std::vector<ON_NurbsCurve> completionSolver::smoothFinalTrajectory( std::vector<ON_NurbsCurve> finalNurbs ) {

	// get control points
	std::vector<std::vector<Point3f>> ctrlPointss ;
	for( int id=0; id<finalNurbs.size(); ++id )
		ctrlPointss.push_back( ReconstructorUtility::convert2dProfileTo3d( ReconstructorUtility::getCvPts(finalNurbs[id]) , cutplanes[ id ], centers[ id ] )) ;

	for( int cvi=0; cvi<ReconstructorPara::cvNum; ++cvi ){

		Curve3D traj ;
		for( int i=0; i<ctrlPointss.size(); ++i )
			traj.push_back( ctrlPointss[i][cvi] ) ;

		Curve3D bspline, bezier;

		//if( completionSolverPara::smoothTrajactory  )
		//	ReconstructorUtility::getBezier(traj,bspline,1000) ;
		//	ReconstructorUtility::getUniformCubicBSpline( traj, bspline, 1000 ) ;

		if( completionSolverPara::smoothTrajactory  )
			ReconstructorUtility::getNurbs(traj,bspline, 1000, completionSolverPara::trajectoryNurbsDegree ) ;
			ReconstructorUtility::getUniformCubicBSpline( traj, bspline, 1000 ) ;
			//bspline = traj ;

		std::vector<std::vector<int>> nstId ;
		ReconstructorUtility::computeFlannKNN( bspline, traj, nstId, 1) ;

		for( int i=0; i<traj.size(); ++i )
			ctrlPointss[i][cvi] = traj[i] = bspline[ nstId[i][0] ] ;


	for( int id=0; id<finalNurbs.size(); ++id )
		ReconstructorUtility::setCvOfNurbs(finalNurbs[id],  ReconstructorUtility::convert3dProfileTo2d( ctrlPointss[id] , cutplanes[ id ], centers[ id ] )) ;

	return finalNurbs ;
Пример #2
bool sweeper::generateSetting(){
	std::cout<< "sweeper::generateSetting" <<std::endl;

	// find associated impSkel branches
	std::vector<Curve2D>  impSkel_w2d ;
	for( int i=0; i<impSkel.size(); ++i )
		impSkel_w2d.push_back( ReconstructorUtility::project3dPointsOntoScreen(impSkel[i]) );
	Curve2D stroke_w2d = ReconstructorUtility::convertScreen2dToWorld2d( strokes.back() ) ;

	std::vector<Point2f> skeletalPts_w2d ;   // by find nearest skeletal point
	std::vector<int2> idLable ;
	for( int i=0; i<impSkel_w2d.size(); ++i  )
		for( int j=0; j<impSkel_w2d[i].size() ; ++ j){
			skeletalPts_w2d.push_back( impSkel_w2d[i][j] ) ;
			idLable.push_back( int2(i,j) ) ;

	std::vector<int> asscoBrchId ;
	std::vector<std::vector<int>> nsts ;
	ReconstructorUtility::computeFlannKNN(skeletalPts_w2d, stroke_w2d, nsts,1 ) ; 
	for( int i=0; i<stroke_w2d.size(); ++i ){
		int2 BNid = idLable[nsts[i][0]] ;
		if( BNid[1] > impSkel[BNid[0]].size()/5 && BNid[1] < impSkel[BNid[0]].size()*4/5  )
			asscoBrchId.push_back( BNid[0] ) ;
	for( int i=0; i<asscoBrchId.size(); ++i ){
		for( int j=i+1; j<asscoBrchId.size(); ++j )
			if( asscoBrchId[i]==asscoBrchId[j]){ asscoBrchId.erase(asscoBrchId.begin()+j); j--; }

	if( asscoBrchId.size() == 0 )
		return false;

	// fit a bezier curve as the new branch
	Curve3D ctrpts = impSkel[asscoBrchId[0]];

	if( asscoBrchId.size() > 1  ){  // determin direction of first branch

		Curve3D &b0 = impSkel[asscoBrchId[0]] ;
		Curve3D &b1 = impSkel[asscoBrchId[1]] ;

		double d0 = std::min( (b1[0] - b0[0]).Norm() ,  (b1.back() - b0[0] ).Norm() );
		double d1 = std::min( (b1[0] - b0.back()).Norm() ,  (b1.back() - b0.back()).Norm() );

		if( d0 < d1 ){
			ctrpts.clear() ;
			for( int id=b0.size()-1; id>=0; --id )
				ctrpts.push_back(b0[id] ) ;

			ctrpts.clear() ;
			for( int id=0; id<b0.size(); ++id )
				ctrpts.push_back(b0[id] ) ;

	for( int i=1; i<asscoBrchId.size(); ++i ){ // determine direction of the rest branch

		Curve3D &bi = impSkel[asscoBrchId[i]] ;

		if( (bi[0] - ctrpts.back()).Norm() <  (bi.back() - ctrpts.back()).Norm() )
			for( int id=0; id<bi.size(); ++id )
				ctrpts.push_back(bi[id] ) ;
			for( int id=bi.size()-1; id>=0; --id )
				ctrpts.push_back(bi[id] ) ;


	Curve3D branch;
	//ReconstructorUtility::getBezier(ctrpts, branch, ctrpts.size() ) ;
	ReconstructorUtility::getNurbs(ctrpts, branch,100,20 ) ;

	if( branches.size() == strokes.size() )
		branches.back() = branch ;
		branches.push_back( branch ) ;

	// detect loop
	bool isLoop ;
	int n=branch.size() ;
	if( (branch[0] - branch.back()).Norm() < 0.05  && (branch[0] - branch[1] ) *(branch[n-1] - branch[n-2] ) < 0  ){
		isLoop = true ;
		std::cout << "skeleton is loop " <<std::endl;
		ReconstructorUtility::getPeriodicNurbs(branch, branch, 100,20 ) ;
		isLoop = false ;
		std::cout << "skeleton is not loop " <<std::endl;

	// ------------------ prepare the settings --------------
	std::vector<Point3f> subpts ;
	std::vector<int> subptsMapId;  //added by huajie,2014/8/19
	ptsSelected = std::vector<bool>(points.size(), false) ;
	for( int i=0; i<segLable.size(); ++i ){
		bool found = false ;
		for( int j=0; j<asscoBrchId.size(); ++j ) 
			if( asscoBrchId[j] == segLable[i] )
				found = true ;

		if( found ){
			subpts.push_back(points[i]) ;
			ptsSelected[i] = true ;
	ongoingSkel = skelpath( std::vector<Curve3D>(1,branch),false ) ;
	//  [8/14/2014 Cao]
	ongoingSkel.brch0IsLoop = isLoop ;
	ongoingSkel.intialSegment( subpts ) ;
	ongoingSkel.calculateCutplanes() ;
	ongoingSkel.calculateProfiles() ;
	std::vector<Point3f> subpointsmp=subpts;
	if(subpts.size() == subpointsmp.size()){
		cout<<"not add in fact!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
		cout<<subpts.size()-subpointsmp.size()<<"  Points added!"<<endl;
		cout<<points.size()<<" points at all!"<<endl;

	ongoingSkel.brch0IsLoop = isLoop ;

	ongoingSkel.intialSegment( subpts) ;

	ongoingSkel.calculateCutplanes() ;
	ongoingSkel.calculateProfiles() ;

	//delete by huajie
	//if( !ReconstructorUtility::isTip(ongoingSkel, ctrpts[0]) || ReconstructorUtility::isMidNode(impSkel, ctrpts[0]) ){
	//	ongoingSkel.removeTips( strokes.back()[0] ) ;  
	//	std::cout << "first end is not tip" <<std::endl;
	//if( !ReconstructorUtility::isTip(ongoingSkel, ctrpts.back()) || ReconstructorUtility::isMidNode(impSkel, ctrpts.back()) ){
	//	ongoingSkel.removeTips( strokes.back().back() ) ;
	//	std::cout << "last end is not tip" <<std::endl;

	if( !isLoop )
		ongoingSkel.snapTips(points, normals);

	ongoingSkel.intialSegment( subpts ) ;

	ongoingSkel.calculateCutplanes() ;
	ongoingSkel.calculateProfiles() ;
	ongoingSkel.initAfterClaculateProfiles() ;

	return true ;
