ConstantNode<std::vector<double> >( "e", new std::vector<double>(6,1.0) );
    std::cout << "bf:\t" << bf->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "e:\t" << e->getValue() << std::endl;
    // then the parameters
    StochasticNode<std::vector<double> > *pi = new StochasticNode<std::vector<double> >( "pi", new DirichletDistribution(bf) );
    StochasticNode<std::vector<double> > *er = new StochasticNode<std::vector<double> >( "er", new DirichletDistribution(e) );
    //Rate heterogeneity
    ConstantNode<double> *alpha_prior = new ConstantNode<double>("alpha_prior", new double(0.5) );
    ContinuousStochasticNode *alpha = new ContinuousStochasticNode("alpha", new ExponentialDistribution(alpha_prior) );
    alpha->setValue( new double(0.5) );
    std::cout << "alpha:\t" << alpha->getValue() << std::endl;
    ConstantNode<double> *q1 = new ConstantNode<double>("q1", new double(0.125) );
    DeterministicNode<double> *q1_value = new DeterministicNode<double>("q1_value", new QuantileFunction(q1, new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) ) );
//    StochasticNode<double> *q1_value = new StochasticNode<double>("q1_value", new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) );
    ConstantNode<double> *q2 = new ConstantNode<double>("q2", new double(0.375) );
    DeterministicNode<double> *q2_value = new DeterministicNode<double>("q2_value", new QuantileFunction(q2, new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) ) );
//    StochasticNode<double> *q2_value = new StochasticNode<double>("q2_value", new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) );
    ConstantNode<double> *q3 = new ConstantNode<double>("q3", new double(0.625) );
    DeterministicNode<double> *q3_value = new DeterministicNode<double>("q3_value", new QuantileFunction(q3, new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) ) );
//    StochasticNode<double> *q3_value = new StochasticNode<double>("q3_value", new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) );
    ConstantNode<double> *q4 = new ConstantNode<double>("q4", new double(0.875) );
    DeterministicNode<double> *q4_value = new DeterministicNode<double>("q4_value", new QuantileFunction(q4, new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) ) );
//    StochasticNode<double> *q4_value = new StochasticNode<double>("q4_value", new GammaDistribution(alpha, alpha) );
    std::vector<const TypedDagNode<double>* > gamma_rates = std::vector<const TypedDagNode<double>* >();
    DeterministicNode<std::vector<double> > *site_rates = new DeterministicNode<std::vector<double> >( "site_rates", new VectorFunction<double>(gamma_rates) );
    // currently unused
    // ConstantNode<std::vector<double> > *site_rate_probs = new ConstantNode<std::vector<double> >( "site_rate_probs", new std::vector<double>(4,1.0/4.0) );

    DeterministicNode<std::vector<double> > *site_rates_norm = new DeterministicNode<std::vector<double> >( "site_rates_norm", new NormalizeVectorFunction(site_rates) );
    pi->setValue( new std::vector<double>(4,1.0/4.0) );
    er->setValue( new std::vector<double>(6,1.0/6.0) );
    std::cout << "pi:\t" << pi->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "er:\t" << er->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rates:\t" << site_rates->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rates:\t" << site_rates_norm->getValue() << std::endl;

    DeterministicNode<RateMatrix> *q = new DeterministicNode<RateMatrix>( "Q", new GtrRateMatrixFunction(er, pi) );
    std::cout << "Q:\t" << q->getValue() << std::endl;
    std::vector<std::string> names = data[0]->getTaxonNames();
    ConstantNode<double>* origin = new ConstantNode<double>( "origin", new double( trees[0]->getRoot().getAge()*2.0 ) );
    std::vector<RevBayesCore::Taxon> taxa;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
        taxa.push_back( Taxon( names[i] ) );
    StochasticNode<TimeTree> *tau = new StochasticNode<TimeTree>( "tau", new ConstantRateBirthDeathProcess(origin, NULL, div, turn, rho, "uniform", "survival", taxa, std::vector<Clade>()) );
    tau->setValue( trees[0] );
    std::cout << "tau:\t" << tau->getValue() << std::endl;
    // and the character model
// (unused)    size_t numChar = data[0]->getNumberOfCharacters();
    GeneralBranchHeterogeneousCharEvoModel<DnaState, TimeTree> *phyloCTMC = new GeneralBranchHeterogeneousCharEvoModel<DnaState, TimeTree>(tau, 4, true, data[0]->getNumberOfCharacters());
    phyloCTMC->setSiteRates( site_rates_norm );
    phyloCTMC->setRateMatrix( q );
    StochasticNode< AbstractCharacterData > *charactermodel = new StochasticNode< AbstractCharacterData >("S", phyloCTMC );
    charactermodel->clamp( static_cast<DiscreteCharacterData<DnaState> *>( data[0] ) );
    std::cout << "LnL:\t\t" << charactermodel->getLnProbability() << std::endl;
    /* add the moves */
    RbVector<Move> moves;
//    moves.push_back( new ScaleMove(div, 1.0, true, 2.0) );
//    moves.push_back( new NearestNeighborInterchange( tau, 5.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new NarrowExchange( tau, 10.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new FixedNodeheightPruneRegraft( tau, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new SubtreeScale( tau, 5.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new TreeScale( tau, 1.0, true, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new NodeTimeSlideUniform( tau, 30.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new RootTimeSlide( tau, 1.0, true, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( er, 10.0, 1, 0, true, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( pi, 10.0, 1, 0, true, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( er, 100.0, 6, 0, true, 2.0 ) );
//    moves.push_back( new SimplexMove( pi, 100.0, 4, 0, true, 2.0 ) );
    moves.push_back( new MetropolisHastingsMove( new ScaleProposal(alpha, 1.0), 1, true) );
//    moves.push_back( new ScaleMove(q1_value, 1.0, true, 2.0) );
//    moves.push_back( new ScaleMove(q2_value, 1.0, true, 2.0) );
//    moves.push_back( new ScaleMove(q3_value, 1.0, true, 2.0) );
//    moves.push_back( new ScaleMove(q4_value, 1.0, true, 2.0) );
    // add some tree stats to monitor
    DeterministicNode<double> *treeHeight = new DeterministicNode<double>("TreeHeight", new TreeHeightStatistic(tau) );
    /* add the monitors */
    RbVector<Monitor> monitors;
    std::set<DagNode*> monitoredNodes;
//    monitoredNodes.insert( er );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( pi );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( q );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( q1_value );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( q2_value );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( q3_value );
//    monitoredNodes.insert( q4_value );
    monitoredNodes.insert( site_rates_norm );
    monitoredNodes.insert( alpha );
    monitoredNodes.insert( treeHeight );
    monitors.push_back( new FileMonitor( monitoredNodes, 1000, "TestGtrGammaModelSubstRates.log", "\t" ) );
    monitors.push_back( new ScreenMonitor( monitoredNodes, 1000, "\t" ) );
    std::set<DagNode*> monitoredNodes2;
    monitoredNodes2.insert( tau );
    monitors.push_back( new FileMonitor( monitoredNodes2, 1000, "TestGtrGammaModel.tree", "\t", false, false, false ) );
    /* instantiate the model */
    Model myModel = Model(q);
    /* instiate and run the MCMC */
    Mcmc myMcmc = Mcmc( myModel, moves, monitors );;
    /* clean up */
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    //        delete x[i];
    //    }
    //    delete [] x;
    delete div;
    //    delete sigma;
    //    delete a;
    //    delete b;
    //    delete c;
    std::cout << "Finished GTR+Gamma model test." << std::endl;
    return true;