Пример #1
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtDragDrop &rEvtDragDrop )
    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    int xPos = rEvtDragDrop.getXPos() - getLeft();
    int yPos = rEvtDragDrop.getYPos() - getTop();

    CtrlGeneric *pHitControl = findHitControl( xPos, yPos );
    if( pHitControl && pHitControl->getType() == "tree" )
        // Send a dragDrop event
        EvtDragDrop evt( getIntf(), xPos, yPos, rEvtDragDrop.getFiles() );
        pHitControl->handleEvent( evt );
        list<string> files = rEvtDragDrop.getFiles();
        list<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
        for( bool first = true; it != files.end(); ++it, first = false )
            bool playOnDrop = m_playOnDrop && first;
            CmdAddItem( getIntf(), it->c_str(), playOnDrop ).execute();
    m_pDragControl = NULL;
Пример #2
void GenericLayout::refreshRect( int x, int y, int width, int height )
    // Do nothing if the layout is hidden
    if( !m_visible )

    // update the transparency global mask
    m_pImage->clear( x, y, width, height );

    // Draw all the controls of the layout
    std::list<LayeredControl>::const_iterator iter;
    for( iter = m_controlList.begin(); iter != m_controlList.end(); ++iter )
        CtrlGeneric *pCtrl = (*iter).m_pControl;
        if( pCtrl->isVisible() )
            pCtrl->draw( *m_pImage, x, y, width, height );

    // Refresh the associated window
    TopWindow *pWindow = getWindow();
    if( pWindow )
        // first apply new shape to the window
        pWindow->invalidateRect( x, y, width, height );
Пример #3
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtMotion &rEvtMotion )
    // New control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl =
        findHitControl( rEvtMotion.getXPos() - getLeft(),
                        rEvtMotion.getYPos() - getTop() );

    setLastHit( pNewHitControl );

    /// Update the help text
    VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
    if( pNewHitControl )
        pVarManager->getHelpText().set( pNewHitControl->getHelpText() );

    // Send a motion event to the hit control, or to the control
    // that captured the mouse, if any
    CtrlGeneric *pActiveControl = pNewHitControl;
    if( m_pCapturingControl )
        pActiveControl = m_pCapturingControl;
    if( pActiveControl )
        // Compute the coordinates relative to the window
        int xPos = rEvtMotion.getXPos() - getLeft();
        int yPos = rEvtMotion.getYPos() - getTop();
        // Send a motion event
        EvtMotion evt( getIntf(), xPos, yPos );
        pActiveControl->handleEvent( evt );
Пример #4
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtScroll &rEvtScroll )
    // Raise the windows

    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl = findHitControl( rEvtScroll.getXPos(),
    setLastHit( pNewHitControl );

    // send a mouse event to the right control when scrollable
    // if none, send it directly to the vlc core
    CtrlGeneric *pHitControl = m_pCapturingControl ?
                               m_pCapturingControl : pNewHitControl;

    if( pHitControl && pHitControl->isScrollable() )
        pHitControl->handleEvent( rEvtScroll );
        // Treat the scroll event as a hotkey plus current modifiers
        int i = (rEvtScroll.getDirection() == EvtScroll::kUp ?
                 KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP : KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN) | m_currModifier;

        var_SetInteger( getIntf()->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", i );
Пример #5
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtScroll &rEvtScroll )
    // Raise the windows

    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl = findHitControl( rEvtScroll.getXPos(),
    setLastHit( pNewHitControl );

    // Send a mouse event to the hit control, or to the control
    // that captured the mouse, if any
    CtrlGeneric *pActiveControl = pNewHitControl;

    if( m_pCapturingControl )
        pActiveControl = m_pCapturingControl;
    if( pActiveControl )
        pActiveControl->handleEvent( rEvtScroll );
        // Treat the scroll event as a hotkey plus current modifiers
        int i = (rEvtScroll.getDirection() == EvtScroll::kUp ?
                 KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP : KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN) | m_currModifier;

        var_SetInteger( getIntf()->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", i );
Пример #6
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtMouse &rEvtMouse )
    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl = findHitControl( rEvtMouse.getXPos(),
                                                  rEvtMouse.getYPos() );
    setLastHit( pNewHitControl );

    // Change the focused control
    if( rEvtMouse.getAction() == EvtMouse::kDown )
        // Raise the window
        m_rWindowManager.raise( *this );

        if( pNewHitControl && pNewHitControl->isFocusable() )
            // If a new control gains the focus, the previous one loses it
            if( m_pFocusControl && m_pFocusControl != pNewHitControl )
                EvtFocus evt( getIntf(), false );
                m_pFocusControl->handleEvent( evt );
            if( pNewHitControl != m_pFocusControl )
                m_pFocusControl = pNewHitControl;
                EvtFocus evt( getIntf(), false );
                pNewHitControl->handleEvent( evt );
        else if( m_pFocusControl )
            // The previous control loses the focus
            EvtFocus evt( getIntf(), false );
            m_pFocusControl->handleEvent( evt );
            m_pFocusControl = NULL;

    // Send a mouse event to the hit control, or to the control
    // that captured the mouse, if any
    CtrlGeneric *pActiveControl = pNewHitControl;
    if( m_pCapturingControl )
        pActiveControl = m_pCapturingControl;
    if( pActiveControl )
        pActiveControl->handleEvent( rEvtMouse );
Пример #7
    delete m_pImage;

    std::list<Anchor*>::const_iterator it;
    for( it = m_anchorList.begin(); it != m_anchorList.end(); ++it )
        delete *it;

    std::list<LayeredControl>::const_iterator iter;
    for( iter = m_controlList.begin(); iter != m_controlList.end(); ++iter )
        CtrlGeneric *pCtrl = (*iter).m_pControl;

Пример #8
void TopWindow::onTooltipChange( const CtrlGeneric &rCtrl )
    // Check that the control is the active one
    if( m_pLastHitControl && m_pLastHitControl == &rCtrl )
        // Set the tooltip text variable
        VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
        pVarManager->getTooltipText().set( rCtrl.getTooltipText() );
Пример #9
void TopWindow::onTooltipChange( const CtrlGeneric &rCtrl )
    // Check that the control is the active one
    if( m_pLastHitControl && m_pLastHitControl == &rCtrl )
        if( rCtrl.getTooltipText().size() )
            // Set the tooltip text variable
            VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
            pVarManager->getTooltipText().set( rCtrl.getTooltipText() );
            // Nothing to display, so hide the tooltip
Пример #10
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtScroll &rEvtScroll )
    // Raise the windows

    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl = findHitControl( rEvtScroll.getXPos(),
    setLastHit( pNewHitControl );

    // Send a mouse event to the hit control, or to the control
    // that captured the mouse, if any
    CtrlGeneric *pActiveControl = pNewHitControl;

    if( m_pCapturingControl )
        pActiveControl = m_pCapturingControl;
    if( pActiveControl )
        pActiveControl->handleEvent( rEvtScroll );
        // Treat the scroll event as a hotkey
        vlc_value_t val;
        if( rEvtScroll.getDirection() == EvtScroll::kUp )
            val.i_int = KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP;
            val.i_int = KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN;
        // Add the modifiers
        val.i_int |= m_currModifier;

        var_Set( getIntf()->p_vlc, "key-pressed", val );
Пример #11
void TopWindow::processEvent( EvtDragDrop &rEvtDragDrop )
    // Get the control hit by the mouse
    int xPos = rEvtDragDrop.getXPos() - getLeft();
    int yPos = rEvtDragDrop.getYPos() - getTop();

    CtrlGeneric *pHitControl = findHitControl( xPos, yPos );
    if( pHitControl && pHitControl->getType() == "tree" )
        // Send a dragDrop event
        EvtDragDrop evt( getIntf(), xPos, yPos, rEvtDragDrop.getFiles() );
        pHitControl->handleEvent( evt );
        input_thread_t *pInput = getIntf()->p_sys->p_input;
        bool is_subtitle = false;
        list<string> files = rEvtDragDrop.getFiles();
        if( files.size() == 1 && pInput != NULL )
            list<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
            char* psz_file = make_path( it->c_str() );
            if( psz_file )
                is_subtitle = !input_AddSubtitleOSD( pInput, psz_file, true, true );
                free( psz_file );
        if( !is_subtitle )
            list<string>::const_iterator it = files.begin();
            for( bool first = true; it != files.end(); ++it, first = false )
                bool playOnDrop = m_playOnDrop && first;
                CmdAddItem( getIntf(), it->c_str(), playOnDrop ).execute();
    m_pDragControl = NULL;
Пример #12
void GenericLayout::onControlUpdate( const CtrlGeneric &rCtrl,
                                     int width, int height,
                                     int xOffSet, int yOffSet )
    // The size is not valid, refresh the whole layout
    if( width <= 0 || height <= 0 )

    const Position *pPos = rCtrl.getPosition();
    if( pPos )
        refreshRect( pPos->getLeft() + xOffSet,
                     pPos->getTop() + yOffSet,
                     width, height );
Пример #13
void GenericLayout::onControlUpdate( const CtrlGeneric &rCtrl,
                                     int width, int height,
                                     int xOffSet, int yOffSet )
    // Do nothing if the layout or control is hidden
    if( !m_visible )

    const Position *pPos = rCtrl.getPosition();
    if( width > 0 && height > 0 )
        // make sure region is within the layout
        rect region( pPos->getLeft() + xOffSet,
                     pPos->getTop() + yOffSet,
                     width, height );
        rect layout( 0, 0, m_rect.getWidth(), m_rect.getHeight() );
        rect inter;
        if( rect::intersect( layout, region, &inter ) )
            refreshRect( inter.x, inter.y, inter.width, inter.height );
Пример #14
CtrlGeneric *TopWindow::findHitControl( int xPos, int yPos )
    if( m_pActiveLayout == NULL )
        return NULL;

    // Get the controls in the active layout
    const list<LayeredControl> &ctrlList = m_pActiveLayout->getControlList();
    list<LayeredControl>::const_reverse_iterator iter;

    // New control hit by the mouse
    CtrlGeneric *pNewHitControl = NULL;

    // Loop on the control list to find the uppest hit control
    for( iter = ctrlList.rbegin(); iter != ctrlList.rend(); iter++ )
        // Get the position of the control in the layout
        const Position *pos = (*iter).m_pControl->getPosition();
        if( pos != NULL )
            // Compute the coordinates of the mouse relative to the control
            int xRel = xPos - pos->getLeft();
            int yRel = yPos - pos->getTop();

            CtrlGeneric *pCtrl = (*iter).m_pControl;
            // Control hit ?
            if( pCtrl->isVisible() && pCtrl->mouseOver( xRel, yRel ) )
                pNewHitControl = (*iter).m_pControl;
            msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "Control at NULL position" );

    // If the hit control has just been entered, send it an enter event
    if( pNewHitControl && (pNewHitControl != m_pLastHitControl) )
        // Don't send the event if another control captured the mouse
        if( !m_pCapturingControl || (m_pCapturingControl == pNewHitControl ) )
            EvtEnter evt( getIntf() );
            pNewHitControl->handleEvent( evt );

            if( !m_pCapturingControl )
                // Show the tooltip
                UString tipText = pNewHitControl->getTooltipText();
                if( tipText.length() > 0 )
                    // Set the tooltip text variable
                    VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
                    pVarManager->getTooltipText().set( tipText );

    return pNewHitControl;
Пример #15
void TopWindow::forwardEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvt, CtrlGeneric &rCtrl )
    // XXX: We should do some checks here
    rCtrl.handleEvent( rEvt );
Пример #16
void GenericLayout::refreshRect( int x, int y, int width, int height )
    // Do nothing if the layout is hidden
    if( !m_visible )

    // Draw all the controls of the layout
    list<LayeredControl>::const_iterator iter;
    list<LayeredControl>::const_iterator iterVideo = m_controlList.end();
    for( iter = m_controlList.begin(); iter != m_controlList.end(); iter++ )
        CtrlGeneric *pCtrl = (*iter).m_pControl;
        const Position *pPos = pCtrl->getPosition();
        if( pPos && pCtrl->isVisible() )
            pCtrl->draw( *m_pImage, pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop() );

    // Refresh the associated window
    TopWindow *pWindow = getWindow();
    if( pWindow )
        // Check boundaries
        if( x < 0 )
            x = 0;
        if( y < 0)
            y = 0;
        if( x + width > m_width )
            width = m_width - x;
        if( y + height > m_height )
            height = m_height - y;

        // Refresh the window... but do not paint on a visible video control!
        if( !m_pVideoControl || !m_pVideoControl->isVisible() )
            // No video control, we can safely repaint the rectangle
            pWindow->refresh( x, y, width, height );
            // Bad luck, there is a video control somewhere (not necessarily
            // in the repainting zone, btw).
            // We will divide the repainting into 4 regions (top, left, bottom
            // and right). The overlapping parts (i.e. the corners) of these
            // regions will be painted twice, because otherwise the algorithm
            // becomes a real mess :)

            // Use short variable names for convenience
            int xx = m_pVideoControl->getPosition()->getLeft();
            int yy = m_pVideoControl->getPosition()->getTop();
            int ww = m_pVideoControl->getPosition()->getWidth();
            int hh = m_pVideoControl->getPosition()->getHeight();

            // Top part:
            if( y < yy )
                pWindow->refresh( x, y, width, yy - y );
            // Left part:
            if( x < xx )
                pWindow->refresh( x, y, xx - x, height );
            // Bottom part
            if( y + height > yy + hh )
                pWindow->refresh( x, yy + hh, width, y + height - (yy + hh) );
            // Right part
            if( x + width > xx + ww )
                pWindow->refresh( xx + ww, y, x + width - (xx + ww), height );