Пример #1
void TensorInverse(const Tensor<DataMesh>& t, Tensor<DataMesh>& inv) {
  ASSERT(t.Rank() == 2, "Not a matrix");
  ASSERT(t.Dim() == 3, "Not 3D");
  ASSERT(t.Structure() == inv.Structure(),
	 "Tensors have different structures");
  DataMesh det = t(0,0);
  TensorDeterminant(t, det);

  for(int i=0;i<det.Size();i++) {
    ASSERT(det[i] != 0, "Singular matrix");

  for(TensorIter it(t);it;++it) {
    IPoint ind = t.Structure().Indices(it.Index());
    inv[it] = (t((ind[1]+1)%3,(ind[0]+1)%3) * t((ind[1]+2)%3,(ind[0]+2)%3)
	       - t((ind[1]+1)%3,(ind[0]+2)%3) * t((ind[1]+2)%3,(ind[0]+1)%3))
      / det;
Пример #2
Tensor<DataMesh> findInverse(const Tensor<DataMesh>& T){

     Compute the inverse of the given Tensor using a minor expansion.
  const Mesh m(T(0).Extents());
  DataMesh det = computeDet(T);
  for(int k=0;k<det.Size();k++){
    REQUIRE(det[k]>1e-15 || det[k]<1e-15,"determinant is too close to zero!\n");
  //The inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric:
  Tensor<DataMesh> inverse(3,"aa",m,0.0);
  inverse(0,0) = (T(1,1)*T(2,2)-T(1,2)*T(2,1))/det;
  inverse(0,1) = -(T(1,0)*T(2,2)-T(1,2)*T(2,0))/det;
  inverse(0,2) = (T(1,0)*T(2,1)-T(1,1)*T(2,0))/det;
  inverse(1,1) = (T(0,0)*T(2,2)-T(0,2)*T(2,0))/det;
  inverse(1,2) = -(T(0,0)*T(2,1)-T(0,1)*T(2,0))/det;
  inverse(2,2) = (T(0,0)*T(1,1)-T(0,1)*T(1,0))/det;
  return inverse;
Пример #3
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {

  //create Strahlkorper, SurfaceBasis, SurfaceBasisExt objects
  int l=4;
  //int m=2*l+1;

  StrahlkorperMesh skm(l+1, 2*(l+1));
  //print l,m
  std::cout << "(l,m) should be ("<<l<<","<<l<<"); M->2M+1" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "(l,m) = (" << skm.Basis().L() << "," << skm.Basis().M() << ")"<< std::endl;

  SurfaceBasis sb(skm);
  SurfaceBasisExt sbe(skm);

  //copy surface coords into individual DataMeshes
  DataMesh theta = skm.SurfaceCoords()(0);
  DataMesh phi   = skm.SurfaceCoords()(1);

  //check theta, phi Dim
  std::cout << "theta.Dim() = " << theta.Dim() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "phi.Dim() = " << phi.Dim() << std::endl;

  //check theta, phi extents
  std::cout << "theta.Extents() = " << theta.Extents() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "phi.Extents() = " << phi.Extents() << std::endl;

  //initialize result, solution, and difference DataMeshes
  DataMesh resultDm(theta);
  DataMesh solutionDm(theta);
  DataMesh differenceDm(theta);
  DataMesh coefficientMeshDm(sbe.CoefficientMesh());
    std::cout << "CoefficientMeshDm dimension is "
              << coefficientMeshDm.Dim() << std::endl;

  //check resultDm Dim, Extents
  std::cout << "resultDm.Dim() = " << resultDm.Dim() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "resultDm.Extents() = " << resultDm.Extents() << std::endl;

  //initialize result, solution, and difference Tensor<DataMesh>-es
  Tensor<DataMesh> operandTDm(skm.SurfaceCoords());
  Tensor<DataMesh> resultTDm(skm.SurfaceCoords());
  Tensor<DataMesh> solutionTDm(skm.SurfaceCoords());
  Tensor<DataMesh> differenceTDm(skm.SurfaceCoords());

  //check resultTDm Rank, Dim
  std::cout << "resultTDm.Rank() = " << resultTDm.Rank() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "resultTDm.Dim() = " << resultTDm.Dim() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Test results for various functions.  The printed results \n"
               "show the L1Norm for the difference between the numerical \n"
               "result and analytical solution.  A successful test will  \n"
               "print out 0. \n"
            << std::endl;

  //test VectorPhysToSpec function in SurfaceBasisExt
  std::cout <<
         "VectorPhysToSpec w/ SurfaceBasisExt, \n"
         "f(theta,phi)=-sin(theta) thetaHat + sin(theta) phiHat\n"
         << std::endl;
                       1 );

  std::cout << "Result " << "\n"
            << resultTDm(0) << "\n "
            << resultTDm(1) << "\n "
            << std::endl;

  //test VectorInterpAtPoint function in SurfaceBasisExt
  std::cout <<
      "VectorInterpAtPoint w/ SurfaceBasisExt, \n"
      "f(0,0) = (0,0) \n"
      << std::endl;
  MyVector<double> value1(MV::Size(2),0.0);
  MyVector<double> value2 = sbe.VectorInterpAtPoint(operandTDm, value1, 0.,0.);
  std::cout << "value1 " << value1 << "\n"
            << "value2 " << value2 << std::endl;

  std::cout <<
      "VectorInterpAtPoint w/ SurfaceBasisExt, \n"
      "f(pi/2,pi/2) = (-1,1) \n"
      << std::endl;
  value2 = sbe.VectorInterpAtPoint(operandTDm, value1, M_PI/2., M_PI/2.);
  std::cout << "value1 " << value1 << "\n"
            << "value2 " << value2 << std::endl;

  std::cout <<
      "VectorInterpAtPoint w/ SurfaceBasisExt, \n"
      "f(pi/4,pi/4) = (-sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2) \n"
      << std::endl;
  value2 = sbe.VectorInterpAtPoint(operandTDm, value1, M_PI/4., M_PI/4.);
  std::cout << "value1 " << value1 << "\n"
            << "value2 " << value2 << std::endl;


  //Return success                                                              
  //return u.NumberOfTestsFailed();
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;