Пример #1
void D_PAD::ImportSettingsFromMaster( const D_PAD& aMasterPad )
    SetShape( aMasterPad.GetShape() );
    SetLayerSet( aMasterPad.GetLayerSet() );
    SetAttribute( aMasterPad.GetAttribute() );

    // The pad orientation, for historical reasons is the
    // pad rotation + parent rotation.
    // So we have to manage this parent rotation
    double pad_rot = aMasterPad.GetOrientation();

    if( aMasterPad.GetParent() )
        pad_rot -= aMasterPad.GetParent()->GetOrientation();

    if( GetParent() )
        pad_rot += GetParent()->GetOrientation();

    SetOrientation( pad_rot );

    SetSize( aMasterPad.GetSize() );
    SetDelta( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
    SetOffset( aMasterPad.GetOffset() );
    SetDrillSize( aMasterPad.GetDrillSize() );
    SetDrillShape( aMasterPad.GetDrillShape() );
    SetRoundRectRadiusRatio( aMasterPad.GetRoundRectRadiusRatio() );

    switch( aMasterPad.GetShape() )
        SetDelta( aMasterPad.GetDelta() );

        // ensure size.y == size.x
        SetSize( wxSize( GetSize().x, GetSize().x ) );


    switch( aMasterPad.GetAttribute() )
    case PAD_ATTRIB_SMD:
        // These pads do not have hole (they are expected to be only on one
        // external copper layer)
        SetDrillSize( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );


    // Add or remove custom pad shapes:
    SetPrimitives( aMasterPad.GetPrimitives() );
    SetAnchorPadShape( aMasterPad.GetAnchorPadShape() );
Пример #2
/* Extract the D356 record from the modules (pads) */
static void build_pad_testpoints( BOARD *aPcb,
    std::vector <D356_RECORD>& aRecords )
    wxPoint origin = aPcb->GetAuxOrigin();

    for( MODULE *module = aPcb->m_Modules;
        module; module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD *pad = module->Pads();  pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            D356_RECORD rk;
            rk.access = compute_pad_access_code( aPcb, pad->GetLayerSet() );

            // It could be a mask only pad, we only handle pads with copper here
            if( rk.access != -1 )
                rk.netname = pad->GetNetname();
                rk.refdes = module->GetReference();
                pad->StringPadName( rk.pin );
                rk.midpoint = false; // XXX MAYBE need to be computed (how?)
                const wxSize& drill = pad->GetDrillSize();
                rk.drill = std::min( drill.x, drill.y );
                rk.hole = (rk.drill != 0);
                rk.smd = pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_SMD;
                rk.mechanical = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                rk.x_location = pad->GetPosition().x - origin.x;
                rk.y_location = origin.y - pad->GetPosition().y;
                rk.x_size = pad->GetSize().x;

                // Rule: round pads have y = 0
                if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
                    rk.y_size = 0;
                    rk.y_size = pad->GetSize().y;

                rk.rotation = -KiROUND( pad->GetOrientation() ) / 10;
                if( rk.rotation < 0 ) rk.rotation += 360;

                // the value indicates which sides are *not* accessible
                rk.soldermask = 3;
                if( pad->GetLayerSet()[F_Mask] )
                    rk.soldermask &= ~1;
                if( pad->GetLayerSet()[B_Mask] )
                    rk.soldermask &= ~2;

                aRecords.push_back( rk );
Пример #3
unsigned MODULE::GetUniquePadCount( INCLUDE_NPTH_T aIncludeNPTH ) const
    std::set<wxUint32> usedNames;

    // Create a set of used pad numbers
    for( D_PAD* pad = Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        // Skip pads not on copper layers (used to build complex
        // solder paste shapes for instance)
        if( ( pad->GetLayerSet() & LSET::AllCuMask() ).none() )

        // Skip pads with no name, because they are usually "mechanical"
        // pads, not "electrical" pads
        if( pad->GetPadName().IsEmpty() )

        if( !aIncludeNPTH )
            // skip NPTH
            if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

        usedNames.insert( pad->GetPackedPadName() );

    return usedNames.size();
void MODULE::TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
        SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer, int aInflateValue, int aMaxError,
        bool aSkipNPTHPadsWihNoCopper ) const
    D_PAD* pad = PadsList();

    wxSize margin;
    for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
        if( aLayer != UNDEFINED_LAYER && !pad->IsOnLayer(aLayer) )

        // NPTH pads are not drawn on layers if the shape size and pos is the same
        // as their hole:
        if( aSkipNPTHPadsWihNoCopper && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
            if( pad->GetDrillSize() == pad->GetSize() && pad->GetOffset() == wxPoint( 0, 0 ) )
                switch( pad->GetShape() )
                case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE:
                    if( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE )

                case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
                    if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE )


        switch( aLayer )
        case F_Mask:
        case B_Mask:
            margin.x = margin.y = pad->GetSolderMaskMargin() + aInflateValue;

        case F_Paste:
        case B_Paste:
            margin = pad->GetSolderPasteMargin();
            margin.x += aInflateValue;
            margin.y += aInflateValue;

            margin.x = margin.y = aInflateValue;

        pad->BuildPadShapePolygon( aCornerBuffer, margin );
 * Helper function HasNonSMDPins
 * returns true if the given module has any non smd pins, such as through hole
 * and therefore cannot be placed automatically.
static bool HasNonSMDPins( MODULE* aModule )
    D_PAD* pad;

    for( pad = aModule->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
        if( pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_SMD )
            return true;

    return false;
Пример #6
unsigned MODULE::GetPadCount( INCLUDE_NPTH_T aIncludeNPTH ) const
    if( aIncludeNPTH )
        return m_Pads.GetCount();

    unsigned cnt = 0;

    for( D_PAD* pad = m_Pads; pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )


    return cnt;
/* Add a new pad to aModule.
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::AddPad( MODULE* aModule, bool draw )
    m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb     = 0;

    D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( aModule );

    // Add the new pad to end of the module pad list.
    aModule->Pads().PushBack( pad );

    // Update the pad properties,
    // and keep NETINFO_LIST::ORPHANED as net info
    // which is the default when nets cannot be handled.
    Import_Pad_Settings( pad, false );

    pad->SetPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );

    // Set the relative pad position
    // ( pad position for module orient, 0, and relative to the module position)

    wxPoint pos0 = pad->GetPosition() - aModule->GetPosition();
    RotatePoint( &pos0, -aModule->GetOrientation() );
    pad->SetPos0( pos0 );

    /* NPTH pads take empty pad number (since they can't be connected),
     * other pads get incremented from the last one edited */
    wxString padName;

    if( pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
        padName = GetNextPadName( GetDesignSettings()
                .m_Pad_Master.GetPadName() );

    pad->SetPadName( padName );
    GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master.SetPadName( padName );

    SetMsgPanel( pad );

    if( draw )
        m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( aModule->GetBoundingBox() );
Пример #8
 * Function idf_export_module
 * retrieves information from all board modules, adds drill holes to
 * the DRILLED_HOLES or BOARD_OUTLINE section as appropriate,
 * compiles data for the PLACEMENT section and compiles data for
 * the library ELECTRICAL section.
static void idf_export_module( BOARD* aPcb, MODULE* aModule,
        IDF3_BOARD& aIDFBoard )
    // Reference Designator
    std::string crefdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );

    if( crefdes.empty() || !crefdes.compare( "~" ) )
        std::string cvalue = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetValue() );

        // if both the RefDes and Value are empty or set to '~' the board owns the part,
        // otherwise associated parts of the module must be marked NOREFDES.
        if( cvalue.empty() || !cvalue.compare( "~" ) )
            crefdes = "BOARD";
            crefdes = "NOREFDES";

    // TODO: If module cutouts are supported we must add code here
    // for( EDA_ITEM* item = aModule->GraphicalItems();  item != NULL;  item = item->Next() )
    // {
    // if( ( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )
    // || (item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts ) ) continue;
    // code to export cutouts
    // }

    // Export pads
    double  drill, x, y;
    double  scale = aIDFBoard.GetUserScale();
    IDF3::KEY_PLATING kplate;
    std::string pintype;
    std::string tstr;

    double dx, dy;

    aIDFBoard.GetUserOffset( dx, dy );

    for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        drill = (double) pad->GetDrillSize().x * scale;
        x     = pad->GetPosition().x * scale + dx;
        y     = -pad->GetPosition().y * scale + dy;

        // Export the hole on the edge layer
        if( drill > 0.0 )
            // plating
            if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                kplate = IDF3::NPTH;
                kplate = IDF3::PTH;

            // hole type
            tstr = TO_UTF8( pad->GetPadName() );

            if( tstr.empty() || !tstr.compare( "0" ) || !tstr.compare( "~" )
                || ( kplate == IDF3::NPTH )
                ||( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ) )
                pintype = "MTG";
                pintype = "PIN";

            // fields:
            // 1. hole dia. : float
            // 2. X coord : float
            // 3. Y coord : float
            // 4. plating : PTH | NPTH
            // 5. Assoc. part : BOARD | NOREFDES | PANEL | {"refdes"}
            // 6. type : PIN | VIA | MTG | TOOL | { "other" }
            // 7. owner : MCAD | ECAD | UNOWNED
            if( ( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG )
                && ( pad->GetDrillSize().x != pad->GetDrillSize().y ) )
                // NOTE: IDF does not have direct support for slots;
                // slots are implemented as a board cutout and we
                // cannot represent plating or reference designators

                double dlength = pad->GetDrillSize().y * scale;

                // NOTE: The orientation of modules and pads have
                // the opposite sense due to KiCad drawing on a
                // screen with a LH coordinate system
                double angle = pad->GetOrientation() / 10.0;

                // NOTE: Since this code assumes the scenario where
                // GetDrillSize().y is the length but idf_parser.cpp
                // assumes a length along the X axis, the orientation
                // must be shifted +90 deg when GetDrillSize().y is
                // the major axis.

                if( dlength < drill )
                    std::swap( drill, dlength );
                    angle += 90.0;

                // NOTE: KiCad measures a slot's length from end to end
                // rather than between the centers of the arcs
                dlength -= drill;

                aIDFBoard.AddSlot( drill, dlength, angle, x, y );
                IDF_DRILL_DATA *dp = new IDF_DRILL_DATA( drill, x, y, kplate, crefdes,
                                                         pintype, IDF3::ECAD );

                if( !aIDFBoard.AddDrill( dp ) )
                    delete dp;

                    std::ostringstream ostr;
                    ostr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__;
                    ostr << "(): could not add drill";

                    throw std::runtime_error( ostr.str() );

    // add any valid models to the library item list
    std::string refdes;

    IDF3_COMPONENT* comp = NULL;

    for( S3D_MASTER* modfile = aModule->Models(); modfile != 0; modfile = modfile->Next() )
        if( !modfile->Is3DType( S3D_MASTER::FILE3D_IDF )
            || modfile->GetShape3DFullFilename().empty() )

        if( refdes.empty() )
            refdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );

            // NOREFDES cannot be used or else the software gets confused
            // when writing out the placement data due to conflicting
            // placement and layer specifications; to work around this we
            // create a (hopefully) unique refdes for our exported part.
            if( refdes.empty() || !refdes.compare( "~" ) )
                refdes = aIDFBoard.GetNewRefDes();

        IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE* outline;

        outline = aIDFBoard.GetComponentOutline( modfile->GetShape3DFullFilename() );

        if( !outline )
            throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );

        double rotz = aModule->GetOrientation()/10.0;
        double locx = modfile->m_MatPosition.x * 25.4;  // part offsets are in inches
        double locy = modfile->m_MatPosition.y * 25.4;
        double locz = modfile->m_MatPosition.z * 25.4;
        double lrot = modfile->m_MatRotation.z;

        bool top = ( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu ) ? false : true;

        if( top )
            locy = -locy;
            RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
            locy = -locy;

        if( !top )
            lrot = -lrot;
            RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
            locy = -locy;

            rotz = 180.0 - rotz;

            if( rotz >= 360.0 )
                while( rotz >= 360.0 ) rotz -= 360.0;

            if( rotz <= -360.0 )
                while( rotz <= -360.0 ) rotz += 360.0;

        if( comp == NULL )
            comp = aIDFBoard.FindComponent( refdes );

        if( comp == NULL )
            comp = new IDF3_COMPONENT( &aIDFBoard );

            if( comp == NULL )
                throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );

            comp->SetRefDes( refdes );

            if( top )
                comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                   -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                   rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
                comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                   -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                   rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );

            comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );

            aIDFBoard.AddComponent( comp );
            double refX, refY, refA;
            IDF3::IDF_LAYER side;

            if( ! comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side ) )
                // place the item
                if( top )
                    comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                       -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                       rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
                    comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                       -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                       rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );

                comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );

                // check that the retrieved component matches this one
                refX = refX - ( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx );
                refY = refY - ( -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy );
                refA = refA - rotz;
                refA *= refA;
                refX *= refX;
                refY *= refY;
                refX += refY;

                // conditions: same side, X,Y coordinates within 10 microns,
                // angle within 0.01 degree
                if( ( top && side == IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM ) || ( !top && side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
                    || ( refA > 0.0001 ) || ( refX > 0.0001 ) )
                    comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side );

                    std::ostringstream ostr;
                    ostr << "* " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << "():\n";
                    ostr << "* conflicting Reference Designator '" << refdes << "'\n";
                    ostr << "* X loc: " << (aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx);
                    ostr << " vs. " << refX << "\n";
                    ostr << "* Y loc: " << (-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy);
                    ostr << " vs. " << refY << "\n";
                    ostr << "* angle: " << rotz;
                    ostr << " vs. " << refA << "\n";

                    if( top )
                        ostr << "* TOP vs. ";
                        ostr << "* BOTTOM vs. ";

                    if( side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
                        ostr << "TOP";
                        ostr << "BOTTOM";

                    throw( std::runtime_error( ostr.str() ) );

        // create the local data ...
        IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA* data = new IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA( comp, outline );

        data->SetOffsets( locx, locy, locz, lrot );
        comp->AddOutlineData( data );

void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::PadPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !padValuesOK() )

    bool rastnestIsChanged = false;
    int  isign = m_isFlipped ? -1 : 1;

    transferDataToPad( m_padMaster );
    // m_padMaster is a pattern: ensure there is no net for this pad:
    m_padMaster->SetNetCode( NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED );

    if( m_currentPad )   // Set current Pad parameters
        wxSize  size;
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        m_parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );

        // redraw the area where the pad was, without pad (delete pad on screen)
        m_currentPad->SetFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );
        m_parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_currentPad->GetBoundingBox() );
        m_currentPad->ClearFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );

        // Update values
        m_currentPad->SetShape( m_padMaster->GetShape() );
        m_currentPad->SetAttribute( m_padMaster->GetAttribute() );

        if( m_currentPad->GetPosition() != m_padMaster->GetPosition() )
            m_currentPad->SetPosition( m_padMaster->GetPosition() );
            rastnestIsChanged = true;

        // compute the pos 0 value, i.e. pad position for module with orientation = 0
        // i.e. relative to module origin (module position)
        wxPoint pt = m_currentPad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition();

        RotatePoint( &pt, -module->GetOrientation() );

        m_currentPad->SetPos0( pt );

        m_currentPad->SetOrientation( m_padMaster->GetOrientation() * isign + module->GetOrientation() );

        m_currentPad->SetSize( m_padMaster->GetSize() );

        size = m_padMaster->GetDelta();
        size.y *= isign;
        m_currentPad->SetDelta( size );

        m_currentPad->SetDrillSize( m_padMaster->GetDrillSize() );
        m_currentPad->SetDrillShape( m_padMaster->GetDrillShape() );

        wxPoint offset = m_padMaster->GetOffset();
        offset.y *= isign;
        m_currentPad->SetOffset( offset );

        m_currentPad->SetPadToDieLength( m_padMaster->GetPadToDieLength() );

        if( m_currentPad->GetLayerSet() != m_padMaster->GetLayerSet() )
            rastnestIsChanged = true;
            m_currentPad->SetLayerSet( m_padMaster->GetLayerSet() );

        if( m_isFlipped )
            m_currentPad->SetLayerSet( FlipLayerMask( m_currentPad->GetLayerSet() ) );

        m_currentPad->SetPadName( m_padMaster->GetPadName() );

        wxString padNetname;

        // For PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED, ensure there is no net name selected
        if( m_padMaster->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED  )
            padNetname = m_PadNetNameCtrl->GetValue();

        if( m_currentPad->GetNetname() != padNetname )
            const NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = m_board->FindNet( padNetname );

            if( !padNetname.IsEmpty() &&  netinfo == NULL )
                DisplayError( NULL, _( "Unknown netname, netname not changed" ) );
                rastnestIsChanged = true;
                m_currentPad->SetNetCode( netinfo->GetNet() );

        m_currentPad->SetLocalClearance( m_padMaster->GetLocalClearance() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMargin( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() );
        m_currentPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio( m_padMaster->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() );
        m_currentPad->SetZoneConnection( m_padMaster->GetZoneConnection() );
        m_currentPad->SetThermalWidth( m_padMaster->GetThermalWidth() );
        m_currentPad->SetThermalGap( m_padMaster->GetThermalGap() );

        m_parent->SetMsgPanel( m_currentPad );

        // redraw the area where the pad was
        m_parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_currentPad->GetBoundingBox() );

    EndModal( wxID_OK );

    if( rastnestIsChanged )  // The net ratsnest must be recalculated
        m_board->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
// test if all values are acceptable for the pad
    bool error = transferDataToPad( m_dummyPad );

    wxArrayString error_msgs;
    wxString msg;

    // Test for incorrect values
    if( (m_dummyPad->GetSize().x < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x) ||
        (m_dummyPad->GetSize().y < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y) )
        error_msgs.Add(  _( "Incorrect value for pad drill: pad drill bigger than pad size" ) );

    LSET padlayers_mask = m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet();

    if( padlayers_mask == 0 )
        error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: pad has no layer" ) );

    if( !padlayers_mask[F_Cu] && !padlayers_mask[B_Cu] )
        if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x || m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y )
            // Note: he message is shown in an HTML window
            msg = _( "Error: the pad is not on a copper layer and has a hole" );

            if( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                msg += wxT("<br><br><i>");
                msg += _(   "For NPTH pad, set pad size value to pad drill value,"
                            " if you do not want this pad plotted in gerber files"

            error_msgs.Add( msg );

    wxPoint max_size;
    max_size.x = std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x );
    max_size.y = std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y );
    max_size.x += m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x / 2;
    max_size.y += m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y / 2;

    if( ( m_dummyPad->GetSize().x / 2 < max_size.x ) ||
        ( m_dummyPad->GetSize().y / 2 < max_size.y ) )
        error_msgs.Add( _( "Incorrect value for pad offset" ) );

    if( error )
        error_msgs.Add(  _( "Too large value for pad delta size" ) );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() )
    case PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED:   // Not plated, but through hole, a hole is expected
    case PAD_STANDARD :         // Pad through hole, a hole is also expected
        if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x <= 0 )
            error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: Through hole pad: drill diameter set to 0" ) );

    case PAD_CONN:      // Connector pads are smd pads, just they do not have solder paste.
        if( padlayers_mask[B_Paste] || padlayers_mask[F_Paste] )
            error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: Connector pads are not on the solder paste layer\n"
                               "Use SMD pads instead" ) );
        // Fall trough
    case PAD_SMD:       // SMD and Connector pads (One external copper layer only)
        if( padlayers_mask[B_Cu] && padlayers_mask[F_Cu] )
            error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: only one copper layer allowed for SMD or Connector pads" ) );

    if( error_msgs.GetCount() )
        HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _("Pad setup errors list" ) );
        dlg.ListSet( error_msgs );

    return error_msgs.GetCount() == 0;
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::initValues()
    wxString    msg;
    double      angle;

    // Disable pad net name wxTextCtrl if the caller is the footprint editor
    // because nets are living only in the board managed by the board editor
    m_canEditNetName = m_parent->IsType( FRAME_PCB );

    // Setup layers names from board
    // Should be made first, before calling m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection()
    m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 0, m_board->GetLayerName( F_Cu ) );
    m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 1, m_board->GetLayerName( B_Cu ) );

    m_PadLayerAdhCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Adhes ) );
    m_PadLayerAdhCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Adhes ) );
    m_PadLayerPateCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Paste ) );
    m_PadLayerPateCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Paste ) );
    m_PadLayerSilkCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_SilkS ) );
    m_PadLayerSilkCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_SilkS ) );
    m_PadLayerMaskCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Mask ) );
    m_PadLayerMaskCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Mask ) );
    m_PadLayerECO1->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco1_User ) );
    m_PadLayerECO2->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco2_User ) );
    m_PadLayerDraft->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Dwgs_User ) );

    m_isFlipped = false;

    if( m_currentPad )
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
            m_isFlipped = true;
            m_staticModuleSideValue->SetLabel( _( "Back side (footprint is mirrored)" ) );

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );
        m_staticModuleRotValue->SetLabel( msg );

    if( m_isFlipped )
        wxPoint pt = m_dummyPad->GetOffset();
        NEGATE( pt.y );
        m_dummyPad->SetOffset( pt );

        wxSize sz = m_dummyPad->GetDelta();
        NEGATE( sz.y );
        m_dummyPad->SetDelta( sz );

        // flip pad's layers
        m_dummyPad->SetLayerSet( FlipLayerMask( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() ) );


    m_PadNumCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetPadName() );
    m_PadNetNameCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetNetname() );

    // Display current unit name in dialog:
    m_PadPosX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadPosY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadDrill_X_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadDrill_Y_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeSizeX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeSizeY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeOffsetX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeOffsetY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeDelta_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadLengthDie_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );

    // Display current pad masks clearances units
    m_NetClearanceUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_SolderMaskMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_SolderPasteMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_ThermalWidthUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_ThermalGapUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );

    // Display current pad parameters units:
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x )
        PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x );
        m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 0 );
        PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y );
        m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 1 );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_LengthPadToDieCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetPadToDieLength() );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalWidthCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalWidth() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalGapCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalGap() );

    // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative value, if current is 0
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 )
        m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0' )
        // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is small
        m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + msg );
        m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetZoneConnection() )
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 0 );

    case PAD_IN_ZONE:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 1 );

    case THERMAL_PAD:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 2 );

    case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 3 );

    if( m_currentPad )
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        angle = m_currentPad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation();

        if( m_isFlipped )
            NEGATE( angle );

        m_dummyPad->SetOrientation( angle );

    angle = m_dummyPad->GetOrientation();

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( angle );    // ? normalizing is in D_PAD::SetOrientation()

    // Set layers used by this pad: :
    setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() );

    // Pad Orient
    switch( int( angle ) )
    case 0:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 0 );

    case 900:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 1 );

    case -900:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 2 );

    case 1800:
    case -1800:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 3 );

        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 4 );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetShape() )
    case PAD_CIRCLE:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 0 );

    case PAD_OVAL:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 1 );

    case PAD_RECT:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 2 );

        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 3 );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), angle );
    m_PadOrientCtrl->SetValue( msg );

    // Type of pad selection
    m_PadType->SetSelection( 0 );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( code_type ); ii++ )
        if( code_type[ii] == m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() )
            m_PadType->SetSelection( ii );

    // Enable/disable Pad name,and pad length die
    // (disable for NPTH pads (mechanical pads)
    bool enable = m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED;

    m_PadNumCtrl->Enable( enable );
    m_PadNetNameCtrl->Enable( m_canEditNetName && enable && m_currentPad != NULL );
    m_LengthPadToDieCtrl->Enable( enable );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_OBLONG )
        m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );
        m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 1 );

    // Update some dialog widgets state (Enable/disable options):
    wxCommandEvent cmd_event;
    setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() );
    OnDrillShapeSelected( cmd_event );
    OnPadShapeSelection( cmd_event );
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::OnPaintShowPanel( wxPaintEvent& event )
    wxPaintDC    dc( m_panelShowPad );
    PAD_DRAWINFO drawInfo;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet()[F_Cu] )
        color = m_board->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_FR_VISIBLE );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet()[B_Cu] )
        color = ColorMix( color, m_board->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_BK_VISIBLE ) );

    // What could happen: the pad color is *actually* black, or no
    // copper was selected
    if( color == BLACK )
        color = LIGHTGRAY;

    drawInfo.m_Color     = color;
    drawInfo.m_HoleColor = DARKGRAY;
    drawInfo.m_Offset    = m_dummyPad->GetPosition();
    drawInfo.m_Display_padnum  = true;
    drawInfo.m_Display_netname = true;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
        drawInfo.m_ShowNotPlatedHole = true;

    // Shows the local pad clearance
    drawInfo.m_PadClearance = m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance();

    wxSize dc_size = dc.GetSize();
    dc.SetDeviceOrigin( dc_size.x / 2, dc_size.y / 2 );

    // Calculate a suitable scale to fit the available draw area
    int dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y);

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
        dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;

    double scale = (double) dc_size.x / dim;

    dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().y + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x);
    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
        dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;

    double altscale = (double) dc_size.y / dim;
    scale = std::min( scale, altscale );

    // Give a margin
    scale *= 0.7;
    dc.SetUserScale( scale, scale );

    GRResetPenAndBrush( &dc );
    m_dummyPad->DrawShape( NULL, &dc, drawInfo );

    // Draw X and Y axis.
    // this is particularly useful to show the reference position of pads
    // with offset and no hole
    GRLine( NULL, &dc, -dim, 0, dim, 0, 0, BLUE );   // X axis
    GRLine( NULL, &dc, 0, -dim, 0, dim, 0, BLUE );   // Y axis

void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( int aFirstLayer,
                                      int aLastLayer,
                                      bool aExcludeThroughHoles,
                                      bool aGenerateNPTH_list,
                                      bool aMerge_PTH_NPTH )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;
    int       hole_value;


    if( (aFirstLayer >= 0) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
        if( aFirstLayer > aLastLayer )
            std::swap( aFirstLayer, aLastLayer );

    if ( aGenerateNPTH_list && aMerge_PTH_NPTH )

    // build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( VIA* via = GetFirstVia( m_pcb->m_Track ); via; via = GetFirstVia( via->Next() ) )
            hole_value = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_value == 0 )   // Should not occur.

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_value;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->GetStart();

            via->LayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // LayerPair return params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > m_Hole_Top_Layer
            // Remember: top layer = 0 and bottom layer = 31 for through hole vias
            // the via should be at least from aFirstLayer to aLastLayer
            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer > aFirstLayer) && (aFirstLayer >= 0) )
                continue;   // via above the first layer

            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer < aLastLayer) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
                continue;   // via below the last layer

            if( aExcludeThroughHoles && (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer == B_Cu)
               && (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer == F_Cu) )

            m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // build hole list for pads (assumed always through holes)
    if( !aExcludeThroughHoles || aGenerateNPTH_list )
        for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Read and analyse pads
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list &&
                    pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED &&
                    ! aMerge_PTH_NPTH )

                if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape     = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size         = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos          = pad->GetPosition();               // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = B_Cu;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = F_Cu;// pad holes are through holes
                m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );

    // build the tool list
    int        LastHole = -1; /* Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
                               * for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != LastHole )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = ( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
            m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            LastHole = new_tool.m_Diameter;

        jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                        // Should not occurs

        m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::buildBoard3DView( GLuint aBoardList, GLuint aBodyOnlyList,
                                      REPORTER* aErrorMessages, REPORTER* aActivity  )
    BOARD* pcb = GetBoard();

    // If FL_RENDER_SHOW_HOLES_IN_ZONES is true, holes are correctly removed from copper zones areas.
    // If FL_RENDER_SHOW_HOLES_IN_ZONES is false, holes are not removed from copper zones areas,
    // but the calculation time is twice shorter.
    bool remove_Holes = isEnabled( FL_RENDER_SHOW_HOLES_IN_ZONES );

    bool realistic_mode = isRealisticMode();
    bool useTextures = isRealisticMode() && isEnabled( FL_RENDER_TEXTURES );

    // Number of segments to convert a circle to polygon
    // We use 2 values: the first gives a good shape (for instanes rond pads)
    // the second is used to speed up calculations, when a poor approximation is acceptable (holes)
    const int       segcountforcircle   = 18;
    double          correctionFactor    = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (segcountforcircle * 2.0) );
    const int       segcountLowQuality  = 12;   // segments to draw a circle with low quality
                                                // to reduce time calculations
                                                // for holes and items which do not need
                                                // a fine representation
    double          correctionFactorLQ  = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (segcountLowQuality * 2.0) );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET  bufferPolys;        // copper areas: tracks, pads and filled zones areas
                                        // when holes are removed from zones
    SHAPE_POLY_SET  bufferPcbOutlines;  // stores the board main outlines
    SHAPE_POLY_SET  bufferZonesPolys;   // copper filled zones areas
                                        // when holes are not removed from zones
    SHAPE_POLY_SET  currLayerHoles;     // Contains holes for the current layer
    SHAPE_POLY_SET  allLayerHoles;      // Contains holes for all layers

    // Build a polygon from edge cut items
    wxString msg;

    if( !pcb->GetBoardPolygonOutlines( bufferPcbOutlines, allLayerHoles, &msg ) )
        if( aErrorMessages )
            msg << wxT("\n") << _("Unable to calculate the board outlines.\n"
                                  "Therefore use the board boundary box.") << wxT("\n\n");

            aErrorMessages->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );

    // Build board holes, with optimization of large holes shape.
    buildBoardThroughHolesPolygonList( allLayerHoles, segcountLowQuality, true );

    LSET            cu_set = LSET::AllCuMask( GetPrm3DVisu().m_CopperLayersCount );

    glNewList( aBoardList, GL_COMPILE );

    for( LSEQ cu = cu_set.CuStack();  cu;  ++cu )
        LAYER_ID layer = *cu;

        // Skip non enabled layers in normal mode,
        // and internal layers in realistic mode
        if( !is3DLayerEnabled( layer ) )

        if( aActivity )
            aActivity->Report( wxString::Format( _( "Build layer %s" ), LSET::Name( layer ) ) );


        // Draw track shapes:
        for( TRACK* track = pcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
            if( !track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )

            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( bufferPolys,
                                                         0, segcountforcircle,
                                                         correctionFactor );

            // Add blind/buried via holes
            if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                VIA *via = static_cast<VIA*>( track );

                if( via->GetViaType() == VIA_THROUGH )
                    continue;   // already done

                int holediameter = via->GetDrillValue();
                int thickness = GetPrm3DVisu().GetCopperThicknessBIU();
                int hole_outer_radius = (holediameter + thickness) / 2;

                TransformCircleToPolygon( currLayerHoles,
                                          via->GetStart(), hole_outer_radius,
                                          segcountLowQuality );

        // draw pad shapes
        for( MODULE* module = pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Note: NPTH pads are not drawn on copper layers when the pad
            // has same shape as its hole
            module->TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( layer,
                                                               correctionFactor, true );

            // Micro-wave modules may have items on copper layers
            module->TransformGraphicShapesWithClearanceToPolygonSet( layer,
                                                                     correctionFactor );

            // pad holes are already in list.

        // Draw copper zones. Note:
        // * if the holes are removed from copper zones
        // the polygons are stored in bufferPolys (which contains all other polygons)
        // * if the holes are NOT removed from copper zones
        // the polygons are stored in bufferZonesPolys
        if( isEnabled( FL_ZONE ) )
            for( int ii = 0; ii < pcb->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
                ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = pcb->GetArea( ii );
                LAYER_NUM       zonelayer = zone->GetLayer();

                if( zonelayer == layer )
                        remove_Holes ? bufferPolys : bufferZonesPolys,
                        segcountLowQuality, correctionFactorLQ );

        // draw graphic items on copper layers (texts)
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = pcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( layer ) )

            switch( item->Type() )
            case PCB_LINE_T:    // should not exist on copper layers
                ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    bufferPolys, 0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );

            case PCB_TEXT_T:
                ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
                    bufferPolys, 0, segcountLowQuality, correctionFactor );


        // bufferPolys contains polygons to merge. Many overlaps .
        // Calculate merged polygons
        if( bufferPolys.IsEmpty() )

        // Use Clipper lib to subtract holes to copper areas
        if( currLayerHoles.OutlineCount() )
            bufferPolys.BooleanSubtract( currLayerHoles );
            bufferPolys.BooleanSubtract( allLayerHoles );

        int thickness = GetPrm3DVisu().GetLayerObjectThicknessBIU( layer );
        int zpos = GetPrm3DVisu().GetLayerZcoordBIU( layer );

        float zNormal = 1.0f; // When using thickness it will draw first the top and then botton (with z inverted)

        // If we are not using thickness, then the z-normal has to match the layer direction
        // because just one plane will be drawn
        if( !thickness )
            zNormal = Get3DLayer_Z_Orientation( layer );

        if( realistic_mode )
            EDA_COLOR_T color = g_ColorsSettings.GetLayerColor( layer );
            SetGLColor( color );

        // If holes are removed from copper zones, bufferPolys contains all polygons
        // to draw (tracks+zones+texts).
        Draw3D_SolidHorizontalPolyPolygons( bufferPolys, zpos, thickness,
                                            GetPrm3DVisu().m_BiuTo3Dunits, useTextures,
                                            zNormal );

        // If holes are not removed from copper zones (for calculation time reasons,
        // the zone polygons are stored in bufferZonesPolys and have to be drawn now:
        if( !bufferZonesPolys.IsEmpty() )
            Draw3D_SolidHorizontalPolyPolygons( bufferZonesPolys, zpos, thickness,
                                    GetPrm3DVisu().m_BiuTo3Dunits, useTextures,
                                    zNormal );

    if( aActivity )
        aActivity->Report( _( "Build board body" ) );

    // Draw plated vertical holes inside the board, but not always. They are drawn:
    // - if the board body is not shown, to show the holes.
    // - or if the copper thickness is shown
    if( !isEnabled( FL_SHOW_BOARD_BODY ) || isEnabled( FL_USE_COPPER_THICKNESS ) )
        // Draw vias holes (vertical cylinders)
        for( const TRACK* track = pcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
            if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                const VIA *via = static_cast<const VIA*>(track);
                draw3DViaHole( via );

        // Draw pads holes (vertical cylinders)
        for( const MODULE* module = pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
                if( pad->GetAttribute () != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                    draw3DPadHole( pad );


    // Build the body board:
    glNewList( aBodyOnlyList, GL_COMPILE );

    if( isRealisticMode() )
        setGLEpoxyColor( 1.00 );
        EDA_COLOR_T color = g_ColorsSettings.GetLayerColor( Edge_Cuts );
        SetGLColor( color, 0.7 );

    float copper_thickness = GetPrm3DVisu().GetCopperThicknessBIU();

    // a small offset between substrate and external copper layer to avoid artifacts
    // when drawing copper items on board
    float epsilon = Millimeter2iu( 0.01 );
    float zpos = GetPrm3DVisu().GetLayerZcoordBIU( B_Cu );
    float board_thickness = GetPrm3DVisu().GetLayerZcoordBIU( F_Cu )
                        - GetPrm3DVisu().GetLayerZcoordBIU( B_Cu );

    // items on copper layers and having a thickness = copper_thickness
    // are drawn from zpos - copper_thickness/2 to zpos + copper_thickness
    // therefore substrate position is copper_thickness/2 to
    // substrate_height - copper_thickness/2
    zpos += (copper_thickness + epsilon) / 2.0f;
    board_thickness -= copper_thickness + epsilon;

    bufferPcbOutlines.BooleanSubtract( allLayerHoles );

    if( !bufferPcbOutlines.IsEmpty() )
        Draw3D_SolidHorizontalPolyPolygons( bufferPcbOutlines, zpos + board_thickness / 2.0,
                                            board_thickness, GetPrm3DVisu().m_BiuTo3Dunits, useTextures,
                                            1.0f );

void DIALOG_GENDRILL::InitDisplayParams()
    wxString msg;

    m_Choice_Unit->SetSelection( m_UnitDrillIsInch ? 1 : 0 );
    m_Choice_Zeros_Format->SetSelection( m_ZerosFormat );
    m_Check_Minimal->SetValue( m_MinimalHeader );

    if( m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis )
        m_Choice_Drill_Offset->SetSelection( 1 );

    m_Check_Mirror->SetValue( m_Mirror );
    m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH->SetValue( m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
    m_Choice_Drill_Map->SetSelection( m_mapFileType );
    m_ViaDrillValue->SetLabel( _( "Use Netclass values" ) );
    m_MicroViaDrillValue->SetLabel( _( "Use Netclass values" ) );

    // See if we have some buried vias or/and microvias, and display
    // microvias drill value if so
    m_throughViasCount = 0;
    m_microViasCount   = 0;
    m_blindOrBuriedViasCount = 0;

    for( TRACK* track = m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
        const VIA *via = dynamic_cast<const VIA*>( track );
        if( via )
            switch( via->GetViaType() )
            case VIA_THROUGH:

            case VIA_MICROVIA:

            case VIA_BLIND_BURIED:


    m_MicroViaDrillValue->Enable( m_microViasCount );

    // Count plated pad holes and not plated pad holes:
    m_platedPadsHoleCount    = 0;
    m_notplatedPadsHoleCount = 0;

    for( MODULE* module = m_parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            if( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x != 0 )
                    if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x != 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y != 0 )
                    if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

    // Display hole counts:
    msg = m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->GetLabel();
    msg << wxT( " " ) << m_platedPadsHoleCount;
    m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->SetLabel( msg );

    msg = m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->GetLabel();
    msg << wxT( " " ) << m_notplatedPadsHoleCount;
    m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->SetLabel( msg );

    msg = m_ThroughViasInfoMsg->GetLabel();
    msg << wxT( " " ) << m_throughViasCount;
    m_ThroughViasInfoMsg->SetLabel( msg );

    msg = m_MicroViasInfoMsg->GetLabel();
    msg << wxT( " " ) << m_microViasCount;
    m_MicroViasInfoMsg->SetLabel( msg );

    msg = m_BuriedViasInfoMsg->GetLabel();
    msg << wxT( " " ) << m_blindOrBuriedViasCount;
    m_BuriedViasInfoMsg->SetLabel( msg );

    // Output directory
    m_outputDirectoryName->SetValue( m_plotOpts.GetOutputDirectory() );
// test if all values are acceptable for the pad
    bool error = transferDataToPad( m_dummyPad );

    wxArrayString error_msgs;
    wxString msg;

    // Test for incorrect values
    if( (m_dummyPad->GetSize().x < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x) ||
        (m_dummyPad->GetSize().y < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y) )
        error_msgs.Add(  _( "Incorrect value for pad drill: pad drill bigger than pad size" ) );

    LAYER_MSK padlayers_mask = m_dummyPad->GetLayerMask();
    if( ( padlayers_mask == 0 ) && ( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED ) )
        error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: pad has no layer and is not a mechanical pad" ) );

    padlayers_mask &= (LAYER_BACK | LAYER_FRONT);
    if( padlayers_mask == 0 )
        if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x || m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y )
            msg = _( "Error: pad is not on a copper layer and has a hole" );

            if( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                msg += wxT("\n");
                msg += _(   "For NPTH pad, set pad drill value to pad size value,\n"
                            "if you do not want this pad plotted in gerber files"

            error_msgs.Add( msg );

    wxPoint max_size;
    max_size.x = std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x );
    max_size.y = std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y );
    max_size.x += m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x / 2;
    max_size.y += m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y / 2;

    if( ( m_dummyPad->GetSize().x / 2 < max_size.x ) ||
        ( m_dummyPad->GetSize().y / 2 < max_size.y ) )
        error_msgs.Add( _( "Incorrect value for pad offset" ) );

    if( error )
        error_msgs.Add(  _( "Too large value for pad delta size" ) );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() )
    case PAD_STANDARD :     // Pad through hole, a hole is expected
        if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x <= 0 )
            error_msgs.Add( _( "Incorrect value for pad drill (too small value)" ) );

    case PAD_SMD:     // SMD and Connector pads (One external copper layer only)
        if( (padlayers_mask & LAYER_BACK) && (padlayers_mask & LAYER_FRONT) )
            error_msgs.Add( _( "Error: only one copper layer allowed for this pad" ) );

    case PAD_CONN:              // connectors can have pads on "All" Cu layers.

    case PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED:   // Not plated

    if( error_msgs.GetCount() )
        HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _("Pad setup errors list" ) );
        dlg.ListSet( error_msgs );
    return error_msgs.GetCount() == 0;
Пример #17
 * Function Inspect
 * is the examining function within the INSPECTOR which is passed to the
 * Iterate function.  Searches and collects all the objects that the old
 * function PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay() would find, except that it keeps all
 * that it finds and does not do any displaying.
 * @param testItem An EDA_ITEM to examine.
 * @param testData The const void* testData, not used here.
 * @return SEARCH_RESULT - SEARCH_QUIT if the Iterator is to stop the scan,
 *   else SCAN_CONTINUE;
SEARCH_RESULT GENERAL_COLLECTOR::Inspect( EDA_ITEM* testItem, const void* testData )
    BOARD_ITEM* item   = (BOARD_ITEM*) testItem;
    MODULE*     module = NULL;
    D_PAD*      pad    = NULL;
    bool        pad_through = false;
    SEGVIA*     via    = NULL;
    MARKER_PCB* marker = NULL;

#if 0   // debugging
    static int  breakhere = 0;

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_PAD_T:
            MODULE* m = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();

            if( m->GetReference() == wxT( "Y2" ) )

    case PCB_VIA_T:

    case PCB_TRACE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_T:

    case PCB_TEXT_T:

    case PCB_LINE_T:


            TEXTE_MODULE* tm = (TEXTE_MODULE*) item;

            if( tm->GetText() == wxT( "10uH" ) )

    case PCB_MODULE_T:
            MODULE* m = (MODULE*) item;

            if( m->GetReference() == wxT( "C98" ) )

    case PCB_MARKER_T:



    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_PAD_T:
        // there are pad specific visibility controls.
        // Criterias to select a pad is:
        // for smd pads: the module parent must be seen, and pads on the corresponding
        // board side must be seen
        // if pad is a thru hole, then it can be visible when its parent module is not.
        // for through pads: pads on Front or Back board sides must be seen
        pad = (D_PAD*) item;

        if( (pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_SMD) &&
            (pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_CONN) )    // a hole is present, so multiple layers
            // proceed to the common tests below, but without the parent module test,
            // by leaving module==NULL, but having pad != null
            pad_through = true;
        else  // smd, so use pads test after module test
            module = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();


    case PCB_VIA_T:     // vias are on many layers, so layer test is specific
        via = (SEGVIA*) item;

    case PCB_TRACE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:

    case PCB_TEXT_T:

    case PCB_LINE_T:


    case PCB_TARGET_T:

        module = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();

        if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsMarkedNoShow() && !( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->IsVisible() )
            goto exit;

        if( module )
            if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsOnCopper() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_BACK )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsOnCmp() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_FRONT )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesVals() && item == &module->Value() )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesRefs() && item == &module->Reference() )
                goto exit;

    case PCB_MODULE_T:
        module = (MODULE*) item;

    case PCB_MARKER_T:
        marker = (MARKER_PCB*) item;


    // common tests:

    if( module )    // true from case PCB_PAD_T, PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T, or PCB_MODULE_T
        if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesOnCu() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_BACK )
            goto exit;

        if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesOnCmp() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_FRONT )
            goto exit;

    // Pads are not sensitive to the layer visibility controls.
    // They all have their own separate visibility controls
    // skip them if not visible
    if( pad )
        if( m_Guide->IgnorePads() )
            goto exit;

        if( ! pad_through )
            if( m_Guide->IgnorePadsOnFront() && pad->IsOnLayer(LAYER_N_FRONT ) )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnorePadsOnBack() && pad->IsOnLayer(LAYER_N_BACK ) )
                goto exit;

    if( marker )
        // Markers are not sensitive to the layer
        if( marker->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
            Append( item );

        goto exit;

    if( item->IsOnLayer( m_Guide->GetPreferredLayer() ) || m_Guide->IgnorePreferredLayer() )
        LAYER_NUM layer = item->GetLayer();

        // Modules and their subcomponents: text and pads are not sensitive to the layer
        // visibility controls.  They all have their own separate visibility controls
        // for vias, GetLayer() has no meaning, but IsOnLayer() works fine
        if( via || module || pad || m_Guide->IsLayerVisible( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreNonVisibleLayers() )
            if( !m_Guide->IsLayerLocked( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedLayers() )
                if( !item->IsLocked() || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedItems() )
                    if( item->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
                        Append( item );
                        goto exit;

    if( m_Guide->IncludeSecondary() )
        // for now, "secondary" means "tolerate any layer".  It has
        // no effect on other criteria, since there is a separate "ignore" control for
        // those in the COLLECTORS_GUIDE

        LAYER_NUM layer = item->GetLayer();

        // Modules and their subcomponents: text and pads are not sensitive to the layer
        // visibility controls.  They all have their own separate visibility controls
        if( via || module || pad || m_Guide->IsLayerVisible( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreNonVisibleLayers() )
            if( !m_Guide->IsLayerLocked( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedLayers() )
                if( !item->IsLocked() || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedItems() )
                    if( item->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
                        Append2nd( item );
                        goto exit;

    return SEARCH_CONTINUE;     // always when collecting
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::OnPaintShowPanel( wxPaintEvent& event )
    wxPaintDC    dc( m_panelShowPad );
    PAD_DRAWINFO drawInfo;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet()[F_Cu] )
        color = m_board->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_FR_VISIBLE );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet()[B_Cu] )
        color = ColorMix( color, m_board->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_BK_VISIBLE ) );

    // What could happen: the pad color is *actually* black, or no
    // copper was selected
    if( color == BLACK )
        color = LIGHTGRAY;

    drawInfo.m_Color     = color;
    drawInfo.m_HoleColor = DARKGRAY;
    drawInfo.m_Offset    = m_dummyPad->GetPosition();
    drawInfo.m_Display_padnum  = true;
    drawInfo.m_Display_netname = true;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
        drawInfo.m_ShowNotPlatedHole = true;

    // Shows the local pad clearance
    drawInfo.m_PadClearance = m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance();

    wxSize dc_size = dc.GetSize();
    dc.SetDeviceOrigin( dc_size.x / 2, dc_size.y / 2 );

    // Calculate a suitable scale to fit the available draw area
    int dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y );

    // Invalid x size. User could enter zero, or have deleted all text prior to
    // entering a new value; this is also treated as zero. If dim is left at
    // zero, the drawing scale is zero and we get a crash.
    if( dim == 0 )
        // If drill size has been set, use that. Otherwise default to 1mm.
        dim = m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x;
        if( dim == 0 )
            dim = 1000000;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
        dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;

    double scale = (double) dc_size.x / dim;

    // If the pad is a circle, use the x size here instead.
    int ysize;
    if( m_dummyPad->GetShape() == PAD_CIRCLE )
        ysize = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x;
        ysize = m_dummyPad->GetSize().y;

    dim = ysize + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x );

    // Invalid y size. See note about x size above.
    if( dim == 0 )
        dim = m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y;
        if( dim == 0 )
            dim = 1000000;

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
        dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;

    double altscale = (double) dc_size.y / dim;
    scale = std::min( scale, altscale );

    // Give a margin
    scale *= 0.7;
    dc.SetUserScale( scale, scale );

    GRResetPenAndBrush( &dc );
    m_dummyPad->DrawShape( NULL, &dc, drawInfo );

    // Draw X and Y axis.
    // this is particularly useful to show the reference position of pads
    // with offset and no hole
    GRLine( NULL, &dc, -dim, 0, dim, 0, 0, BLUE );   // X axis
    GRLine( NULL, &dc, 0, -dim, 0, dim, 0, BLUE );   // Y axis

/* Plot a copper layer or mask.
 * Silk screen layers are not plotted here.
void PlotStandardLayer( BOARD *aBoard, PLOTTER* aPlotter,
                        LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aPlotOpt )

    BRDITEMS_PLOTTER itemplotter( aPlotter, aBoard, aPlotOpt );
    itemplotter.SetLayerMask( aLayerMask );

    EDA_DRAW_MODE_T plotMode = aPlotOpt.GetMode();

     // Plot edge layer and graphic items

    // Draw footprint shapes without pads (pads will plotted later)
    // We plot here module texts, but they are usually on silkscreen layer,
    // so they are not plot here but plot by PlotSilkScreen()
    // Plot footprints fields (ref, value ...)
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        if( ! itemplotter.PlotAllTextsModule( module ) )
            wxLogMessage( _( "Your BOARD has a bad layer number for module %s" ),
                           GetChars( module->GetReference() ) );

    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( ! (aLayerMask & GetLayerMask( item->GetLayer() ) ) )

            switch( item->Type() )
            case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
                itemplotter.Plot_1_EdgeModule( (EDGE_MODULE*) item );


    // Plot footprint pads
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
            if( (pad->GetLayerMask() & aLayerMask) == 0 )

            wxSize margin;
            double width_adj = 0;

            if( aLayerMask & ALL_CU_LAYERS )
                width_adj =  itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();

            switch( aLayerMask &
            case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_FRONT:
            case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_BACK:
                margin.x = margin.y = pad->GetSolderMaskMargin();

            case SOLDERPASTE_LAYER_BACK:
                margin = pad->GetSolderPasteMargin();


            wxSize padPlotsSize;
            padPlotsSize.x = pad->GetSize().x + ( 2 * margin.x ) + width_adj;
            padPlotsSize.y = pad->GetSize().y + ( 2 * margin.y ) + width_adj;

            // Don't draw a null size item :
            if( padPlotsSize.x <= 0 || padPlotsSize.y <= 0 )

            EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;

            if( (pad->GetLayerMask() & LAYER_BACK) )
               color = aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_BK_VISIBLE );

            if((pad->GetLayerMask() & LAYER_FRONT ) )
                color = ColorFromInt( color | aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_FR_VISIBLE ) );

            // Temporary set the pad size to the required plot size:
            wxSize tmppadsize = pad->GetSize();
            pad->SetSize( padPlotsSize );
            switch( pad->GetShape() )
            case PAD_CIRCLE:
            case PAD_OVAL:
                if( aPlotOpt.GetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads() &&
                    (pad->GetSize() == pad->GetDrillSize()) &&
                    (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED) )

                // Fall through:
            case PAD_TRAPEZOID:
            case PAD_RECT:
                itemplotter.PlotPad( pad, color, plotMode );

            pad->SetSize( tmppadsize );     // Restore the pad size

    // Plot vias on copper layers, and if aPlotOpt.GetPlotViaOnMaskLayer() is true,
    // plot them on solder mask
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        const VIA* Via = dynamic_cast<const VIA*>( track );

        if( !Via )

        // vias are not plotted if not on selected layer, but if layer
        // only if they are on the corresponding external copper layer
        int via_mask_layer = Via->GetLayerMask();

        if( aPlotOpt.GetPlotViaOnMaskLayer() )
            if( via_mask_layer & LAYER_BACK )
                via_mask_layer |= SOLDERMASK_LAYER_BACK;

            if( via_mask_layer & LAYER_FRONT )
                via_mask_layer |= SOLDERMASK_LAYER_FRONT;

        if( ( via_mask_layer & aLayerMask ) == 0 )

        int via_margin = 0;
        double width_adj = 0;

        // If the current layer is a solder mask, use the global mask
        // clearance for vias
            via_margin = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_SolderMaskMargin;

        if( aLayerMask & ALL_CU_LAYERS )
            width_adj = itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();

        int diameter = Via->GetWidth() + 2 * via_margin + width_adj;

        // Don't draw a null size item :
        if( diameter <= 0 )

        EDA_COLOR_T color = aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor(VIAS_VISIBLE + Via->GetViaType());
        // Set plot color (change WHITE to LIGHTGRAY because
        // the white items are not seen on a white paper or screen
        aPlotter->SetColor( color != WHITE ? color : LIGHTGRAY);
        aPlotter->FlashPadCircle( Via->GetStart(), diameter, plotMode );

    // Plot tracks (not vias) :
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )

        if( (GetLayerMask( track->GetLayer() ) & aLayerMask) == 0 )

        int width = track->GetWidth() + itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();
        aPlotter->SetColor( itemplotter.getColor( track->GetLayer() ) );
        aPlotter->ThickSegment( track->GetStart(), track->GetEnd(), width, plotMode );

    // Plot zones (outdated, for old boards compatibility):
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Zone; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( (GetLayerMask( track->GetLayer() ) & aLayerMask) == 0 )

        int width = track->GetWidth() + itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();
        aPlotter->SetColor( itemplotter.getColor( track->GetLayer() ) );
        aPlotter->ThickSegment( track->GetStart(), track->GetEnd(), width, plotMode );

    // Plot filled ares
    for( int ii = 0; ii < aBoard->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = aBoard->GetArea( ii );

        if( ( GetLayerMask(zone->GetLayer() )  & aLayerMask ) == 0 )

        itemplotter.PlotFilledAreas( zone );

    // Adding drill marks, if required and if the plotter is able to plot them:
    if( aPlotOpt.GetDrillMarksType() != PCB_PLOT_PARAMS::NO_DRILL_SHAPE )
void BuildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
                                              BOARD*                aPcb,
                                              ZONE_CONTAINER*       aZone,
                                              double                aArcCorrection,
                                              double                aRoundPadThermalRotation )
    std::vector<wxPoint> corners_buffer;    // a local polygon buffer to store one stub
    corners_buffer.reserve( 4 );
    wxPoint  ptTest[4];

    int      zone_clearance = aZone->GetZoneClearance();

    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = aZone->GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

    // half size of the pen used to draw/plot zones outlines
    int pen_radius = aZone->GetMinThickness() / 2;

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_STANDARD )

            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != THERMAL_PAD
             && aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != THT_THERMAL )

            // check
            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() )

            // Calculate thermal bridge half width
            int thermalBridgeWidth = aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad )
                                     - aZone->GetMinThickness();
            if( thermalBridgeWidth <= 0 )

            // we need the thermal bridge half width
            // with a small extra size to be sure we create a stub
            // slightly larger than the actual stub
            thermalBridgeWidth = ( thermalBridgeWidth + 4 ) / 2;

            int thermalReliefGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );

            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalReliefGap );
            if( !( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) ) )

            // Thermal bridges are like a segment from a starting point inside the pad
            // to an ending point outside the pad

            // calculate the ending point of the thermal pad, outside the pad
            wxPoint endpoint;
            endpoint.x = ( pad->GetSize().x / 2 ) + thermalReliefGap;
            endpoint.y = ( pad->GetSize().y / 2 ) + thermalReliefGap;

            // Calculate the starting point of the thermal stub
            // inside the pad
            wxPoint startpoint;
            int copperThickness = aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad )
                                  - aZone->GetMinThickness();

            if( copperThickness < 0 )
                copperThickness = 0;

            // Leave a small extra size to the copper area inside to pad
            copperThickness += KiROUND( IU_PER_MM * 0.04 );

            startpoint.x = std::min( pad->GetSize().x, copperThickness );
            startpoint.y = std::min( pad->GetSize().y, copperThickness );

            startpoint.x /= 2;
            startpoint.y /= 2;

            // This is a CIRCLE pad tweak
            // for circle pads, the thermal stubs orientation is 45 deg
            double fAngle = pad->GetOrientation();
            if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_CIRCLE )
                endpoint.x     = KiROUND( endpoint.x * aArcCorrection );
                endpoint.y     = endpoint.x;
                fAngle = aRoundPadThermalRotation;

            // contour line width has to be taken into calculation to avoid "thermal stub bleed"
            endpoint.x += pen_radius;
            endpoint.y += pen_radius;
            // compute north, south, west and east points for zone connection.
            ptTest[0] = wxPoint( 0, endpoint.y );       // lower point
            ptTest[1] = wxPoint( 0, -endpoint.y );      // upper point
            ptTest[2] = wxPoint( endpoint.x, 0 );       // right point
            ptTest[3] = wxPoint( -endpoint.x, 0 );      // left point

            // Test all sides
            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                // rotate point
                RotatePoint( &ptTest[i], fAngle );

                // translate point
                ptTest[i] += pad->ShapePos();

                if( aZone->HitTestFilledArea( ptTest[i] ) )


                // polygons are rectangles with width of copper bridge value
                switch( i )
                case 0:       // lower stub
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -thermalBridgeWidth, endpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +thermalBridgeWidth, endpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +thermalBridgeWidth, startpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -thermalBridgeWidth, startpoint.y ) );

                case 1:       // upper stub
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -thermalBridgeWidth, -endpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +thermalBridgeWidth, -endpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +thermalBridgeWidth, -startpoint.y ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -thermalBridgeWidth, -startpoint.y ) );

                case 2:       // right stub
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( endpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( endpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +startpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( +startpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth ) );

                case 3:       // left stub
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -endpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -endpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -startpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth ) );
                    corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -startpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth ) );

                // add computed polygon to list
                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                    wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
                    RotatePoint( &cpos, fAngle );                               // Rotate according to module orientation
                    cpos += pad->ShapePos();                              // Shift origin to position
                    CPolyPt corner;
                    corner.x = cpos.x;
                    corner.y = cpos.y;
                    corner.end_contour = ( ic < (corners_buffer.size() - 1) ) ? false : true;
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( corner );
 * Function AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList
 * Supports a min thickness area constraint.
 * Add non copper areas polygons (pads and tracks with clearance)
 * to the filled copper area found
 * in BuildFilledPolysListData after calculating filled areas in a zone
 * Non filled copper areas are pads and track and their clearance areas
 * The filled copper area must be computed just before.
 * BuildFilledPolysListData() call this function just after creating the
 *  filled copper area polygon (without clearance areas)
 * to do that this function:
 * 1 - Creates the main outline (zone outline) using a correction to shrink the resulting area
 *     with m_ZoneMinThickness/2 value.
 *     The result is areas with a margin of m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     When drawing outline with segments having a thickness of m_ZoneMinThickness, the
 *      outlines will match exactly the initial outlines
 * 3 - Add all non filled areas (pads, tracks) in group B with a clearance of m_Clearance +
 *     m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     in a buffer
 *   - If Thermal shapes are wanted, add non filled area, in order to create these thermal shapes
 * 4 - calculates the polygon A - B
 * 5 - put resulting list of polygons (filled areas) in m_FilledPolysList
 *     This zone contains pads with the same net.
 * 6 - Remove insulated copper islands
 * 7 - If Thermal shapes are wanted, remove unconnected stubs in thermal shapes:
 *     creates a buffer of polygons corresponding to stubs to remove
 *     sub them to the filled areas.
 *     Remove new insulated copper islands
void ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList( BOARD* aPcb )
    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF;
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_LOW_DEF;

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    s_Correction = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount );

    // This KI_POLYGON_SET is the area(s) to fill, with m_ZoneMinThickness/2
    KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_zone_solid_areas;
    int         margin = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    /* First, creates the main polygon (i.e. the filled area using only one outline)
     * to reserve a m_ZoneMinThickness/2 margin around the outlines and holes
     * this margin is the room to redraw outlines with segments having a width set to
     * m_ZoneMinThickness
     * so m_ZoneMinThickness is the min thickness of the filled zones areas
     * the main polygon is stored in polyset_zone_solid_areas

    CopyPolygonsFromFilledPolysListToKiPolygonList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );
    polyset_zone_solid_areas -= margin;

    if( polyset_zone_solid_areas.size() == 0 )

    /* Calculates the clearance value that meet DRC requirements
     * from m_ZoneClearance and clearance from the corresponding netclass
     * We have a "local" clearance in zones because most of time
     * clearance between a zone and others items is bigger than the netclass clearance
     * this is more true for small clearance values
     * Note also the "local" clearance is used for clearance between non copper items
     *    or items like texts on copper layers
    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += margin;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    // static to avoid unnecessary memory allocation when filling many zones.
    static CPOLYGONS_LIST cornerBufferPolysToSubstract;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_OVAL : PAD_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + margin;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );


            if( ( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE )
                || ( pad->GetShape() == PAD_TRAPEZOID ) )

            // PAD_TRAPEZOID shapes are not in zones because they are used in microwave apps
            // and i think it is good that shapes are not changed by thermal pads or others
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + margin;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                         s_Correction );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance,
                    s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove its area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool addclearance = GetNetCode() != zone->GetNetCode();
        int clearance = zone_clearance;

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() )
            addclearance = true;
            clearance = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

                    clearance, addclearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != THERMAL_PAD
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // cornerBufferPolysToSubstract contains polygons to substract.
    // polyset_zone_solid_areas contains the main filled area
    // Calculate now actual solid areas
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() > 0 )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );
        // Remove holes from initial area.:
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

    // put solid areas in m_FilledPolysList:
    CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

    // Remove insulated islands:
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

    // Now we remove all unused thermal stubs.

    // Test thermal stubs connections and add polygons to remove unconnected stubs.
    // (this is a refinement for thermal relief shapes)
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        BuildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, aPcb, this,
                                                 s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // remove copper areas corresponding to not connected stubs
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );

        // Remove unconnected stubs
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

        // put these areas in m_FilledPolysList
        CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

        if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
            TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

 * Function BuildHolesList
 * Create the list of holes and tools for a given board
 * The list is sorted by increasing drill values
 * Only holes from aFirstLayer to aLastLayer copper layers  are listed (for vias, because pad holes are always through holes)
 * param aPcb : the given board
 * param aHoleListBuffer : the std::vector<HOLE_INFO> to fill with pcb holes info
 * param aToolListBuffer : the std::vector<DRILL_TOOL> to fill with tools to use
 * param aFirstLayer = first layer to consider. if < 0 aFirstLayer is ignored   (used to creates report file)
 * param aLastLayer = last layer to consider. if < 0 aLastLayer is ignored
 * param aExcludeThroughHoles : if true, exclude through holes ( pads and vias through )
 * param aGenerateNPTH_list :
 *       true to create NPTH only list (with no plated holes)
 *       false to created plated holes list (with no NPTH )
void Build_Holes_List( BOARD* aPcb,
                       std::vector<HOLE_INFO>& aHoleListBuffer,
                       std::vector<DRILL_TOOL>& aToolListBuffer,
                       int aFirstLayer, int aLastLayer, bool aExcludeThroughHoles,
                       bool aGenerateNPTH_list )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;
    int       hole_value;


    if( (aFirstLayer >= 0) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )
        if( aFirstLayer > aLastLayer )
            EXCHG( aFirstLayer, aLastLayer );

    /* build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
            if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )

            SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) track;
            hole_value = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_value == 0 )

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_value;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->m_Start;
            via->ReturnLayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // ReturnLayerPair return params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer < m_Hole_Top_Layer
            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > aFirstLayer) && (aFirstLayer >= 0) )

            if( (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer < aLastLayer) && (aLastLayer >= 0) )

            if( aExcludeThroughHoles  && (new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer == LAYER_N_BACK)
               && (new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer == LAYER_N_FRONT) )

            aHoleListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // build hole list for pads (assumed always through holes)
    if( !aExcludeThroughHoles || aGenerateNPTH_list )
        for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            // Read and analyse pads
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads;  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape    = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = pad->GetPosition();               // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = LAYER_N_BACK;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = LAYER_N_FRONT;// pad holes are through holes
                aHoleListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( aHoleListBuffer.begin(), aHoleListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );

    // build the tool list
    int        LastHole = -1; /* Set to not initialised (this is a value not used
                               * for aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aHoleListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != LastHole )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = ( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
            aToolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            LastHole = new_tool.m_Diameter;

        jj = aToolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                       // Should not occurs

        aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::buildBoardThroughHolesPolygonList( SHAPE_POLY_SET& allBoardHoles,
                                                int aSegCountPerCircle, bool aOptimizeLargeCircles )
    // hole diameter value to change seg count by circle:
    int small_hole_limit = Millimeter2iu( 1.0 );
    int copper_thickness = GetPrm3DVisu().GetCopperThicknessBIU();

    BOARD* pcb = GetBoard();

    // Build holes of through vias:
    for( TRACK* track = pcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() != PCB_VIA_T )

        VIA *via = static_cast<VIA*>( track );

        if( via->GetViaType() != VIA_THROUGH )

        int holediameter = via->GetDrillValue();
        int hole_outer_radius = (holediameter + copper_thickness) / 2;

        TransformCircleToPolygon( allBoardHoles,
                                  via->GetStart(), hole_outer_radius,
                                  aSegCountPerCircle );

    // Build holes of through pads:
    for( MODULE* footprint = pcb->m_Modules; footprint; footprint = footprint->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = footprint->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Calculate a factor to apply to segcount for large holes ( > 1 mm)
            // (bigger pad drill size -> more segments) because holes in pads can have
            // very different sizes and optimizing this segcount gives a better look
            // Mainly mounting holes have a size bigger than small_hole_limit
            wxSize padHole = pad->GetDrillSize();

            if( ! padHole.x )       // Not drilled pad like SMD pad

            // we use the hole diameter to calculate the seg count.
            // for round holes, padHole.x == padHole.y
            // for oblong holes, the diameter is the smaller of (padHole.x, padHole.y)
            int diam = std::min( padHole.x, padHole.y );
            int segcount = aSegCountPerCircle;

            if( diam > small_hole_limit )
                double segFactor = (double)diam / small_hole_limit;
                segcount = (int)(aSegCountPerCircle * segFactor);

                // limit segcount to 48. For a circle this is a very good approx.
                if( segcount > 48 )
                    segcount = 48;

            // The hole in the body is inflated by copper thickness.
            int inflate = copper_thickness;

            // If not plated, no copper.
            if( pad->GetAttribute () == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                inflate = 0;

            pad->BuildPadDrillShapePolygon( allBoardHoles, inflate, segcount );

void ZONE_CONTAINER::buildFeatureHoleList( BOARD* aPcb, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aFeatures )
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );


    int outline_half_thickness = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += outline_half_thickness;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_SHAPE_OVAL : PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );


            // Pads are removed from zone if the setup is PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE )
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( gap );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                         correctionFactor );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    aFeatures, zone_clearance,
                    segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                aFeatures, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove this area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add any clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool same_net = GetNetCode() == zone->GetNetCode();
        bool use_net_clearance = true;
        int min_clearance = zone_clearance;

        // Do not forget to make room to draw the thick outlines
        // of the hole created by the area of the zone to remove
        int holeclearance = zone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

        // The final clearance is obviously the max value of each zone clearance
        min_clearance = std::max( min_clearance, holeclearance );

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() || same_net )
            // Just take in account the fact the outline has a thickness, so
            // the actual area to substract is inflated to take in account this fact
            min_clearance = outline_half_thickness;
            use_net_clearance = false;

                    min_clearance, use_net_clearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( aFeatures,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );

void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR aLayerPair,
                                      bool aGenerateNPTH_list )
    HOLE_INFO new_hole;


    wxASSERT(  aLayerPair.first < aLayerPair.second );  // fix the caller

    // build hole list for vias
    if( ! aGenerateNPTH_list )  // vias are always plated !
        for( VIA* via = GetFirstVia( m_pcb->m_Track ); via; via = GetFirstVia( via->Next() ) )
            int hole_sz = via->GetDrillValue();

            if( hole_sz == 0 )   // Should not occur.

            new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag value for Not initialized
            new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = 0;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = hole_sz;
            new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = false;
            new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

            new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0;              // hole shape: round
            new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = via->GetStart();

            via->LayerPair( &new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer, &new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer );

            // LayerPair() returns params with m_Hole_Bottom_Layer > m_Hole_Top_Layer
            // Remember: top layer = 0 and bottom layer = 31 for through hole vias
            // Any captured via should be from aLayerPair.first to aLayerPair.second exactly.
            if( new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    != aLayerPair.first ||
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer != aLayerPair.second )

            m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    if( aLayerPair == LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ) )
        // add holes for thru hole pads
        for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
                    if( !aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                    if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )

                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )

                new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED);
                new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1;         // Flag is: Not initialized
                new_hole.m_Hole_Orient    = pad->GetOrientation();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Shape     = 0;           // hole shape: round
                new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter  = std::min( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y );
                new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x    = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;

                if( pad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
                    new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 1; // oval flag set

                new_hole.m_Hole_Size         = pad->GetDrillSize();
                new_hole.m_Hole_Pos          = pad->GetPosition();  // hole position
                new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = B_Cu;
                new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer    = F_Cu;    // pad holes are through holes
                m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );

    // Sort holes per increasing diameter value
    sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleSettings );

    // build the tool list
    int last_hole = -1;     // Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
                            // for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter)
    bool last_notplated_opt = false;

    DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0, false );
    unsigned   jj;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != last_hole ||
            m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated != last_notplated_opt )
            new_tool.m_Diameter = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter;
            new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated;
            m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
            last_hole = new_tool.m_Diameter;
            last_notplated_opt = new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated;

        jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

        if( jj == 0 )
            continue;                                        // Should not occurs

        m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference = jj;          // Tool value Initialized (value >= 1)


        if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape )
 * Function GlobalChange_PadSettings
 * Function to change pad caracteristics for the given footprint
 * or alls footprints which look like the given footprint
 * aPad is the pattern. The given footprint is the parent of this pad
 * aSameFootprints: if true, make changes on all identical footprints
 * aPadShapeFilter: if true, make changes only on pads having the same shape as aPad
 * aPadOrientFilter: if true, make changes only on pads having the same orientation as aPad
 * aPadLayerFilter: if true, make changes only on pads having the same layers as aPad
 * aRedraw: if true: redraws the footprint
 * aSaveForUndo: if true: create an entry in the Undo/Redo list
 *        (usually: true in Schematic editor, false in Module editor)
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::GlobalChange_PadSettings( D_PAD* aPad,
                                               bool aSameFootprints,
                                               bool aPadShapeFilter,
                                               bool aPadOrientFilter,
                                               bool aPadLayerFilter,
                                               bool aRedraw, bool aSaveForUndo )
    if( aPad == NULL )
        aPad = &GetDesignSettings().m_Pad_Master;

    MODULE* module = aPad->GetParent();

    if( module == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, wxT( "Global_Import_Pad_Settings() Error: NULL module" ) );

    // Search and copy the name of library reference.
    MODULE* Module_Ref = module;
    double pad_orient = aPad->GetOrientation() - Module_Ref->GetOrientation();

    // Prepare an undo list:
    if( aSaveForUndo )
        PICKED_ITEMS_LIST itemsList;

        for( module = m_Pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            if( !aSameFootprints && (module != Module_Ref) )

            if( module->GetFPID() != Module_Ref->GetFPID() )

            bool   saveMe = false;

            for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
                // Filters changes prohibited.
                if( aPadShapeFilter && ( pad->GetShape() != aPad->GetShape() ) )

                double currpad_orient = pad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation();

                if( aPadOrientFilter && ( currpad_orient != pad_orient ) )

                if( aPadLayerFilter  &&  pad->GetLayerSet() != aPad->GetLayerSet() )

                saveMe = true;

            if( saveMe )
                ITEM_PICKER itemWrapper( module, UR_CHANGED );

                itemsList.PushItem( itemWrapper );

        SaveCopyInUndoList( itemsList, UR_CHANGED );

    // Update the current module and same others modules if requested.
    for( module = m_Pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        if( !aSameFootprints && (module != Module_Ref) )

        if( module->GetFPID() != Module_Ref->GetFPID() )

        // Erase module on screen
        if( aRedraw )
            module->SetFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );
            m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( module->GetBoundingBox() );
            module->ClearFlags( DO_NOT_DRAW );

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
            // Filters changes prohibited.
            if( aPadShapeFilter && ( pad->GetShape() != aPad->GetShape() ) )

            if( aPadOrientFilter &&  (pad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation()) != pad_orient )

            if( aPadLayerFilter )
                if( pad->GetLayerSet() != aPad->GetLayerSet() )
                    m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb &= ~( LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK | CONNEXION_OK);

            // Change characteristics:
            pad->SetAttribute( aPad->GetAttribute() );
            pad->SetShape( aPad->GetShape() );

            pad->SetLayerSet( aPad->GetLayerSet() );

            pad->SetSize( aPad->GetSize() );
            pad->SetDelta( aPad->GetDelta() );
            pad->SetOffset( aPad->GetOffset() );

            pad->SetDrillSize( aPad->GetDrillSize() );
            pad->SetDrillShape( aPad->GetDrillShape() );

            pad->SetOrientation( pad_orient + module->GetOrientation() );

            // copy also local mask margins, because these parameters usually depend on
            // pad sizes and layers
            pad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() );
            pad->SetLocalSolderPasteMargin( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() );
            pad->SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() );

            if( pad->GetShape() != PAD_TRAPEZOID )
                pad->SetDelta( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );

            if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_CIRCLE )
                // Ensure pad size.y = pad size.x
                int size = pad->GetSize().x;
                pad->SetSize( wxSize( size, size ) );

            switch( pad->GetAttribute() )
            case PAD_SMD:
            case PAD_CONN:
                pad->SetDrillSize( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
                pad->SetOffset( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );



        if( aRedraw )
            m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( module->GetBoundingBox() );
