Пример #1

#if !defined(XSEC_NO_XPATH)

#include <iostream>

#define KLUDGE_PREFIX "berindsig"

// Helper function

void setXPathNS(DOMDocument *d, 
				DOMNamedNodeMap *xAtts, 
			    XSECXPathNodeList &addedNodes,
				XSECSafeBufferFormatter *formatter,
				XSECNameSpaceExpander * nse) {

	// if set then set the name spaces in the attribute list else clear them

	DOMElement * e = d->getDocumentElement();

	if (e == NULL) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::XPathError, "Element node not found in Document");


	if (xAtts != 0) {

		int xAttsCount = xAtts->getLength();	

		// Check all is OK with the Xalan Document and first element

		if (d == NULL) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::XPathError, "Attempt to define XPath Name Space before setInput called");


		// Run through each attribute looking for name spaces
		const XMLCh *xpName;
		safeBuffer xpNameSB;
		const XMLCh *xpLocalName;
		const XMLCh *xpValue;

		for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < xAttsCount; ++xCounter) {

			if (nse == NULL || !nse->nodeWasAdded(xAtts->item(xCounter))) {
				xpName = xAtts->item(xCounter)->getNodeName();
				xpNameSB << (*formatter << xpName);
				if (xpNameSB.sbStrncmp("xmlns", 5) == 0) {

					// Check whether a node of this name already exists
					xpLocalName = xAtts->item(xCounter)->getLocalName();
					xpValue = xAtts->item(xCounter)->getNodeValue();
					if (e->hasAttributeNS(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIXMLNS, xpLocalName) == false) {

						// Nope
						e->setAttributeNS(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIXMLNS, xpName, xpValue);
						addedNodes.addNode(e->getAttributeNodeNS(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIXMLNS, xpLocalName));





	// Insert the kludge namespace
	safeBuffer k("xmlns:");
