bool CxImageIG::decodeSubLayer (CxFile& file, IGLibrary::IGLayer *pSubLayerOwner, IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSection) { CxImage cxSubLayer; if (!file.Seek (pLayerSection->commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "file.Seek failed"); // read sub-layer pixels BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); if (!cxSubLayer.Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "cxSubLayer.Decode failed"); delete [] pBufImg; // read sub-layer alpha cxSubLayer.AlphaCreate (255); file.Read (cxSubLayer.pAlpha, cxSubLayer.GetWidth() * cxSubLayer.GetHeight(), 1); // decode sub-layer into layer BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSection->ptSize.y; i++) { pSubLayerBits = cxSubLayer.GetBits (i); pLayerBits = pSubLayerOwner->GetBits (pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i) + 3 * pLayerSection->ptOffset.x; ::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x) * 3); } BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < (pLayerSection->ptSize.y); i++) { pLayerAlpha = pSubLayerOwner->AlphaGetPointer (pLayerSection->ptOffset.x, pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i); pSubLayerAlpha = cxSubLayer.AlphaGetPointer (0, i); ::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x)); } return true; }
BOOL CSonicImage::Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize) { if(m_gif.LoadGif(hGlobal, dwSize) == 1) { if(PrepareMemDC(m_gif.GetWidth(), m_gif.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { m_gif.Clear(); return FALSE; } m_gif.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); } else { BYTE * pData = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hGlobal); CxImage img; img.Decode(pData, dwSize, 0); GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); if(PrepareMemDC(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) == FALSE) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } if(!img.AlphaIsValid()) { img.Draw(m_Dib.GetSafeHdc()); CSSE::DoOr(0xff000000, m_Dib.GetBits(), m_Dib.GetSize()); } else { if(img.GetBpp() != 24) { img.Clear(); return FALSE; } BYTE * pSrc = img.GetBits(); BYTE * pAlpha = img.AlphaGetBits(); BYTE * pMyBits = m_Dib.GetBits(); int nLineTail = m_nWidth % 4; for(int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; j++) { *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pSrc++; *pMyBits++ = *pAlpha++; } pSrc += nLineTail; } EnableAlphaChannel(); } img.Clear(); } return TRUE; }
bool CxImageIG::DecodeLayer (CxFile &file, int nLayerIdx, int nLayerPos, RECT *p_rcSubLayer, bool bUndo, int nSubLayerId) { // read current header IGHEADER igHeader; if (!decodeHeader (&file, &igHeader)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeHeader failed"); if (nLayerIdx < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerIdx failed"); if ((nLayerPos < 0) || (nLayerPos >= info.nNumLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerPos failed"); IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER [CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS]; IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION *pSelectionSections = new IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION [CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS]; if (!decodeSections (&file, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSections failed"); IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer = GetLayer (nLayerPos); if (!pLayer) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "GetLayer failed"); CxImage cxSubLayer; CxImage *pDecodingLayer = p_rcSubLayer ? &cxSubLayer : pLayer; bool bIsSubLayerOwner = bUndo && p_rcSubLayer; // no need to find sub-layer owner in do mode int nLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner); if ((nLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); // in undo mode, if a sub-layer owner is found, decode it if (bUndo){ if (bIsSubLayerOwner) { // decode sub-layer owner if (!DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "DecodeLayer failed"); // decode sub-layers int nSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner); if ((nSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nSubLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); RECT rcSubLayer; rcSubLayer.left = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x; rcSubLayer.right = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.x - 1; = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y; rcSubLayer.bottom = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.y - 1; return DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos, &rcSubLayer, true, nLayerIdx); } } if (!file.Seek (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "file.Seek failed"); // read layer pixels BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf]; file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1); if (!pDecodingLayer->Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT)) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "pDecodingLayer->Decode failed"); delete [] pBufImg; // read layer alpha pDecodingLayer->AlphaCreate (255); file.Read (pDecodingLayer->pAlpha, pDecodingLayer->GetWidth() * pDecodingLayer->GetHeight(), 1); int nSubLayerWidth = 0; int nSubLayerHeight = 0; if (p_rcSubLayer) { // decode sub-layer nSubLayerWidth = p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1; nSubLayerHeight = p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1; BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { // if undo, then sub-layer == original layer pSubLayerBits = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left : pDecodingLayer->GetBits (i); pLayerBits = pLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left; ::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, nSubLayerWidth * 3); } BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL; BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++) { pLayerAlpha = pLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i); pSubLayerAlpha = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i) : pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (0, i); ::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, nSubLayerWidth); } if (bUndo) { // original layer is now decoded. decode sub-layers bIsSubLayerOwner = false; int nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nSubLayerId, bIsSubLayerOwner); // we always have bIsSubLayerOwner = false, its used for the reference only if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed"); if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex <= igHeader.nNbLayers) { for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers; i++) { if (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i] <= nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex) { if (!decodeSubLayer (file, pLayer, &pLayerSections [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i]])) throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSubLayer failed"); } } } } } else { pLayer->info.xOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x; pLayer->info.yOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y; } pLayer->SetId (nLayerIdx); pLayer->UpdateImageParameters(); delete [] pLayerSections; delete [] pSelectionSections; return true; }
UINT CFrameGrabThread::GrabFrames(){ #define TIMEBETWEENFRAMES 50.0 // could be a param later, if needed for (int i = 0; i!= nFramesToGrab; i++) imgResults[i] = NULL; try{ HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMediaDet> pDet; hr = pDet.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MediaDet)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return 0; // Convert the file name to a BSTR. CComBSTR bstrFilename(strFileName); hr = pDet->put_Filename(bstrFilename); long lStreams; bool bFound = false; hr = pDet->get_OutputStreams(&lStreams); for (long i = 0; i < lStreams; i++) { GUID major_type; hr = pDet->put_CurrentStream(i); hr = pDet->get_StreamType(&major_type); if (major_type == MEDIATYPE_Video) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) return 0; double dLength = 0; pDet->get_StreamLength(&dLength); if (dStartTime > dLength) dStartTime = 0; long width = 0, height = 0; AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; hr = pDet->get_StreamMediaType(&mt); if (mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)(mt.pbFormat); width = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth; height = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight; // We want the absolute height, don't care about orientation. if (height < 0) height *= -1; } else { return 0; // Should not happen, in theory. } /*FreeMediaType(mt); = */ if (mt.cbFormat != 0){ CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)mt.pbFormat); mt.cbFormat = 0; mt.pbFormat = NULL; } if (mt.pUnk != NULL){ mt.pUnk->Release(); mt.pUnk = NULL; } /**/ long size; uint32 nFramesGrabbed; for (nFramesGrabbed = 0; nFramesGrabbed != nFramesToGrab; nFramesGrabbed++){ hr = pDet->GetBitmapBits(dStartTime + (nFramesGrabbed*TIMEBETWEENFRAMES), &size, NULL, width, height); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // we could also directly create a Bitmap in memory, however this caused problems/failed with *some* movie files // when I tried it for the MMPreview, while this method works always - so I'll continue to use this one long nFullBufferLen = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + size; char* buffer = new char[nFullBufferLen]; BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; memset( &bfh, 0, sizeof( bfh ) ); bfh.bfType = 'MB'; bfh.bfSize = nFullBufferLen; bfh.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ); memcpy(buffer,&bfh,sizeof( bfh ) ); try { hr = pDet->GetBitmapBits(dStartTime+ (nFramesGrabbed*TIMEBETWEENFRAMES), NULL, buffer + sizeof( bfh ), width, height); } catch (...) { ASSERT(0); hr = E_FAIL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // decode CxImage* imgResult = new CxImage(); imgResult->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, nFullBufferLen, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); delete[] buffer; if (!imgResult->IsValid()){ delete imgResult; break; } // resize if needed if (nMaxWidth > 0 && nMaxWidth < width){ float scale = (float)nMaxWidth / imgResult->GetWidth(); int nMaxHeigth = (int)(imgResult->GetHeight() * scale); imgResult->Resample(nMaxWidth, nMaxHeigth, 0); } // decrease bpp if needed if (bReduceColor){ RGBQUAD* ppal=(RGBQUAD*)malloc(256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if (ppal) { CQuantizer q(256,8); q.ProcessImage(imgResult->GetDIB()); q.SetColorTable(ppal); imgResult->DecreaseBpp(8, true, ppal); free(ppal); } } //CString TestName; //TestName.Format("G:\\testframe%i.png",nFramesGrabbed); //imgResult->Save(TestName,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); // done imgResults[nFramesGrabbed] = imgResult; } else{ delete[] buffer; break; } } } return nFramesGrabbed; } catch(...){ ASSERT(0); return 0; } }
bool CxImageICO::Decode(CxFile *hFile) { if (hFile==NULL) return false; DWORD off = hFile->Tell(); //<yuandi> int page=info.nFrame; //internal icon structure indexes // read the first part of the header ICONHEADER icon_header; hFile->Read(&icon_header,sizeof(ICONHEADER),1); icon_header.idType = my_ntohs(icon_header.idType); icon_header.idCount = my_ntohs(icon_header.idCount); // check if it's an icon or a cursor if ((icon_header.idReserved == 0) && ((icon_header.idType == 1)||(icon_header.idType == 2))) { info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; // load the icon descriptions ICONDIRENTRY *icon_list = (ICONDIRENTRY *)malloc(icon_header.idCount * sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)); int c; for (c = 0; c < icon_header.idCount; c++) { hFile->Read(icon_list + c, sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), 1); icon_list[c].wPlanes = my_ntohs(icon_list[c].wPlanes); icon_list[c].wBitCount = my_ntohs(icon_list[c].wBitCount); icon_list[c].dwBytesInRes = my_ntohl(icon_list[c].dwBytesInRes); icon_list[c].dwImageOffset = my_ntohl(icon_list[c].dwImageOffset); } if ((page>=0)&&(page<icon_header.idCount)){ if (info.nEscape == -1) { // Return output dimensions only head.biWidth = icon_list[page].bWidth; head.biHeight = icon_list[page].bHeight; #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG if (head.biWidth==0 && head.biHeight==0) { // Vista icon support hFile->Seek(off + icon_list[page].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); CxImage png; png.SetEscape(-1); if (png.Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)){ Transfer(png); info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; } } #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG free(icon_list); info.dwType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO; return true; } // get the bit count for the colors in the icon <CoreyRLucier> BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; hFile->Seek(off + icon_list[page].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); if (icon_list[page].bWidth==0 && icon_list[page].bHeight==0) { // Vista icon support #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG CxImage png; if (png.Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)){ Transfer(png); info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; } SetType(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG } else { // standard icon hFile->Read(&bih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1); bihtoh(&bih); c = bih.biBitCount; // allocate memory for one icon Create(icon_list[page].bWidth,icon_list[page].bHeight, c, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO); //image creation // read the palette RGBQUAD pal[256]; if (bih.biClrUsed) hFile->Read(pal,bih.biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1); else hFile->Read(pal,head.biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1); SetPalette(pal,head.biClrUsed); //palette assign //read the icon if (c<=24){ hFile->Read(info.pImage, head.biSizeImage, 1); } else { // 32 bit icon BYTE* buf=(BYTE*)malloc(4*head.biHeight*head.biWidth); BYTE* src = buf; hFile->Read(buf, 4*head.biHeight*head.biWidth, 1); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA if (!AlphaIsValid()) AlphaCreate(); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA for (long y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++) { BYTE* dst = GetBits(y); for(long x=0;x<head.biWidth;x++){ *dst++=src[0]; *dst++=src[1]; *dst++=src[2]; #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaSet(x,y,src[3]); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA src+=4; } } free(buf); } // apply the AND and XOR masks int maskwdt = ((head.biWidth+31) / 32) * 4; //line width of AND mask (always 1 Bpp) int masksize = head.biHeight * maskwdt; //size of mask BYTE *mask = (BYTE *)malloc(masksize); if (hFile->Read(mask, masksize, 1)){ bool bGoodMask=false; for (int im=0;im<masksize;im++){ if (mask[im]!=255){ bGoodMask=true; break; } } if (bGoodMask && c != 32){ #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA bool bNeedAlpha = false; if (!AlphaIsValid()){ AlphaCreate(); } else { bNeedAlpha=true; //32bit icon } int x,y; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++) { for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++) { if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)]>>(7-x%8))&0x01)){ AlphaSet(x,y,0); bNeedAlpha=true; } } } if (!bNeedAlpha) AlphaDelete(); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA //check if there is only one transparent color RGBQUAD cc,ct; long* pcc = (long*)&cc; long* pct = (long*)&ct; int nTransColors=0; int nTransIndex=0; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)] >> (7-x%8)) & 0x01)){ cc = GetPixelColor(x,y,false); if (nTransColors==0){ nTransIndex = GetPixelIndex(x,y); nTransColors++; ct = cc; } else { if (*pct!=*pcc){ nTransColors++; } } } } } if (nTransColors==1){ SetTransColor(ct); SetTransIndex(nTransIndex); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaDelete(); //because we have a unique transparent color in the image #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA } // <vho> - Transparency support w/o Alpha support if (c <= 8){ // only for icons with less than 256 colors (XP icons need alpha). // find a color index, which is not used in the image // it is almost sure to find one, bcs. nobody uses all possible colors for an icon BYTE colorsUsed[256]; memset(colorsUsed, 0, sizeof(colorsUsed)); for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ colorsUsed[BlindGetPixelIndex(x,y)] = 1; } } int iTransIdx = -1; for (x = (int)(head.biClrUsed-1); x>=0 ; x--){ if (colorsUsed[x] == 0){ iTransIdx = x; // this one is not in use. we may use it as transparent color break; } } // Go thru image and set unused color as transparent index if needed if (iTransIdx >= 0){ bool bNeedTrans = false; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ // AND mask (Each Byte represents 8 Pixels) if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)] >> (7-x%8)) & 0x01)){ // AND mask is set (!=0). This is a transparent part SetPixelIndex(x, y, (BYTE)iTransIdx); bNeedTrans = true; } } } // set transparent index if needed if (bNeedTrans) SetTransIndex(iTransIdx); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaDelete(); //because we have a transparent color in the palette #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA } } } else if(c != 32){
__declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImageFromMemory(const BYTE *buffer, unsigned int size, const char *mime, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info) { if (!buffer || !size || !mime || !info) return false; // load the image DWORD dwImageType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; if (strlen(mime)) dwImageType = GetImageType(mime); if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) dwImageType = DetectFileType(buffer, size); if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to determine image type."); return false; } CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType); if (!image) return false; int actualwidth = maxwidth; int actualheight = maxheight; try { bool success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight); if (!success && dwImageType != CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { // try to decode with unknown imagetype success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); } if (!success || !image->IsValid()) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image. Error:%s\n", image->GetLastError()); delete image; return false; } } catch (...) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image."); delete image; return false; } // ok, now resample the image down if necessary if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0) { printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture\n"); delete image; return false; } // make sure our image is 24bit minimum image->IncreaseBpp(24); // fill in our struct info->width = image->GetWidth(); info->height = image->GetHeight(); info->originalwidth = actualwidth; info->originalheight = actualheight; memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO)); // create our texture info->context = image; info->texture = image->GetBits(); info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits(); return (info->texture != NULL); };
BOOL CResponseParser::SaveAsImage( const wchar_t* lpszPath,const char* lpszContentData, uint32 dwContentSize, DWORD dwType) { CxImage image; bool bRet = false; DWORD dwFileType = CResponseParser::CheckImageFileHeader( (BYTE*)lpszContentData, dwContentSize); if( dwFileType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP ) { bRet = image.Decode( (BYTE*)lpszContentData, dwContentSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); } else if( dwFileType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF) { bRet = image.Decode( (BYTE*)lpszContentData, dwContentSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF); } else if( dwFileType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG ) { bRet = image.Decode( (BYTE*)lpszContentData, dwContentSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); } else if( dwFileType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG) { bRet = image.Decode( (BYTE*)lpszContentData, dwContentSize, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); } if( bRet == true) { if( dwType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP) { return image.SaveW( lpszPath, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); } else if( dwType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF) { return image.SaveW( lpszPath, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF); } else if( dwType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) { return image.SaveW( lpszPath, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); } else if( dwType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG) { return image.SaveW( lpszPath, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG); } else return image.SaveW( lpszPath, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP); } return FALSE; }