bool RamProxyDB::GetJobVerifyProperties(const uint32 jobID, uint32 &ownerID, uint64 &endProductionTime, EVERamRestrictionMask &restrictionMask, EVERamCompletedStatus &status) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT job.ownerID, job.endProductionTime, job.completedStatusID, line.restrictionMask" " FROM ramJobs AS job" " LEFT JOIN ramAssemblyLines AS line ON line.assemblyLineID = job.assemblyLineID" " WHERE job.jobID = %u", jobID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Unable to query completion properties for job %u: %s", jobID, res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "No completion properties found for job %u.", jobID); return false; } ownerID = row.GetUInt(0); endProductionTime = row.GetUInt64(1); status = (EVERamCompletedStatus)row.GetUInt(2); restrictionMask = (EVERamRestrictionMask)row.GetUInt(3); return true; }
bool RamProxyDB::GetRequiredItems(const uint32 typeID, const EVERamActivity activity, std::vector<RequiredItem> &into) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " material.requiredTypeID," " material.quantity," " material.damagePerJob," " IF(materialGroup.categoryID = 16, 1, 0) AS isSkill" " FROM typeActivityMaterials AS material" " LEFT JOIN invTypes AS materialType ON material.requiredTypeID = materialType.typeID" " LEFT JOIN invGroups AS materialGroup ON materialType.groupID = materialGroup.groupID" " WHERE material.typeID = %u" " AND material.activityID = %d" //this is needed as db is quite crappy ... " AND material.quantity > 0", typeID, (const int)activity)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query data to build BillOfMaterials: %s.", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; while(res.GetRow(row)) into.push_back(RequiredItem(row.GetUInt(0), row.GetUInt(1), row.GetFloat(2), row.GetInt(3) ? true : false)); return true; }
bool CorporationDB::GetCurrentApplicationInfo(uint32 charID, uint32 corpID, ApplicationInfo & aInfo) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " status, applicationText, applicationDateTime, roles, grantableRoles, lastCorpUpdaterID, deleted " " FROM chrApplications " " WHERE characterID = %u AND corporationID = %u ", charID, corpID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); aInfo.valid = false; return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "There's no previous application."); aInfo.valid = false; return false; } aInfo.charID = charID; aInfo.corpID = corpID; aInfo.status = row.GetUInt(0); aInfo.appText = row.GetText(1); aInfo.appTime = row.GetUInt64(2); aInfo.role = row.GetUInt64(3); aInfo.grantRole = row.GetUInt64(4); aInfo.lastCID = row.GetUInt(5); aInfo.deleted = row.GetUInt(6); aInfo.valid = true; return true; }
// ////////////////////// DGM_Type_Effects_Table Class //////////////////////////// TypeEffectsList::TypeEffectsList(uint32 typeID) { //first get list of all effects from dgmTypeEffects table for the given typeID DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult(); ModuleDB::GetDgmTypeEffects(typeID, *res); //counter uint32 effectID = 0; uint32 isDefault = 0; uint32 total_effect_count = 0; m_typeEffectsList.clear(); //go through and insert each effectID into the list DBResultRow row; while( res->GetRow(row) ) { effectID = row.GetUInt(0); isDefault = row.IsNull(1) ? 0 : row.GetUInt(1); m_typeEffectsList.insert(std::pair<uint32,uint32>(effectID,isDefault)); total_effect_count++; } //cleanup delete res; res = NULL; }
void DGM_Type_Effects_Table::_Populate() { //first get list of all effects from dgmEffects table DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult(); ModuleDB::GetAllTypeIDs(*res); //counter TypeEffectsList * typeEffectsListPtr; uint32 total_type_count = 0; uint32 error_count = 0; DBResultRow row; while( res->GetRow(row) ) { typeEffectsListPtr = new TypeEffectsList(row.GetUInt(0)); if( typeEffectsListPtr->GetEffectCount() > 0 ) m_TypeEffectsMap.insert(std::pair<uint32, TypeEffectsList *>(row.GetUInt(0),typeEffectsListPtr)); else delete typeEffectsListPtr; total_type_count++; } if( error_count > 0 ) sLog.Error("DGM_Type_Effects_Table::_Populate()","ERROR Populating the DGM_Type_Effects_Table memory object: %u of %u types failed to load!", error_count, total_type_count); sLog.Log("DGM_Type_Effects_Table", "..........%u total type effect objects loaded", total_type_count); //cleanup delete res; res = NULL; }
bool CharacterDB::GetAttributesFromAncestry(uint32 ancestryID, uint8 &intelligence, uint8 &charisma, uint8 &perception, uint8 &memory, uint8 &willpower) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " intelligence, charisma, perception, memory, willpower " " FROM chrAncestries " " WHERE ancestryID = %u ", ancestryID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return (false); } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to find ancestry information for ancestry %u", ancestryID); return false; } intelligence += row.GetUInt(0); charisma += row.GetUInt(1); perception += row.GetUInt(2); memory += row.GetUInt(3); willpower += row.GetUInt(4); return (true); }
bool CharacterDB::GetLocationByStation(uint32 staID, CharacterData &cdata) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT " " stationID, " " solarSystemID, " " constellationID, " " regionID " " FROM staStations" " WHERE stationID = %u", staID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return (false); } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to find station %u", staID); return false; } cdata.stationID = staID; cdata.solarSystemID = row.GetUInt(1); cdata.constellationID = row.GetUInt(2); cdata.regionID = row.GetUInt(3); return (true); }
bool RamProxyDB::GetAssemblyLineVerifyProperties(const uint32 assemblyLineID, uint32 &ownerID, double &minCharSecurity, double &maxCharSecurity, EVERamRestrictionMask &restrictionMask, EVERamActivity &activity) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " ownerID," " minimumCharSecurity," " maximumCharSecurity," " restrictionMask," " activityID" " FROM ramAssemblyLines" " WHERE assemblyLineID = %u", assemblyLineID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query verify properties for assembly line %u: %s.", assemblyLineID, res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "No verify properties found for assembly line %u.", assemblyLineID); return false; } ownerID = row.GetUInt(0); minCharSecurity = row.GetDouble(1); maxCharSecurity = row.GetDouble(2); restrictionMask = (EVERamRestrictionMask)row.GetUInt(3); activity = (EVERamActivity)row.GetUInt(4); return true; }
bool ServiceDB::GetAccountInformation( const char* username, const char* password, AccountInfo & account_info ) { std::string _username = username; std::string _escaped_username; DBcore::DoEscapeString(_escaped_username, _username); DBQueryResult res; if (!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT accountID, password, hash, role, online, banned, logonCount, lastLogin FROM srvAccount WHERE accountName = '%s'", _escaped_username.c_str())) { SysLog::Error( "ServiceDB", "Error in query: %s.", res.error.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow( row )) { // account not found, create new one if autoAccountRole is not zero (0) if(EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole > 0) { uint32 accountID = CreateNewAccount( _username.c_str(), password, EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole); if( accountID > 0 ) { // add new account successful, get account info again bool ret = GetAccountInformation(username, password, account_info); return ret; } else return false; } else return false; } /* when any of the text gets are NULL it will fail... I think.. */ = row.GetUInt(0); if (!row.IsNull(1)) account_info.password = row.GetText(1); if (!row.IsNull(2)) account_info.hash = row.GetText(2); = _escaped_username; account_info.role = row.GetUInt64(3); = row.GetBool(4); account_info.banned = row.GetBool(5); account_info.visits = row.GetUInt(6); if (!row.IsNull(7)) account_info.last_login = row.GetText(7); return true; }
bool ServiceDB::GetConstant(const char *name, uint32 &into) { DBQueryResult res; std::string escaped; DBcore::DoEscapeString(escaped, name); if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " constantValue" " FROM eveConstants" " WHERE constantID='%s'", escaped.c_str() )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to find constant %s", name); return false; } into = row.GetUInt(0); return true; }
uint32 ServiceDB::GetDestinationStargateID(uint32 fromSystem, uint32 toSystem) { DBQueryResult res; if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " fromStargate.solarSystemID AS fromSystem," " fromStargate.itemID AS fromGate," " toStargate.itemID AS toGate," " toStargate.solarSystemID AS toSystem" " FROM mapJumps AS jump" " LEFT JOIN mapDenormalize AS fromStargate" " ON fromStargate.itemID = jump.stargateID" " LEFT JOIN mapDenormalize AS toStargate" " ON toStargate.itemID = jump.celestialID" " WHERE fromStargate.solarSystemID = %u" " AND toStargate.solarSystemID = %u", fromSystem, toSystem )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return(0); } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: no data for %d, %d", fromSystem, toSystem); return(0); } return row.GetUInt(2); }
bool CommandDB::ItemSearch(const char *query, std::map<uint32, std::string> &into) { std::string escaped; sDatabase.DoEscapeString(escaped, query); DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; into.clear(); //we need to query out the primary message here... not sure how to properly //grab the "main message" though... the text/plain clause is pretty hackish. if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, " SELECT typeID,typeName" " FROM invTypes" " WHERE" " typeName rlike '%s'", escaped.c_str() )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str()); return (false); } while(result.GetRow(row)) { into[row.GetUInt(0)] = row.GetText(1); } return true; }
bool CommandDB::FullSkillList(std::vector<uint32> &skillList) { DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; skillList.clear(); if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, " SELECT * FROM `invTypes` WHERE " " ((`groupID` IN (SELECT groupID FROM invGroups WHERE categoryID = 16)) AND (published = 1)) " )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str()); return (false); } while(result.GetRow(row)) { skillList.push_back( (row.GetUInt(0)) ); } // Because we searched skills with published = 1 and some GM skills are not published but still usable, // we will add them manually here: skillList.push_back( 3755 ); // Jove Frigate skillList.push_back( 3758 ); // Jove Cruiser skillList.push_back( 9955 ); // Polaris skillList.push_back( 10264 ); // Concord skillList.push_back( 11075 ); // Jove Industrial skillList.push_back( 11078 ); // Jove Battleship skillList.push_back( 19430 ); // Omnipotent skillList.push_back( 28604 ); // Tournament Observation return true; }
/** * this function isn't used. */ void DBResultToIntIntlistDict( DBQueryResult &result, std::map<int32, PyRep *> &into ) { /* this builds a map from the int in result[0], to a list of each result[1] * which is has the same result[0]. This function assumes the result is * ORDER BY result[0] */ uint32 last_key = 0xFFFFFFFF; PyList *l = NULL; DBResultRow row; while( result.GetRow( row ) ) { uint32 k = row.GetUInt(0); if( k != last_key ) { //watch for overwrite, no guarantee we are dealing with a key. std::map<int32, PyRep *>::iterator res = into.find(k); if( res != into.end() ) //log an error or warning? PyDecRef( res->second ); into[k] = l = new PyList(); last_key = k; } l->AddItemInt( row.GetInt( 1 ) ); } }
uint32 MarketDB::FindSellOrder( uint32 stationID, uint32 typeID, double price, uint32 quantity, uint32 orderRange ) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT orderID" " FROM market_orders" " WHERE bid=0" " AND typeID=%u" " AND stationID=%u" " AND volRemaining >= %u" " AND price <= %f" " ORDER BY price ASC" " LIMIT 1", //right now, we just care about the first order which can satisfy our needs. typeID, stationID, quantity, price)) { codelog(MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) return(0); //no order found. return(row.GetUInt(0)); }
void CharacterDB::load_name_validation_set() { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " characterID, itemName AS characterName" " FROM character_" " JOIN entity ON characterID = itemID" )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query for %s", res.error.c_str()); return; } DBResultRow row; while(res.GetRow(row) == true) { uint32 characterID = row.GetUInt(0); const char* name = row.GetText(1); //printf("initializing name validation: %s\n", name); uint32 hash = djb2_hash(name); mNameValidation.insert(hash); mIdNameContainer.insert(std::make_pair(characterID, name)); } }
bool CorporationDB::CreateMemberAttributeUpdate(MemberAttributeUpdate & attrib, uint32 newCorpID, uint32 charID) { // What are we doing here exactly? // Corporation gets a new member // it's new to it DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " title, corporationDateTime, corporationID, " " corpRole, rolesAtAll, rolesAtBase, " " rolesAtHQ, rolesAtOther " " FROM character_ " " WHERE character_.characterID = %u ", charID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } if (!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Cannot find character in database"); return false; } // this could be stored in the db #define PRN new PyNone() #define PRI(i) new PyInt(i) #define PRL(i) new PyLong(i) #define PRS(s) new PyString(s) #define PRNI(i) (row.IsNull(i) ? PRI(0) : PRI(row.GetUInt64(i))) #define F(name, o, n) \ = o; \ = n //element Old Value New Value F(accountKey, PRN, PRN); // i don't even know what this could refer to F(baseID, PRN, PRN); F(characterID, PRN, PRI(charID)); F(corporationID, PRI(row.GetUInt(2)), PRI(newCorpID)); // these also have to be queried from the db F(divisionID, PRN, PRN); F(roles, PRNI(3), PRI(0)); F(grantableRoles, PRNI(4), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtBase, PRNI(5), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtHQ, PRNI(6), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtOther, PRNI(7), PRI(0)); F(squadronID, PRN, PRN); F(startDateTime, PRL(row.GetUInt64(1)), PRL(Win32TimeNow())); // another one i have no idea F(titleMask, PRN, PRI(0)); F(baseID, PRS(row.GetText(0)), PRS("")); #undef F #undef PRN #undef PRI #undef PRS #undef PRNI return true; }
uint32 RamProxyDB::CountResearchJobs(const uint32 installerID) { DBQueryResult res; if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " COUNT(job.jobID)" " FROM srvRamJobs AS job" " LEFT JOIN ramAssemblyLines AS line ON job.assemblyLineID = line.assemblyLineID" " WHERE job.installerID = %u" " AND job.completedStatusID = 0" " AND line.activityID != 1", installerID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to count research jobs for installer %u.", installerID); return 0; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "No rows returned while counting research jobs for installer %u.", installerID); return 0; } return(row.GetUInt(0)); }
bool APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUserID(std::string userID, uint32 * accountID) { DBQueryResult res; // Find accountID in 'accountapi' table using userID: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " accountID " " FROM accountApi " " WHERE userID='%s'" , userID.c_str() )) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUserID()", "Cannot find accountID for userID %s", userID.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUserID()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } *accountID = row.GetUInt(0); // Grab accountID from the retrieved row from the 'accountapi' table return true; }
bool CharacterDB::GetRespecInfo(uint32 characterId, uint32& out_freeRespecs, uint64& out_nextRespec) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT freeRespecs, nextRespec FROM character_ WHERE characterID = %u", characterId)) return false; if (res.GetRowCount() < 1) return false; DBResultRow row; res.GetRow(row); out_freeRespecs = row.GetUInt(0); out_nextRespec = row.GetUInt64(1); // can't have more than two if (out_freeRespecs == 2) out_nextRespec = 0; else if (out_freeRespecs < 2 && out_nextRespec < Win32TimeNow()) { // you may get another out_freeRespecs++; if (out_freeRespecs == 1) out_nextRespec = Win32TimeNow() + Win32Time_Year; else out_nextRespec = 0; // reflect this in the database, too DBerror err; sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE character_ SET freeRespecs = %u, nextRespec = %" PRIu64 " WHERE characterId = %u", out_freeRespecs, out_nextRespec, characterId); } return true; }
int CommandDB::GetAttributeID(const char *attributeName) { DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; std::string escape; sDatabase.DoEscapeString(escape, attributeName); if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " attributeID " " FROM dgmAttributeTypes " " WHERE attributeName = '%s' ", escape.c_str() ) ) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Error retrieving attributeID for attributeName = '%s' ", escape.c_str() ); return 0; } if( !res.GetRow(row) ){ _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Null result finding attributeID for attributeName = '%s' ", escape.c_str() ); return 0; } return row.GetUInt( 0 ); }
bool APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingUserID(std::string userID, std::string * apiFullKey, std::string * apiLimitedKey, uint32 * apiRole) { DBQueryResult res; // Find fullKey, limitedKey, and apiRole from 'accountApi' table using userID supplied from an API query string: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " fullKey, limitedKey, apiRole " " FROM accountApi " " WHERE userID='%s'" , userID.c_str() )) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingUserID()", "Cannot find userID '%s' in 'accountApi' table", userID.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingUserID()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } *apiFullKey = row.GetText(0); // Grab Full API Key from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table *apiLimitedKey = row.GetText(1); // Grab Limited API Key from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table *apiRole = row.GetUInt(2); // Grab API Role from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table return true; }
bool AttributeMap::ResetAttribute(uint32 attrID, bool notify) { //this isn't particularly efficient, but until I write a better solution, this will do DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT * FROM dgmTypeAttributes WHERE typeID='%u'", mItem.typeID())) { sLog.Error("AttributeMap", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; EvilNumber attrVal; uint32 attributeID; int amount = res.GetRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { res.GetRow(row); attributeID = row.GetUInt(1); if( attributeID == attrID ) { if(!row.IsNull(2)) attrVal = row.GetUInt64(2); else attrVal = row.GetDouble(3); SetAttribute(attributeID, attrVal, notify); } } return true; }
bool BookmarkDB::GetBookmarkInformation(uint32 bookmarkID, uint32 &ownerID, uint32 &itemID, uint32 &typeID, uint32 &flag, std::string &memo, uint64 &created, double &x, double &y, double &z, uint32 &locationID) { DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; // Query database 'bookmarks' table for the supplied bookmarkID and retrieve entire row: if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " bookmarkID, " " ownerID, " " itemID, " " typeID, " " flag, " " memo, " " created, " " x, " " y, " " z, " " locationID " " FROM bookmarks " " WHERE bookmarkID = %u ", bookmarkID)) { sLog.Error( "BookmarkDB::GetBookmarkInformation()", "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str() ); return false; } // Query went through, but check to see if there were zero rows, ie bookmarkID was invalid: if ( !(res.GetRow(row)) ) return false; // Bookmark 'bookmarkID' was found, Send back bookmark information: ownerID = row.GetUInt(1); itemID = row.GetUInt(2); typeID = row.GetUInt(3); flag = row.GetUInt(4); memo = row.GetText(5); created = row.GetUInt64(6); x = row.GetDouble(7); y = row.GetDouble(8); z = row.GetDouble(9); locationID = row.GetUInt(10); return true; }
// Function: Query 'channels' table for the channel whose 'channelID' matches the ID specified, // then return all parameters for that channel. void LSCDB::GetChannelInformation(uint32 channelID, std::string & name, std::string & motd, uint32 & ownerid, std::string & compkey, bool & memberless, std::string & password, bool & maillist, uint32 & cspa, uint32 & temp, uint32 & mode) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " channelID, " " displayName, " " motd, " " ownerID, " " comparisonKey, " " memberless, " " password, " " mailingList, " " cspa, " " temporary, " " mode " " FROM channels " " WHERE channelID = %u", channelID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return; } DBResultRow row; if (!(res.GetRow(row))) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Channel named '%s' isn't present in the database", name.c_str() ); return; } name = (row.GetText(1) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(1)); // empty displayName field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case motd = (row.GetText(2) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(2)); // empty motd field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case ownerid = row.GetUInt(3); compkey = (row.GetText(4) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(4)); // empty comparisonKey field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case memberless = row.GetUInt(5) ? true : false; password = (row.GetText(6) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(6)); // empty password field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case maillist = row.GetUInt(7) ? true : false; cspa = row.GetUInt(8); temp = row.GetUInt(9); mode = row.GetUInt(10); }
bool CharacterDB::GetSkillsByCareerSpeciality(uint32 careerSpecialityID, std::map<uint32, uint32> &into) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT " " skillTypeID, levels" " FROM chrCareerSpecialitySkills" " WHERE specialityID = %u", careerSpecialityID)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; while(res.GetRow(row)) { if(into.find(row.GetUInt(0)) == into.end()) into[row.GetUInt(0)] = row.GetUInt(1); else into[row.GetUInt(0)] += row.GetUInt(1); //check to avoid more than 5 levels by skill if(into[row.GetUInt(0)] > 5) into[row.GetUInt(0)] = 5; } return true; }
PyRep *LSCDB::GetMailDetails(uint32 messageID, uint32 readerID) { DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; //we need to query out the primary message here... not sure how to properly //grab the "main message" though... the text/plain clause is pretty hackish. if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, " SELECT eveMail.messageID, eveMail.senderID, eveMail.subject, " // need messageID as char* " eveMailDetails.attachment, eveMailDetails.mimeTypeID, " " eveMailMimeType.mimeType, eveMailMimeType.`binary`, " " eveMail.created, eveMail.channelID " " FROM eveMail " " LEFT JOIN eveMailDetails" " ON eveMailDetails.messageID = eveMail.messageID " " LEFT JOIN eveMailMimeType" " ON eveMailMimeType.mimeTypeID = eveMailDetails.mimeTypeID " " WHERE eveMail.messageID=%u" " AND channelID=%u", messageID, readerID )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str()); return (NULL); } if (!result.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__MESSAGE, "No message with messageID %u", messageID); return (NULL); } Rsp_GetEVEMailDetails details; details.messageID = row.GetUInt(0); details.senderID = row.GetUInt(1); details.subject = row.GetText(2); details.body = row.GetText(3); details.created = row.GetUInt64(7); details.channelID = row.GetUInt(8); details.deleted = 0; // If a message's details are sent, then it isn't deleted. If it's deleted, details cannot be sent details.mimeTypeID = row.GetInt(4); details.mimeType = row.GetText(5); details.binary = row.GetInt(6); return(details.Encode()); }
bool ServiceDB::GetStaticItemInfo(uint32 itemID, uint32 *systemID, uint32 *constellationID, uint32 *regionID, GPoint *position) { if( systemID == NULL && constellationID == NULL && regionID == NULL && position == NULL ) return true; DBQueryResult res; if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " solarSystemID," " constellationID," " regionID," " x, y, z" " FROM mapDenormalize" " WHERE itemID = %u", itemID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query info for static item %u: %s.", itemID, res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query info for static item %u: Item not found.", itemID); return false; } if(systemID != NULL) *systemID = row.GetUInt(0); if(constellationID != NULL) *constellationID = row.GetUInt(1); if(regionID != NULL) *regionID = row.GetUInt(2); if(position != NULL) *position = GPoint( row.GetDouble(3), row.GetDouble(4), row.GetDouble(5) ); return true; }
bool MarketDB::GetOrderInfo(uint32 orderID, uint32 *orderOwnerID, uint32 *typeID, uint32 *stationID, uint32 *quantity, double *price, bool *isBuy, bool *isCorp) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " volRemaining," " price," " typeID," " stationID," " charID," " bid," " isCorp" " FROM market_orders" " WHERE orderID=%u", orderID)) { _log(MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s.", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(MARKET__ERROR, "Order %u not found.", orderID); return false; } if(quantity != NULL) *quantity = row.GetUInt(0); if(price != NULL) *price = row.GetDouble(1); if(typeID != NULL) *typeID = row.GetUInt(2); if(stationID != NULL) *stationID = row.GetUInt(3); if(orderOwnerID != NULL) *orderOwnerID = row.GetUInt(4); if(isBuy != NULL) *isBuy = row.GetInt(5) ? true : false; if(isCorp != NULL) *isCorp = row.GetInt(6) ? true : false; return true; }
uint32 CharacterDB::GetBounty(uint32 charID) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT `bounty` FROM character_ WHERE `characterID` = %u", charID)) { sLog.Error("CharacterDB", "Error in GetBounty query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return 0; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) return 0; else return row.GetUInt(0); }