Пример #1
/* Move dimension text following the cursor. */
static void MoveDimensionText( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
                               bool aErase )
    DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();

    if( dimension == NULL )

    if( aErase )
        dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );

    dimension->Text().SetTextPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );

    dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
Пример #2
 * Abort current text edit progress.
 * If a text is selected, its initial coord are regenerated
void AbortMoveDimensionText( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
    DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
    ( (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent() )->SetCurItem( NULL );

    aPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    if( dimension == NULL )  // Should not occur

    dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
    dimension->Text().SetTextPosition( initialTextPosition );
    dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_OR );
Пример #3
static void AbortBuildDimension( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* aDC )
    DIMENSION* Dimension = (DIMENSION*) Panel->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();

    if( Dimension )
        if( Dimension->IsNew() )
            Dimension->Draw( Panel, aDC, GR_XOR );
            Dimension->Draw( Panel, aDC, GR_OR );

    status_dimension = 0;
    ((PCB_EDIT_FRAME*)Panel->GetParent())->SetCurItem( NULL );
void DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES::OnDimensionUnitsChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
    DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) m_item;
    EDA_UNITS_T units;
    bool useMils;

    // Get default units in case dimension text doesn't contain units.
    dimension->GetUnits( units, useMils );

    double value = ValueFromString( units, m_DimensionText->GetValue(), useMils );

    switch( event.GetSelection() )
    case 0: units = INCHES;      useMils = false; break;
    case 1: units = INCHES;      useMils = true;  break;
    case 2: units = MILLIMETRES; useMils = false; break;
    default: break;

    m_DimensionText->SetValue( StringFromValue( units, value, true, useMils ) );
Пример #5
static void BuildDimension( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                           const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase )
    PCB_SCREEN* screen   = (PCB_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();
    DIMENSION*  Dimension = (DIMENSION*) screen->GetCurItem();
    wxPoint     pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( Dimension == NULL )

    // Erase previous dimension.
    if( aErase )
        Dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );

    Dimension->SetLayer( screen->m_Active_Layer );

    if( status_dimension == 1 )
        Dimension->m_featureLineDO = pos;
        Dimension->m_crossBarF  = Dimension->m_featureLineDO;
        Dimension->AdjustDimensionDetails( );
        wxPoint delta;
        int dx, dy;
        double angle, depl;
        delta = Dimension->m_featureLineDO - Dimension->m_featureLineGO;

        /* Calculating the direction of travel perpendicular to the selected axis. */
        angle = atan2( delta.y, delta.x ) + (M_PI / 2);

        delta = pos - Dimension->m_featureLineDO;
        depl   = ( delta.x * cos( angle ) ) + ( delta.y * sin( angle ) );
        dx = KiROUND( depl * cos( angle ) );
        dy = KiROUND( depl * sin( angle ) );
        Dimension->m_crossBarO.x = Dimension->m_featureLineGO.x + dx;
        Dimension->m_crossBarO.y = Dimension->m_featureLineGO.y + dy;
        Dimension->m_crossBarF.x = Dimension->m_featureLineDO.x + dx;
        Dimension->m_crossBarF.y = Dimension->m_featureLineDO.y + dy;

        Dimension->AdjustDimensionDetails( );

    Dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
Пример #6
void DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR::OnOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    LAYER_ID newlayer = ToLAYER_ID( m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection() );

    if( !m_Parent->GetBoard()->IsLayerEnabled( newlayer ) )
        wxMessageBox( _( "The layer currently selected is not enabled for this board\n"
                         "You cannot use it" ) );

    if( m_DC )     // Delete old text.
        CurrentDimension->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList(CurrentDimension, UR_CHANGED);

    if( m_Name->GetValue() != wxEmptyString )
        CurrentDimension->SetText( m_Name->GetValue() );

    wxString msg;

    // Get new size value:
    msg = m_TxtSizeXCtrl->GetValue();
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetWidth( ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );
    msg = m_TxtSizeYCtrl->GetValue();
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetHeight( ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );

    // Get new position value:
    // It will be copied later in dimension, because
    msg = m_textCtrlPosX->GetValue();
    wxPoint pos;
    pos.x = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    msg = m_textCtrlPosY->GetValue();
    pos.y = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetTextPosition( pos );

    // Get new line thickness value:
    msg = m_TxtWidthCtrl->GetValue();
    int width = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    int maxthickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( width, CurrentDimension->Text().GetSize() );

    if( width > maxthickness )
        DisplayError( NULL,
                      _( "The text thickness is too large for the text size.  "
                         "It will be clamped" ) );
        width = maxthickness;

    CurrentDimension->SetWidth( width );
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetThickness( width );
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetMirrored( ( m_rbMirror->GetSelection() == 1 ) ? true : false );
    CurrentDimension->SetLayer( newlayer );

    if( m_DC )     // Display new text
        CurrentDimension->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_OR );

    EndModal( 1 );
Пример #7
void DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR::OnOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_DC )     // Delete old text.
        CurrentDimension->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList(CurrentDimension, UR_CHANGED);

    if( m_Name->GetValue() != wxEmptyString )
        CurrentDimension->SetText( m_Name->GetValue() );

    wxString msg;

    // Get new size value:
    msg = m_TxtSizeXCtrl->GetValue();
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetWidth( ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );
    msg = m_TxtSizeYCtrl->GetValue();
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetHeight( ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );

    // Get new position value:
    // It will be copied later in dimension, because
    msg = m_textCtrlPosX->GetValue();
    wxPoint pos;
    pos.x = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    msg = m_textCtrlPosY->GetValue();
    pos.y = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetTextPosition( pos );

    // Get new line thickness value:
    msg = m_TxtWidthCtrl->GetValue();
    int width = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    int maxthickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( width, CurrentDimension->Text().GetSize() );

    if( width > maxthickness )
        DisplayError( NULL,
                      _( "The text thickness is too large for the text size. It will be clamped") );
        width = maxthickness;

    CurrentDimension->SetWidth( width );
    CurrentDimension->Text().SetThickness( width );

    CurrentDimension->Text().SetMirrored( ( m_rbMirror->GetSelection() == 1 ) ? true : false );

    CurrentDimension->SetLayer( m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection() );

    if( m_DC )     // Display new text
        CurrentDimension->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_OR );

    EndModal( 1 );
Пример #8
void POINT_EDITOR::updateItem() const
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_LINE_T:
        DRAWSEGMENT* segment = static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item );
        switch( segment->GetShape() )
        case S_SEGMENT:
            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ) ) )
                segment->SetStart( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().x,
                                            m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().y ) );

            else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ) ) )
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().x,
                                          m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().y ) );


        case S_ARC:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& start = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( center != segment->GetCenter() )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );

                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcStart() );
                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcEnd() );

                segment->SetArcStart( wxPoint( start.x, start.y ) );

                VECTOR2D startLine = start - center;
                VECTOR2I endLine = end - center;
                double newAngle = RAD2DECIDEG( endLine.Angle() - startLine.Angle() );

                // Adjust the new angle to (counter)clockwise setting
                bool clockwise = ( segment->GetAngle() > 0 );

                if( clockwise && newAngle < 0.0 )
                    newAngle += 3600.0;
                else if( !clockwise && newAngle > 0.0 )
                    newAngle -= 3600.0;

                segment->SetAngle( newAngle );


        case S_CIRCLE:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ) ) )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( end.x, end.y ) );


        default:        // suppress warnings

        // Update relative coordinates for module edges
        if( EDGE_MODULE* edge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item ) )


    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount(); ++i )
            VECTOR2I point = m_editPoints->Point( i ).GetPosition();
            outline->SetX( i, point.x );
            outline->SetY( i, point.y );


        DIMENSION* dimension = static_cast<DIMENSION*>( item );

        // Check which point is currently modified and updated dimension's points respectively
        if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetOrigin() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetEnd() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) )
            dimension->SetOrigin( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) )
            dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );


Пример #9
int DRAWING_TOOL::DrawDimension( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    DIMENSION* dimension = NULL;
    int width, maxThickness;

    // if one day it is possible to draw dimensions in the footprint editor,
    // then hereby I'm letting you know that this tool does not handle UR_MODEDIT undo yet
    assert( !m_editModules );

    // Add a VIEW_GROUP that serves as a preview for the new item
    KIGFX::VIEW_GROUP preview( m_view );
    m_view->Add( &preview );

    m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true );
    m_controls->ShowCursor( true );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( true );

    m_frame->SetToolID( ID_PCB_DIMENSION_BUTT, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add dimension" ) );

        SET_ORIGIN = 0,
    int step = SET_ORIGIN;

    // Main loop: keep receiving events
    while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
        VECTOR2I cursorPos = m_controls->GetCursorPosition();

        if( evt->IsCancel() || evt->IsActivate() )
            if( step != SET_ORIGIN )    // start from the beginning
                preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

                delete dimension;
                step = SET_ORIGIN;

            if( evt->IsActivate() )  // now finish unconditionally

        else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::incWidth ) && step != SET_ORIGIN )
            dimension->SetWidth( dimension->GetWidth() + WIDTH_STEP );
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

        else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::decWidth ) && step != SET_ORIGIN )
            int width = dimension->GetWidth();

            if( width > WIDTH_STEP )
                dimension->SetWidth( width - WIDTH_STEP );
                preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

        else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) )
            switch( step )
            case SET_ORIGIN:
                    LAYER_ID layer = m_frame->GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;

                    if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) || layer == Edge_Cuts )
                        DisplayInfoMessage( NULL, _( "Dimension not allowed on Copper or Edge Cut layers" ) );
                        // Init the new item attributes
                        dimension = new DIMENSION( m_board );
                        dimension->SetLayer( layer );
                        dimension->SetOrigin( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
                        dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
                        dimension->Text().SetSize( m_board->GetDesignSettings().m_PcbTextSize );

                        width = m_board->GetDesignSettings().m_PcbTextWidth;
                        maxThickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( width, dimension->Text().GetSize() );

                        if( width > maxThickness )
                            width = maxThickness;

                        dimension->Text().SetThickness( width );
                        dimension->SetWidth( width );

                        preview.Add( dimension );

                        m_controls->SetAutoPan( true );
                        m_controls->CaptureCursor( true );

            case SET_END:
                dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );

                // Dimensions that have origin and end in the same spot are not valid
                if( dimension->GetOrigin() == dimension->GetEnd() )

            case SET_HEIGHT:
                    if( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) != dimension->GetPosition() )
                        assert( dimension->GetOrigin() != dimension->GetEnd() );
                        assert( dimension->GetWidth() > 0 );

                        m_view->Add( dimension );
                        m_board->Add( dimension );
                        dimension->ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

                        m_frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( dimension, UR_NEW );

                        preview.Remove( dimension );

            if( ++step == FINISHED )
                step = SET_ORIGIN;
                m_controls->SetAutoPan( false );
                m_controls->CaptureCursor( false );

        else if( evt->IsMotion() )
            switch( step )
            case SET_END:
                dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );

            case SET_HEIGHT:
                // Calculating the direction of travel perpendicular to the selected axis
                double angle = dimension->GetAngle() + ( M_PI / 2 );

                wxPoint pos( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y );
                wxPoint delta( pos - dimension->m_featureLineDO );
                double height  = ( delta.x * cos( angle ) ) + ( delta.y * sin( angle ) );
                dimension->SetHeight( height );

            // Show a preview of the item
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

    if( step != SET_ORIGIN )
        delete dimension;

    m_controls->ShowCursor( false );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( false );
    m_controls->SetAutoPan( false );
    m_controls->CaptureCursor( false );
    m_view->Remove( &preview );

    m_frame->SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, wxCURSOR_DEFAULT, wxEmptyString );

    return 0;
    m_Parent( aParent ), m_item( aItem ),
    m_edaText( nullptr ), m_modText( nullptr ), m_pcbText( nullptr ),
    m_textWidth( aParent, m_SizeXLabel, m_SizeXCtrl, m_SizeXUnits, true ),
    m_textHeight( aParent, m_SizeYLabel, m_SizeYCtrl, m_SizeYUnits, true ),
    m_thickness( aParent, m_ThicknessLabel, m_ThicknessCtrl, m_ThicknessUnits, true ),
    m_posX( aParent, m_PositionXLabel, m_PositionXCtrl, m_PositionXUnits ),
    m_posY( aParent, m_PositionYLabel, m_PositionYCtrl, m_PositionYUnits ),
    m_OrientValidator( 1, &m_OrientValue )
    wxString title;

    if( m_item->Type() == PCB_DIMENSION_T )
        title = _( "Dimension Text Properties" );

        DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) m_item;
        m_edaText = &dimension->Text();
        m_pcbText = &dimension->Text();

        SetInitialFocus( m_DimensionText );
        m_SingleLineSizer->Show( false );
        m_MultiLineSizer->Show( false );

        m_KeepUpright->Show( false );
        m_statusLine->Show( false );
    else if( m_item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T )
        title = _( "Footprint Text Properties" );

        m_modText = (TEXTE_MODULE*) m_item;
        m_edaText = static_cast<EDA_TEXT*>( m_modText );

        switch( m_modText->GetType() )
        case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_REFERENCE: m_TextLabel->SetLabel( _( "Reference:" ) ); break;
        case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_VALUE:     m_TextLabel->SetLabel( _( "Value:" ) );     break;
        case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_DIVERS:    m_TextLabel->SetLabel( _( "Text:" ) );      break;

        SetInitialFocus( m_SingleLineText );
        m_MultiLineSizer->Show( false );
        m_DimensionTextSizer->Show( false );
        title = _( "Text Properties" );

        m_pcbText = (TEXTE_PCB*) aItem;
        m_edaText = static_cast<EDA_TEXT*>( m_pcbText );

        SetInitialFocus( m_MultiLineText );
        m_SingleLineSizer->Show( false );
        m_DimensionTextSizer->Show( false );

        // This option make sense only for footprint texts,
        // Texts on board are always visible:
        m_Visible->SetValue( true );
        m_Visible->Show( false );

        m_KeepUpright->Show( false );
        m_statusLine->Show( false );

    SetTitle( title );
    m_hash_key = title;

    // Configure the layers list selector.  Note that footprints are built outside the current
    // board and so we may need to show all layers if the text is on an unactivated layer.
    if( !m_Parent->GetBoard()->IsLayerEnabled( m_item->GetLayer() ) )
        m_LayerSelectionCtrl->ShowNonActivatedLayers( true );

    m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false );
    m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetNotAllowedLayerSet( LSET::ForbiddenTextLayers() );
    m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_Parent );

    m_OrientValue = 0.0;
    m_OrientValidator.SetRange( -360.0, 360.0 );
    m_OrientCtrl->SetValidator( m_OrientValidator );
    m_OrientValidator.SetWindow( m_OrientCtrl );

    // Handle decimal separators in combo dropdown
    for( size_t i = 0; i < m_OrientCtrl->GetCount(); ++i )
        wxString item = m_OrientCtrl->GetString( i );
        item.Replace( '.', localeconv()->decimal_point[0] );
        m_OrientCtrl->SetString( i, item );

    // Set font sizes
    wxFont infoFont = wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT );
    infoFont.SetSymbolicSize( wxFONTSIZE_SMALL );
    m_statusLine->SetFont( infoFont );


    // Tab down the left side first
    KIUI::SetControlsTabOrder( {
    } );

    // wxTextCtrls fail to generate wxEVT_CHAR events when the wxTE_MULTILINE flag is set,
    // so we have to listen to wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK events instead.
    Connect( wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, wxKeyEventHandler( DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES::OnCharHook ), NULL, this );

bool DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES::TransferDataFromWindow()
    if( !DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES_BASE::TransferDataFromWindow() )
        return false;

    if( !m_textWidth.Validate( TEXTS_MIN_SIZE, TEXTS_MAX_SIZE )
        || !m_textHeight.Validate( TEXTS_MIN_SIZE, TEXTS_MAX_SIZE ) )
        return false;

    BOARD_COMMIT commit( m_Parent );
    commit.Modify( m_item );

    // If no other command in progress, prepare undo command
    // (for a command in progress, will be made later, at the completion of command)
    bool pushCommit = ( m_item->GetEditFlags() == 0 );

    /* set flag in edit to force undo/redo/abort proper operation,
     * and avoid new calls to SaveCopyInUndoList for the same text
     * this can occurs when a text is moved, and then rotated, edited ..
    if( !pushCommit )
        m_item->SetFlags( IN_EDIT );

    // Set the new text content
    if( m_SingleLineText->IsShown() )
        if( !m_SingleLineText->GetValue().IsEmpty() )
            m_edaText->SetText( m_SingleLineText->GetValue() );
    else if( m_MultiLineText->IsShown() )
        if( !m_MultiLineText->GetValue().IsEmpty() )
            m_edaText->SetText( m_MultiLineText->GetValue() );
    else if( m_DimensionText->IsShown() )
        if( !m_DimensionText->GetValue().IsEmpty() )
            m_edaText->SetText( m_DimensionText->GetValue() );

        DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) m_item;

        switch( m_DimensionUnitsOpt->GetSelection() )
        case 0: dimension->SetUnits( INCHES, false );      break;
        case 1: dimension->SetUnits( INCHES, true );       break;
        case 2: dimension->SetUnits( MILLIMETRES, false ); break;
        default: break;

    m_item->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->GetLayerSelection() ) );

    m_edaText->SetTextSize( wxSize( m_textWidth.GetValue(), m_textHeight.GetValue() ) );
    m_edaText->SetThickness( m_thickness.GetValue() );
    m_edaText->SetTextPos( wxPoint( m_posX.GetValue(), m_posY.GetValue() ) );

    if( m_modText )

    // Test for acceptable values for thickness and size and clamp if fails
    int maxthickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( m_edaText->GetThickness(), m_edaText->GetTextSize() );

    if( m_edaText->GetThickness() > maxthickness )
        DisplayError( this, _( "The text thickness is too large for the text size.\n"
                               "It will be clamped." ) );
        m_edaText->SetThickness( maxthickness );

    m_edaText->SetVisible( m_Visible->GetValue() );
    m_edaText->SetItalic( m_Italic->GetValue() );
    m_edaText->SetTextAngle( KiROUND( m_OrientValue * 10.0 ) );
    m_edaText->SetMirrored( m_Mirrored->GetValue() );

    if( m_modText )
        m_modText->SetKeepUpright( m_KeepUpright->GetValue() );

    switch( m_JustifyChoice->GetSelection() )
    case 0: m_edaText->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );   break;
    case 1: m_edaText->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ); break;
    case 2: m_edaText->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );  break;
    default: break;


    if( pushCommit )
        commit.Push( _( "Change text properties" ) );

    return true;
bool DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES::TransferDataToWindow()
    if( m_SingleLineText->IsShown() )
        m_SingleLineText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );

        if( m_modText && m_modText->GetType() == TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_REFERENCE )
            SelectReferenceNumber( static_cast<wxTextEntry*>( m_SingleLineText ) );
            m_SingleLineText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );
    else if( m_MultiLineText->IsShown() )
        m_MultiLineText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );
        m_MultiLineText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );
    else if (m_DimensionText->IsShown() )
        m_DimensionText->SetValue( m_edaText->GetText() );
        m_DimensionText->SetSelection( -1, -1 );

        DIMENSION* dimension = (DIMENSION*) m_item;
        EDA_UNITS_T units;
        bool useMils;
        dimension->GetUnits( units, useMils );

        m_DimensionUnitsOpt->SetSelection( units == MILLIMETRES ? 2 : useMils ? 1 : 0 );

    if( m_item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T && m_modText )
        MODULE*  module = dynamic_cast<MODULE*>( m_modText->GetParent() );
        wxString msg;

        if( module )
            msg.Printf( _("Footprint %s (%s), %s, rotated %.1f deg"),
                        module->IsFlipped() ? _( "back side (mirrored)" ) : _( "front side" ),
                        module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );

        m_statusLine->SetLabel( msg );
        m_statusLine->Show( false );

    if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 )
        wxMessageBox( _( "This item was on a non-existing or forbidden layer.\n"
                         "It has been moved to the first allowed layer." ) );
        m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );

    m_textWidth.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextSize().x );
    m_textHeight.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextSize().y );
    m_thickness.SetValue( m_edaText->GetThickness() );
    m_posX.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextPos().x );
    m_posY.SetValue( m_edaText->GetTextPos().y );

    m_Visible->SetValue( m_edaText->IsVisible() );
    m_Italic->SetValue( m_edaText->IsItalic() );
    EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T hJustify = m_edaText->GetHorizJustify();
    m_JustifyChoice->SetSelection( (int) hJustify + 1 );
    m_OrientValue = m_edaText->GetTextAngleDegrees();
    m_Mirrored->SetValue( m_edaText->IsMirrored() );

    if( m_modText )
        m_KeepUpright->SetValue( m_modText->IsKeepUpright() );

    return DIALOG_TEXT_PROPERTIES_BASE::TransferDataToWindow();
Пример #13
void DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR::OnOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    BOARD_COMMIT commit( m_parent );

    PCB_LAYER_ID newlayer = ToLAYER_ID( m_SelLayerBox->GetLayerSelection() );

    if( !m_parent->GetBoard()->IsLayerEnabled( newlayer ) )
        wxMessageBox( _( "The layer currently selected is not enabled for this board\n"
                         "You cannot use it" ) );

    if( m_DC )     // Delete old text.
        m_currentDimension->Draw( m_parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    commit.Modify( m_currentDimension );

    if( m_Name->GetValue() != wxEmptyString )
        m_currentDimension->SetText( m_Name->GetValue() );

    wxString msg;

    // Get new size value:
    msg = m_TxtSizeXCtrl->GetValue();
    m_currentDimension->Text().SetTextWidth( ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );
    msg = m_TxtSizeYCtrl->GetValue();
    m_currentDimension->Text().SetTextHeight( ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg ) );

    // Get new position value:
    // It will be copied later in dimension, because
    msg = m_textCtrlPosX->GetValue();
    wxPoint pos;
    pos.x = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    msg = m_textCtrlPosY->GetValue();
    pos.y = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    m_currentDimension->Text().SetTextPos( pos );

    // Get new line thickness value:
    msg = m_TxtWidthCtrl->GetValue();
    int width = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );
    int maxthickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( width, m_currentDimension->Text().GetTextSize() );

    if( width > maxthickness )
        DisplayError( NULL,
                      _( "The text thickness is too large for the text size.  "
                         "It will be clamped" ) );
        width = maxthickness;

    m_currentDimension->SetWidth( width );
    m_currentDimension->Text().SetThickness( width );
    m_currentDimension->Text().SetMirrored( ( m_rbMirror->GetSelection() == 1 ) ? true : false );
    m_currentDimension->SetLayer( newlayer );

    if( m_DC )     // Display new text
        m_currentDimension->Draw( m_parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_OR );

    commit.Push( _( "Modifed dimensions properties" ) );
    event.Skip();   // ends returning wxID_OK (default behavior)