Пример #1
bool KrecipesView::questionRerunWizard( const QString &message, const QString &errormsg,
	RecipeDB::Error error )
	if ( (error == RecipeDB::FixDbFailed) && (dbType == "SQLite") ) {
		QString finalMessage = message + ' ' +
		i18n( "\nYou are using SQLite; this error is often caused by using an SQLite 2 "
		"database with Krecipes supporting SQLite 3, if this is the case you could run "
		"the SQLite converter.\n"
		"What do you want to do?" );
		int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( this, finalMessage, "",
			KGuiItem( i18n("Run the setup assistant"), KIcon("plasmagik") ),
			KGuiItem( i18n("Run the SQLite converter"), KIcon("document-revert") ),
		if ( answer == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
			wizard( true );
		} else if ( answer == KMessageBox::No ) {
			ConvertSQLite3 converter;
		} else {
			kError() << errormsg << ". Exiting" ;
			kapp->exit( 1 ); exit ( 1 ); //FIXME: why doesn't kapp->exit(1) do anything?
			return false;
		return true;
	} else {
		QString finalMessage = message + ' ' +
		i18n( "\nWould you like to run the setup wizard again? "
		"Otherwise, the application will be closed." );

		int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, finalMessage );

		if ( answer == KMessageBox::Yes )
			wizard( true );
		else {
			kError() << errormsg << ". Exiting" ;
			kapp->exit( 1 ); exit ( 1 ); //FIXME: why doesn't kapp->exit(1) do anything?
			return false;

		return true;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )


	options.add("convert-sqlite3", ki18n("Convert the current SQLite 2.x database to SQLite 3 and exit") , 0 );
	options.add( 0, KLocalizedString(), 0 );    

	KAboutData about( "krecipes", 0, ki18n( "Krecipes" ), version, ki18n( "The KDE Cookbook" ), KAboutData::License_GPL, ki18n( "(C) 2003 Unai Garro\n(C) 2004-2006 Jason Kivlighn"), ki18n("This product is RecipeML compatible.\nYou can get more information about this file format in:\nhttp://www.formatdata.com/recipeml" ), "http://krecipes.sourceforge.net/" );
	about.addAuthor( ki18n("Unai Garro"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addAuthor( ki18n("Jason Kivlighn"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addAuthor( ki18n("Cyril Bosselut"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://b1project.com" );

	about.addCredit( ki18n("Colleen Beamer"), ki18n("Testing, bug reports, suggestions"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("Robert Wadley"), ki18n("Icons and artwork"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addAuthor( ki18n("Daniel Sauvé"), ki18n("Porting to KDE4"), "*****@*****.**", "http://metres.homelinux.com" );

        about.addAuthor( ki18n("Laurent Montel"), ki18n("Porting to KDE4"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
        about.addAuthor( ki18n("José Manuel Santamaría Lema"), ki18n("Porting to KDE4, current maintainer"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
        about.addAuthor( ki18n("Martin Engelmann"), ki18n("Porting to KDE4, developer"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("Patrick Spendrin"), ki18n("Patches to make Krecipes work under Windows"), "*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("Mike Ferguson"), ki18n("Help with bugs, patches"), "", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("Warren Severin"), ki18n("Code to export recipes to *.mx2 files"), "", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("Eduardo Robles Elvira"),
		ki18n("He advised using WebKit to fix printing support during Akademy-es 2010."),
		"*****@*****.**", 0 );
	about.addCredit( ki18n("José Millán Soto"),
		ki18n("He advised using WebKit to fix printing support during Akademy-es 2010."),
		"", 0 );

	about.setTranslator( ki18n( "INSERT YOUR NAME HERE" ), ki18n( "INSERT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS" ) );
	KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &about );
	KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );

	if ( !KUniqueApplication::start() ) {
		std::cerr << "Krecipes is already running!" << std::endl;
		return 0;

	KUniqueApplication app;

	// see if we are starting with session management
	if ( app.isSessionRestored() ) {
		RESTORE( Krecipes );
	else {
		// no session.. just start up normally
		KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();


		if ( args->isSet("convert-sqlite3") ) {
			ConvertSQLite3 sqliteConverter;
			return 0;

		Krecipes * widget = new Krecipes;
		app.setTopWidget( widget );


	return app.exec();