void MaxAWDExporter::ExportUserAttributes(Animatable *obj, AWDAttrElement *elem) { if (!opts->ExportAttributes()) return; ICustAttribContainer *attributes = obj->GetCustAttribContainer(); if (attributes) { int a=0; int numAttribs=0; numAttribs = attributes->GetNumCustAttribs(); for (a=0; a<numAttribs; a++) { int k=0; CustAttrib *attr = attributes->GetCustAttrib(a); for (k=0; k<attr->NumParamBlocks(); k++) { int p=0; IParamBlock2 *block = attr->GetParamBlock(k); if (block!=NULL){ char * blockName_ptr=W2A(block->GetLocalName()); if (ATTREQ(blockName_ptr,"AWDObjectSettingsParams") ){ } // the next three should not occur yet, as we do not read Custom-properties on materials yet else if (ATTREQ(blockName_ptr,"AWD_MaterialSettingsparams") ){ } else if (ATTREQ(blockName_ptr,"AWD_EffectMethodsparams") ){ } else if (ATTREQ(blockName_ptr,"AWDShadingParams") ){ } else{ for (p=0; p<block->NumParams(); p++) { ParamID pid = block->IndextoID(p); Color col; AColor acol; Interval valid = FOREVER; awd_uint16 len = 0; AWD_field_type type = AWD_FIELD_FLOAT32; AWD_field_ptr ptr; ptr.v = NULL; switch (block->GetParameterType(pid)) { case TYPE_ANGLE: case TYPE_PCNT_FRAC: case TYPE_WORLD: case TYPE_FLOAT: type = AWD_FIELD_FLOAT64; len = sizeof(awd_float64); ptr.v = malloc(len); *ptr.f64 = block->GetFloat(pid); break; case TYPE_TIMEVALUE: case TYPE_INT: type = AWD_FIELD_INT32; len = sizeof(awd_int32); ptr.v = malloc(len); *ptr.i32 = block->GetInt(pid); break; case TYPE_BOOL: type = AWD_FIELD_BOOL; len = sizeof(awd_bool); ptr.v = malloc(len); *ptr.b = (0 != block->GetInt(pid)); break; case TYPE_FILENAME: case TYPE_STRING: type = AWD_FIELD_STRING; ptr.str = (char*)block->GetStr(pid); len = strlen(ptr.str); break; case TYPE_RGBA: type = AWD_FIELD_COLOR; len = sizeof(awd_color); col = block->GetColor(pid); ptr.v = malloc(len); *ptr.col = awdutil_float_color(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.0); break; case TYPE_FRGBA: type = AWD_FIELD_COLOR; len = sizeof(awd_color); acol = block->GetAColor(pid); ptr.v = malloc(len); *ptr.col = awdutil_float_color(acol.r, acol.g, acol.b, acol.a); break; } if (ptr.v != NULL) { ParamDef def = block->GetParamDef(pid); if (ns == NULL) { // Namespace has not yet been created; ns is a class // variable that will be created only once and then // reused for all user attributes. char * ns_ptr=opts->AttributeNamespace();//dont free, as this will get freed in the opts delete ns = new AWDNamespace(ns_ptr, strlen(ns_ptr)); awd->add_namespace(ns); } char * thisName=W2A(def.int_name); elem->set_attr(ns, thisName, strlen(thisName)+1, ptr, len, type); free(thisName); } } } free(blockName_ptr); } } } } }
CustomAttributes_struct MaxAWDExporter::GetCustomAWDObjectSettings(IDerivedObject * node_der,Animatable *obj) { CustomAttributes_struct returnData; returnData.export_this=true; returnData.export_this_children=true; if(node_der!=NULL){ int nMods = node_der->NumModifiers(); for (int m = 0; m<nMods; m++){ Modifier* node_mod = node_der->GetModifier(m); if (node_mod->IsEnabled()){ MSTR className; node_mod->GetClassName(className); char * className_ptr=W2A(className); if (ATTREQ(className_ptr,"AWDObjectSettings")){ IParamBlock2* pb = GetParamBlock2ByIndex((ReferenceMaker*)node_mod, 0); if(pb!=NULL){ int numBlockparams=pb->NumParams(); int p=0; for (p=0; p<numBlockparams; p++) { ParamID pid = pb->IndextoID(p); ParamDef def = pb->GetParamDef(pid); ParamType2 paramtype = pb->GetParameterType(pid); char * paramName_ptr=W2A(def.int_name); if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "thisAWDID")){ //if (paramtype==TYPE_STRING) // skeletonMod_ptr=W2A(pb->GetStr(pid)); } if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "Export")){ if (paramtype==TYPE_BOOL) returnData.export_this=(0 != pb->GetInt(pid)); } if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "ExportChildren")){ if (paramtype==TYPE_BOOL) returnData.export_this_children=(0 != pb->GetInt(pid)); } } } free (className_ptr); return returnData; } free (className_ptr); } } Object * thisOBJ=(Object *)node_der->GetObjRef(); if(thisOBJ!=NULL){ if((thisOBJ->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) || (thisOBJ->SuperClassID() == WSM_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) || (thisOBJ->SuperClassID() == DERIVOB_CLASS_ID )){ IDerivedObject* thisDerObj=( IDerivedObject* ) thisOBJ; if(thisDerObj!=NULL){ int nMods = thisDerObj->NumModifiers(); for (int m = 0; m<nMods; m++){ Modifier* node_mod = thisDerObj->GetModifier(m); if (node_mod->IsEnabled()){ MSTR className; node_mod->GetClassName(className); char * className_ptr=W2A(className); if (ATTREQ(className_ptr,"AWDObjectSettings")){ IParamBlock2* pb = GetParamBlock2ByIndex((ReferenceMaker*)node_mod, 0); if(pb!=NULL){ int numBlockparams=pb->NumParams(); int p=0; for (p=0; p<numBlockparams; p++) { ParamID pid = pb->IndextoID(p); ParamDef def = pb->GetParamDef(pid); ParamType2 paramtype = pb->GetParameterType(pid); char * paramName_ptr=W2A(def.int_name); if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "thisAWDID")){ //if (paramtype==TYPE_STRING) // skeletonMod_ptr=W2A(pb->GetStr(pid)); } if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "export")){ if (paramtype==TYPE_BOOL) returnData.export_this=(0 != pb->GetInt(pid)); } if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr, "exportChildren")){ if (paramtype==TYPE_BOOL) returnData.export_this_children=(0 != pb->GetInt(pid)); } } } free (className_ptr); return returnData; } free (className_ptr); } } } } } } while(obj->SuperClassID() != BASENODE_CLASS_ID) { if (obj->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) { IDerivedObject *dobj = (IDerivedObject *)obj; obj = dobj->GetObjRef(); // Get next object down mod-stack. } else { break; // Failed. } } ICustAttribContainer *attributes = obj->GetCustAttribContainer(); if (attributes) { int a=0; int numAttribs=0; numAttribs = attributes->GetNumCustAttribs(); for (a=0; a<numAttribs; a++) { int p=0; int t=0; CustAttrib *attr = attributes->GetCustAttrib(a); for (t=0; t<attr->NumParamBlocks(); t++) { IParamBlock2 *block = attr->GetParamBlock(t); char * localName_ptr=W2A(block->GetLocalName()); if (ATTREQ(localName_ptr,"AWD_Export") ){ for (p=0; p<block->NumParams(); p++) { ParamID pid = block->IndextoID(p); ParamDef def = block->GetParamDef(pid); char * paramName_ptr=W2A(def.int_name); if (block->GetParameterType(pid)==TYPE_BOOL){ if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr,"Export") ) returnData.export_this= (0 != block->GetInt(pid)); else if (ATTREQ(paramName_ptr,"ExportChildren") ) returnData.export_this_children= (0 != block->GetInt(pid)); } free(paramName_ptr); } } free(localName_ptr); } } } return returnData; }