Пример #1
void Crack :: computeCrackIntersectionPoints(Crack &iCrack, std::vector<FloatArray> &oIntersectionPoints, std::vector<double> &oArcPositions)
    const double tol = 1.0e-12;

    // Enrichment domain of the current crack
    const EnrichmentDomain_BG *ed1 = dynamic_cast<const EnrichmentDomain_BG*>( giveEnrichmentDomain() );
    PolygonLine *polygonLine1 = NULL;
    if(ed1 != NULL) {
        polygonLine1 = dynamic_cast<PolygonLine*>( ed1->bg );

    // Enrichment domain of the crack given as input
    const EnrichmentDomain_BG *ed2 = dynamic_cast<const EnrichmentDomain_BG*>( iCrack.giveEnrichmentDomain() );
    PolygonLine *polygonLine2 = NULL;
    if(ed2 != NULL) {
        polygonLine2 = dynamic_cast<PolygonLine*>( ed2->bg );

    if( polygonLine1 != NULL && polygonLine2 != NULL ) {

        polygonLine2->computeIntersectionPoints(*polygonLine1, oIntersectionPoints);

        for(FloatArray pos:oIntersectionPoints) {
            double tangDist, arcPos;
            polygonLine1->computeTangentialSignDist(tangDist, pos, arcPos);

            if(arcPos < -tol || arcPos > (1.0+tol)) {
                printf("arcPos: %e\n", arcPos);
                OOFEM_ERROR("arcPos is outside the allowed range [0,1].")
